View Full Version : Woai Reporter/anchor Drove Drunk

03-28-2008, 08:32 PM
got arrested and then got bailed out. then quit his job at woai

Chris Duel
03-28-2008, 08:35 PM
Any further details?

03-28-2008, 08:45 PM

david cruz

03-28-2008, 08:45 PM

03-28-2008, 08:45 PM
WOAI's Cruz quits after arrest on DWI charge

Web Posted: 03/28/2008 05:59 PM CDT

Jeanne Jakle
Express-News staff

San Antonio TV newscaster/reporter David Cruz resigned from his WOAI job this afternoon after he was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated early this morning.

Cruz said he was at a dinner meeting with friends and had some wine. He acknowledged he shouldn't have driven after drinking.

Former WOAI and KENS anchor David Cruz has resigned as a reporter for WOAI after his arrest.

The police report stated Cruz was pulled over after narrowly missing the patrol car of the arresting officer. It also stated that Cruz smelled of a strong odor of alcohol and his eyes were heavily bloodshot. He also "swayed back and forth" during sobriety tests administered by the officer, the report stated.

Once at the police station, Cruz refused to take the breathalyzer test.

After being released on bond shortly after 12:30 p.m., Cruz said he immediately contacted news director at WOAI and said he would resign, effective immediately.

He said: "I can't have my cake and eat it too ... I can't do the kind of work I do," he said, without facing up to what he did "and paying the price."

His court appearance was set for April 4, he said.

In a statement e-mailed to the San Antonio Express-News, Cruz issued a public apology.

"I wish to apologize to the viewers of San Antonio for my poor judgment which led to this incident of which I am personally ashamed and will not try to defend. It was irresponsible and inexcusable on my part and for this I am truly sorry. Since I have not upheld the trust viewers have placed in me, I have decided to resign my position at WOAI effective immediately."

Cruz said he expected his station as well as KSAT and KENS would be airing 5 p.m. news reports on his arrest.

Cruz, a San Antonio native and former anchor at WOAI and KENS, came back to WOAI last summer after leaving a 10-year stint as morning and noon anchor at KNBC.

He was hired to take the co-anchor position at 5 p.m. Several months later he was pulled from the anchor desk and replaced by Randy Beamer. With the exception of some fill-anchor opportunities, Cruz has been serving as a reporter the past several months.

He was scheduled to emcee at tonight's Cesar Chavez dinner in La Villita, he said, but called to cancel because he felt this wasn't the time to be appearing at public events.

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Chris Duel
03-28-2008, 08:55 PM

That's a sad story. I never met David Cruz, but I've seen him on TV a lot in S.A. and L.A. and I hear he is a good guy.

You have to respect him for choosing to quit his job like that. Other local TV news personalities have been arrested for DWI and managed to keep their jobs.

Any of us who have had a few beers at a Spurs game or at a restaurant could be pulled over and face the same fate.

While I understand the deadly potential of DWI, you hate to see this happen to anyone.

03-28-2008, 08:56 PM
duel when is your fucking show gonna have a name?

Chris Duel
03-28-2008, 09:09 PM
duel when is your fucking show gonna have a name?

Good question. I just hate the cliche sports show names like "The Huddle," "The Drive," "Out of Bounds," etc.

So many of those names are ordinary, typical and tired to me. That's one of my biggest beefs with sports talk radio (and talk radio in general), it's all so derivative and hackneyed - not a lot of originality.

We're open to suggestions.

Maybe the name will develop organically.

Maybe we'll never name it. Maybe "Chris and Jason" will stick. That's a little ordinary too, so I don't love it.

03-28-2008, 09:19 PM
Just name it the Chris Duel show...where we sports meets reality.

maybe call it gut check

or game face and use bobby knights 'game face' as your logo.

i dont give a shit either way, but i will say i want your shit podcasted so i can listen at my convenience.

03-28-2008, 09:20 PM

03-28-2008, 10:13 PM
The arrest report has some details.


03-28-2008, 10:39 PM
This sounds like a whole lot more than some wine with dinner. I abhor drunk drivers.

03-28-2008, 11:02 PM
This sounds like a whole lot more than some wine with dinner. I abhor drunk drivers.

