View Full Version : Why is Jason Terry such a dick?

02-29-2008, 10:53 PM
I mean...really, I don't understand. Everyone else around the league seems to think he's a "class act." Is it just against the Spurs that he turns into a classless, whiny, bitchy thug-wannabe? I know we have a little rivalry between our two teams, but our guys really seem to just play...any perceived "dirtiness" seems to be incidental to us playing hard. It seems like Terry takes that personally and when he reacts...he reacts like a little bitch...trying to hurt our guys sometimes and just....being a little bitch.

Obviously, I'm a little biased because I'm a spurs fan..but I really don't understand guys like Terry. What is there to hate about the spurs guys other than that they play hard?

Terry, is by far my least favorite player on the Mavs....maybe even the NBA, but I really haven't done evaluation for that. I would assume he'd be at the top of my most hated players.

I really can't understand why Terry is like that. How can you Mavs fans stand having him on the team? I mean, am I missing some outrageous trash talking that the Spurs guys are saying to him?? I would hate to be a Mavs fan and have to cheer for that guy.

02-29-2008, 10:54 PM
i dont know a single person that thinks this fag is a class act.....

02-29-2008, 10:56 PM
What gets me is how he is always talking about God and shit and pretending to be some really humble guy.
He's two faced.

02-29-2008, 10:59 PM
He probably got his ass kicked a lot when he was little.

02-29-2008, 11:01 PM
Because he is a fag.

Which will make him look like a dick.

02-29-2008, 11:01 PM
Bad Genetics would be my guess. He is a total clown that guy, i hated his nonsense in the 06 series and he is just as big an A-Hole today.

Tigole Bitties
02-29-2008, 11:02 PM
Having "Eugene" as your middle name and a wife named "Johnyika" will do it.

02-29-2008, 11:04 PM
Ask Bowen.

02-29-2008, 11:07 PM
Having "Eugene" as your middle name and a wife named "Johnyika" will do it.

:lol I think that may be a contributing factor

02-29-2008, 11:08 PM
Having "Eugene" as your middle name and a wife named "Johnyika" will do it.


02-29-2008, 11:08 PM
Its in his blood.

If he wasn't playing in the NBA he'd be in jail for something stupid

02-29-2008, 11:09 PM
Ask Bowen.

:lol I love how Bowen didn't even flinch when Terry charged at him.

02-29-2008, 11:09 PM
Ask Bowen.

How the hell would Bowen know? He just swats Terry's shit out of the air like it's his job....but it is his job...Bowen just does his job...

sooo...what would I ask him again?

Aggie Hoopsfan
02-29-2008, 11:10 PM
Q: Why is Jason Terry such a dick?

A: Because he doesn't have one.

02-29-2008, 11:10 PM
Ask Bowen.
Ask him how he felt swapping the shit outta Terry in the final seconds..

"get that shit outta here"

02-29-2008, 11:10 PM
How the hell would Bowen know? He just swats Terry's shit out of the air like it's his job....but it is his job...Bowen just does his job...

sooo...what would I ask him again?

You could ask him how he likes it when terrygirl makes him job so easy for him.

02-29-2008, 11:18 PM
Ask him how he felt swapping the shit outta Terry in the final seconds..

"get that shit outta here"
Yeah he was swatting Terry's right arm. Ask Bowen what he did to piss Terry off.

02-29-2008, 11:21 PM
Swatting Terry's right arm in the final seconds?


Even if he touched his arm.. it's a mans game, not a little punk faggots game.

Bowen stuffed the shit outta Terry.. and walked away like he didn't do shit.

02-29-2008, 11:23 PM
Yeah he was swatting Terry's right arm. Ask Bowen what he did to piss Terry off.

Why do you keep telling me to ask Bowen? You know full well that I can't ask Bruce. So quit playing this guessing game and just share this exclusive knowledge you have with us. (Whatever bruce has done or will do won't be anything close to punching someone in the balls...and acting like nothing happened.)

02-29-2008, 11:24 PM
Swatting Terry's right arm in the final seconds?


