View Full Version : Rashooooooooouuu Neeessteroooviic

01-15-2005, 05:24 AM

Stephen A. Smith is a funny guy, specially when he talks about Rasho.

Man, he made me laugh last night! :lol :lol :lol

01-15-2005, 05:40 AM
charles barkley made me laugh when he said kobes not a superstar

01-15-2005, 06:38 AM
charles barkley made me laugh when he said kobes not a superstar


01-15-2005, 06:46 AM

01-15-2005, 07:11 AM
Its not even funny, its a fact, kobe is just selfish player who cant get his shot over .500, i dont see a superstar in this.

01-15-2005, 09:03 AM
charles barkley made me laugh when he said kobes not a superstar
He's not a superstar! He's a bad copy of M. Jordan!!!! Each move is bad copy of MJ!
Kobe should start thinking of changing his job! Instead of basketball, he could be a superstar pimp! :hat

01-15-2005, 10:57 AM
What did smith say about Rasho? I thought he had some good moves in the parts of the game I got to watch. But then again I am more than a little biased.

However, I was talking to the VP of Broadcasting at work ( Terrace Club) last night. He told me that he thought Rasho played one of his better games last night.

01-15-2005, 11:07 AM
Well, in the first half, he was his normal, doesn't seem to do much mode. Horry started in his place in the second half, but when he came back, late in the 3rd quarter, he got several blocked shots and even took it to the rim hard a few times.

It was good to see that, but somehow you get the feeling that he needs to show that kind of energy more often.

01-15-2005, 07:01 PM

Stephen A. Smith is a funny guy, specially when he talks about Rasho.

Man, he made me laugh last night! :lol :lol :lolwhere was the jackass S Ass Smith after the game when Rasho had 8 12 4(blocks)? Rasho made S Ass look like an ass after that game. Steve knew it so he convienently didnt show up to any post game shows afterward. I can see why S A Smith is lakergod idle, they are both cowards

01-16-2005, 01:45 AM
where was the jackass S Ass Smith after the game when Rasho had 8 12 4(blocks)? Rasho made S Ass look like an ass after that game. Steve knew it so he convienently didnt show up to any post game shows afterward. I can see why S A Smith is lakergod idle, they are both cowardsWhere was Rasho against the Rockets tonight?

SAS is always right!

I like his commentary, he's funny and truthful when talking about teams and players.

01-16-2005, 01:49 PM
Where was Rasho against the Rockets tonight?Holding Yao to a below average night, dumbass.

Solid D
01-16-2005, 01:55 PM
SAS is always right!

Classic threads material. Imbecilic self-incrimination.

01-16-2005, 02:17 PM
Where was Rasho against the Rockets tonight?

SAS is always right!

I like his commentary, he's funny and truthful when talking about teams and players.It's hard to argue with an imbecile (dictionary showed picture of lakergod)...they keep proving your point.

We have a winner on the point being made. Where was Rasho last night against rockets?

Holding Yao to a below average night, dumbass.
I guess when lakergod sees the game in offense only mode he misses the obvious

01-16-2005, 05:09 PM
He doesn't even see the games in Minnesota.

01-17-2005, 05:59 AM
He doesn't even see the games in Minnesota.
Actually Rasho was doing way better in Minnesota than San Antonio.

Rasho averaged 11 points per game in Minny.

How many points does he averages in San Antonio?

01-17-2005, 06:02 AM
It's hard to argue with an imbecile (dictionary showed picture of lakergod)...they keep proving your point.

We have a winner on the point being made. Where was Rasho last night against rockets?

I guess when lakergod sees the game in offense only mode he misses the obvious
Wow! The Yao stopper!

Yao 13 points

Rashoooouuuu 2 points :(

01-17-2005, 10:49 AM
Wow! The Yao stopper!

Yao 13 points

Rashoooouuuu 2 points :(


01-17-2005, 11:07 AM
Do you really want me to show the games where Kobe has obliterated the spurs....really...don't tempt me, because each of you "so-called basketball pundits" know Kobe's a superstar. Man, it's hillarious, it really is.

