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View Full Version : Charles Barkley slams "Fake Christians" on CNN

Chris Duel
02-16-2008, 08:38 PM
Powerful words from Charles Barkley on CNN with Wolf Blitzer.

He slams "fake Christians" and Republicans and proclaims his pro-choice and pro gay marriage position.

Since some angry Christian groups will almost certainly pressure advertisers of the NBA on TNT, do you think the corporate suits at TNT will sanction Sir Charles in any way?

(We'll certainly be talking about this on ESPN Radio 1250 The Zone on Monday afternoon from 5-7pm. I'll read from the replies here, but we also welcome your calls at (210) 656-ESPN during the show!)

02-16-2008, 08:58 PM
That was terble.

02-16-2008, 09:02 PM
Go Barkley!

Has guts to say the truth when everyone else doesnt...

02-16-2008, 09:22 PM

T Park
02-16-2008, 09:48 PM

attention whore.

02-16-2008, 10:06 PM
Don't like that he is pro choice or gay marriage, do like that he speaks his mind though.

02-16-2008, 10:10 PM
I would speak out against fake Christians too... Hypocrisy and lack of conviction are the number one turnoffs for non-believers.

Having said that; there no advantage is gained by judging others, in fact, it is not our place to do so.

02-16-2008, 10:17 PM

02-16-2008, 10:39 PM
I love Charles even more now. The man has the balls to tell the truth.

02-16-2008, 10:42 PM
gee. So Christians sticking up to their moral and religious values make them fake.

02-16-2008, 10:48 PM
forgive me that i oppose what i believe is killing babies. IS THAT WRONG???

i can understand the gay marriage argument, but...unbelievable.


Heath Ledger
02-16-2008, 11:03 PM
Religion as a whole is fake. It's all bullshit to control the masses and raise a ton of cash. I died and found out there is no heavent, the joke is on me...

02-16-2008, 11:12 PM
couldn't agree with him more :toast

02-16-2008, 11:15 PM
I love Charles.....BARKLEY FOR GOVENOR 2014..........

02-16-2008, 11:16 PM

Chris Duel
02-16-2008, 11:22 PM
I dig the Round Mound of Rebound for speaking his mind. He's always been one of my favorite basketball analysts because he says what he thinks and never sugar coats it.

But having worked for corporate broadcast giants like Clear Channel and CBS Radio, I have a feeling there is going to be Hell to pay for Chuck. Just the mere threat of the loss of revenue if angry Christian groups threaten advertisers will make the suits squirm.

While this is not nearly as big as the Don Imus / Rutgers fiasco, remember that MSNBC didn't flinch until ADVERTISERS started to pull out. Had the advertisers stayed with Imus, he would still be there.

It'll be interesting to see how much of a firestorm (if any) is caused from this controversy.

02-16-2008, 11:25 PM
Charles is entitled to his opinion - even if he's wrong! Besides, Charles is an ex-BASKETBALL player who now says outrageous things just for grins - why in the world should anybody take him seriously?

Oh, and if he wants to talk to a real christian - have a conversation with David Robinson!

02-16-2008, 11:28 PM
Charles is entitled to his opinion - even if he's wrong! Besides, Charles is an ex-BASKETBALL player who now says outrageous things just for grins - why in the world should anybody take him seriously?

Oh, and if he wants to talk to a real christian - have a conversation with David Robinson!

Dont think Charles wants to be put to sleep in a conversation with Drob....hell watching the Spurs play is boring enough :elephant

02-16-2008, 11:35 PM
Dont think Charles wants to be put to sleep in a conversation with Drob....hell watching the Spurs play is boring enough :elephant
You really are an idiot aren't you? Did you watch the last Spurs game when Manu went off for 46 points? Yea, that was reallllly boring.

And, have you ever talked to David Robinson or heard him speak? I've done both - and believe me - the last thing you'd say about David was that he was boring!

Chris Duel
02-16-2008, 11:37 PM
Oh, and if he wants to talk to a real christian - have a conversation with David Robinson!

Great point.