Even if he touched his arm.. it's a mans game, not a little punk faggots game.

Bowen stuffed the shit outta Terry.. and walked away like he didn't do shit.
Too bad the refs didn't play that way on both sides of the court. Dampier didn't do anything to Duncan and got a foul on him in the closing second.

02-29-2008, 11:27 PM
Why do you keep telling me to ask Bowen? You know full well that I can't ask Bruce. So quit playing this guessing game and just share this exclusive knowledge you have with us. (Whatever bruce has done or will do won't be anything close to punching someone in the balls...and acting like nothing happened.)
People just don't get that ticked off unless something dirty was done. I'm pretty sure Bowen did something dirty as it is the norm for him. I guess it is alright to be dirty as long as you don't whine about something being dirty done to you. :rolleyes

02-29-2008, 11:28 PM
He probably got his ass kicked a lot when he was little.

It's the oblong shaped head.

Dude looks like the grape fruit gusher kid.


Road Warrior
02-29-2008, 11:30 PM
People just don't get that ticked off unless something dirty was done. I'm pretty sure Bowen did something dirty as it is the norm for him. I guess it is alright to be dirty as long as you don't whine about something being dirty done to you. :rolleyes
Then tell us what it is. You know, since you seem so sure of yourself.

02-29-2008, 11:30 PM
why are there so many threads on turtle head terry? I hate that fool more than anyone in the NBA.

02-29-2008, 11:32 PM
Ask the less fortunate people in Dallas who have benefited from all of his charity work.

02-29-2008, 11:36 PM
:lol I love how Bowen didn't even flinch when Terry charged at him.

:lol :tu

Terry ran towards him yelling and cussing, Bowen just stood there, turned around and looked at the ref, and then looked back at Terry as the ref called the technical. Terry's a pussy. No one on the Spurs is scared of him.

Road Warrior
02-29-2008, 11:39 PM
Ask the less fortunate people in Dallas who have benefited from all of his charity work.
Dude you act like Jason Terry is the only player in the universe that has ever done charity work. Does't change the fact that the guy is a punk.

02-29-2008, 11:41 PM
Dirk Nowitzki and Terry do charity work all the time and it goes unoticed. The only time people talk about it is when they photoshop Dirk painting a wall.

02-29-2008, 11:45 PM
Dirk Nowitzki and Terry do charity work all the time and it goes unoticed. The only time people talk about it is when they photoshop Dirk painting a wall.
Most, if not all, NBA players do charity work. That's great but it doesnt change the fact that Terry is a grade A douchebag

02-29-2008, 11:47 PM
Most, if not all, NBA players do charity work. That's great but it doesnt change the fact that Terry is a grade A douchebag

I can name 50-75 players that I would guess do not. First off, The New York Knicks-Malik Rose.

02-29-2008, 11:49 PM
...I'm pretty sure Bowen did something dirty as it is the norm for him. I guess it is alright to be dirty as long as you don't whine about something being dirty done to you. :rolleyes

I don't think you have a proper grasp of what "dirty" means. Being "dirty" requires a deliberate intent to be "dirty" -- "dirty" being an action that is carried out with the intent to harm being prioritized above the intent to make the play.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen Bruce make a "dirty" play...I remember the kick in Ray Allen's back, which was a fight/confrontation, and he apologized immediately for that after it happened.

Dirk Nowitzki and Terry do charity work all the time and it goes unoticed. The only time people talk about it is when they photoshop Dirk painting a wall.

Isn't most of that part of the Stern-enforced "NBA Cares" program?

Dave McNulla
02-29-2008, 11:52 PM
why am i not shocked that mavs fan is whining?

02-29-2008, 11:53 PM
Isn't most of that part of the Stern-enforced "NBA Cares" program?
Jason Terry does charity work in the Dallas area beyond what the NBA requires.

02-29-2008, 11:54 PM
Too bad the refs didn't play that way on both sides of the court. Dampier didn't do anything to Duncan and got a foul on him in the closing second.

