View Full Version : Life on Mars - BBC

04-04-2008, 05:48 PM
This show is incredibly badass. Not available on DVD in the US, ran on the BBC a few years ago. Downloaded both seasons, both are awesome. Probably being adapted into a half ass US remake as we speak...

04-04-2008, 06:09 PM
Life On Mars is fucking great. It runs on BBC America for anybody who has that.

And yeah, a shitty US remake is already in the works. I believe David Kelley is producing it, so it will definitely suck.

04-04-2008, 07:18 PM
Life On Mars is fucking great. It runs on BBC America for anybody who has that.

And yeah, a shitty US remake is already in the works. I believe David Kelley is producing it, so it will definitely suck.
The second season is just as good as the first - I'm three eps in. I wish US shows had the smarts to limit the number of seasons before a show drops off. I'm gonna d/l the spinoff Ashes to Ashes just for DCI Hunt alone!

04-04-2008, 07:21 PM
So is it a sit-com or what? Sci fi show like Battlestar Gallactica?

04-05-2008, 01:21 AM
Awesome show, really interesting.

Here in Latin America it was run on HBO, maybe they'll show it over there too.

The story goes like this:

A chief inspector has a car accident and he wakes up in 1973. He doesn't know if he's dreaming, travelled back in time, insane, dead or in a coma. There he works as a Police Inspector, and he faces the differences between his modern attitudes and methods with those of his colleagues, specially his boss.

The show is really well ambiented in visuals and music, the clash of the different approaches towards not only policing but life in general are well written and the arguments make great food for thought. The series finale is also very good, totally unexpected.

04-05-2008, 01:45 AM
Yeah, Life On Mars is incredibly well done and clever. I love the way they show up the contrasts between the 70s and the 00s - so much has changed in 30 years.

Also, John Simm has been in some good stuff, most notably Human Traffic.

04-11-2008, 08:49 AM
I finished watching Ashes to Ashes yesterday. Definitely not close to the level of Life on Mars, although DCI Hunt is still a force of nature. I think the writers would have done well to not have DI Drake prattling on about it all being a construct - we got it the first time around. Every time she lapsed into psychobabble it made me want to quit watching. It did pick up as the season went along though! They nailed a lot of the 80s stuff.

04-11-2008, 08:54 AM
Life On Mars is fucking great. It runs on BBC America for anybody who has that.

And yeah, a shitty US remake is already in the works. I believe David Kelley is producing it, so it will definitely suck.
Colm Meaney as Gene Hunt. I simply cannot see the dude from ST: Next Generation and Deep Space Nine pulling off Hunt. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

06-13-2008, 01:19 PM
mono, i'm going to make you throw up in your mouth just because i did, assuming you haven't seen this butchery:


06-14-2008, 09:36 PM
mono, i'm going to make you throw up in your mouth just because i did, assuming you haven't seen this butchery:


Fuck that looked horrible. Sometimes I hate America.

06-14-2008, 09:40 PM
Although I remember seeing the initial commercials for the American version of The Office and having a similar reaction. It looked like complete dog shit, but eventually turned to be halfway decent. Maybe this one will be the same, but I doubt it.

06-15-2008, 01:20 AM
That does look freakin awful.

Lee - you are wrong about Meaney though, he can do a hard man very well - I mean he's Irish fer fooksake! He's an accomplished actor with a 30 year career.

Why does the American film/TV industry have to take great shows from other countries, the success of which is often rooted in the cultural context of said other country, and Americanise them? There have been so many travesties. It is also a major insult to the American consumer - they are basically saying you are not smart enough to understand the original context, or maybe not open-minded enough to want to. Either way it's an insult.

06-15-2008, 01:18 PM
That does look freakin awful.

Lee - you are wrong about Meaney though, he can do a hard man very well - I mean he's Irish fer fooksake! He's an accomplished actor with a 30 year career.

Why does the American film/TV industry have to take great shows from other countries, the success of which is often rooted in the cultural context of said other country, and Americanise them? There have been so many travesties. It is also a major insult to the American consumer - they are basically saying you are not smart enough to understand the original context, or maybe not open-minded enough to want to. Either way it's an insult.

Is it an insult if it's true?