View Full Version : Will Dirk be suspended?

03-03-2008, 11:52 PM
That was a brutal foul. Do you think the league might review and suspend him? Others have been suspended for less.

I think if you are called for a flagrant, you should not be allowed to play until the player you fouled can come back in the game.

03-03-2008, 11:54 PM
The one time he wasnt being a pussy and gave AK a hard NON-INTENTIONAL foul and you guys are crying for a suspencion :rolleyes ... (although i would luv him being suspended for the rockets game, every help counts :clap )

03-03-2008, 11:54 PM

03-03-2008, 11:55 PM
stern could just to mess with cuban for sending all those tapes in

03-03-2008, 11:55 PM

03-03-2008, 11:56 PM
The one time he isnt being a pussy and gave AK a hard foul and you guys are crying for a suspencion... (although i would luv him being suspended for the rockets game, every help counts)

On the contrary, Dirk slamming AK like that (for no reason) makes him a bigger pussy.

03-03-2008, 11:58 PM
That was a brutal foul. Do you think the league might review and suspend him? Others have been suspended for less.

I think if you are called for a flagrant, you should not be allowed to play until the player you fouled can come back in the game.

You are an idiot...wish i could body slam you to the ground instead :elephant

03-03-2008, 11:59 PM
You are a idiot...wish i could body slam you to the ground instead :elephant

HOMO :lmao

03-04-2008, 12:00 AM
HOMO :lmao

You wanna watch huh...now who's the homo :elephant

03-04-2008, 12:03 AM
HOMO :lmao

shouldn't you be hitting up a taco cabana right now?

03-04-2008, 12:03 AM
I'm sending a video into Stern as we speak...

03-04-2008, 12:03 AM
shouldn't you be hitting up a taco cabana right now?

0ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo :lmao

Cuz I live in San Antonio, right?
Cuz there's lots of Taco Cabanas in San Antonio, right?
Haha, fucking hilarious! I get it

03-04-2008, 12:07 AM
0ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo :lmao

Cuz I live in San Antonio, right?
Cuz there's lots of Taco Cabanas in San Antonio, right?
Haha, fucking hilarious! I get it


03-04-2008, 12:08 AM
Either way....I hope he DOESN'T get anything, that way everyone can get really pissed off....

honestly one game plus fine sounds good to me.....but lets just keep in mind sterns track record with us....

03-04-2008, 01:06 AM
I know it wasn't intentional to try and hurt him, but it HAS to be called intentional/flagrant based on the result. I'm just wondering if the league will suspend him. Others got suspended for less in the past.

03-04-2008, 01:23 AM
comeon now...Kobe's unatural arm flailing was a suspension twice and kobe's was way more brutal than dirks. =P

03-04-2008, 01:26 AM
I just saw the replay of this... WTF was he thinking??

03-04-2008, 01:55 AM

03-04-2008, 02:06 AM
Dirk is DIRTY!
Yesterday against the Lakers he smacked Fisher over the head, today AK47. Those were non basketball fouls without any intention to get to the ball. Somebody should level this mofo.

03-04-2008, 02:09 AM
Dirk is DIRTY!
Yesterday against the Lakers he smacked Fisher over the head, today AK47. Those were non basketball fouls without any intention to get to the ball. Somebody should level this mofo.

Go fuck yourself....if you man enough go up to Dirk so he can body slam your bitch ass :elephant

03-04-2008, 02:11 AM

Well here's the hit....fucking chump. The slap on Fishers face and now this decapitation should definitely be a suspension. How unnatural do you get in basketball....pussy headhunter. Seriously, if this was a hockey game, Disco Dirk would have been bloodied by someone on the jazz....shit like this bugs me about b-ball. I guy goes after your player intentionally, you go after him.

03-04-2008, 02:12 AM

Well here's the hit....fucking chump. The slap on Fishers face and now this decapitation should definitely be a suspension. How unnatural do you get in basketball....pussy headhunter. Seriously, if this was a hockey game, Disco Dirk would have been bloodied by someone on the jazz....shit like this bugs me about b-ball. I guy goes after your player intentionally, you go after him.

Go fuck yourself....if you man enough go up to Dirk so he can body slam your bitch ass :elephant

03-04-2008, 02:14 AM
Go fuck yourself....if you man enough go up to Dirk so he can body slam your bitch ass :elephant

You're talking about me being man enough...damn you cheer for the Mavs dude, talking shit is farthest thing you should be doing. Oh and nice dancing elephant, FAIL.

03-04-2008, 02:16 AM
Go fuck yourself....if you man enough go up to Dirk so he can body slam your bitch ass :elephant
I like how you sign your posts with pink elephant. It suits you perfect.

Bob Lanier
03-04-2008, 02:21 AM
Good hard foul.

I guy goes after your player intentionally, you go after him.

None of this 'suspension' bullshit.

03-04-2008, 02:22 AM
I like how you sign your posts with pink elephant. It suits you perfect.

So you gonna go up to Dirk or not....figured you wouldn't with a tough name like sendman... :elephant

Any non homer who has ever played basketball knows that it was not intentional...he was trying make a hard foul across his arms....Dirk was flying back in the air...first contact was made with the upper shoulder (look at the replay) and then momemtum of both players resulted in the push down.

Get over it losers....but since the league is pretty much a dumbass like most of you dont be surprised if Dirk gets suspended :elephant

03-04-2008, 02:46 AM
Good hard foul.


None of this 'suspension' bullshit.

i don't think there should be a suspension but that was more than just a "good hard foul". i know dirk wasn't trying to hurt him but when you are that out of control and flailing your arms around someone's head and neck then that's where good hard foul goes out the window.

03-04-2008, 02:49 AM
So you gonna go up to Dirk or not....figured you wouldn't with a tough name like sendman... :elephant
:lmao :lmao Let me get this straight. You have to have some tough e-name (and name that includes Amare certainly qualifies:lmao) so you can play dumb all over web?

Get over it losers....but since the league is pretty much a dumbass like most of you dont be surprised if Dirk gets suspended :elephant

Get over what, you big, bad, tough talking, pink elephant posting winner?
What exactly did you win recently, or your team for that matter?
Calm down dude, it's a game of basketball.

P.S. I still hope somebody knocks the shit out of that pansy Jerk Nowitzky

Bob Lanier
03-04-2008, 02:49 AM
Trying to hurt him falls well within the category of "good hard foul."

03-04-2008, 02:52 AM

03-04-2008, 03:05 AM
I'd be surprised if Dirk doesn't get suspended at least one game, given the precedent we've seen set by the league over the past couple of years. That was a dirty play, and as much as I hate the Jazz, stuff like that can't be allowed to go unpunished.

baseline bum
03-04-2008, 03:20 AM
WTF? Dirk didn't shoot free throws on that play?

03-04-2008, 04:54 AM
For a team that still employs Bruce Bowen and Robert Horry, the Spurs fans should be the last ones saying anything about this.

Having said that, it was not a good foul. Dirk clearely had no idea what he was grabbing, he was falling himself, but it turned out to be really nasty. If the league does suspend him for one game, I would completely understand. I just hope it's not against the Rockets.

03-04-2008, 06:41 AM
I don't think Dirk was trying to injure Kirilenko.
Saying that, it's dangerous to use your arm like an hatchet. You must have a better body control.

03-04-2008, 07:40 AM
suspension is most likely.

03-04-2008, 09:26 AM
:lmao :lmao Let me get this straight. You have to have some tough e-name (and name that includes Amare certainly qualifies:lmao) so you can play dumb all over web?

Get over what, you big, bad, tough talking, pink elephant posting winner?
What exactly did you win recently, or your team for that matter?
Calm down dude, it's a game of basketball.

P.S. I still hope somebody knocks the shit out of that pansy Dirt Noshitski
This sounds better.

03-04-2008, 09:28 AM
I don't think Dirk was trying to injure Kirilenko.
Saying that, it's dangerous to use your arm like an hatchet. You must have a better body control.
Agreed. At least a few people have some brains here. He never had any injury intent, and it wasn't even as bad as it looked (I think AK47 was faking the injury somewhat) but he needs to be a little more careful on fouls like that.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 09:40 AM
(I think AK47 was faking the injury somewhat)


Priceless. If Bowen had done this to Dirk, Mavs fans would be flooding the boards talking about the dirtiest play of the season and screaming that he almost sidelined Dirk for the whole year.

03-04-2008, 09:42 AM
didnt look intentional at all to me. Shit, I know when Im falling Im trying to grab onto anything I can (I dont fall often :lol ). Its just a normal reaction.

that being said I bet there is still going to be some type of fine or a game suspension.

03-04-2008, 09:44 AM
above the shoulders = suspension, no? didn't look intentional but i was under the impression above the shoulders was automatic.

03-04-2008, 09:50 AM
I thought he should have been ejected from the game.

Barring that, he should have to pay a fine or receive a one game suspension.

I do not think it was intentional, but it was very dangerous. He needs to watch what he's doing and have better body control.

03-04-2008, 09:51 AM
(I think AK47 was faking the injury somewhat)

You're an idiot if you think he was faking it. Lets see...AK missed the entire game after the fall because he was faking it. He was sent to the hospital for x-rays because he was faking it. He'll probably miss the game tomorrow because he was faking it. Yep, that sounds right.


03-04-2008, 09:55 AM
Stop acting like Suns fans Spurs fan. that was a good clean hard foul.

and I've seen AK faking and flopping for years now. I would not be surprised if he was faking it.