Are you SERIOUSLY bitching about the refs in that game?......... Ummm.... count how many freethrows Dirk Fagwitzki got.... then count how many the ENTIRE Spurs got... ON THEIR OWN FUCKING COURT!!!

Dont EVEN talk to me about the fucking refs, bitch! You have NO fucking legs to stand on with that shit.

02-29-2008, 11:55 PM
why am i not shocked that mavs fan is whining?
whining? pointing out the a guy everyone on here claims to "hate" does a lot of really good things for the community is whining?

how bout you guys get a dose of reality and figure out that the way people act on the court doesn't always reflect who they are as a person. Get some fucking perspective.

02-29-2008, 11:56 PM
Too bad the refs didn't play that way on both sides of the court. Dampier didn't do anything to Duncan and got a foul on him in the closing second.
Quit complaining....

You lost, get over it.

"uh.. uh... Ewic gotaa foul tooooo?".... :dramaquee

02-29-2008, 11:56 PM
whining? pointing out the a guy everyone on here claims to "hate" does a lot of really good things for the community is whining?

how bout you guys get a dose of reality and figure out that the way people act on the court doesn't always reflect who they are as a person. Get some fucking perspective.

/bruce Bowen

03-01-2008, 12:01 AM
whining? pointing out the a guy everyone on here claims to "hate" does a lot of really good things for the community is whining?

how bout you guys get a dose of reality and figure out that the way people act on the court doesn't always reflect who they are as a person. Get some fucking perspective.

Change the subject of this post from JET to Bowen, and change the audience from Spur fan to Mav/Sun Fan, and get back with me once the hypocrisy of your statement sinks in...

03-01-2008, 12:02 AM
whining? pointing out the a guy everyone on here claims to "hate" does a lot of really good things for the community is whining?

how bout you guys get a dose of reality and figure out that the way people act on the court doesn't always reflect who they are as a person. Get some fucking perspective.

Okay...I understand and respect the fact that Jason Terry does charity work. Not enough players go above and beyond (I can bet several Spurs players do just that, along with Terry).

What I would like to ask Jason Terry is why can't he let his actions on the court reflect who he is as a person? (for the sake of the discussion, i'm assuming what is truly him is different than what shows on the court)

You may say Bruce Bowen is a dirty, classless thug on the court...but you'd be wrong...because if you look at him with an unbiased eye, he is not playing "dirty." He is trying to make the best play possible. Like I said, being dirty requires you to place harming the opponent on a higher priority than making the play. Terry often gets to this level when he starts taking any and everything personally and gets all bitchy.

03-01-2008, 12:02 AM
I really can't understand why Terry is like that. How can you Mavs fans stand having him on the team? I mean, am I missing some outrageous trash talking that the Spurs guys are saying to him?? I would hate to be a Mavs fan and have to cheer for that guy.

Losers behave that way...and when it happens as often as it is ... Persons becomes a Guru on making up excuses. Terry's excuse is the physical game of the spurs.

My recommendation to Terry: Shift to chess. Surely no physical game there...Better yet no spurs there.
:p: :p: :p:

03-01-2008, 12:02 AM
/bruce Bowen

Damn, same thought, same time, but you were much more succinct...

Road Warrior
03-01-2008, 12:06 AM
how bout you guys get a dose of reality and figure out that the way people act on the court doesn't always reflect who they are as a person.
Well thats good to hear because if that were true Jason Terry would be out there passing out sandwhiches while punching everybody in the nuts.

Dave McNulla
03-01-2008, 12:07 AM
whining? pointing out the a guy everyone on here claims to "hate" does a lot of really good things for the community is whining?

how bout you guys get a dose of reality and figure out that the way people act on the court doesn't always reflect who they are as a person. Get some fucking perspective.whining about the officiating. wake up dude.

and no need to cuss. it doesn't help you make your point (whatever it was supposed to be)

03-01-2008, 12:08 AM
Change the subject of this post from JET to Bowen, and change the audience from Spur fan to Mav/Sun Fan, and get back with me once the hypocrisy of your statement sinks in...
I don't visit Mavs boards all that often so I have no idea if they obssess over Bruce Bowen the way Spurs fans obssess over Jason Terry. If they do, it's equally stupid.

