View Full Version : A Great Speach/Response from Obama!

02-18-2008, 09:33 AM
Just Words? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cd-AJeJvBE&feature=related)

02-18-2008, 09:34 AM

Nevermind. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vACOtmwckGc&feature=related)

Mr. Peabody
02-18-2008, 10:03 AM
It's not a surprise that Obama would adopt this argument seeing as how Patrick and Obama share David Axelrod as their chief campaign strategist and both were accused of doing nothing more than giving great speeches.

In a telephone interview on Sunday, Mr. Patrick said that he and Mr. Obama first talked about the attacks from their respective rivals last summer, when Mrs. Clinton was raising questions about Mr. Obama’s experience, and that they discussed them again last week.

Both men had anticipated that Mr. Obama’s rhetorical strength would provide a point of criticism. Mr. Patrick said he told Mr. Obama that he should respond to the criticism, and he shared language from his campaign with Mr. Obama’s speechwriters.

Mr. Patrick said he did not believe Mr. Obama should give him credit.

"Who knows who I am? The point is more important than whose argument it is," said Mr. Patrick, who telephoned The New York Times at the request of the Obama campaign. "It’s a transcendent argument."

There has been quite a bit of "unoriginality" in this campaign....


Yes We Will???

We also have John McCain's new slogan of "Fired Up and Ready to Go!"

02-18-2008, 11:05 AM
we're at the beginning of an Orwellian nightmare.

Holt's Cat
02-18-2008, 11:49 AM
So he copied his buddy? BFD. The Clinton campaign is in its death throes.

Heath Ledger
02-18-2008, 12:19 PM
Heres a great speach about Obamas bisexual crack cocaine induced escapades.


02-18-2008, 03:27 PM
So he copied his buddy? BFD. The Clinton campaign is in its death throes.

He-he-he-he. Don't think so. But you could be right.

02-18-2008, 03:28 PM
Heres a great speach about Obamas bisexual crack cocaine induced escapades.


Heath, obviously you got a problem, well guess not, not
now, but you had one and keep coming back to haunt
everyone else.

02-18-2008, 04:15 PM
Hammer meets nail...

Maybe there is no complex subliminal message to the Clintonites' weirdly trumped-up "plagiarism" attack.

Maybe they just wanted to distract everyone from narratives about defecting superdelegates, Bill's disposition, a looming Wisconsin defeat, and so on.

And in that sense they appear to be succeeding.

Link (http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_stump/archive/2008/02/18/then-again.aspx)

02-18-2008, 04:28 PM
Hillary Clinton - Desperate Final Attempts to Smear Barack Obama and Stave off Defeat

The problem for Hillary is that this is not the 90's when Bill ran for President. The internet has matured into a resource where any statement by a candidate can be researched and vetted within seconds of the last syllable leaving their lips. The many accusations levied by Hillary and her campaign against Obama have to a word all been debunked and shown to be if not distortions or exaggerations then outright fabrications.

Take the home purchase by Obama. The Clinton campaign accused Obama of obtaining a sweetheart deal for the home through the intervention of now disgraced and indicted real estate mogul Antonin Rezko. Bloomberg (the news agency, not the mayor of New York), researched the accusations and found them to be complete fabrications. See this article in Bloomberg

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=a_9sOMpy91Js&refer=us to wit:

The couple who sold Barack Obama his Chicago home said the Illinois senator's $1.65 million bid ''was the best offer'' and they didn't cut their asking price because a campaign donor bought their adjacent land

Factcheck.org is all over the recent mailers put out by Hillary's campaign essentially calling every statement and accusation made in them distortions of Obama's record. See http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/youve_got_mailers.html

Washington Post fact-checkers have now debunked the entire Exelon nuclear issue; see click here awarding Hillary and her campaign two "Pinocchio's" for the story. Hillary's accusations vis-à-vis Exelon have backfired so badly, two sitting Democratic senators, Barbara Boxer (CA), and Richard Durbin (IL), are both on record as "scoffing" at Hillary's accusations according to the Washington Post. Even worse, the Post shows that Hillary Clinton herself hailed the bill when it was introduced and issued a press release to that effect http://www.senate.gov/~clinton/news/statements/record.cfm?id=262953 . So we have a press release of Hillary's debunking her own accusations.