They're both in New Orleans right now for the All Star Game.

Wouldn't that be a fun debate to watch?

02-16-2008, 11:39 PM
Great point.

They're both in New Orleans right now for the All Star Game.

Wouldn't that be a fun debate to watch?
It would be fun to watch - but there'd be no contest. David would be respectful, but he would mop the floor with Sir Charles!

02-16-2008, 11:43 PM
It would be fun to watch - but there'd be no contest. David would be respectful, but he would mop the floor with Sir Charles!

Just like he "schooled" Steve Nash on the Iraq War?

02-16-2008, 11:44 PM
gee. So Christians sticking up to their moral and religious values make them fake.

No I believe he said that being judgemental of others is un-Christian; so judgemental conservative Christians are fake. He's right. But unfortunately most will hear it as the poster I quoted did. So if advertisers pull out and the TV people flip out, it will probably be because they misunderstood. Gawd I hope he doesn't apologize!!!

02-16-2008, 11:46 PM
Religion as a whole is fake. It's all bullshit to control the masses and raise a ton of cash. I died and found out there is no heavent, the joke is on me...

Communism and fascism were godless ideologies, they controlled the masses also. The problem with your statement is that everybody is religious.

As for Barkley, speaking out against "fake" christians, I guess he can forget being Governor of Alabama.

Heath Ledger
02-16-2008, 11:48 PM
I must let you in on something, "everybody is religious" is a FALSE statement. You fail.

T Park
02-16-2008, 11:49 PM
Seeing as DRob is mensa like, id say so.

02-16-2008, 11:50 PM
Seeing as DRob is mensa like, id say so.

Just keep him away from foreign policy
:lol :lol :lol

02-16-2008, 11:50 PM
No I believe he said that being judgemental of others is un-Christian; so judgemental conservative Christians are fake. He's right. But unfortunately most will hear it as the poster I quoted did. So if advertisers pull out and the TV people flip out, it will probably be because they misunderstood. Gawd I hope he doesn't apologize!!!

That judgement argument is so lame. Everyday people make judgements about people's character no matter what religion they are. The left slams Christians as being Neandethals and out of step so they judge also.

T Park
02-16-2008, 11:52 PM
Just keep him away from foreign policy
:lol :lol :lol

I'd say hed do better than barack.

02-16-2008, 11:54 PM
forgive me that i oppose what i believe is killing babies. IS THAT WRONG???

i can understand the gay marriage argument, but...unbelievable.


Another example of not hearing what he said. He stated that he was pro-choice and did not oppose gay marriage. He did not say those who believe otherwise are fake Christians. He said those who are judgemental of others are fake Christians.

02-16-2008, 11:55 PM
I'd say hed do better than barack.

Yes, things have worked out so well in Iraq.

02-16-2008, 11:56 PM
That judgement argument is so lame. Everyday people make judgements about people's character no matter what religion they are. The left slams Christians as being Neandethals and out of step so they judge also.

That may be. But all the same, the person I quoted misunderstood what he really said. That's my only argument; at least take issue with what he really said.

02-17-2008, 12:04 AM
I must let you in on something, "everybody is religious" is a FALSE statement. You fail.

From the Oxford Englsih Dictionary:

"Action or conduct indicating a belief in, reverence for, and desire to please, a divine ruling power; the exercise or practice of rites or observances implying this."

As an old proverb said "the voice of the people, is the voice of God" hence everybody has a reglious nature to please a higher power than himself. In your case its the people.

02-17-2008, 01:01 AM
barkley for president

02-17-2008, 01:37 AM
Isn't Charles being judgmental himself? (Serious Question)

In response to Charles question, he is referring to an aspect of Christianity, forgivness. However, I believe he failed to mention other teachings of Jesus.
On the surface, his claim is valid. However, I believe some wish to create an enviroment which promotes life, not to restrict or withhold forgiveness. It's a complex argument, which would require at least an hour of your time. :lol

IMHO, Jesus didn't speak about religion, he spoke about truths. People mearly interpted these truths (correctly or incorrectly) into a religion.