03-01-2008, 12:08 AM
Well thats good to hear because if that were true Jason Terry would be out there passing out sandwhiches while punching everybody in the nuts.


03-01-2008, 12:09 AM
and no need to cuss. it doesn't help you make your point (whatever it was supposed to be)
my fucking point is that it's fucking stupid to fucking talk this type of fucking hate about Jason fucking Terry just fucking because of what he fucking does on the fucking court. i didn't fucking see where fucking anybody but one fucking dumbfuck mavs fan fucking whined about the fucking officals in this fucking thread. is that fucking better?

03-01-2008, 12:09 AM
There is only one difference between Bruce and JET....

One doesnt bitch during a game or after the game.

The other bitches all the god damned fucking time.

other than that, they are both "dirty" but only one is a "dirty little bitch".

03-01-2008, 12:11 AM
I don't visit Mavs boards all that often so I have no idea if they obssess over Bruce Bowen the way Spurs fans obssess over Jason Terry. If they do, it's equally stupid.

I visit them from time to time when the Spurs play the Mavs and there are always, always comments about how dirty he is. Suns fans are the worst though. But yeah, there have been a lot of Terry threads lately :lol

03-01-2008, 12:12 AM
my fucking point is that it's fucking stupid to fucking talk this type of fucking hate about Jason fucking Terry just fucking because of what he fucking does on the fucking court. i didn't fucking see where fucking anybody but one fucking dumbfuck mavs fan fucking whined about the fucking officals in this fucking thread. is that fucking better?

Okay...I understand and respect the fact that Jason Terry does charity work. Not enough players go above and beyond (I can bet several Spurs players do just that, along with Terry).

What I would like to ask Jason Terry is...why can't he let his actions on the court reflect who he is as a person? (for the sake of the discussion, i'm assuming what is truly him is different than what shows on the court)

You may say Bruce Bowen is a dirty, classless thug on the court...but you'd be wrong...because if you look at him with an unbiased eye, he is not playing "dirty." He is trying to make the best play possible. Like I said, being dirty requires you to place harming the opponent on a higher priority than making the play. Terry often gets to this level when he starts taking any and everything personally and gets all bitchy.

03-01-2008, 12:13 AM
There is only one difference between Bruce and JET....

One doesnt bitch during a game or after the game.

The other bitches all the god damned fucking time.

other than that, they are both "dirty" but only one is a "dirty little bitch".
I'll agree that Jason Terry's antics on the court are sometimes pretty stupid. He really pissed me off last night.

But he's done a lot of great things for the city of Dallas and there's plenty of reasons for Mavs fans to root for a guy like him. I wish he'd act a little more respectful on the court, but overall he's a good guy and I love having him on the team.

03-01-2008, 12:16 AM
Okay...I understand and respect the fact that Jason Terry does charity work. Not enough players go above and beyond (I can bet several Spurs players do just that, along with Terry).

What I would like to ask Jason Terry is why can't he let his actions on the court reflect who he is as a person? (for the sake of the discussion, i'm assuming what is truly him is different than what shows on the court)
I was just trying to piss off the other guy.

As far as your question, I don't know. I heard some things about him in Atlanta acting like a tough guy, and I never saw him play at Arizona, so maybe it's just the way he's always acted on the court. I really don't like his badass posturing, and I wish he'd stop, but if it's something he can't stop, then I'm fine with having him on my team the way he is, and I'm just fine rooting for him.

He really really pissed me off last night, but he's still fighting for my team so I've got his back.

03-01-2008, 12:21 AM
I was just trying to piss off the other guy.

As far as your question, I don't know. I heard some things about him in Atlanta acting like a tough guy, and I never saw him play at Arizona, so maybe it's just the way he's always acted on the court. I really don't like his badass posturing, and I wish he'd stop, but if it's something he can't stop, then I'm fine with having him on my team the way he is, and I'm just fine rooting for him.