This is all so much worse for Hillary that she is doing this now that she is losing. I remember John Edwards' words in the New Hampshire debate. "Hillary wasn't saying any of this when she was winning". It makes these actions look like tactics born of desperation and a scorched earth policy.

Hillary's supporters are all over the Liberal blogs trying to take the enthusiasm out of Obama supporters by calling their support of Obama "cult like" or outright accusing the campaign of being a cult. When Hillary's supporters aren't doing that, they are accusing every point brought up against Hillary of being sexism or gender bias, that even includes a question by Obama supporters concerning why Hillary hasn't released her tax forms. We Obama supporters are still trying to figure out how that request is sexist in nature.

Link (http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_steven_l_080218_hillary_clinton___de.htm)

02-18-2008, 04:52 PM
Who cares that he copied that part from a speech?

02-18-2008, 04:53 PM
Let the games begin.

02-18-2008, 06:50 PM
Who cares that he copied that part from a speech?
eh...people with integrity which I'm sure you will find funny.

02-18-2008, 09:14 PM
Who cares that he copied that part from a speech?
Well, he stole John Edwards message the entire campaign. I'm not amazed. He can't even deliver it as good. It's funny how people think he gives moving speeches just because the media tells us so, when all he does is copy others, generalizes everything and studders half the time because he can't genuinely deliver it like the actual person who said it.

I pray Edwards doesn't endorse this copycat. The only way I vote with Obama on a ticket is if Edwards is his running mate. I'd be voting for Edwards, not Obama.

02-18-2008, 09:58 PM
SA210 look what Edwards message got him. Third place and a
rocking chair on his front porch. Let's hope it does the same for
Barack and Billary.

02-18-2008, 10:06 PM
at least if barack obama wins it will give 'hope' to aspiring politicians who aren't in the old guard of their respective political party

Barack may not be old guard. But he has the same game
plan as the old guard. Great big old government programs,
and tax the hell out of the producers.

Mr. Peabody
02-18-2008, 10:24 PM
I pray Edwards doesn't endorse this copycat. The only way I vote with Obama on a ticket is if Edwards is his running mate. I'd be voting for Edwards, not Obama.

I think the time for an Edwards endorsement has passed. I am sure that both candidates would love to have it, but I think it won't matter as much as it would have pre-Super Tuesday. Also, I take it by your statement that you would be ok with Edwards endorsing Hillary. I can imagine how well that would go over with the Edwards minions at Kos/other blogs.

02-18-2008, 10:26 PM
Heres a great speach about Obamas bisexual crack cocaine induced escapades.

Where did the Clintons dig up this guy?

02-18-2008, 11:06 PM
I'm not surprised that two people would have given that speech in the past two years. It's a pretty predictable response to that kind of accusation. I'd be shocked if you couldn't find more examples. That doesn't make Obama a plagiarist unless you want it to.

02-19-2008, 12:07 AM
I think the time for an Edwards endorsement has passed. I am sure that both candidates would love to have it, but I think it won't matter as much as it would have pre-Super Tuesday. Also, I take it by your statement that you would be ok with Edwards endorsing Hillary. I can imagine how well that would go over with the Edwards minions at Kos/other blogs.
Believe me, I don't like Hillary much at all, and she's stolen from Edwards as well. Obama much more though. Maybe an endorsement won't do much from Edwards, maybe it will. I believe that if John were to endorse Hillary, it wouldn't make much news, mostly negative media actually. But if John were to endorse Obama, the media would be all over it for two days at least.

The endorsement might not mean anything to some people but Obama and Hillary sure are fighting for it.