02-17-2008, 01:37 AM
That may be. But all the same, the person I quoted misunderstood what he really said. That's my only argument; at least take issue with what he really said.

He did lump them altogether in his first statement. Now I know he clarified that in the end. But I still stand with what I first said. Barkley said that they are unforgiving and judgmental and I assume he's saying this because of the pro-choice, pro-gay marriage issue. But just because the Christians he's talking about are against the aforementioned issue, that doesn't mean they're fake or judgmental. They're just following their religious values. It also doesn't mean they're unforgiving. It's possible to think someone is wrong and still forgive them.

IMO, it was a bad choice of word by Sir Charles. Pointing out a Christian who lives out his religious beliefs != Fake.

02-17-2008, 01:49 AM
Secondly, I would like to ask this question.

Isn't gay marriage essentially a double negitive? (I can't think of the literary term)

The Church created the idea of marriage, thus defining it as a union between a male and female. Does this not give the Church sole property of such an idea?

Gay activist are barking up the wrong tree. Their argument should be with the Church. (Good luck)

Now, civil unions are an entirely different story, something which is regulated by the government. If you're looking for a similar tax benefit comparable to marriage, the yes, I believe the government should afford gay citizens equal rights.

02-17-2008, 02:07 AM
Secondly, I would like to ask this question.

Isn't gay marriage essentially a double negitive? (I can't think of the literary term)

The Church created the idea of marriage, thus defining it as a union between a male and female. Does this not give the Church sole property of such an idea?

Gay activist are barking up the wrong tree. Their argument should be with the Church. (Good luck)

Now, civil unions are an entirely different story, something which is regulated by the government. If you're looking for a similar tax benefit comparable to marriage, the yes, I believe the government should afford gay citizens equal rights.

You can call it civil unions or gay marriage, but it's essentially the same thing. Two people getting up in front of their family and friends at a ceremony to pledge their love for one another, and then file a joint tax return afterwards. Why that bothers some people, I don't know. Maybe that offends some, but if it doesn't affect you, then STFU and let people live their lives. Maybe people who practice "alternative lifestyles" find "normal" stuff offensive. There's so many bigger problems, like the war in Iraq, the economy, global warming, long-term concerns over renewable energy versus fossil fuels, and politicians fixate on baseball players using steroids and gay marriage. Shit infuriates me.

02-17-2008, 02:40 AM
Secondly, I would like to ask this question.

Isn't gay marriage essentially a double negitive? (I can't think of the literary term)

The Church created the idea of marriage, thus defining it as a union between a male and female. Does this not give the Church sole property of such an idea?

Gay activist are barking up the wrong tree. Their argument should be with the Church. (Good luck)

Now, civil unions are an entirely different story, something which is regulated by the government. If you're looking for a similar tax benefit comparable to marriage, the yes, I believe the government should afford gay citizens equal rights.

Marriage existed long before the Church (TM) did.

Cry Havoc
02-17-2008, 03:02 AM
Religion as a whole is fake. It's all bullshit to control the masses and raise a ton of cash. I died and found out there is no heavent, the joke is on me...


Rarely are more translucent attempts at trolling to be found on ST.

You actually get -3/10 because using a dead guy's name is the opposite direction of originality.

02-17-2008, 11:35 AM
No I believe he said that being judgemental of others is un-Christian; so judgemental conservative Christians are fake. He's right. But unfortunately most will hear it as the poster I quoted did. So if advertisers pull out and the TV people flip out, it will probably be because they misunderstood. Gawd I hope he doesn't apologize!!!

So isn't Barkley being Judgmental of conservative Christians? I like Barkley but he's being a hypocrlte here (as am I for judging Barkley).

I think that one needs to learn the difference between being judgmental and having discernment. The first is outer-directed judgment and the second is internally-directed judgment. The Christian practices discernment.

02-17-2008, 12:19 PM
So isn't Barkley being Judgmental of conservative Christians? I like Barkley but he's being a hypocrlte here (as am I for judging Barkley).