03-04-2008, 09:57 AM

Priceless. If Bowen had done this to Dirk, Mavs fans would be flooding the boards talking about the dirtiest play of the season and screaming that he almost sidelined Dirk for the whole year.
Some might. Not me. I'll be the first to admit that Dirk is a mad flopper, and will overexaggerate his injuries. Then again, so does half the league, including Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker.

IMO, foreign players in general fake and overexaggerate their injuries a lot, and i bet are willing to fake it by missing a game just to make it look legit, and to make themselves look tougher.

03-04-2008, 09:59 AM
Carmelo didn't get a suspension for intentionally grabbing Vujacic by the neck. I don't see how this is anywhere close to being as bad as that.

It just looks bad because it's two flailing, flopping Euros trying to outflop each other on the same play. Dirk didn't hit him hard enough to hurt him, it was AK47 responding like he just got hit with a mortar shell that caused it to look so bad.

03-04-2008, 10:01 AM
IMO, foreign players in general fake and overexaggerate their injuries a lot, and i bet are willing to fake it by missing a game just to make it look legit, and to make themselves look tougher.

yeah and american players are undisciplined and selfish so it evens out.

03-04-2008, 10:04 AM
You're an idiot if you think he was faking it. Lets see...AK missed the entire game after the fall because he was faking it. He was sent to the hospital for x-rays because he was faking it. He'll probably miss the game tomorrow because he was faking it. Yep, that sounds right.

Not my fault that I have reason to belive that an oversensitive, flopping, crybaby bitch would overexaggerate an injury to make it look legit. He better have fucking broke something, otherwise hes a weak bitch. You think someone like Kobe or Nash or even half of his own teammates like Deron Williams or Carlos Boozer would have missed a big game like that over a little collision and fall? Those guys wont miss shit, unless something is fucking broken. Even Dirk, who plays on two weak ankles on a nightly basis, virtually will never sit a game out or miss a game unless something is torn, broken, or seriously injured. Tim Duncan fucking played through PF.

Fuck AK-47. He's a bitch. Never liked that dude, and never will, especially after his fucking crybaby nonsense during the FUCKING PLAYOFFS. If he is willing to distract a teams focus by crying and bitching during the playoffs, im more than positive he is willing to miss a game just to make people think that he was legitamately hurt, when in fact he was way overdramatic.

03-04-2008, 10:04 AM
yeah and american players are undisciplined and selfish so it evens out.
what does that have to do with anything? you think im biased against foreign players or something?

03-04-2008, 10:05 AM
No Dirk on Thursday would be exceptionally good luck for the Rockets and fair too.

Rockets without Yao
Mavs without Dirk


03-04-2008, 10:05 AM
Stop acting like Suns fans Spurs fan. that was a good clean hard foul.

and I've seen AK faking and flopping for years now. I would not be surprised if he was faking it.
for once we actually agree on something though. cheers. :toast

03-04-2008, 10:06 AM
what does that have to do with anything? you think im biased against foreign players or something?

it has todo because its another point of comparison. u were comparing americans to foreign.

no I don't think u are biased

03-04-2008, 10:07 AM
IMO, foreign players in general fake and overexaggerate their injuries a lot, and i bet are willing to fake it by missing a game just to make it look legit, and to make themselves look tougher.

it's all because euros are exposed to fucking soccer at a young age..

damn drama queens..

03-04-2008, 10:16 AM
Eh, if I were a Mav fan I'd be encouraged. Dirk showing toughness.

That didn't look very intentional at all. Looks like he went up to knock the ball out of AK47, but his hands got caught around his shoulders/neck and they both went down.

03-04-2008, 10:19 AM
Ever since the Spurs game, Dirk has been playing with aggression…He knocked down Lamar Odom several times…Lowering his shoulder & driving to the hoop…I really hope that he stops playing like a talented 7-footer & resorts back to shooting 3’s…

03-04-2008, 10:23 AM
it's all because euros are exposed to fucking soccer at a young age..

damn drama queens..
:lol yup

03-04-2008, 10:26 AM
Dirk can't win...

He's considered a soft pussy...until he commits a hard foul and then he's a cheapshotting pussy...


03-04-2008, 10:27 AM
Agreed. At least a few people have some brains here. He never had any injury intent, and it wasn't even as bad as it looked (I think AK47 was faking the injury somewhat) but he needs to be a little more careful on fouls like that.

AK fell backward and hit the back of his head on the floor - concussion time. And you don't think that is bad, and you think that he was acting? Hardly.

03-04-2008, 10:31 AM
Whether it was bad or not, I am happy to see that most people here understand that it was not intentional. Also happy to see that most people understand that there really is nothing 'soft' about Dirk.

p.s Soccer doesn't have to do with it, not everyone watches or plays in Italy.

03-04-2008, 10:33 AM
AK fell backward and hit the back of his head on the floor - concussion time. And you don't think that is bad, and you think that he was acting? Hardly.
If he busted his head, then why was he bending over like his back was fucked up, and limping like his knee was torn in half? How many fucking injuries can you have from one like 1 foot fall?

03-04-2008, 10:37 AM
AK fell backward and hit the back of his head on the floor - concussion time. And you don't think that is bad, and you think that he was acting? Hardly.
He didn't hurt his head, he hurt his hip. X-rays were negative.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 10:52 AM
If he busted his head, then why was he bending over like his back was fucked up, and limping like his knee was torn in half? How many fucking injuries can you have from one like 1 foot fall?

I just don't understand how you can immediately assess the fact that someone is faking. AK is a big guy, even by NBA standards, and falls like that can cause any number of injuries, including concussions and compression problems.

If you land on your head or back from ANY height, it can have serious ramifications. Even if you take into account that it was accidental and not worthy of suspending Dirk for, attempting to assess the severity of the injury with little medical knowledge and absolutely NO medical evidence on your side just makes you look like you're attempting to needlessly protect your player. Who are you to say, "Oh he was flopping!" Did you ever see the Bo Jackson injury that ended his career? It didn't look serious, either.

Chastising a player for flopping after he landed pretty hard on his back is just ridiculous.

03-04-2008, 10:57 AM
He got up and drained two free throws immediately afterwards, I'm sure he was hurt beyond comprehension.

The guy literally cried about not getting enough playing time, let's not make Kirilenko out to be some tough guy.

03-04-2008, 10:59 AM
btw I fully expect Dirk to be suspended, the anti-Mavs bias at the NBA front office will take care of this.

03-04-2008, 11:05 AM
Did you ever see the Bo Jackson injury that ended his career? It didn't look serious, either.

Yea, I saw it. Bo Jackson is my favorite sports star of all time.

However, there is a big difference... Bo actually had serious injuries come from it. His hip was fucked up.

AK-47 according to reports are fine.

Oh, and don't forget... Bo Jackson got up and walked off on his own strength and seemed as if he would still play footbal, just after suffering a career ending injury.

AK-47 limped, grimaced, and acted like he just got blasted in the ass with a fucking shotgun, when in fact, he was just fine.

He faked it.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 11:11 AM
For the record.


A hell of a lot more than 1 foot.

I think if I had landed that hard from an injury like that, it would scare the hell out of me. Not to mention hurt. A lot.

03-04-2008, 11:14 AM
For the record.


A hell of a lot more than 1 foot.

I think if I had landed that hard from an injury like that, it would scare the hell out of me. Not to mention hurt. A lot.
It may have hurt, but part of the reason he fell the way he did was because he flopped. I have no sympathy for people who hurt themselves when trying to flop. Not even Dirk.

Either way, even though it hurt, there have been a countless number of times when players fell hard, got hurt, left the game due to pain for a little while, but still came back and played their asses off. AK-47 didnt. He's a bitch.

03-04-2008, 11:37 AM
As fun as it is to make fun of D-Wade and the wheelchair, in reality, he takes falls much harder than this all the time. And gets up from damn near all of them.

When Devin Harris got blocked by J-Rich last year, his momentum sent him flying, from a higher elevation than Kirilenko, plus a 200 pound guy fell right on top of him. And everyone on here was mocking Harris for being a pussy. That fall was 10x worse than this one.

Kirilenko is being a pussy.

03-04-2008, 11:45 AM
If Timmy is booted outta a game for laughing then Dirk definitely deserves a suspension.

03-04-2008, 11:47 AM
If Timmy is booted outta a game for laughing then Dirk definitely deserves a suspension.
He didnt deserve it. It was just a terrible call. Different situation, terrible comparisons. You fail.

03-04-2008, 11:56 AM
If Timmy is booted outta a game for laughing then Dirk definitely deserves a suspension.
So you're saying that the NBA should continue ruling with stupidity? That just because a ref was a prick & an asshole once, they should continue that trend with everybody else in the league?

03-04-2008, 12:03 PM
So you're saying that the NBA should continue ruling with stupidity? That just because a ref was a prick & an asshole once, they should continue that trend with everybody else in the league?

well, thats what they do

03-04-2008, 12:05 PM
AK is one tough MF... He threw Dirk on the floor just with his neck. :lol

03-04-2008, 12:20 PM
I think it was the right call... AK can't expect to be in the vicinity of the league MVP and not get booted from the game. I mean, Dirk could have gotten injured on that play.

03-04-2008, 01:58 PM
If he busted his head, then why was he bending over like his back was fucked up, and limping like his knee was torn in half? How many fucking injuries can you have from one like 1 foot fall?

