View Full Version : is this really written by tracy?

02-28-2008, 03:30 AM
Thanks to Wolves' wordsmith Rashad McCants, more and more of today's NBA players are picking up the pen to express themselves through poetry. It's a beautiful thing. And today we showcase one such poem: Tracy McGrady's poignant piece entitled "Broken Wall" ...

I ask you to pull a chair, Wall
Stretch and lighten
and peel away your frustration

Create a window
and walk thru to me

They tell me, Wall
that the rings have blinded you
That a red ring chokes you
while the black ring consumes your soul

They tell me, Wall
that the torch weighs heavy
upon your mighty frame
That your corners ache
not the trembling floor

All they want to demolish us, Wall
I see it, feel it
They take Great pleasure in
cracking our foundation

But one nail can't break us, Wall
One chip can't stop 'chips

We will build you again, Wall
But until then I shall hold you

Yes, yes
stress THIS
We will rise again, Wall

02-28-2008, 04:05 AM
Where did you get this from?

02-28-2008, 09:37 AM
nah.... if this was mcgrady's writing, should be titled after a body part like "Broken Leg" or sumthin.

02-28-2008, 09:46 AM
get that shit out of spurs forum!

02-28-2008, 10:12 AM
I thought that was cool, especially if the Wall is the Great Wall of China, Yao.

Not great structure or anything innovative for a freestyle piece.

But, a cool poem for someone just writing for fun.

02-28-2008, 10:48 AM
Not bad. Its cool.

02-28-2008, 11:11 AM
No NBA poet will ever top the great Darryl "Chocolate Thunder" Dawkins. Here's one:

Footloose and fancy free.
Bad as I want to be.
I like fast cars and cool summer breezes.
I love when I wants.
And I quits when I pleases. :clap

Cry Havoc
02-28-2008, 11:35 AM
It sure beats the hell out of JJ Redick's efforts. :lmao

As I decide to fulfill my life's strategy
The devil insists on trying to battle me
I meet him in an empty field on the high plains
He throws temptations my way to inflict internal pain
Life and death matters, this ain't no game
It's mind over matter, the power of my brain
He thinks I'll give in if my muscles start to strain
He believes I'll submit to the evil of society's frame
And benefit from notoriety's gain
He says I don't have to properly train
and that he'll give me all the fame
and everyone will know my name
But I think he's insane
'Cause I know the truth- to gain is to givea
To have pain is to live
So I call on my heavenly Father's name
And slowly watch the thunder nd rain subside
I'm finally able to push the temptations aside
I went blow for blow, I went face to face
Now the devil knows, I'm able to escape
Not by a back door or an alternate route
I saw the middle high ground and I ran right through

the evil of society's frame... would that be like an over-hyped white boy getting unheard of press because he hits 35% of 3 pointers? :lmao

02-28-2008, 12:59 PM
They tell me I whine to much when I play.
But I really don't give a shit what they say.
If everyone in the league hacked the shit out of you
you would have wide "what the fuck?" eyes too.
Still, no-one can guard me one-on-one
That whistle meant your sixth foul, goodbye Amare, you're done.
4 rings in nine years, and going for number five
With support from all the fans, we keep this dream alive.
Whether it's Tony and Manu and their sick fastbreak game,
or Bruce, Mike, and Rob draining threes like rain,
The San Antonio Spurs flat-out fucking own.
We'll bring another trophy back to San Antone.


02-28-2008, 01:12 PM
I spit racial slurs, cuz I'm a bigot
I'll make fun of Yao, can you dig it?
thought I was good, found out I can't hack this
fuck uptempo, fuck Nash, and fuck the Big Cactus

02-28-2008, 01:40 PM
Can't be real. The author kept writing after the first stanza.

Cry Havoc
02-28-2008, 02:20 PM
Before Mr. Taylor taught the world to play,
Before fiberglass, before parkay,
Before the word "Dr." was spelled with a "J."
And ballrooms were ballcourts, where the Renaissance played.
Before the hype and before the dunk
After the rhythm but before the funk
Before the money and before the fame
Before new school and old school
Before school had a name
It was only a ball and the soul of the game

- Mos Def