I think that one needs to learn the difference between being judgmental and having discernment. The first is outer-directed judgment and the second is internally-directed judgment. The Christian practices discernment.

Yes he is absolutely being judgemental of judgemental, conservative Christians. And he never claimed to be Christian or conservative. And he didn't call out true Christians or their beliefs; just those conservative Christians (the judgemental ones) he believes to be fake. And you are right, a true Christian practices discernment--those are not the ones he was referring to.

02-18-2008, 01:38 PM
If I could I'd be unrelenting in my voiced disdain for the Westboro clan. I hate them so much that I've actually required some counseling to move past them. They are a "Baptist" sect, but have been ousted and aren't affiliated with any real Christian branch. They preach hate, calling gays, "Fags," and laughing at the deaths of humans, whether they be from the 2004(05?) Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, Warfare or whatnot. They picket funeral for soldiers killed defending their right to do such. I sickens me and I honestly cannot say if I could meet their "leader" without killing him.

They belittle everything that the Christ of the Bible preached, such as he who is without sin, cast the first stone, and they will know you are Christians by your love.

No part of this cults rantings back up these notions of goodness and love.

If Barkley was railing on fake Christians such as these, then good for him.

I'm not pro anything else he mentioned, but having convictions is important. Being able to speak on them is as well.

02-18-2008, 02:06 PM
Charles, go lose another 400 grand somewhere. I want your basketball commentary, not your "political" thoughts.

I hate how celebrity = political scientist in this country.

02-18-2008, 02:13 PM
Barkley is politicin' because he announced he'll make a run for Governor of Alabama in a few years. I don't have any issue with him expressing his opinions on CNN. Had he done so during the TNT broadcasts over the weekend, then I'd agree, but that appearance was specifically for this.

02-18-2008, 02:51 PM
Sir Charles is the motherfucking man.

he should have thrown a "GINOBLEEEEEEE!!!!!" at the end

02-18-2008, 02:52 PM
I agree with some of the other posters. He just judged Christians or what he calls "fake Christians" so then he is also a hypocrite. We could go round and round all day. Yes I am against gay marriage...its pretty clear in the bible what side of this matter Christianity falls on so Barkley might need to read more into it. Am I going to go tell someone homosexual who got married that they're going to hell. No, thats not my job. Do I believe its wrong...yes. Just like Barkley thinks its fine. To each his own. Its not judgemental to have a belief and practice that belief. Barkley did nothing different than he is accusing "fake Christians" of doing. He is taking the other stance and acting like that makes him better. I don't get what he is trying to say. To me, he is doing the same thing with the opposite point of view. Judgement is judgement whether you're a Christian or otherwise.

02-18-2008, 02:52 PM
If I could I'd be unrelenting in my voiced disdain for the Westboro clan. I hate them so much that I've actually required some counseling to move past them. They are a "Baptist" sect, but have been ousted and aren't affiliated with any real Christian branch. They preach hate, calling gays, "Fags," and laughing at the deaths of humans, whether they be from the 2004(05?) Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, Warfare or whatnot. They picket funeral for soldiers killed defending their right to do such. I sickens me and I honestly cannot say if I could meet their "leader" without killing him.

They belittle everything that the Christ of the Bible preached, such as he who is without sin, cast the first stone, and they will know you are Christians by your love.

No part of this cults rantings back up these notions of goodness and love.

If Barkley was railing on fake Christians such as these, then good for him.

I'm not pro anything else he mentioned, but having convictions is important. Being able to speak on them is as well.

Thank you for clarifying his target. Again, I didn't see the episode, but was curious as to what his comments were in regard to.

Well, if that be the case, then I applaud him.

Hate should not be tolerated.

02-18-2008, 02:58 PM
I didn't see the broadcast, but have a feeling this is the group his rant were targeted at. They've been getting some pretty significant press and, since Katrina affected Alabama as well, I'm quite sure he's aware of their glee over the death and destruction.

They are a sick, sick group to delight in death and despair in the name of self-affirming righteousness. They deserve all the scorn they get. I just wish more of organized Christianity would speak out against them.