1 ft. fall...2 ft. fall...turning your body too quickly the wrong way..

Any of them can put you in severe pain.

Never pulled a muscle in your back, I'm guessing. Where every time you take a breath a shooting pain goes through your body.

Oh, and it wasn't a 1 ft fall. His back was probably 6 or 7 feet off the ground when he started to go backward.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 02:07 PM
1 ft. fall...2 ft. fall...turning your body too quickly the wrong way..

Any of them can put you in severe pain.

Never pulled a muscle in your back, I'm guessing. Where every time you take a breath a shooting pain goes through your body.

Oh, and it wasn't a 1 ft fall. His back was probably 6 or 7 feet off the ground when he started to go backward.

Don't mind the Mavs fans. They're just bitter that they got their asses handed to them and are just a short losing streak away from being the 9th seed. :lol

03-04-2008, 02:12 PM
Don't mind the Mavs fans. They're just bitter that they got their asses handed to them and are just a short losing streak away from being the 9th seed. :lol
Hey now there's a relevant comment.

I love the "i guess you've never had this type of injury" argument. Biggest bunch of bullshit as far as I'm concerned. Hey, you can claim on the internet that you've had every sports injury known to man, good for you. Still doesn't give you any more insight into the subject.

I still wonder why Spurs fans were so quick to make fun of Devin Harris for getting hurt when J-Rich blocked him from behind & then fell right on top of him. Oh I know, they're just bitter that they got their asses handed to them and lost in the 2006 WCSF. :lol that must be it.

03-04-2008, 02:42 PM
1 ft. fall...2 ft. fall...turning your body too quickly the wrong way..

Any of them can put you in severe pain.

Never pulled a muscle in your back, I'm guessing. Where every time you take a breath a shooting pain goes through your body.

Oh, and it wasn't a 1 ft fall. His back was probably 6 or 7 feet off the ground when he started to go backward.
I have. Just had a wreck with some idiot that ran a red light going like 60. Fucked up my back and neck. mine was probably worse than what AK-47 had to deal with last night. i know how those pains feel. not enough to make me act like im hurt worse than i am. but i have a good pain tolerance. perhaps AK-47 doesnt, unlike true stars such as Kobe, Wade, Dirk, Nash, and Lebron who play through injuries and falls that they deal with on a regular basis.

I've also played basketball just 5 minutes after spraining and tearing multiple ligaments in my ankle (didn't know they were torn at the time though). Hurt like crap, but managable. Came in and hit the GW three too.

03-04-2008, 03:15 PM
It was a good hard foul,though unfortunately he followed through with his arms in a complete motion which should result in a one game suspension.

03-04-2008, 03:21 PM
http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20080304/capt.c6850523b3aa42e58e1240b402b88f67.mavericks_ja zz_basketball_slcj106.jpg


03-04-2008, 03:27 PM
[CENTER]http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20080304/capt.c6850523b3aa42e58e1240b402b88f67.mavericks_ja zz_basketball_slcj106.jpg

What a vagina.

03-04-2008, 03:40 PM
He didnt deserve it. It was just a terrible call. Different situation, terrible comparisons. You fail.

No my friend, you fail.

I was being sarcastic.I'm not sure if that statement couldn't be any more obvious.

03-04-2008, 03:44 PM
No my friend, you fail.

I was being sarcastic.I'm not sure if that statement couldn't be any more obvious.
Lol, I know you were. I was being sarcastic as well. It appears that it is you who fails at seeing sarcasm. :lol im just messin with you

san antonio spurs
03-04-2008, 03:47 PM
Dirk didn't want to hurt him obviously. But as stated before, what will give him the one game suspension is the follow through with his hands. You can say his hands got tangled with AK47's neck, but he followed through with his hands in an unatural basketball move (the kobe precedent)

03-04-2008, 03:50 PM
I have. Just had a wreck with some idiot that ran a red light going like 60. Fucked up my back and neck. mine was probably worse than what AK-47 had to deal with last night. i know how those pains feel. not enough to make me act like im hurt worse than i am. but i have a good pain tolerance. perhaps AK-47 doesnt, unlike true stars such as Kobe, Wade, Dirk, Nash, and Lebron who play through injuries and falls that they deal with on a regular basis.

I've also played basketball just 5 minutes after spraining and tearing multiple ligaments in my ankle (didn't know they were torn at the time though). Hurt like crap, but managable. Came in and hit the GW three too.
You don't know what you are talking about - different kinds of injuries manifest in different ways in the body and its ability to function immediately after an injury.

These are examples of big injury, immediate reaction not so bad:
I broke the navicular bone in my wrist clean through when driving the lane and was able to keep playing for 15 minutes until the adrenaline wore off, and then had to be in a cast for 8 weeks. My brother tore his ACL a month ago while getting "big air" snowboarding and walked away from it thinking it was sprained (big air not recommended on a racing tailless snowboard unless you are crazy like him).

This is an example of an injury that was not that bad, but caused immediate incapacitation:
Recently I was digging 24" x 24" holes in my granite soil to plant some trees, but tweaked myself on the 3rd hole with a bad movement - I could barely walk for two weeks and could not even get out of bed or a chair for 3 or 4 days without help, but in about 3 weeks I was back to digging more holes.

Obviously you haven't had an injury before that caused immediate incapacitation. NBA, NHL, and NFL athletes take daily beatings on their bodies that you could not even imagine. Your pussy ass wouldn't last 2 minutes on an NBA court with any of those guys (my non-pussy ass wouldn't either).

03-04-2008, 03:52 PM
Anyone else like peanut butter and honey?

03-04-2008, 04:02 PM
No malicious intent, but the second move to steady himself where he ends up horsecollaring AK-47 looks bad. I hope he doesnt get it upgraded to an F2, but if he does it will be hard to argue against it.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 04:05 PM
I have. Just had a wreck with some idiot that ran a red light going like 60. Fucked up my back and neck. mine was probably worse than what AK-47 had to deal with last night. i know how those pains feel. not enough to make me act like im hurt worse than i am. but i have a good pain tolerance. perhaps AK-47 doesnt, unlike true stars such as Kobe, Wade, Dirk, Nash, and Lebron who play through injuries and falls that they deal with on a regular basis.

I've also played basketball just 5 minutes after spraining and tearing multiple ligaments in my ankle (didn't know they were torn at the time though). Hurt like crap, but managable. Came in and hit the GW three too.

Hey look, it's internet tough guy. :sleep

03-04-2008, 04:09 PM
Down goes Ivan Drago.

03-04-2008, 04:12 PM
If he dies, he dies.

03-04-2008, 04:13 PM
I'd like to think Dirk wasn't trying to injure AK, but the result was a brutal foul.

03-04-2008, 04:14 PM
I'd like to think Dirk wasn't trying to injure AK, but the result was a brutal foul.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't, but the results speak for themselves.

03-04-2008, 04:17 PM
Hey look, it's internet tough guy. :sleep
what a dumbass. A Spurs fan was the one saying "I bet you've never had a back injury" and stretch just pointed out that yes, he did. Tell your internet tough guy Spur fan ass buddy to shut it with the "you've never felt that kind of pain before!" bullshit first.

03-04-2008, 04:22 PM
Obviously you haven't had an injury before that caused immediate incapacitation. NBA, NHL, and NFL athletes take daily beatings on their bodies that you could not even imagine. Your pussy ass wouldn't last 2 minutes on an NBA court with any of those guys (my non-pussy ass wouldn't either).
Shows what a fucking moron you are. Of course I wouldn't last. I'm not in the shape they are. If I was trained and in the shape they were, I'm more than positive that I could take a few bumps and falls without acting like I'm on the verge of needing a fucking amputation.

03-04-2008, 04:28 PM
What a premature ejaculation thread. I have seen nothing that remotely even hints to Dirk being suspended. This is the only thing I could find in the news about the Dirk foul. But keep wishing.

"I really didn't think it was something that flagrant," Sloan told reporters. "I know it may have looked that way, but I don't think Nowitzki is that kind of guy. It's part of basketball."

03-04-2008, 04:29 PM
What a premature ejaculation thread. I have seen nothing that remotely even hints to Dirk being suspended. This is the only thing I could find in the news about the Dirk foul. But keep wishing.

"I really didn't think it was something that flagrant," Sloan told reporters. "I know it may have looked that way, but I don't think Nowitzki is that kind of guy. It's part of basketball."
Very cool for Sloan to say that. He is a great coach.

03-04-2008, 04:32 PM
Hopefully they would've made a decision by now.

03-04-2008, 04:57 PM
I have. Just had a wreck with some idiot that ran a red light going like 60. Fucked up my back and neck. mine was probably worse than what AK-47 had to deal with last night. i know how those pains feel. not enough to make me act like im hurt worse than i am. but i have a good pain tolerance. perhaps AK-47 doesnt, unlike true stars such as Kobe, Wade, Dirk, Nash, and Lebron who play through injuries and falls that they deal with on a regular basis.

I've also played basketball just 5 minutes after spraining and tearing multiple ligaments in my ankle (didn't know they were torn at the time though). Hurt like crap, but managable. Came in and hit the GW three too.
In the NBA?

It is always different when you know you have an injury, to when you don't. I stabbed myself in the leg on accident. Didn't even know until I saw a big pool of blood from where I was sitting and felt something down my leg. I bet you if I saw it happen, I would scream my ass off.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 04:57 PM
What a premature ejaculation thread. I have seen nothing that remotely even hints to Dirk being suspended. This is the only thing I could find in the news about the Dirk foul. But keep wishing.