02-21-2008, 03:44 PM
Well here is a whole new take on the candyman's stealing other
people words. How bout spike lee and malcom X. Read the column and view the video. Joe, I hope you watch this and
it kinda opens your eyes to what a phony this jerk, the
candyman is.


Extra Stout
02-21-2008, 04:50 PM
Well here is a whole new take on the candyman's stealing other
people words. How bout spike lee and malcom X. Read the column and view the video. Joe, I hope you watch this and
it kinda opens your eyes to what a phony this jerk, the
candyman is.

:lmao OMG, he used BOTH the words "bamboozled" AND "hoodwinked!" This REINFORCES Schlussel's earlier claim that Obama is a SECRET MUSLIM!!!!!

This stuff is pretty funny... what's even funnier is that it probably works.

Mr. Peabody
02-21-2008, 05:58 PM
Well here is a whole new take on the candyman's stealing other
people words. How bout spike lee and malcom X. Read the column and view the video. Joe, I hope you watch this and
it kinda opens your eyes to what a phony this jerk, the
candyman is.


He also used the phrase "the Okie Doke." My grandfather used to use that phrase for situations when people were being untruthful.

Senator Obama, QUIT STEALING FROM MY GRANDFATHER!!!! :pctoss :ihit

Extra Stout
02-21-2008, 06:09 PM
Whenever I hear Obama speaking, he is using the English langauge, and I know he didn't invent any of those words. All those words reflect ideas developed by somebody else.

Bob Lanier
02-21-2008, 06:29 PM
That's not everything he uses that somebody else developed! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khuu-RhOBDU)

Praise the Lord!

02-22-2008, 10:04 PM
I'm with Chris Matthews on this: Name one accomplishment.

Mr. Peabody
02-22-2008, 10:48 PM
I'm with Chris Matthews on this: Name one accomplishment.

Illinois State Senate 1996 - 2004

* Welfare legislation

* Created the Earned Income Tax Credit program that gave over $100 million in tax cuts for families throughout Illinois over 3 years.

* Expanded early childhood education

* Enlisted the support of law enforcement officials to draft legislation requiring the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

* He passed a law to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they stopped. The law was at first very controversial, but due to Obama's skills as a negotiator and bipartisanships, he won the support of the police. During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, he won the endorsement of the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, whose president credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms.

* Pass the toughest campaign finance law in Illinois history. The legislation banned the personal use of campaign money by Illinois legislators and banned most gifts from lobbyists. Worked with U.S. Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL), 1988. Before the law was passed, one organization ranked Illinois worst among 50 states for its campaign finance regulations.

* Created a working, affordable health care plan in Illinois, that covers 70,000 kids and 84,000 adults, where all kids qualify for $40 per child. Obama sponsored and passed this legislation, working with Rod R. Blagojevich(IL Gov.) See All Kids http://www.allkids.com/ . It is a model for a workable, affordable national health care.

Illinois Honors:

* Outstanding Legislator Award
* Campaign for Better Health Care and Illinois Primary Health Care Association, 1998
* Best Freshman Legislator Award
* Independent Voters of Illinois, 1997
* Monarch Award for Outstanding Public Service, 1994
* “40 Under 40” Award, Crain’s Chicago Business, 1993.

US Senate, 2004 - present

He is a member of several Senate Committees:

* Committee on Foreign Relations, that plays a vital role in shaping US policy around the world.
* Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that addresses, among other things, issues of immigration and our borders.
* Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: oversees our nation’s health care, schools, employment, and retirement programs
* Committee on Veterans' Affairs: focused on providing our brave veterans with the care and services they deserve.
* 2005-2006: Environment and Public Works Committee, which safeguards our environment and provides funding for our highways

The Numbers

Obama sponsored 152 bills and resolutions brought before the 109th Congress in 2005 and 2006, and cosponsored another 427.

Legislation Passed in US Senate

* Lugar-Obama Act to decrease nuclear and conventional weapons proliferation around the world.