Who doesn't? I'm pretty certain we've all hopped in our car to go home after a few drinks. Getting pulled over once is an eye opening experience. Good people just make bad decisions sometimes. However, if you make that bad decision repeatedly after one DWI, you a straight retard and deserve to be punched in the eye.

T Park
03-28-2008, 11:05 PM
As someone whos lost someone from a drunk driver.

I withhold opinion.

Tree hugger
03-28-2008, 11:06 PM
who here has never drove after a drink? only difference, he got caught.

Mr.Duel the topic you started about names for your show had many good ones you seem to ignore!

Chris Duel
03-28-2008, 11:17 PM
who here has never drove after a drink? only difference, he got caught.

Mr.Duel the topic you started about names for your show had many good ones you seem to ignore!

Tree hugger,

I'll have to go back and find that topic thread for ideas. I didn't mean to derail this thread.

T Park,

Sorry you lost someone to drunk driving.

That's the bottom line. It's ultimately DEADLY.

I imagine 90% of the people in here have driven impaired. We need to get to a place in this country where we enable drinkers to easily get an alternative - a taxi, a designated driver, whatever.

I don't think you'll ever remove the human desire to alter consciousness / get drunk / get high. I think it's part of the DNA and we could debate the psychological and genetic aspects of it forever.

But we have to educate one another about the deadly nature of driving impaired.

As tragic as it was for David Cruz to lose his job, the greater and much more profound tragedy is loss of life due to DWI.


03-28-2008, 11:55 PM
who here has never drove after a drink? only difference, he got caught.

Mr.Duel the topic you started about names for your show had many good ones you seem to ignore!

There is a HUGE difference between driving after a drink and driving drunk!

Chris Duel
03-28-2008, 11:57 PM
There is a HUGE difference between driving after a drink and driving drunk!


But if you have more than two drinks in an hour, chances are the cops can nail you with a breathalizer.

03-29-2008, 12:32 AM
This whole DUI shit is law enforcement's fault by making Alcohol legal.

Your going to give some tax paying man who gets caught with a dime bag of weed at a Pink Floyd concert 5 years probation and ruin his career while a beach full of 17 year students on spring break sodomize each other and drink beer bongs all day until they wrap their cars around a pole and kill themselves? That shit is beyond human comprehension. Your going to let some guy out on bail who was busted with 2% blood in his alcohol and yet the pot smoker with a joint in his pocket gets 6 months mandatory in jail?
So really unless anyone here has tried to change the laws in this fucked up country we can't really preach to others, or lay down the guilt trips like TPark has done so well.
I lost a love one due to Tobacco, I don't see any making it illegal.
my 2 cents


03-29-2008, 12:35 AM
But you are forgetting mouse...

I already have the $$$

Soon, I will have the looks.

So I am invincible and what I want, I get.

Who wants tickets and a jersey?!?!


03-29-2008, 12:39 AM
I lost my sister due to a 357 magnum what should we do about Guns?

marini martini
03-29-2008, 12:56 AM
As someone whos lost someone from a drunk driver.

I withhold opinion.

As you have lost someone from a drunk driver?

Immediate death penalty to all, after 30 day of being charged :toast

Just my OHI :)

03-29-2008, 01:12 AM
Once at the police station, Cruz refused to take the breathalyzer test.

That's a mandatory 6 month suspension in TX....hope Cruz likes VIA...

marini martini
03-29-2008, 01:17 AM
I lost my sister due to a 357 magnum what should we do about Guns?

Sorry Mouse. That's Fvcking sad

Tpark's Cholesterol
03-29-2008, 01:47 AM
Sorry Mouse. That's Fvcking sad

Are you saying a 38 would have been a better?

03-29-2008, 08:14 AM
I lost my sister due to a 357 magnum what should we do about Guns?

nothing guns dont kill people bullets do.... :donkey

03-29-2008, 08:17 AM
hey duel if you want traffic to ur show

why dont do what stern does, have hos come on and ride symbions hahaha

03-29-2008, 08:21 AM
I imagine 90% of the people in here have driven impaired.
I do not agree at all. I hate the mentality that everyone does it and he just got caught. Did people actually read the information. This is not a guy who had A drink and then drove. He was plastered- puking- passing out. The responsibilty is the choice you make BEFORE you drink. If you want to drink- do not drive in the first place. If you are driving, do not drink. Pretty simple concept. Driving somewhere when youu know you intend to drink there is irresponsible and a decision made when you are sober.