"I really didn't think it was something that flagrant," Sloan told reporters. "I know it may have looked that way, but I don't think Nowitzki is that kind of guy. It's part of basketball."

One could argue that it merits discussion, because there is a possibility of it. Personally I'm fine with a flagrant 1, I think it's an unfortunate circumstance and Dirk just got badly faked out.

what a dumbass. A Spurs fan was the one saying "I bet you've never had a back injury" and stretch just pointed out that yes, he did. Tell your internet tough guy Spur fan ass buddy to shut it with the "you've never felt that kind of pain before!" bullshit first.

Ah, Mono. Gotta love ya. :lol

03-04-2008, 05:02 PM
Ah, Mono. Gotta love ya. :lol
Being abrasive & over the top is how I roll :smokin

03-04-2008, 05:03 PM
Personally I'm fine with a flagrant 1

Who the F are you? I'm sure Dirk will sleep better at night knowing that you are ok with a flagrant 1.

And why exactly would you care anyway? You are Spursfan.

03-04-2008, 05:05 PM
Being abrasive & over the top is how I roll :smokin




03-04-2008, 05:11 PM
I have that exact same shirt as Corby is wearing. Of course, he strikes me as the kind of douche that started following them as soon as they veered away from country and into ripping off the Gin Blossoms.

03-04-2008, 05:11 PM
Who the F are you? I'm sure Dirk will sleep better at night knowing that you are ok with a flagrant 1.

03-04-2008, 05:12 PM
In the NBA?

03-04-2008, 05:13 PM



"I went to TCU..."

03-04-2008, 05:15 PM
I have that exact same shirt as Corby is wearing. Of course, he strikes me as the kind of douche that started following them as soon as they veered away from country and into ripping off the Gin Blossoms.
I've never seen a bigger group of music douches than the Hardline. Especially Danny. I want to drive to Maple and punch him in the groin every time he starts spouting off with his elitist musical opinions.

The only thing more irritating than listening to Danny douche out over music is to hear him talk about movies like he's Wilonsky.

03-04-2008, 05:38 PM
Hey mono....nice pic...but the Benga bus doesn't count as he was a mav player prior.....put up a nice Kobe pic in your avatar. :)

03-04-2008, 05:49 PM
I've never seen a bigger group of music douches than the Hardline.

I have. They go by the name of Phish.

03-04-2008, 05:53 PM
Shows what a fucking moron you are. Of course I wouldn't last. I'm not in the shape they are. If I was trained and in the shape they were, I'm more than positive that I could take a few bumps and falls without acting like I'm on the verge of needing a fucking amputation.
Internet tough guy speaks again!

03-04-2008, 06:05 PM
http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20080304/capt.c6850523b3aa42e58e1240b402b88f67.mavericks_ja zz_basketball_slcj106.jpg


Which is more manly?

The Wheelchair, or the Push-Cart?

03-04-2008, 06:07 PM
I have that exact same shirt as Corby is wearing. Of course, he strikes me as the kind of douche that started following them as soon as they veered away from country and into ripping off the Gin Blossoms.

Cobra's good friends w/ Rhett Miller. Can't say he's a bandwagoner considering all those guys rolled together back when old 97s were starting out. Murry also has been up to the studio tons of times.

Mono, the best part of the show went to rehab and never came back.

Cry Havoc
03-04-2008, 06:12 PM
Who the F are you?

Do you know who I am? You don't know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, BIIIIIIITCH!

03-04-2008, 07:03 PM
Internet tough guy speaks again!
lol, obsessed

03-04-2008, 08:14 PM
Hey mono....nice pic...but the Benga bus doesn't count as he was a mav player prior.....put up a nice Kobe pic in your avatar. :)

Nah, he should put up a picture of Sam Perkins in a Laker uni.


03-04-2008, 09:22 PM
i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king i'm doyle king

03-04-2008, 09:45 PM
Good hard foul.

no. got him around the neck and pulled him down. its dangerous because it cold be very harmful to the spine. It might be a suspension, and its obviously a flagrant

03-04-2008, 10:01 PM
no. got him around the neck and pulled him down. its dangerous because it cold be very harmful to the spine. It might be a suspension, and its obviously a flagrant

:lol :lol :lol
AK47 Got :owned
He'll think again before his bitch ass tries to score on Dirk. Move over Bruce Bowen!

03-04-2008, 10:03 PM
I've never seen a bigger group of music douches than the Hardline. Especially Danny. I want to drive to Maple and punch him in the groin every time he starts spouting off with his elitist musical opinions.

Danny: "You don't like Okkervil River? Then fuck you!"

The only thing more irritating than listening to Danny douche out over music is to hear him talk about movies like he's Wilonsky

If I wanted to listen to sports douche talk, I'd turn the dial to 103.3...but here's a hint guys: Talk some eff'in sports every now and then.

03-04-2008, 10:04 PM
:lol :lol :lol
AK47 Got :owned
He'll think again before his bitch ass tries to score on Dirk. Move over Bruce Bowen!

The prospect of Dirk sitting out against Houston when we desperately need to start getting some W's aint funny to me.

03-04-2008, 10:17 PM
The prospect of Dirk sitting out against Houston when we desperately need to start getting some W's aint funny to me.

Just trying to fit in with Spurfan.

The Nba Is Rigged
03-04-2008, 10:28 PM
Dirk is DIRTY!
Yesterday against the Lakers he smacked Fisher over the head, today AK47. Those were non basketball fouls without any intention to get to the ball. Somebody should level this mofo.

Shut the fuck up asshole, you stupid motherfucker, how dare any spur fan say anyone is dirty? You have motherfuckin bruce bowen on your team. At lesast dirk never did some pussy shit like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=QOTnU2VaS_s. Fuck you

03-04-2008, 10:31 PM
Shut the fuck up asshole, you stupid motherfucker, how dare any spur fan say anyone is dirty? You have motherfuckin bruce bowen on your team. At lesast dirk never did some pussy shit like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=QOTnU2VaS_s. Fuck you


03-04-2008, 10:40 PM
While you look for videos of Bowen, look for "nba champs xx" with "xx" being replaced by 03, 05, or 07.

I bet youll find plenty of bowen at his dirtiest.

btw, dont try this system with dirk. it doesn't work.

03-04-2008, 11:45 PM
While you look for videos of Bowen, look for "nba champs xx" with "xx" being replaced by 03, 05, or 07.

I bet youll find plenty of bowen at his dirtiest.

btw, dont try this system with dirk. it doesn't work.

that's cute.

03-04-2008, 11:54 PM
when i was on varsity in practice i got fouled very similar to that by one of our guys that never even played. pissed me off so bad. he was the tallest guy on our team but he was a goofy lanky sophomore. he was so bony, that he choked me when i pumpfaked and then sent his knee straight into my back. god it made me so mad but now i laugh at it, but yeah i could hardly walk after that

03-05-2008, 12:08 AM
that's cute.

Don't feel bad. Most mav fans dont have an answer to that one.

Maybe this will be the year you win Number 1 ... :lol

03-05-2008, 12:55 AM
I'd be surprised if he got suspended.

03-05-2008, 12:55 AM
Maybe this will be the year you win Number 1 ... :lol

That aint happening since Josh Howard has quit on his teammates. At the rate we're going there won't be any playoffs either as long as he keeps dragging the team down with him. Taking his sweet-ass time to foul last night and letting Millsap swing it back to Korver is proof of that. Terry approached him to ask him why he didn't foul Millsap and Josh waived him off as if to say don't talk to me. Then before that there was the last possession against the Spurs when he kept his ass parked at the 3-point line and didn't bother to crash the boards to try and get the offensive rebound.

We have so much talent and we're coming oh so close to beating the elite teams with Josh pretty much throwing games. Imagine where we'd be if he decided to give a shit. It's not just that the Mavs lose, it's the WAY we lose. Being a Mavs fan is excruciating agony sometimes. Makes me wish I'd been born somewhere else sometimes.

03-05-2008, 12:59 AM
move to san antonio, fool

03-05-2008, 01:01 AM
move to san antonio, fool

Nah, not a bandwagon type. Just frustrating. You guys can have your dynasty, I'd like just one. And a seven-figure income and a supermodel girlfriend, when it comes to the same level of realistic possibilities :lol

baseline bum
03-05-2008, 01:07 AM
That aint happening since Josh Howard has quit on his teammates. At the rate we're going there won't be any playoffs either as long as he keeps dragging the team down with him. Taking his sweet-ass time to foul last night and letting Millsap swing it back to Korver is proof of that. Terry approached him to ask him why he didn't foul Millsap and Josh waived him off as if to say don't talk to me. Then before that there was the last possession against the Spurs when he kept his ass parked at the 3-point line and didn't bother to crash the boards to try and get the offensive rebound.

We have so much talent and we're coming oh so close to beating the elite teams with Josh pretty much throwing games. Imagine where we'd be if he decided to give a shit. It's not just that the Mavs lose, it's the WAY we lose. Being a Mavs fan is excruciating agony sometimes. Makes me wish I'd been born somewhere else sometimes.

Is Howard not getting the iso opportunities he got pre-Kidd trade or something? I still believe the Kidd trade was bad for y'all, but I can't recall a single player who didn't like playing with Kidd on offense.

03-05-2008, 01:48 AM
I guarantee if Bruce Bowen did what Dirk did. Mav fans would be calling for his immediate removal from the league, a lifetime ban, and probably put his children in jail.