* Coburn-Obama Transparency Act transparency in federal spending, found at httP://www.usaspending.gov

* Cosponsored the Healthy Kids Act of 2007 and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2007 to ensure that more American children have affordable health care coverage.

* Obama worked to pass a number of laws in Illinois and Washington to improve the health of women. His accomplishments include creating a task force on cervical cancer, providing greater access to breast and cervical cancer screenings, and helping improve prenatal and premature birth services.

* As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Obama passed legislation to improve care and slash red tape for our wounded warriors recovering at places like Walter Reed. He passed laws to help homeless veterans and offered an innovative solution to prevent at-risk veterans from falling into homelessness. Obama passed legislation to stop a VA review of closed PTSD cases that could have led to a reduction in veterans' benefits. He passed an amendment to ensure that all service members returning from Iraq are properly screened for traumatic brain injuries

* Congo: Obama and Leahy successfully passed an amendment to provide $13 million in assistance to the DRC for military reform and election assistance. The bill also provided the the US policy is to oppose and fight against the rape and killings of women that is a particular horror there. Obama has recently sent a letter to Sec. Rice demanding a report of their efforts there.

* Introduced Patriot Employer Act, August 2007, to reward companies for keeping jobs in the US

* As a member of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee, Obama helped pass legislation in the recent improvements to the Higher Education Act to increase the maximum Pell Grant award to $5,10.

* Obama passed legislation with Senator Jim Talent (R-MO) to give gas stations a tax credit for installing E85 ethanol refueling pumps.

* Obama sponsored an amendment that became law providing $40 million for commercialization of a combined flexible fuel vehicle/hybrid car within five years.

* Congressional ethics legislation, called the Gold Standard of ethics reform, passed by Obama and Feingold that ending subsidized corporate jet travel, mandating disclosure of lobbyists' bundling of contributions, and enacting strong new restrictions of lobbyist-sponsored trips. The Washington Post wrote in an editorial, “The final package is the strongest ethics legislation to emerge from Congress yet.”

* Obama has introduced and helped pass bipartisan legislation to limit the abuse of no-bid federal contracts.

* Federal Ethics Reform: Obama and Senator Feingold (D-WI) took on both parties and proposed ethics legislation that was described as the "gold standard" for reform. It was because of their leadership that ending subsidized corporate jet travel, mandating disclosure of lobbyists' bundling of contributions, and enacting strong new restrictions of lobbyist-sponsored trips became part of the final ethics bill that was signed into law. The Washington Post wrote in an editorial, "The final package is the strongest ethics legislation to emerge from Congress yet."

* Google for Government: Americans have the right to know how their tax dollars are spent, but that information has been hidden from public view for too long. That's why Barack Obama and Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) passed a law to create a Google-like search engine to allow regular people to approximately track federal grants, contracts, earmarks, and loans online. The Chicago Sun-Times wrote, "It would enable the public to see where federal money goes and how it is spent. It's a brilliant idea."

* Illinois Reform: In 1998, Obama joined forces with former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL) to pass the toughest campaign finance law in Illinois history. The legislation banned the personal use of campaign money by Illinois legislators and banned most gifts from lobbyists. Before the law was passed, one organization ranked Illinois worst among 50 states for its campaign finance regulations.

02-22-2008, 10:52 PM
Wow! No wonder Illinois is in such good shape. Was that the list Kirk Watson came up with the next day?

Maybe someone will fact check it for us.

02-22-2008, 11:09 PM
It goes without saying that Barack Obama will end the hardship and "struggle" in our daily lives. Under the Yes We Can Man, folks (other than people like me) will be able to quit their second jobs, the price of gasoline will plummet, and Ivy League grads will never again have to work for hedge funds to pay off their college loans.

Nor does Obama's magic end at our borders. Last night, he said he would solve our immigration problem in part by improving the economy of Mexico to the point that illegal immigrants will have no need or desire to enter the paradise Obama will create here.

