View Full Version : Should we bring The Thompson Bros on ESPN 1250 as part of our Spurs pregame show?

Chris Duel
03-24-2008, 08:59 PM
With the Spurs at Orlando Tuesday night, we think we've found the perfect pair to talk Spurs-Magic from Orlando...

JASON and ROB THOMPSON are in Orlando as insurgent Spurs supporters.

They were a staple of Spurs broadcasts for years. I had the privilege of working with them on Spurs Game Night Warm Up, 2002-2004. Now they're located in Orlando and can talk Spurs, Magic and NBA with us.

Want to hear the Thompson Brothers on the radio again in S.A. talking Spurs?


:clap :cooldevil :clap :cooldevil :clap :cooldevil

T Park
03-24-2008, 09:06 PM
They are great on EA Gameshow.


Check it out, they are HILARIOUS on there as well.

Hope to hear the show tommarow.

03-24-2008, 11:35 PM
I love to hear them. I never listing to the afternoon drive show on 1200 anymore, they were great to listen to. If you haven't checked out teh EA gameshow you should, Tpark is correct, they are really good.

03-24-2008, 11:58 PM
They are great on EA Gameshow.


Check it out, they are HILARIOUS on there as well.

Hope to hear the show tommarow.

so that's what happened to Eric Gray

03-25-2008, 12:24 AM
go coogs... tell rob primo said that......

03-25-2008, 12:43 AM
When you got fired from WOAI and went to KTSA they made fun of you. Tim Merriman told them he heard me call your show and they said what show and he said the one with that clown Chris Duel and they laughed said you was a joke and WOAI was smart to let you go.

Also Rob Thomson is cool if you can get him on the show you will do ok his Tree hugging Brother Jason never lets anyone else talk and he blamed the Refs for the Spurs getting beat in the last game of the playoffs 2 years ago. The Sports talk host of the Ticket in Dallas said he was a homer and what kind of sports journalist would wear a jersey of the Spurs that he is bias to be doing a national show. he even told the lady who was at half court that he blames the refs and the lady told him Tim Duncan got the same amount of calls as the other team and he still said he blames the refs.

They played the video and audio at their site and I posted the links here i made a topic that reads Rack Rob Thompson Jason Thompson eats shit. I was hoping he would come in here and defend himself for making San Antonio look bad. Instead I got Greg More and him using 5 pages to tell me how much of a loser i was and My girlfriend Kim needs to brush her teeth etc... the other 5 pages he used to tell me how educated he was and how he owns his own business. (his Dads) And the topic was not even about him.

He wanted to kiss some Thompson's ass to see where it might get him. Kinda like how he kisses yours.(even though you forgot what he said about you at the gtgs) Anyway you can find the topic in the classics forum. It got to the point where I stared to talk smack back and he said he was going to do me bodily harm at the next gtg. I found that very disturbing and it wasn't until someone spoke of legal action then Kori stepped in. To this day he has never apologized. Not for the death threats or talking bad about my family but for hijacking the topic.

Either way it doesn't make a rats ass what we say really I am sure your going to do what you have planned already Good luck! :tu

Ps: tell Rob I said hi! (hes the one Thompson brother who will shake your hand in public)

03-25-2008, 12:44 AM
mouse, you're such a drama queen.

03-25-2008, 12:46 AM
That's a very large font.

03-25-2008, 09:00 AM
I say bring them on.

03-25-2008, 03:18 PM

Pick of Destiny
03-25-2008, 03:40 PM
Maybe you can get Jeff Vexler also and call your station The 2nd Ticket! :lmao

03-25-2008, 04:46 PM
Nate...Stop reading this thread. Go build a Video Game

Al Gore
03-25-2008, 05:12 PM
Nate,Peter and Chris would make one hell of a Radio show, where did it all go wrong?

03-25-2008, 10:55 PM
Yes, to bringing the Thompson Brothers.

They rock!

T Park
03-25-2008, 11:09 PM
My opinions on the Thompsons are known.

I thought they were the best thing on Sports radio and the funniest I'd ever heard.

Hell they are partially the only reason I play EA Gameshow.

Between them and Carlos the producer and Eric Gray, its some of the most sidesplitting funniest airplay out there.

I give a huge thumbs up to the Thompsons being on every pregame show, although I think they are on the air when the Spurs are at home and doing pregame.

They go on the air at 7 Eastern on EA Gameshow.

Heat Miser
03-26-2008, 12:51 AM
Tpark stop the multi salad tossing already! Face it you know more about Spurs than the T bros, Duel, Jason, and Avery hater Dawn and yet I don't see your Spurs ass on the show!

I say Chris Duel has you as a guest on his Zone show then, and only then, should he bring in the guys ESPN will wind up replacing him with at the end anyway. :lmao

03-26-2008, 01:00 AM
Yes, to bringing the Thompson Brothers.

They rock!

oh shit I just wet my sock! Can I take back what I said? If angel_luv wants them here then so do I! I have spent many a lonely night in my single wide waxing my carrot to her Model portfolio topic in the club twice as much as I did to the Hooters pic of Peters Ex wife! And I mean that as a complement!

Get them on your show Chris........ but make sure you have Alamo50 or any other Spur fans from out of the country as a guest on your show also!

These people travel from Argentina,Russia, and Holland to see the Spurs they deserve their 14 minutes of local San Antonio radio fame.

Ps: Did you get a an Email from one of the T Brothers saying they want to be on the show or was it a memo from someone above?

Tike Mailer
03-26-2008, 01:04 AM
Who the hell are the Tompson Bruthas? Where are they? Not on the San Antonio airwaves. This is just another pathetic stunt by Chris Duel and ESPN to try to peel away listeners from San Antonio's Sports Source, Ticket 760. Well guess what, Piss Fool, it will never work. Ticket 760 has The Spurs, The Cowboys, The Longhorns, The Aggies, The Astros and The Rangers. What do you have? NOTHING! Eat shit and die, holmes! Tim Merryman is still laughing in your face. And oh by the way, your little mouthpiece "mouse" has 57 screen names in here. Very mature.


You are all going down!

03-26-2008, 01:52 AM
oh by the way, your little mouthpiece "mouse" has 57 screen names in here. Very mature.

57 is lazy, try 140 to 143 depending on how long I stay online tonight, I hope you reconsider the 57 please! This is my reputation at steak! God is that mature enough for you, do I pass the Dike Trailer test?

Moving to San Antonio from Dall and acting like Goomba's Pizza is better than going down on Hanna Montana is very mature Brah!

I have lived here more than 30 years and I have never seen a Goomba and yet you and your Family eats there every night? And here I was at Good Time Charlie's eating for 6 months straight thinking I may run into Charlie Parker.

we are SpursTalk, we already know the Truth is out there....................


03-26-2008, 03:41 AM
Too funny...

03-26-2008, 04:34 AM
don' fuck with ST.


03-26-2008, 08:15 AM
I never really cared for the Thompson brothers. Sorry.

I like the the two guys that are on 760 on Saturdays (and occasionally on weekdays), but I can't remember their names. Anyone?