03-05-2008, 04:27 AM
when i was on varsity in practice i got fouled very similar to that by one of our guys that never even played. pissed me off so bad. he was the tallest guy on our team but he was a goofy lanky sophomore. he was so bony, that he choked me when i pumpfaked and then sent his knee straight into my back. god it made me so mad but now i laugh at it, but yeah i could hardly walk after that

Please change your sig. That prediction didnt happen so remove it because it is nothing to brag about now.

03-05-2008, 08:19 AM
Houston Chronicle -
Tracy McGrady said that he believes that Dirk Nowitzki should be suspended by the league for the flagrant foul on Utah's Andrei Kirilenko on Monday, the Houston Chronicle is reporting.

"He should be (suspended)," McGrady said. "That was a pretty hard foul. Not only that, to slam a guy to the ground like that, it was a hard foul. It should have been a flagrant-2."

The Mavericks take on McGrady and the Rockets on Thursday

03-05-2008, 09:19 AM
Houston Chronicle -
Tracy McGrady said that he believes that Dirk Nowitzki should be suspended by the league for the flagrant foul on Utah's Andrei Kirilenko on Monday, the Houston Chronicle is reporting.

"He should be (suspended)," McGrady said. "That was a pretty hard foul. Not only that, to slam a guy to the ground like that, it was a hard foul. It should have been a flagrant-2."

The Mavericks take on McGrady and the Rockets on Thursday

Translation: "There is no way we can beat the Mavs unless Dirk gets suspended. Please, please, let Dirk get suspended for the Houston game. Otherwise, I'll have to pretend I'm hurt again so I'll have an excuse to lose."

03-05-2008, 10:15 AM
Dirk is the biggest flopping fairy in the entire league, and the Mavs are the biggest crybabies...or were until they traded that other flopping fairy Devin Harris.

Cuban messed up, he tinkered too much and took apart a quality team with good chemistry and the Mavs are done.

And, Dirk should be suspended that crap could hurt someone severely.......heck..someone should break Dirk's foot....and see if the Mavs can win like the Rockets do without Yao.

Mavs SUCK....suspend that lame, dirty, flopping fairy !!


03-05-2008, 10:17 AM
Dirk is the biggest flopping fairy in the entire league, and the Mavs are the biggest crybabies...or were until they traded that other flopping fairy Devin Harris.

Cuban messed up, he tinkered too much and took apart a quality team with good chemistry and the Mavs are done.

And, Dirk should be suspended that crap could hurt someone severely.......heck..someone should break Dirk's foot....and see if the Mavs can win like the Rockets do without Yao.

Mavs SUCK....suspend that lame, dirty, flopping fairy !!

... a fairy? are you serious?

get the fuck out.

03-05-2008, 10:18 AM
Translation: "There is no way we can beat the Mavs unless Dirk gets suspended. Please, please, let Dirk get suspended for the Houston game. Otherwise, I'll have to pretend I'm hurt again so I'll have an excuse to lose."

Hah, T-Mac can't get a break. No matter what he says people dog him. Of course if it had been Ginobili saying this you'd all be all over his butt and screaming ya suspend the big gomer!!

03-05-2008, 10:32 AM
That aint happening since Josh Howard has quit on his teammates. At the rate we're going there won't be any playoffs either as long as he keeps dragging the team down with him. Taking his sweet-ass time to foul last night and letting Millsap swing it back to Korver is proof of that. Terry approached him to ask him why he didn't foul Millsap and Josh waived him off as if to say don't talk to me. Then before that there was the last possession against the Spurs when he kept his ass parked at the 3-point line and didn't bother to crash the boards to try and get the offensive rebound.

We have so much talent and we're coming oh so close to beating the elite teams with Josh pretty much throwing games. Imagine where we'd be if he decided to give a shit. It's not just that the Mavs lose, it's the WAY we lose. Being a Mavs fan is excruciating agony sometimes. Makes me wish I'd been born somewhere else sometimes.

Man, I feel EXACTLY the same way you do. This team has so much talent and potential, and right now, Josh Howard is totaly fucking everything up by playing like a fucking moron. It's so frustrating, knowing how good this team can be, and then like you said, losing the WAY that they do, really hurts and is annoying as hell.

Josh needs to get his shit together. Avery needs to chew his ass out... maybe hitting him in the balls again will remind him of the success that this team once enjoyed when he was playing primarily as a slasher.

Brandon Bass
03-05-2008, 10:33 AM
That aint happening since Josh Howard has quit on his teammates. At the rate we're going there won't be any playoffs either as long as he keeps dragging the team down with him. Taking his sweet-ass time to foul last night and letting Millsap swing it back to Korver is proof of that. Terry approached him to ask him why he didn't foul Millsap and Josh waived him off as if to say don't talk to me. Then before that there was the last possession against the Spurs when he kept his ass parked at the 3-point line and didn't bother to crash the boards to try and get the offensive rebound.

We have so much talent and we're coming oh so close to beating the elite teams with Josh pretty much throwing games. Imagine where we'd be if he decided to give a shit. It's not just that the Mavs lose, it's the WAY we lose. Being a Mavs fan is excruciating agony sometimes. Makes me wish I'd been born somewhere else sometimes.

Yeah the other day I was tryin to talk to Josh and he just told me to shut up and leave him alone. He talks about how life sucks all day. I was looking at his locker and he's got a bunch of My Chemical Romance cd's that he listens to all day. He's totally emo now. He's even wearing black eyeliner but nobody can tell since he's black.

03-05-2008, 10:39 AM
Josh needs to get his shit together. Avery needs to chew his ass out...
The problem could be that.....it may be the Dallas media sensationalizing some of it, but it looks like this team has lost all respect for Avery. It appears that even Dirk is tuning him out.

03-05-2008, 10:54 AM
Hah, T-Mac can't get a break. No matter what he says people dog him. Of course if it had been Ginobili saying this you'd all be all over his butt and screaming ya suspend the big gomer!!

T-Mac is an attention whore. How often do you see a professional athlete say "They need to suspend him"? Especially when they play you for their next game? It just makes you look like an ass.

03-05-2008, 10:55 AM
The problem could be that.....it may be the Dallas media sensationalizing some of it, but it looks like this team has lost all respect for Avery. It appears that even Dirk is tuning him out.

If the Mavs weren't willing to wait on Devin Harris, a talented PG whose best days are ahead of him because they feel pressure to win the whole thing NOW, why are they rolling with Avery Johnson, a talented and up and coming coach whose best days are ahead of him? The average lifespan of an NBA coach is three years, and Avery is a tight-assed perfectionist. The only coaches that don't fit this paradigm have clout (Popovich, Jackzen) or they get coachable players who don't put their egos above the team (Sloan).

03-05-2008, 11:11 AM
The Mavs sucked, all they had to do was hit a couple of Freethrows against Miami in game 3 and they would have won a championship.

They are just mental midgets.....no guts, no glory....

Dirk is the biggest crybaby in the NBA, WAH WAH WAH.....flop flop FLOP !!!

I hope he gets suspended and Houston gets win number 17 in a row, right in AA arena....


03-05-2008, 11:21 AM
The Mavs sucked, all they had to do was hit a couple of Freethrows against Miami in game 3 and they would have won a championship.

All they had to do was hit a free throw to send Game Three to overtime. Did you watch the game? Why are you so sure Dallas would've won the game in overtime? Dirk hit a clutch three to send Sunday's game to overtime, but the Lakers prevailed.

They are just mental midgets.....no guts, no glory

Dirk is the biggest crybaby in the NBA, WAH WAH WAH!!!

We're supposed to take lessons in courage and stoicism from the Houston Rockets?


03-05-2008, 11:35 AM
Also, it's not up to the second round virgin to decide whether or not Dirk plays when they put their 16-game winning streak on the line. That's up to Stu Jackson, which means Dirk will be in street clothes that night. I'm sure they'll wait until tomorrow to announce the suspension.

03-05-2008, 11:37 AM

I am sure you just missed it but....you meant to say the Houston Rockets who have 2 more championships than the Mavericks....

Just a small oversite, I am sure...

Bottom line....Dallas blew their chance....they had a golden opportunity in the Miami series and flat out CHOKED......

And now they are a far weaker team by trading for Jason Kidd.....they panicked and it may even cost them the playoffs THIS year.


I mean Jason Kidd? COME ON....the guy can't even get out of the weak Eastern Conference, how is he going to lead the Mavs again?

Devin Harris was annoyingly good, and a difficult matchup...Jason Kidd is a great passer, but a TERRIBLE shooter....he is also easy to stay in front of...

In the regular season he will get his assists, but in the post season, if the Mavs make it, he will be forced to shoot...and take it from someone who has seen another bad PG be forced to shoot in Rafer Alston....that is NOT a recipe for playoff success...


03-05-2008, 11:41 AM
damn I can't wait for these Rockets trolls to leave. I guess it will happen after Houston gets bent over & raped with a ball gag in their mouth all March long.

03-05-2008, 11:47 AM
You know it was nearly identical to Al Horford and his foul on TJ ford, both of them up around the neck/head area, and Horford got suspended.

Dirk should too.....

Mono.....that is why they play the games, Houston has one tough stretch in March..actually a brutal stretch but 3 of them are at home, so no big worries.....

The fact that Houston is hanging in there and still winning WITHOUT Yao says a lot...take Kobe out of the Lakers and they are early lottery material.


