View Full Version : Who leaked the details of a CIA-Mossad plot against Iran?

03-09-2008, 09:50 PM
An interesting read from Israel a couple of days ago:

According to the article, the New York Times reporter for national security and intelligence affairs is claiming that the CIA came up with a plan to give Iran blueprints to build a nuke, but with errors to make sure that any bomb would be a dud. The purpose of "Operation Merlin" was to "penetrate the heart of Iran's nuclear activity, collect information about it and eventually disrupt it" (from the article).

(Apparantly, the guys who came up with this plan have seen the Kevin Pollack movie Deterrence.)

The guy they hired to deliver the blueprints to Iranian officials was a Russian nuclear engineer who had defected to the U.S. from the Soviet Union years ago. Now, he must have been on some kind of need to know basis because he didn't know that the blueprints contained these intentional errors. However, the errors were obvious to him, so he corrected them so that he would gain the trust of the Iranians. Whoops.

Sounds like an interesting story to follow. We'll see how much of it is true. Or maybe we won't.

03-09-2008, 11:50 PM
Yeah, that's an old story. I thought it was kinda funny when the story first broke that we ended up helping the Iranians build the bomb, rather than hampering them. Do we prosecute ourselves now (and call ourselves out at the UN)?

One of the CIA's many, many recent failures, I guess...

Wild Cobra
03-10-2008, 05:32 PM
Well now, assuming there is truth to this, we have another reason why George Tenet was let go.

03-10-2008, 08:57 PM
did scooter ever get jail time? you might look there first.

03-10-2008, 11:11 PM
Ehhhh, is this for real?