View Full Version : Spurstalk Straw Poll

03-04-2008, 08:05 AM

George Gervin's Afro
03-04-2008, 08:10 AM
I have already stated who I am going to vote for. I will be caucusing tonight baby!!

03-04-2008, 09:21 AM
There's no button for "neither"....

I find the exclusion of a Republican choice on this straw poll divisive and un-American!

03-04-2008, 09:24 AM
Of course, I could create a similar straw poll for the Republican primary....but that would be endorsing a "Seperate but Equal" policy, which I am firmly against.

I'll attempt to make this a democratic process and put my "write-in" vote for....

John McCain

03-04-2008, 09:54 AM
McCain is the defacto republican nominee. Huckabee has zero chance. I saw no need.

Just got back from voting and I swear, people are dumbasses. By the time I got through the line and voted 4 of the people who were at the machines in the process of voting when I got there were STILL at their machines.

03-04-2008, 09:56 AM
I have already stated who I am going to vote for. I will be caucusing tonight baby!!

Me too!! Could be a long night.

03-04-2008, 10:00 AM
McCain is the defacto republican nominee. Huckabee has zero chance. I saw no need.

Just got back from voting and I swear, people are dumbasses. By the time I got through the line and voted 4 of the people who were at the machines in the process of voting when I got there were STILL at their machines.

Yeah, but I have a voice too! You don't want to hear who I voted for because I voted Republican?!?!

Voter Discrimination!

On voting, absentee ballots are nice....no lines, no hurry.

03-04-2008, 10:07 AM
Bobo's got this.

03-04-2008, 11:16 AM
Yeah, but I have a voice too! You don't want to hear who I voted for because I voted Republican?!?!

Voter Discrimination!

On voting, absentee ballots are nice....no lines, no hurry.

Don't worry, your boy has a cakewalk to the whitehouse. Obama and Hillary are unelectable in the general election. I fear that after this, each side will be so mad at the other a lot of dems will stay home or vote republican to spite the other come November and McCain is the prefect republican for this to happen since he's very centrist/moderate. I don't see us having a chance, honestly. Hope I'm wrong but I'm usually pretty good at picking the winners, even though they aren't necessarily who I wanted. I did mistakenly pick Kerry to pull out a win in 2004 but that was my first misstep in many years. Obamas pledge to immediately pull the troops out of Iraq, while it looks attractive on the surface, is enough to defeat him and unfortunately, he can't back off of that pledge. It's gotten him where he is thus far, but in the end it will hurt him. Hillary has too much baggage. The primaries have been fun and interesting this year, but I fear, all for not. It's over. It's just not official.

03-04-2008, 11:26 AM
I'm a little torn.

I know I do not want Hilary to be the first female president, so I prefer Obama to win this over her.

But on the same token, I have not researched any canidate enough to know which one I want to be president.

So at this point I can only say I am more in favor of Obama, though still not decided for him.

03-04-2008, 11:53 AM
You know it would be really messed up if we go through all this with Hillary vs Obama and whoever pulls this thing out gets ends up getting hammered by McCain in the general election.

03-04-2008, 11:54 AM
these polls don't consider the old folk who can't/don't use computers.

03-04-2008, 12:10 PM
You know, I've been saying Obama over Hilary.

But Obama concerns me too. I wonder if he isn't too charming to be true.

Almost makes me wonder if the devil you know is not better than the potential devil you do not know.

I'm very much undecided.

03-04-2008, 02:46 PM
You know it would be really messed up if we go through all this with Hillary vs Obama and whoever pulls this thing out gets ends up getting hammered by McCain in the general election.

McCain is the only republican that could pull this off. Romney or Huckabee would have been a slam dunk for the democrats. If Hillary wins Texas and Ohio and Obama still gets the nod, unless Hillary wins by a landslide, which she won't, that will mean the democrats are running a candidate that lost virtually every big state in the primaries. Florida, California, New York, Texas, Ohio, Michigan. That just doesn't bode well for Obama in the general election. The general election isn't the primaries. In november the winner of a state takes ALL of the delegates. You think OBAMA is going to carry the south ? In your dreams. I just think there will be sufficient numbers of Clinton voters in these big states that will cross party lines and vote McCain. End result - BLOWOUT !!

Wild Cobra
03-04-2008, 11:50 PM
There's no button for "neither"....

I find the exclusion of a Republican choice on this straw poll divisive and un-American!
I agree to a point, but under the stated question, I took it to be over the two, if they were my only choices, which is the lesser of two evils.

I choose Obama. At least he isn't a bona fide authoritarian. I do think when the facts become relavent to him, he will change his mind on some issues.

In reality, I will not vote for either. I will either vote for McCain, or I will spoil my vote with a write in or third party.