03-05-2008, 11:51 AM
damn I can't wait for these Rockets trolls to leave. I guess it will happen after Houston gets bent over & raped with a ball gag in their mouth all March long.

LOL Mono... I guess 14 > 6 rings?

03-05-2008, 11:51 AM

I am sure you just missed it but....you meant to say the Houston Rockets who have 2 more championships than the Mavericks....

Yeah, too bad for us, since there's no way Dirk is getting past Hakeem and Clyde in the playoffs. Oh wait, what year is this? Only Spurs and Pistons fans have the right to resort to title smack. Nobody else.

Bottom line....Dallas blew their chance....they had a golden opportunity in the Miami series and flat out CHOKED......

Well, you're a Houston Rockets fan, so choking is something you'd be an expert on:



And now they are a far weaker team by trading for Jason Kidd.....they panicked and it may even cost them the playoffs THIS year.

Devin Harris is better than Jason Kidd? WTF??? It's 2008, not 2010.

Here's what we have left:

Home: Rockets, Nets, Knicks, Bobcats, Pacers, Lakers, Spurs, Celtics, Clippers, Warriors, Sonics, Jazz, Hornets.

Road: Heat, Nuggets, Warriors, Clippers, Lakers, Suns, Blazers, Sonics.

We're 26-11 against the West. I'm not sweating missing the playoffs unless we suffer a crucial injury.


The joke is on anybody who thinks a healthy Mavs team will be in the lottery.

I mean Jason Kidd? COME ON....the guy can't even get out of the weak Eastern Conference, how is he going to lead the Mavs again?

Because basketball is all about one guy, and it has nothing to do with the amount of talent he's surrounded by?

In the regular season he will get his assists, but in the post season, if the Mavs make it, he will be forced to shoot...and take it from someone who has seen another bad PG be forced to shoot in Rafer Alston....that is NOT a recipe for playoff success...

Neither is Devin Harris running your half-court offense.

03-05-2008, 11:56 AM
Honestly, given the way Josh Howard has completely quit on this team, the Mavs would've been better off trading him to Jersey and switching Devin over to shooting guard.

03-05-2008, 12:03 PM
FWIW, Donnie said on the radio during an interview yesterday that two close family members died, and that mentally Josh is elsewhere right now.

03-05-2008, 12:03 PM
Honestly, given the way Josh Howard has completely quit on this team, the Mavs would've been better off trading him to Jersey and switching Devin over to shooting guard.

J-Ho didnt quit on his team...Donnie was doing and interview with Dale Hansen the other day and said J-Ho had lost two close family members recently.

03-05-2008, 12:05 PM
J-Ho didnt quit on his team...Donnie was doing and interview with Dale Hansen the other day and said J-Ho had lost two close family members recently.

Yeah, see post directly above yours.

03-05-2008, 12:20 PM
J-Ho didnt quit on his team...Donnie was doing and interview with Dale Hansen the other day and said J-Ho had lost two close family members recently.

Damn, I feel like an ass now... I've been ragging on Josh hard....

03-05-2008, 12:26 PM
Damn, I feel like an ass now... I've been ragging on Josh hard....

well hopefully we can all determine that he wasnt jealious or selfish but depressed more than anything

03-05-2008, 12:30 PM
Devin Harris was annoyingly good, and a difficult matchup...Jason Kidd is a great passer, but a TERRIBLE shooter....he is also easy to stay in front of...

Should I show you how well Kidd has been shooting since coming to Dallas? Or do you want to look it up for yourself?

03-05-2008, 12:30 PM
J-Ho didnt quit on his team...Donnie was doing and interview with Dale Hansen the other day and said J-Ho had lost two close family members recently.
I feel bad for Josh, I really do.....but this doesn't excuse him for playing like shit. It doesn't change the fact that he takes horrible shots. I understand that it may be tough for him right now, but this is still his job and he needs to give 100% no matter what. That's what he's getting paid millions of dollars to do. Losing family is always hard, but playing basketball should be an escape from real life, and he's got the best job in the world. Give it your best. If you can't do that then don't show up, just take care of your personal life first.

03-05-2008, 12:36 PM
no suspension yet?

03-05-2008, 12:37 PM
they'll wait until the last minute, in order to maximize how much they can piss Cuban off with it.

03-05-2008, 12:38 PM
they'll wait until the last minute, in order to maximize how much they can piss Cuban off with it.

hello new Lakers fan. :smokin

03-05-2008, 12:38 PM
Kobe was awesome when he was dealing with the Colorado stuff. I feel for anybody going through a tragedy, but if you don't have it together, then take a leave of absence. We still have to go to work when we're dealing with shit.

03-05-2008, 12:39 PM
It was a hard foul. Nice seeing Dirk grow a pair. Not his fault AK is a fragile puss puss.

03-05-2008, 12:40 PM
Should I show you how well Kidd has been shooting since coming to Dallas? Or do you want to look it up for yourself?

You leave him wide the fuck open and he should knock shots down. And one thing I've noticed watching the games is that his shot selection is pretty impeccable. He never takes jumpers out of the flow of the offense and it's always a good look. His mid-range jumper sucks, no question, but he's a fairly decent 3-point shooter.

03-05-2008, 12:41 PM
One would think that the NBA would have rendered a decision by now, but with Stu Jackson, they'll just twist the knife by announcing it tomorrow.

03-05-2008, 12:42 PM
I feel bad for Josh, I really do.....but this doesn't excuse him for playing like shit. It doesn't change the fact that he takes horrible shots. I understand that it may be tough for him right now, but this is still his job and he needs to give 100% no matter what. That's what he's getting paid millions of dollars to do. Losing family is always hard, but playing basketball should be an escape from real life, and he's got the best job in the world. Give it your best. If you can't do that then don't show up, just take care of your personal life first.

true but you combine the loss of his college coach Skip Prosser with the recent tragedies, its gotta to be alot to handle for 1 guy

03-05-2008, 12:42 PM
It was a hard foul. Nice seeing Dirk grow a pair. Not his fault AK is a fragile puss puss.

I do like that Avery instructs our guys to deliver hard fouls around the paint area. This team does need to shake off the soft label, and you do that by putting the other teams on notice that your basket WILL be defended.

In a way I'll be pissed if they don't suspend Dirk for a game, because that foul on AK-47 was worse than the Stack foul on Shaq.

03-05-2008, 12:43 PM
One would think that the NBA would have rendered a decision by now, but with Stu Jackson, they'll just twist the knife by announcing it tomorrow.

they always wait till about 4-5 hours b4 tipoff..i mean damn, how long does it take to look over 5 seconds of video...however i have seen no reports that the league is looking into the foul

03-05-2008, 12:44 PM
I feel bad for Josh, I really do.....but this doesn't excuse him for playing like shit. It doesn't change the fact that he takes horrible shots. I understand that it may be tough for him right now, but this is still his job and he needs to give 100% no matter what. That's what he's getting paid millions of dollars to do. Losing family is always hard, but playing basketball should be an escape from real life, and he's got the best job in the world. Give it your best. If you can't do that then don't show up, just take care of your personal life first.

They should have given him a week off. He's been no help in his current state anyway. Let him clear his head and come back. I've had people close to me die before and had to go work and it was impossible for me to concentrate or do a good job on my work. I knew there could be consequences, but I didn't care. I'm sure everyone reacts differently, but I know I would need a few days off. That's why most jobs give bereavement.

03-05-2008, 01:31 PM
FWIW, Al Horford was hit with a 1-game suspension on a Thursday when the game against the Raptors took place on a Tuesday. So hopefully Dirk will be in the clear if nothing comes down today.

03-05-2008, 02:01 PM
Should I show you how well Kidd has been shooting since coming to Dallas? Or do you want to look it up for yourself?

Just look at career averages, every player generally ends up right around their career average.

I think the Mavs panicked...you had Terry and Harris...2 options at PG...both with varying skill sets....

Kidd...while 5 years ago was amazing, is still a great player, but he doesn't make Dallas better.

You win 67 games last year, and brought in Brandon Bass....why the heck would you disrupt your team and take the massive risk of trading for Kidd?

Bad move....Mark Cuban is a good owner, but he has tinkered away this team's chances with this move....

It is all on the Spurs and Lakers...those are the 2 battling for the WC crown, all the rest are just pretenders....


03-05-2008, 02:05 PM
Dallas had they made a trade for a dominant big man would have been dangerous. Dallas with Jason Kidd is a joke.

Brandon Bass
03-05-2008, 02:08 PM
You win 67 games last year, and brought in Brandon Bass....why the heck would you disrupt your team and take this massive risk?
Bitch I ain't no massive risk, I'm tha real deal!!!!!

03-05-2008, 02:13 PM
Dallas had they made a trade for a dominant big man would have been dangerous. Dallas with Jason Kidd is a joke.

Well if Dallas is a joke, we will see what that makes Houston when they destroy them this week.

03-05-2008, 02:15 PM
Dallas had they made a trade for a dominant big man would have been dangerous. Dallas with Jason Kidd is a joke.
Because there's so many dominant big men available, right? They're a dime a dozen.

03-05-2008, 02:19 PM

Well here's the hit....fucking chump. The slap on Fishers face and now this decapitation should definitely be a suspension. How unnatural do you get in basketball....pussy headhunter. Seriously, if this was a hockey game, Disco Dirk would have been bloodied by someone on the jazz....shit like this bugs me about b-ball. I guy goes after your player intentionally, you go after him.