02-18-2008, 03:08 PM
Chris Duel try to quote me on this:

E20 from Concord California says:
Who the fuck cares, everybody quit bitching and whining and stfu and take your panties out of a bunch.

02-18-2008, 03:38 PM
everyone should be for abortion, it is a great thing.

02-18-2008, 04:41 PM
The Westboro church, that Fred Phelps dude is mentally ill and an obvious closet case, and his followers are weak-minded brainwashed dupes. I find it hard to get worked up about them or take them seriously. Of course, if they were picketing a gay family member's funeral or whatever...

Viva Las Espuelas
02-18-2008, 04:55 PM
so chuck is judging judgemental christians? hmmm. i guess that's why he's referred to as a mound.

02-18-2008, 04:56 PM
Interesting to try to pinpoint when the pro-bible/pro-gun view points came under the same ideology.

Maybe its the fundamental conservative beliefe of having "slow change"? But the men who wrote the bill or rights were pro-change.

It kind of sucks that if you want to vote for a fiscally conservative statesman, you need to vote for a bible-thumping, pro gun, anti-choice, no stem cell research hick.

02-18-2008, 05:31 PM
The Westboro church, that Fred Phelps dude is mentally ill and an obvious closet case, and his followers are weak-minded brainwashed dupes. I find it hard to get worked up about them or take them seriously. Of course, if they were picketing a gay family member's funeral or whatever...

As a Christian, I find it impossible not to. They belittle the very foundation of my life, doing so in the name of the same God who saved me through love, not through belittling hate speech/acts.

Also, a very good friend of mine in high school was killed in Iraq. Had they picketed his funeral I'd have run them over with my car ala Blues Brothers and the Illinois Nazis, only it wouldn't have been near as funny.

I agree that they are sick, and regardless of what one thinks about most world religions, what they espouse isn't anything that will make the world a better place. It enrages and enflames more than anything and turns the world off to anything appearing similar.

They are not preaching the same words of the God I know. But by claiming they are, they suckerpunch the ignorant and blind into thinking everyone who claims Christ must be as wacko as they are.

They are a black eye, and the part that gripes me is the same Jesus I trust for salvation said to pray for them, since he offers them the same salvation.

Do you know now hard it is to pray for those you literally burn with hatred for?

That's why I get worked up. The challenge my core, then challenge me to prove my faith by praying for them.

My hands shake just speaking of them.

I can understand why Barkley would feel so passionately about people of their ilk. They celebrate the deaths of people in communities Barkley grew up in, just as they celebrate the death of my good friend and fellow Christian.

02-18-2008, 05:35 PM
Not exactly a great way to kick off your political career.

The Franchise
02-18-2008, 07:15 PM
Whether you love or hate Chuck you have to appreciate his honesty.

02-18-2008, 07:35 PM
forgive me that i oppose what i believe is killing babies. IS THAT WRONG???

i can understand the gay marriage argument, but...unbelievable.

Those same conservatives that are against abortion and stem cell research are hypocritical gun toting war mongers and thieves who steal and cheat from the less fortunate.

02-18-2008, 10:39 PM
I'd vote for Barkley.

02-18-2008, 10:52 PM
It kind of sucks that if you want to vote for a fiscally conservative statesman, you need to vote for a bible-thumping, pro gun, anti-choice, no stem cell research hick.
Yeah, that must especially suck for those that are anti-Christian, anti-constitution and for the execution of the unborn.

02-18-2008, 11:11 PM
I love Charles Barkley. He is just saying what I am thinking, actually what a lot of people think. If I was to be asked to speak my mind on national TV about those issues I would want to be able to say what I think.

02-19-2008, 12:01 AM
I don't think Barkley could even spell Christian. Seriously.

02-19-2008, 12:05 AM
the unborns are not people and spelling is way over rated

02-19-2008, 12:27 AM
Seeing how Charles is still the same bumbling fat idiot he always was, who cares what he says? He can't even make complete sentences on the set.