He really really pissed me off last night, but he's still fighting for my team so I've got his back.

Ah...I see

03-01-2008, 12:28 AM
Danny Crawford was just blowing the calls he was supposed to blow. Fuck both Crawford and Salvatore.

03-01-2008, 12:39 AM
Terry is a little bitch

03-01-2008, 12:49 AM
How can you Mavs fans stand having him on the team?

Because he's hit some big shots for us and he won't back down from anybody.

I mean, am I missing some outrageous trash talking that the Spurs guys are saying to him?? I would hate to be a Mavs fan and have to cheer for that guy.

How you feel about Jason Terry? That's how we feel about Bruce Bowen. I understand how Terry gets underneath the skin of opposing fans, but the same is true of Bruce. Can you understand why we hate Bowen? And don't give me any of this "Oh, he's a good guy, his Bruce Bowen Foundation helps albino people with cerebral palsy go to college."

03-01-2008, 01:13 AM
How you feel about Jason Terry? That's how we feel about Bruce Bowen. I understand how Terry gets underneath the skin of opposing fans, but the same is true of Bruce. Can you understand why we hate Bowen? And don't give me any of this "Oh, he's a good guy, his Bruce Bowen Foundation helps albino people with cerebral palsy go to college."

I don't think you have a proper grasp of what "dirty" means. Being "dirty" requires a deliberate intent to be "dirty" -- "dirty" being an action that is carried out with the intent to harm being prioritized above the intent to make the play.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen Bruce make a "dirty" play...I remember the kick in Ray Allen's back, which was a fight/confrontation, and he apologized immediately for that after it happened.

...You may say Bruce Bowen is a dirty, classless thug on the court...but you'd be wrong...because if you look at him with an unbiased eye, he is not playing "dirty." He is trying to make the best play possible. Like I said, being dirty requires you to place harming the opponent on a higher priority than making the play. Terry often gets to this level when he starts taking any and everything personally and gets all bitchy.

I heard some things about him in Atlanta acting like a tough guy, and I never saw him play at Arizona, so maybe it's just the way he's always acted on the court. I really don't like his badass posturing, and I wish he'd stop, but if it's something he can't stop, then I'm fine with having him on my team the way he is, and I'm just fine rooting for him.

He really really pissed me off last night, but he's still fighting for my team so I've got his back.

03-01-2008, 01:16 AM
Bruce is a dirty player, it's not up for discussion. I'd welcome him on my team, but he's a dirty player. Period. Sliding his feet underneath Dumbare is intent to injure. You don't have to defend him, I wish we had a guy like him on our team.

03-01-2008, 02:14 AM
Bruce is a dirty player, it's not up for discussion. I'd welcome him on my team, but he's a dirty player. Period. Sliding his feet underneath Dumbare is intent to injure. You don't have to defend him, I wish we had a guy like him on our team.

I don't have to, but I will :)

(edit: I think we've been over the Amare incident many times....you're a fool if you think that was intentional. It's not up for discussion. Period.)

03-01-2008, 02:27 AM

Check out this YouTube 20 sec. mark, Final inbounds play when Manu passes to Fin, does Terry hit manu with a forearm / elbow?

03-01-2008, 02:38 AM
Bad upbringing - as evidenced by this home movie from his childhood.


03-01-2008, 05:17 AM
People just don't get that ticked off unless something dirty was done. I'm pretty sure Bowen did something dirty as it is the norm for him. I guess it is alright to be dirty as long as you don't whine about something being dirty done to you. :rolleyes
What did Finley do that tick Jason Fairy off so much he tied to give Mike a hand job with his knuckles?

03-01-2008, 05:21 AM
Why is Jason Terry such a dick?

well, you know ... some people just born stupid :D

03-01-2008, 05:25 AM

Check out this YouTube 20 sec. mark, Final inbounds play when Manu passes to Fin, does Terry hit manu with a forearm / elbow?
That's a standard Terry play. Every time the Spurs play the Mavs Terry gets in a least a half dozen cheap shot elbows to Parker.