I don't know. Ask Manu and Giricek. You did agree with Kobe's suspensions back then, right?

03-05-2008, 02:20 PM
Well if Dallas is a joke, we will see what that makes Houston when they destroy them this week.
It'll make them a team that lost their all-star center. Does that make Dallas' lack of size less glaring?

03-05-2008, 02:23 PM
Bitch I ain't no massive risk, I'm tha real deal!!!!!

Yo Basshole, take reading comprehension.....Jason Kidd was a massive risk, I said brining in Bass and adding it to last year's 67 win team was enough....



03-05-2008, 02:24 PM
Just look at career averages, every player generally ends up right around their career average.

Just look at what happens on the floor. Kidd is a decent 3-point shooter, a terrible mid-range shooter. And we didn't get him for his shooting. His shot selection is great. He doesn't force anything.

I think the Mavs panicked...you had Terry and Harris...2 options at PG...both with varying skill sets....

And neither one of whom could run a half-court offense in a seven-game series.

Kidd...while 5 years ago was amazing, is still a great player, but he doesn't make Dallas better.

He absolutely makes us better. Keep telling yourself that he doesn't. We'll miss Harris' speed and Diop's shotblocking at times, and there's no guarantee that we'll do major damage in the playoffs, but we are absolutely better.

You win 67 games last year, and brought in Brandon Bass....why the heck would you disrupt your team and take this massive risk?

Because we got bounced by an 8-seed? Because there's a massive difference between the regular season and postseason? Because Kidd is still better than Harris?

Bad move....

Time will tell

It is all on the Spurs and Lakers...those are the 2 battling for the WC crown, all the rest are just pretenders....

Those two are definitely the favorites, but last year at this time most people assumed the conference crown was between Phoenix and Dallas. We'll know for sure in May.

03-05-2008, 02:25 PM
It'll make them a team that lost their all-star center. Does that make Dallas' lack of size less glaring?

Well supposedly we lost the greatest point guard to ever play the game of basketball when we lost Harris.

03-05-2008, 02:25 PM
Yo Basshole, take reading comprehension.....Jason Kidd was a massive risk, I said brining in Bass and adding it to last year's 67 win team was enough....



Why do you keep referencing 67 wins? This team isn't anywhere near that pace this year, even before the Kidd trade.

03-05-2008, 02:26 PM
Dallas had they made a trade for a dominant big man would have been dangerous. Dallas with Jason Kidd is a joke.

You know what else is funny? Houston's quest to make it to the second round.

03-05-2008, 02:27 PM
Just look at career averages, every player generally ends up right around their career average.

I think the Mavs panicked...you had Terry and Harris...2 options at PG...both with varying skill sets....

Kidd...while 5 years ago was amazing, is still a great player, but he doesn't make Dallas better.

You win 67 games last year, and brought in Brandon Bass....why the heck would you disrupt your team and take this massive risk?

Bad move....Mark Cuban is a good owner, but he has tinkered away this team's chances with this move....

It is all on the Spurs and Lakers...those are the 2 battling for the WC crown, all the rest are just pretenders....


Still have Terry. And if you knew anything, you'd understand that Terry is not a viable option at PG.

Kidd makes Dallas better. I find it hard to believe that a HOF PG and one of the game's all-time best would go to a team and actually make it worse. It's not going to happen.

You're bringing up Bass as though he was a major addition. Disrupt? Risk? Going a little over the top, aren't we? When he first came onto the team, he was more of an experiment in a big body. Shit, he's barely making peanuts in comparison to what some others are making. Bass was a piece added to help in the GS matchups, NOT to necessarily put them over the top of the rest in the West. I'd say he's a valuable commodity in that matchup as he's been a major player in those 2 games.

Cuban is only the owner. Don't believe the hype that he brokered this deal by himself.

03-05-2008, 02:28 PM
You know what else is funny? Houston's quest to make it to the second round.

Almost as funny as all those Mavs championships.....you know what you get when you multiple all those Mavs championships by 100?


And refresh my memory how did Dallas do in the first round against the number EIGHT seed last year?


03-05-2008, 02:29 PM
Almost as funny as all those Mavs championships.....you know what you get when you multiple all those Mavs championships by 100?


And refresh my memory how did Dallas do in the first round against the number EIGHT seed last year?

Were you even alive when Houston won their last title?

03-05-2008, 02:30 PM
Dallas had they made a trade for a dominant big man would have been dangerous. Dallas with Jason Kidd is a joke.

I love hearing this bullshit.

Care to reel off a list of "dominant" big men that other teams are just willing to up and let go so they can play for the Mavs? If a team has a "dominant" big man - odds are good they're going to keep him.

Dumb shit.

03-05-2008, 02:32 PM
This Dirk foul was worse than Robert Horry's forearm shiver against Nash last year, and he was suspended.

03-05-2008, 02:32 PM
How many "dominant big men" are there in the league, period?

Duncan, Howard, Yao, and.....

03-05-2008, 02:32 PM
Just look at career averages, every player generally ends up right around their career average.

I think the Mavs panicked...you had Terry and Harris...2 options at PG...both with varying skill sets....

Kidd...while 5 years ago was amazing, is still a great player, but he doesn't make Dallas better.

You win 67 games last year, and brought in Brandon Bass....why the heck would you disrupt your team and take this massive risk?

Bad move....Mark Cuban is a good owner, but he has tinkered away this team's chances with this move....

It is all on the Spurs and Lakers...those are the 2 battling for the WC crown, all the rest are just pretenders....


You are seriously the biggest stupidfuck on the board as of now.

03-05-2008, 02:32 PM

You seem reasonable, so I will cut to the chase with my issues with this trade.

I believed that Dallas was good enough and one of the favorites THIS year before the trade.

Sure they had a bad run last year and matchup problems with Golden State, but I think they would have killed them this year in the same matchup.

And Harris was really getting good...he had extended his range out to the three point line and his quickness and flopping on defense were annoyingly good.

The Mavs did not need a Jason Kidd......and now that they got him, they are actually EASIER to guard now....a lot less athletic in an increasingly athletic league.

The same can be said of Phoenix, I think both Dallas and Phoenix screwed up their chemistry and both got weaker overall.....it just wreaks of a panic move by the Mavs.

They didn't need Kidd, and losing Diop will hurt too.....as he was a much better defender in the paint than Dampier...

Anyway, time will tell, and Kidd is no slouch....a hall of famer for sure, but when teams make him shoot, do you really want to live and die by a 35% shooter?



03-05-2008, 02:33 PM
How many "dominant big men" are there in the league, period?

Duncan, Howard, Yao, and.....

03-05-2008, 02:34 PM
Were you even alive when Houston won their last title?

No he wasn't. I didn't impregnate his mother until late '95.

03-05-2008, 02:34 PM
Were you even alive when Houston won their last title?

Been a Rockets fan since 1972......born in 1964, love all these kiddos and their massive command of the English language.....


03-05-2008, 02:35 PM
Just wait till the Rockets start getting their brains beaten in this month, the stupid trolls will be about as talkative as the Suns trolls are now.

03-05-2008, 02:36 PM
It'll make them a team that lost their all-star center. Does that make Dallas' lack of size less glaring?

Dallas has never had trouble beating Houston before, with or without Ming.

03-05-2008, 02:37 PM
How many "dominant big men" are there in the league, period?

Duncan, Howard, Yao, and.....


03-05-2008, 02:38 PM
Dallas has never had trouble beating Houston before, with or without Ming.

Rockets are 80-72 all time versus the Mavs. (http://www.clutchfans.net/opponent_history.cfm?TeamID=1)

This year however the Mavs owned the Rockets early 3-0 against a team trying to find it's identity with a new coach.

Now the roles are reversed, the Mavs have lost their identity with Kidd....is there time to find it by playoffs?

I don't think so....

And Dirk should be suspended.


03-05-2008, 02:39 PM
LOL at Rockets fans talking smack...

03-05-2008, 02:40 PM
LOL at Rockets fans talking smack...

I don't deal in smack just facts.....and opinion.



03-05-2008, 02:43 PM
Rockets are 80-72 all time versus the Mavs. (http://www.clutchfans.net/opponent_history.cfm?TeamID=1)
We're all very concerned with what the 90's Rockets did to the 90's Mavs....it's really relevant to the current circumstances of both teams.

03-05-2008, 02:43 PM
LOL at all the rocket trolls emerging now, flavor of the month I guess.

I kinda of miss da_suns_fan and SpursDynasty, board is getting boring without those two.

03-05-2008, 02:44 PM

You seem reasonable, so I will cut to the chase with my issues with this trade.

I believed that Dallas was good enough and one of the favorites THIS year before the trade.

Sure they had a bad run last year and matchup problems with Golden State, but I think they would have killed them this year in the same matchup.

And Harris was really getting good...he had extended his range out to the three point line and his quickness and flopping on defense were annoyingly good.

The Mavs did not need a Jason Kidd......and now that they got him, they are actually EASIER to guard now....a lot less athletic in an increasingly athletic league.

The same can be said of Phoenix, I think both Dallas and Phoenix screwed up their chemistry and both got weaker overall.....it just wreaks of a panic move by the Mavs.

They didn't need Kidd, and losing Diop will hurt too.....as he was a much better defender in the paint than Dampier...

Anyway, time will tell, and Kidd is no slouch....a hall of famer for sure, but when teams make him shoot, do you really want to live and die by a 35% shooter?