01-17-2005, 11:12 AM
Do you really want me to show the games where Kobe has obliterated the spurs....really...don't tempt me, because each of you "so-called basketball pundits" know Kobe's a superstar. Man, it's hillarious, it really is.

That's funny. I don't remember saying Kobe wasn't a superstar. As a matter of fact, I know I didn't say anything like that because (1) I didn't say that and (2) I didn't type any words in my last post.

I simply posted a picture. What YOU read into it is your fault, not mine.

Damn insecure Lakers fans. You can't even take it when somebody gives you guys props. There were so many of us who noticed during that game that there were some great players pining away on the bench and posted that - but you haters don't see any of THOSE posts.

01-17-2005, 11:23 AM
Those comments were in the previous threads...that's all I was commenting on...insecurity, or lack of B-ball IQ by this board. I can't handle it when I people consistently diss superstar players who are all-world.

01-17-2005, 11:37 AM
Those comments were in the previous threads...that's all I was commenting on...insecurity, or lack of B-ball IQ by this board. I can't handle it when I people consistently diss superstar players who are all-world.

Saying Kobe is an ass has nothing to do with basketball, but the truth hurts sometimes.

T Park
01-17-2005, 11:42 AM
Kobe isnt an all world for shit.

When he decides to play team ball, THEN, hell be good.

01-17-2005, 11:48 AM
Do you really want me to show the games where Kobe has obliterated the spurs....really...don't tempt me, because each of you "so-called basketball pundits" know Kobe's a superstar. Man, it's hillarious, it really is.

Kobe superstar? :lmao :lmao Kobe is a piece of shit, he is maybie NEWSPAPER superstar(sex ofender) bur not basketball. He is an idiot, a little baby with too much money. :smokin

01-17-2005, 11:50 AM
How many times do I have to hear "Kobe doesn't play team ball" man do you even watch the games over years..surely you've seen kobe destroy and cut-up the spurs with passes and scores. It's no coincidence that "Kobe's Team" is playing very well and players are having career years playing with Kobe. Oh, and he's won 3 rings....just in case you forgot, while leading the team in assists each year. Team ball is more than just deferring to teamates, it's doing whatever it takes to win.

01-17-2005, 11:59 AM
Its almost as annoying as someone who assumes all Spurs fans think the exact same way.

01-17-2005, 12:05 PM
How many times do I have to hear "Kobe doesn't play team ball" man do you even watch the games over years..surely you've seen kobe destroy and cut-up the spurs with passes and scores. It's no coincidence that "Kobe's Team" is playing very well and players are having career years playing with Kobe. Oh, and he's won 3 rings....just in case you forgot, while leading the team in assists each year. Team ball is more than just deferring to teamates, it's doing whatever it takes to win.

3 rings? Shaq and Jackson blame. Now when Lakers play without kobe they play much better.

01-17-2005, 12:06 PM
How many times do I have to hear "Kobe doesn't play team ball" man do you even watch the games over years..surely you've seen kobe destroy and cut-up the spurs with passes and scores. It's no coincidence that "Kobe's Team" is playing very well and players are having career years playing with Kobe. Oh, and he's won 3 rings....just in case you forgot, while leading the team in assists each year. Team ball is more than just deferring to teamates, it's doing whatever it takes to win.

That's the whole problem Med. Kobe is not doing what it takes to win. He sabotaged what it took to win for his own goals and personal fame. What it took for him to win in LA was Shaq and Phil. He kicked them out so he could hog the spotlight. If he really wanted to do what it took to win he would have told management to sign Shaq and Phil or he would walk. I would bet a million Shaq dollars that they would have done that.

As for playing team ball Rudy T should just have Atkins and Butler each grab one of Kobe's legs and carry him around the court. That way Kobe can take more shots and not be bothered with all of that running stuff.

01-17-2005, 12:10 PM
What kind of "team" would we have if Shaq, Kobe and Phil would be here. We couldn't sign anyone else since we'd be over the cap. Oh, but if Shaq would take a 10 million dollar pay cut as an extention rather than forcing buss's hand for 30 million per year, maybe..but I guess it's about "team" ball....