Most magically of all, Obama will fix Mexico's economy even while refusing to trade with Mexico unless it complies with U.S. labor and environmental standards.

I know the competition is fierce, but Obama may turn out to be the most intellectually dishonest Democratic presidential nominee of my lifetime.

02-23-2008, 01:01 AM
Name one accomplishment.

plagiarism, his entire campaign

Holt's Cat
02-23-2008, 02:13 AM
What exactly has Her Majesty done? That's what I don't get. It seems that if you repeat something enough times in public it is accepted as fact in these United States of America. So she picked a husband who became POTUS. Naturally the first woman president would be someone who didn't make it on her own, but rode her husband's gravy train to the top and acted like she got there on her own.

I think we saw her ruling style in action with her stint as the unelected czar of nationalizing 15% of the American economy back in the day. A colossal failure marked by her ostracizing those who dared disagree with the Queen and favors bestowed upon those who were personally loyal to her. And she's supposed to provide a change from the current administration?

02-23-2008, 01:10 PM
plagiarism, his entire campaign

So if he wins the nomination, you're going McCain?

02-23-2008, 01:13 PM
Nor does Obama's magic end at our borders. Last night, he said he would solve our immigration problem in part by improving the economy of Mexico to the point that illegal immigrants will have no need or desire to enter the paradise Obama will create here.

Most magically of all, Obama will fix Mexico's economy even while refusing to trade with Mexico unless it complies with U.S. labor and environmental standards.


I noticed that line too...what a crock.

Then there's the line about not giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, but giving tax breaks to businesses that keep jobs in the US...how exactly will that be assessed as to which companies deserve the tax breaks and how/when will tax breaks given?

If he has a detailed plan for how he wants to enact that policy, I'd love to hear it. But as of now, it sounds like an empty promise...as does much fo his campaign.

02-23-2008, 01:38 PM
i don't think yall know what plagiarism is

Mr. Peabody
02-23-2008, 02:35 PM


Nicely done sir.

02-23-2008, 05:38 PM
So if he wins the nomination, you're going McCain?
The only way I vote for copycat lying phony Obama is if Edwards is on his ticket.

02-23-2008, 06:23 PM

02-24-2008, 09:07 AM
So if he wins the nomination, you're going McCain?
Ralph Nader will get my vote ifJohn Edwards does not end up on anyones ticket.


02-24-2008, 10:39 AM
two words


02-24-2008, 05:07 PM
Were not the two words RON PAUL last week?

02-25-2008, 11:05 AM
Get used to it. It may a picture of things to come!


02-25-2008, 11:13 AM
Were not the two words RON PAUL last week?

And "Barack Obama" two days ago....

Holt's Cat
02-25-2008, 01:30 PM
Get used to it. It may a picture of things to come!


Clinton's really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

02-25-2008, 01:47 PM
Get used to it. It may a picture of things to come!

Oh, no! Bush is a Vietnamese double agent!


02-25-2008, 03:07 PM
..and Putin too!

Now it allllllll makes sense.

02-25-2008, 03:23 PM
(insert caption here)

02-25-2008, 03:25 PM
..and Putin too!

Now it allllllll makes sense.
Hillary too!

02-25-2008, 03:27 PM
OMG check out this pic I got in my email!!


02-25-2008, 03:28 PM
Lest we forget....


Wild Cobra
02-25-2008, 04:20 PM
Well, just my silly ass, but...

I thought it was normal to "do as they do in Rome" unless it is a comprmise of one's self.

Yes... the comment that Hillary is craping the barrel is dead on, except... didn't it first appear on The Drudge Report?

02-25-2008, 04:21 PM
Depends on how Drudge got it.

02-25-2008, 04:24 PM
Well, just my silly ass, but...

I thought it was normal to "do as they do in Rome" unless it is a comprmise of one's self.

True, and I agree. But when the Arab elite fly in to American airports, they "request" that all women be removed from the tarmac.

Not that Im new to double standards or anything, but respect is something I lack for this part of the world.