03-01-2008, 08:25 AM
Bruce asked Terry if he was going to punch him in the nuts, too.

03-01-2008, 08:58 AM
Terry is trying to act hard by speaking broken english and holding his nutz when he speaks. The he tries to carry this fake persona onto the court. I'm cool with rough play, but as evidence by his punch to the nutz of Fin, Jason is a joke. Nothing we can do about it, except watch our Spurs continue to win championships and celebrate like fools. Mavs fan can keep rooting for the "Punk" Jason Terry.

03-01-2008, 09:17 AM
Jason Terry does charity work in the Dallas area beyond what the NBA requires.
Yeah, I heard he gives sponge bathes to the homeless transvestites.

03-01-2008, 10:17 AM
Ask him how he felt swapping the shit outta Terry in the final seconds..

"get that shit outta here"

Don't you mean, "get that WEAK shit outta here?"

03-01-2008, 10:25 AM
That's a standard Terry play. Every time the Spurs play the Mavs Terry gets in a least a half dozen cheap shot elbows to Parker.

After delivering a similar cheap shot to Parker in the '06 WCSF, he goes over and pretends to see if he's OK and tries to help him up. He's a total punk-ass in every sense of the word.

03-01-2008, 10:26 AM
why am i not shocked that mavs fan is whining?

But, this thread was started by Spurs fan to whine about Jason Terry.

03-01-2008, 10:28 AM
I don't think you have a proper grasp of what "dirty" means. Being "dirty" requires a deliberate intent to be "dirty" -- "dirty" being an action that is carried out with the intent to harm being prioritized above the intent to make the play.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen Bruce make a "dirty" play...I remember the kick in Ray Allen's back, which was a fight/confrontation, and he apologized immediately for that after it happened.

Why does playing "dirty" require deliberate intent? What about reckless disregard for fair play? That's not deliberate intent. I think you made up your own definition of what "dirty" is when it isn't a universally accepted one.

03-01-2008, 10:28 AM

Check out this YouTube 20 sec. mark, Final inbounds play when Manu passes to Fin, does Terry hit manu with a forearm / elbow?

YES. No doubt about it. Thanks for posting this.

This is certainly not surprising coming from a guy who gave Finley a shot to the gonads during a tussle for a loose ball in the '06 WCSF. As pathetic as the act itself was, it was worse seeing him look around with that "who me" expression and argue with the refs as to why they assessed a technical to him for his actions.

BTW, I love a good "I hate Jason Terry" thread.

03-01-2008, 10:48 AM
Here's an example of what an immature lil' bitch he is.

I'm watching an episode of MTV Cribs and guess who made their debut appearance showing off their home in ATL? Yep, your boy Turtlehead. He proceeds to invite the crew inside and shows off his crib (yeah it's a rocking place, but what'd you expect?). Toward the end of the segment, he escorts the crew out back to the driveway.

He's now showing off his car collection. His prized jewel of the collection is a classic Chevrolet Impala from the 60's. Of course, it's pimped out the max with the standard accessories (rims, tires, interior TV, you name it. The interior is outfitted with black leather seats, which are trimmed in the Mavs colors and complete with the Mavs logo in each of the headrest and armrests. Suddenly, he starts cooing over the car like a proud father claiming "oooh, this is my baby right here. I'm gonna be killing 'em in 'dem streets, ya'll."

For me, two things immediately struck me about this portion of the segment. First, I thought to myself "the car is nice, but what if you get traded to another team?" Second, the comment about him "killing 'em in 'dem streets", caused me to utter, "Dude, what are you 18 years old?" "are you gonna take your car and cruise the ATL's version of SW Military drive on a Saturday night?"

Very immature comments coming from a guy, who haa a wife and 5 or 6 kids. After that, I began to understand why he behaves like a teenager on the court - because he's got a cartoon mind. For whatever it's worth, I know several Mavs fans who can stand his ass either.

Dave McNulla
03-01-2008, 11:15 AM
I was just trying to piss off the other guy.