01-17-2005, 12:14 PM
no one was saying Shaq was a team player either.

all I know is without Kobe, they are 2-0, with him they are just 3 games over .500 ( I am counting the Cleveland game because Kobe went down so early)

Doesn't mean he is not a superstar, which he clearly is....but it also doesn't mean that he is thinking team before "me" which he seems to be doing. Let me clarify for you Med...that is just my thinking...I know you seem to think all Spurs fans think alike but its not true.

01-17-2005, 12:21 PM
What kind of "team" would we have if Shaq, Kobe and Phil would be here.A perennial championship contender.
We couldn't sign anyone else since we'd be over the cap.It's not a hard cap. Buss could spend $4-5 million on free agents each year plus whatever minimum salaries he wanted. Basically he's ended up paying Grant, Odom and Butler for another couple of year's what he would've been paying Shaq -- no savings whatsoever. How's that working out?
Oh, but if Shaq would take a 10 million dollar pay cut as an extention rather than forcing buss's hand for 30 million per yearWho was forced? It's not like any team other than his own would be able or willing to pay Shaq $30 million next summer as a free agent.

T Park
01-17-2005, 12:56 PM
Yeah, what good would a cohesive, Phil jackson, Shaquille Oneal, Kobe Bryant team be?

They only won three championships.

Doesnt matter, Phil didnt want to stick around anyways,

he said Kobe was the worst player he has ever tried to coach.

Worse than Rodman.

Good job Orenthal Bryant.

T Park
01-17-2005, 12:57 PM
surely you've seen kobe destroy and cut-up the spurs with passes and scores

When Phil Jackson and Shaq were around.

Now that he is on his own, you see him for the true asshole that he is.

A ball hogging, spotlight greedy, insecure pos.

01-17-2005, 01:48 PM
What kind of "team" would we have if Shaq, Kobe and Phil would be here. We couldn't sign anyone else since we'd be over the cap. Oh, but if Shaq would take a 10 million dollar pay cut as an extention rather than forcing buss's hand for 30 million per year, maybe..but I guess it's about "team" ball....

I wonder if Jordan would have said, "Mr. Owner, I want Shaq gone because I want all the spotlight to myself." ?

Coudn't Kobe have told the owner to sign Phil and Shaq at all costs or he's gone? Instead he is trying to be the glory hound.

01-17-2005, 02:42 PM
Buss is the owner...not Kobe....he doesn't sign the paychecks. "All costs" buss if very frugal when it comes to the finances of the team...he's not Cuban or the Maloof's...he doesn't throw money around at everyone and everything. It was time for a change, trust me, I wish the 4 HOF's could've been back this year healthy and determined, but it wasn't meant to be...blame Kobe, but putting all of the blame on him is pedestrian and narrowminded.

01-17-2005, 02:58 PM
All i know is that kobe is a copy cat to whatever moves micheal jordan did in his carrer. Every single shot or move is a bad copy of jordan. Just let it go kobe you will never be like him or get close to him. One more thing the lakers suck more with just kobe casue hes putting 30 35 shots a night what the hell is that, i mean you have 4 more teamates on the court with you pass them the ball. Sooner or later odom is going to explode casue to be honest with you hes the 4th option on the team, kobe being 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.... so the lakers will get nowhere fast with just kobe shooting....

01-17-2005, 03:05 PM
Man, someone has to screen the newbies...this quote is so sad it hurts.
He's not MJ....does that make any less of potent player...no it doesn't. He's Kobe, that's all nothing more nothing less. Oh and before you start spewing stats, please make sure you look them up. Ya, I forgot, I guess MJ invented the jump shot and dunk.

01-17-2005, 03:06 PM
Buss is the owner...not Kobe....he doesn't sign the paychecks. "All costs" buss if very frugal when it comes to the finances of the team...he's not Cuban or the Maloof's...he doesn't throw money around at everyone and everything. It was time for a change, trust me, I wish the 4 HOF's could've been back this year healthy and determined, but it wasn't meant to be...blame Kobe, but putting all of the blame on him is pedestrian and narrowminded.

It was as much Kobe's doing as anything. He could have gone to Shaq and asked him to take less. He could have taken less. He could have asked Phil to stay. He could have recruited free agents. I guess you are forced to back the guy since he is all that is left. I could respect LA for their team was good. I can't even do that anymore.