03-29-2008, 11:51 PM
Will he now be bagging groceries at HEB?

03-30-2008, 12:45 AM
I imagine 90% of the people in here have driven impaired.

I do not agree at all. I hate the mentality that everyone does it and he just got caught. .

Where do you get everybody from 90%? ob course there is the 10% like yourself who live a sin free life.


marini martini
03-30-2008, 01:51 AM
Where do you get everybody from 90%? ob course there is the 10% like yourself who live a sin free life.


Soo if anyone is drunk, and needs a free ride home, call Mouse 367-8901!

03-30-2008, 02:21 AM
Real people who drink get drunk at home they don't need a ride.

And how come all the tree huggers in this topic are not going after the Bartenders I thought they were liable?

I find it fascinating how parents help their kids get a drivers license and help them get a car and then give them a credit card or cash. ummm lets do the math.......

Teen + car + cash = party? sex? maybe a drink or two?

bottom-line unless you voted to make Alcohol illegal you have no business lecturing anyone.

my 2 cents!

03-30-2008, 12:30 PM
duck, ploto's got a slingshot! :lol

i'd tell about the times i drove drunk, but i had blackouts and don't remember them...

you see, people can be good decision makers sober. they can say, two beers, done, go home. they can say, i'm gonna get shit face plastered, call a cab.

but after those two beers...beer 3 is so easy...and beers 4-15 aren't bad either...

then it's like...'where da fuck are my keys...i gotta piss....who's going to whataburger/chachos???'

i don't get fucked up drunk anymore, not with a kiddo at home. i don't get drunk at all really. 6 pack is where i cut off mostly...12 pack rarely, but i'm at home...

i'd rather toke and chill anyday.

people have to learn lessons though. driving drunk is something you gotta learn not to do..hopefully before anyone gets hurt. kids are kids. but the rest of us have no excuses. this dude paid the price...he quit his job...wow...pretty admirable facing up to his stink like that...

glad no one got killed.

tpark, didn't your finance dump you before she bit the big one? karma perhaps?

(friendly ribbing)

03-30-2008, 12:34 PM
duck, ploto's got a slingshot! :lol

i'd tell about the times i drove drunk, but i had blackouts and don't remember them...

you see, people can be good decision makers sober. they can say, two beers, done, go home. they can say, i'm gonna get shit face plastered, call a cab.

but after those two beers...beer 3 is so easy...and beers 4-15 aren't bad either...

then it's like...'where da fuck are my keys...i gotta piss....who's going to whataburger/chachos???'

i don't get fucked up drunk anymore, not with a kiddo at home. i don't get drunk at all really. 6 pack is where i cut off mostly...12 pack rarely, but i'm at home...

i'd rather toke and chill anyday.

people have to learn lessons though. driving drunk is something you gotta learn not to do..hopefully before anyone gets hurt. kids are kids. but the rest of us have no excuses. this dude paid the price...he quit his job...wow...pretty admirable facing up to his stink like that...

glad no one got killed.

tpark, didn't your finance dump you before she bit the big one? karma perhaps?

(friendly ribbing)
tparks fiancee died???????????

03-30-2008, 02:49 PM
The last bar/club/restaurant/whatever we leave at the end of a drunken night should pay for our taxis. It's the least they could do after all of the money we give them.

Nobody wants to be a designated driver.

03-30-2008, 02:53 PM
The last bar/club/restaurant/whatever we leave at the end of a drunken night should pay for our taxis. It's the least they could do after all of the money we give them.

Nobody wants to be a designated driver.

I didn't realize that mocha-whatever you had last night had a kick to it.

03-30-2008, 02:54 PM
I didn't realize that mocha-whatever you had last night had a kick to it.

I think the barista really liked me. I swear I saw him wink.

03-30-2008, 02:58 PM
I think the barista really liked me. I swear I saw him wink.

I'm going to tell him your ticklish the next time we're there.

03-30-2008, 03:00 PM
I'm going to tell him your ticklish the next time we're there.

Ooooh, do it. I'll tell him you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

I win.

03-30-2008, 09:08 PM
I have a relative who was almost killed by a drunk driver. Sorry if I don't feel sorry for those who make the choice to drink and drive. I am too busy feeling sorry for their victims.