As far as your question, I don't know. I heard some things about him in Atlanta acting like a tough guy, and I never saw him play at Arizona, so maybe it's just the way he's always acted on the court. I really don't like his badass posturing, and I wish he'd stop, but if it's something he can't stop, then I'm fine with having him on my team the way he is, and I'm just fine rooting for him.

He really really pissed me off last night, but he's still fighting for my team so I've got his back.your failing to control yourself doesn't hurt me. it just makes you post harder to read. imagine if you used 'cleaning' instead of 'f***ing'.

my cleaning point is that it's cleaning stupid to cleaning talk this type of cleaning hate about Jason cleaning Terry just cleaning because of what he cleaning does on the cleaning court. i didn't cleaning see where cleaning anybody but one cleaning dumbfuck mavs fan cleaning whined about the cleaning officals in this cleaning thread. is that cleaning better?it just looks silly to use a word so much that it doesn't add to what you are trying to say.

Dave McNulla
03-01-2008, 11:20 AM
But, this thread was started by Spurs fan to whine about Jason Terry.i should have been more specific. generally when i say that somebody is whining, i mean they are blaming a loss on officiating.

there are many ways to whine. like you are whining about my point. you could say that i'm whining about your post (even though i was the one who was vague). but the constant around here is people blaming officials. if i felt that way, i wouldn't watch the nba, and i couldn't understand why somebody else would.

03-01-2008, 12:08 PM
But, this thread was started by Spurs fan to whine about Jason Terry.


"We can bitch about your thugs and dirty players, but don't you dare say a word about Bruce!"

03-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Bruce isn't a thug, punk, shit-talker.

He is a crafty veteran who enjoys manicures.

03-01-2008, 01:09 PM
Well thats good to hear because if that were true Jason Terry would be out there passing out sandwhiches while punching everybody in the nuts.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Death In June
03-01-2008, 01:32 PM
my fucking point is that it's fucking stupid to fucking talk this type of fucking hate about Jason fucking Terry just fucking because of what he fucking does on the fucking court. i didn't fucking see where fucking anybody but one fucking dumbfuck mavs fan fucking whined about the fucking officals in this fucking thread. is that fucking better?Stop smooshing obscenities into the middle of your words. I don't know who told you that was something cool to do. But if you're trying to impress people here, fine. Mission accomplished. They know you can swear, retard.

03-01-2008, 01:35 PM
It's psycology. You pick up the behaviors of those around you. He's got a great role model in Cuban.

03-01-2008, 01:39 PM
Stop smooshing obscenities into the middle of your words. I don't know who told you that was something cool to do. But if you're trying to impress people here, fine. Mission accomplished. They know you can swear, retard.
Welcome to Spurstalk.com. :lol

03-01-2008, 01:52 PM
I don't have to, but I will :)

(edit: I think we've been over the Amare incident many times....you're a fool if you think that was intentional. It's not up for discussion. Period.)

Well, this is Spurstalk, so I'll forgive your biased homerism.

Death In June
03-01-2008, 01:54 PM
Welcome to Spurstalk.com. :lolSwearing is fine, dude. It's just embarassing when you do it.

03-01-2008, 04:45 PM
Why does playing "dirty" require deliberate intent? What about reckless disregard for fair play? That's not deliberate intent. I think you made up your own definition of what "dirty" is when it isn't a universally accepted one.

I don't think you have a proper grasp of what "dirty" means. Being "dirty" requires a deliberate intent to be "dirty" -- "dirty" being an action that is carried out with the intent to harm, or a reckless disregard for fair play, being prioritized above the intent to make the play.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen Bruce making "dirty" play, or a reckless disregard for fair play, above trying to make the best basketball play...I remember the kick in Ray Allen's back, which was a fight/confrontation, and he apologized immediately for that after it happened.

Fixed. Just for you. It still works.

Well, this is Spurstalk, so I'll forgive your biased homerism.

Well, you are a Mavs fan, so I'll forgive your bias as well.

(sorry for the bump everyone. I got up late today)

04-11-2013, 03:11 AM