Harris was good for Harris and was nice for the occasional slash to the basket. As far as being the future of the PG position in Dallas, if he hadn't earned Avery's trust by the time he was traded he was never going to get it. At best, Harris will turn out to be a 16/6 PG and even that will decline as his speed leaves him.

Kidd is good for the rest of the team and makes everyone around him tougher and better. Look at how much fire Dirk has played with since Kidd arrived (or even before, when the news was just being announced). Damp has played much better than anyone could have expected. Terry is starting to find out how he needs to be used. Howard, personal problems aside, is hopefully starting to come out of his funk and playing better with Kidd.

Diop wasn't as good as the hype that follows him. He was still living off of his Game 7 performance over a tired and somewhat hobbled Duncan. Aside from that, what had he ever done? He was in Avery's doghouse when he was traded. Hell, he still hasn't done anything noteworthy in his time in NJ.

Kidd has been a good shooter since coming to Dallas. He shows great shot selection and is pretty damn good from 3. It was his unwillingness to take the open shots given to him by the Spurs defense leaving him open that led him to the bench in the last :34 last week. Avery didn't like his lack of aggressiveness in taking the shots given to him by a sagging Spurs D and thus benched him in favor of a guy - Terry - that would take the shot when it was open.

But I don't know how anyone can say the Mavs are actually worse since the trade. It's only 8 games in and there have been good signs and improvements every game (a tough stretch as of late, with all the travel and play against the West's best).

03-05-2008, 02:45 PM
Rockets are 80-72 all time versus the Mavs. (http://www.clutchfans.net/opponent_history.cfm?TeamID=1)

I'm not talking about Hakeem Olajuwon curbstomping Walter Bond and Terry Davis.

Now the roles are reversed, the Mavs have lost their identity with Kidd

You're right. We should never have brought in a HOF point guard that still plays at a high level and makes his teammates better over a one-man fastbreak that can't run an offense.

....is there time to find it by playoffs?

Considering what we have left on our schedule, I would say probably.

03-05-2008, 02:49 PM
With Harris & Diop, how much better are we in these last 8 games?

We're 4-4 with Kidd, but without making the trade we probably lose to Sacramento & Minnesota, possibly Chicago too. Maybe we beat the Spurs, but overall we're probably 3-5 or worse without the trade being made.

03-05-2008, 02:52 PM
It was going to take a little time for Kidd to get integrated. 8 games in, I'd say they've competed pretty nicely.

The time for moral victories is definitely over, though. If they don't win their next 6 games, and fail to go 9-1 in the next 10, things will not look so rosy for Mavs fans anymore.

03-05-2008, 02:53 PM
With Harris & Diop, how much better are we in these last 8 games?

We're 4-4 with Kidd, but without making the trade we probably lose to Sacramento & Minnesota, possibly Chicago too. Maybe we beat the Spurs, but overall we're probably 3-5 or worse without the trade being made.

Injuries killed us before the trade, and there's no such thing as moral victories or coming close, but the two games against LA and San Antonio could've gone either way.

03-05-2008, 02:55 PM
With Harris & Diop, how much better are we in these last 8 games?

We're 4-4 with Kidd, but without making the trade we probably lose to Sacramento & Minnesota, possibly Chicago too. Maybe we beat the Spurs, but overall we're probably 3-5 or worse without the trade being made.
The reason for 3 of our losses revolved around Josh Howard. I will now give him a pass for his poor play as of late, due to his personal issues he has going on. That's not easy stuff to deal with, and I don't care what people say... no amount of money will be able to help someone deal with the loss of a loved one, and it will effect people in all aspects of life.

But I think we would have been better off in those game if he had simply not played Josh Howard, because he really made us worse with his poor play. As for the Utah game, that was one of those games where Utah just couldn't miss anything, but the Mavs still nearly won it. Those games will happen once in a while. This home stretch should get the Mavs back on track, and back into the top 4 seeds.

03-05-2008, 03:00 PM
I will now give him a pass for his poor play as of late, due to his personal issues he has going on. That's not easy stuff to deal with, and I don't care what people say... no amount of money will be able to help someone deal with the loss of a loved one, and it will effect people in all aspects of life.
Brett Favre handled it pretty well.

I'm not saying Josh Howard should be putting up record breaking numbers, people grieve in different ways. But if he's made the decision to stay commited to the team and play through his personal issues, then he needs to give 100% instead of the lazy, half-assed effort he's been giving. If this is the effort he planned on giving, he should have just stayed at home with his family and come back when he could be completely focused.

03-05-2008, 03:23 PM
Just look at career averages, every player generally ends up right around their career average.

I think the Mavs panicked...you had Terry and Harris...2 options at PG...both with varying skill sets....

Kidd...while 5 years ago was amazing, is still a great player, but he doesn't make Dallas better.

You win 67 games last year, and brought in Brandon Bass....why the heck would you disrupt your team and take the massive risk of trading for Kidd?
Bad move....Mark Cuban is a good owner, but he has tinkered away this team's chances with this move....

It is all on the Spurs and Lakers...those are the 2 battling for the WC crown, all the rest are just pretenders....


you just lost all credibility with this post

03-05-2008, 03:35 PM
Brett Favre handled it pretty well.

I'm not saying Josh Howard should be putting up record breaking numbers, people grieve in different ways. But if he's made the decision to stay commited to the team and play through his personal issues, then he needs to give 100% instead of the lazy, half-assed effort he's been giving. If this is the effort he planned on giving, he should have just stayed at home with his family and come back when he could be completely focused.
Football and Basketball are a little different.

And Favre in football as opposed to Josh Howard in basketball are completely different levels too.

I agree he should have stayed home, but to bash on him and to say that being paid millions of dollars should keep him 100% focused is ridiculous and unfair.

03-05-2008, 05:36 PM
you just lost all credibility with this post

Yes, I hear ya.....you think it was a good trade.....so therefore I lost my credibility in your eyes...


The problem is that I am right.

And Dirk got suspended, as I predicted.


Now cue the crickets

03-05-2008, 06:10 PM
The problem is that I am right.

The problem is that you are a retarded troll, and appeals to your own authority are worthless.

And Dirk got suspended, as I predicted.


Now cue the crickets DD[/chirp]

Now maybe the Rockets can FINALLY beat us.

03-05-2008, 07:33 PM
Well supposedly we lost the greatest point guard to ever play the game of basketball when we lost Harris.
No, the Mavs just lost a point guard who matches up better with the Spurs than the current one. In addition to doing an about-face on the build up you gave Harris before he returned from injury to lead the Mavericks to their ONLY playoff win against the Spurs, you guys also don't seem to like the fact that Jason Kidd isn't striking fear into any Spurs fans. You also shouldn't like the fact that, in a year that teams in the west are going bigger, Dallas gave away their backup center in exchange for a point guard. How this somehow makes the Mavericks better or more competetive can linger until the Mavs at least start playing above .500 with Kidd in town. Looks like Harris will be in the playoffs either way.

03-05-2008, 07:49 PM
No, the Mavs just lost a point guard who matches up better with the Spurs than the current one. In addition to doing an about-face on the build up you gave Harris before he returned from injury to lead the Mavericks to their ONLY playoff win against the Spurs, you guys also don't seem to like the fact that Jason Kidd isn't striking fear into any Spurs fans. You also shouldn't like the fact that, in a year that teams in the west are going bigger, Dallas gave away their backup center in exchange for a point guard. How this somehow makes the Mavericks better or more competetive can linger until the Mavs at least start playing above .500 with Kidd in town. Looks like Harris will be in the playoffs either way.

And this is spot on...and from a guy without a dog in the fight.

The Mavs got worse.....but I guess records don't say that.....what are they with Kidd again?

The Mavs are NOTHING this year....NOTHING...their window is SHUT !!!


03-05-2008, 08:07 PM
And this is spot on...and from a guy without a dog in the fight.

The Mavs got worse.....but I guess records don't say that.....what are they with Kidd again?

The Mavs are NOTHING this year....NOTHING...their window is SHUT !!!

You'd better hope so; the Rockets need to be praying for failure of other teams in order to avoid the lottery. Tomorrow's game could be the wake up call Josh Howard has needed all year. How embarassing would it be to have this winning streak snapped by a team playing without the MVP?

03-06-2008, 09:48 AM
Please change your sig. That prediction didnt happen so remove it because it is nothing to brag about now.

yeah i probably should :lol

and since you said please.....

03-06-2008, 09:57 AM
You'd better hope so; the Rockets need to be praying for failure of other teams in order to avoid the lottery. Tomorrow's game could be the wake up call Josh Howard has needed all year. How embarassing would it be to have this winning streak snapped by a team playing without the MVP?

All kidding aside, I think the game is 50/50.......

Dirk being out for them is like Yao being out for us.....

If the streak ends, so be it......but I believe they Rockets will prevail....

The Rockets have won their last 5 back to backs....in a row...another streak.

10 in a row on the road...another streak.

11 in a row at home...another streak...

They are simply playing amazing basketball......but the streak has to end some time.....I just hope it is sometime in April.



03-06-2008, 10:16 AM
By the way, I still think Dirk deserved the suspension and I give no quarter, the Rockets should take full advantage.


03-07-2008, 02:51 AM
I think Dirk deserved the suspension as well, and the guy who's deserves a lot of credit for this team's development looks to be Skip. We knew he had talent, now he's coupling it with really sound basketball.