View Full Version : Who is your most hated player?

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 07:49 PM
I was bored and I was wondering who you guys most hated player was. My most hated player is D-fake. Lol at D-fake the biatch who needed a wheelchair for a shoulder injury. I enjoy seeing him suffer and I wish him bad luck, I hope his team continues to lose and I hope that if he goes to another team he loses there. I really hate D-fake, and second on my list is Shawn Bradley. The images of Bradley getting dunked on has ruined many people's opinion of the dallas mavericks. He was always getting dunked on, god I hated that dude. But he's probably a cool dude outside of the court though. Well enough with me, who do you guys hate? And by the way if you hate wade like I do you my want to check this out : http://youtube.com/watch?v=GnruwoJrMy4 :smokin

04-07-2008, 07:53 PM
roy tarpley

04-07-2008, 07:53 PM
Amare because his skill can never backup his ego. I mean kobe has a big ego too but hes the best player so we cant say anything about that. I hate D-Wade for his constant bitch-ass whining to the refs just because Battier OWN him every year.

04-07-2008, 07:54 PM
Matchman FTW

04-07-2008, 07:55 PM
Stack and J-Terry

04-07-2008, 07:56 PM
Anybody wearing a Warriors uniform
Fatoine Walker

I know a lot of people hate him, but I love Kobe.

04-07-2008, 08:00 PM
Mad Dog Madsen.

04-07-2008, 08:01 PM
Fatoine Walker


I can't believe that chunky piece of shit used to be a Maverick.

04-07-2008, 08:05 PM
anybody else.

I really don't hate the warriors. They beat the Mavs fair and square. No help from the refs or anything. They were the hotter team. Period.
But DWhistle has the refs to thank for anything he will be remembered for.

04-07-2008, 08:12 PM
Alonzo the last few seasons, if you can still count him. Actually used to like him as a player earlier in his career. Hated him especially after the Heat won the title and he would always flex after dunks.

Anderson Varejao gets on my nerves, but I'm not sure I would call it hate since I would love the way he plays if he was on my team.

Pistons < Spurs
04-07-2008, 08:17 PM

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 08:20 PM
anybody else.

I really don't hate the warriors. They beat the Mavs fair and square. No help from the refs or anything. They were the hotter team. Period.
But DWhistle has the refs to thank for anything he will be remembered for.

That is exactly why I have this username....

04-07-2008, 08:25 PM
all time is karl malone

then the 10 years ago Kobe
because it was obvious he was trying to act, talk, walk, play exactly like Jordan

Dirk gets many more calls than wade, at least d wade is tough, he penetrates, he takes hits. Dirk is a fairy 7 ft jumpshooter

04-07-2008, 08:36 PM
Malone (still hate him though retired lol)
Luke Walton
Ron Artest

04-07-2008, 08:40 PM
Stack and J-Terry

but also Amare and for no good reason I hate Sasha Vujiacock.

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 08:44 PM
all time is karl malone

then the 10 years ago Kobe
because it was obvious he was trying to act, talk, walk, play exactly like Jordan

Dirk gets many more calls than wade, at least d wade is tough, he penetrates, he takes hits. Dirk is a fairy 7 ft jumpshooter

Did Dirk ever shoot 97 freethrows in 6 games?

04-07-2008, 09:07 PM
Can't hate Wade anymore because this season exposed him as the overrated little bitch he is.

My most hated is that motherfucker Matt Barnes. I could take losing to Stephen Jackson or Baron Davis because those guys are significant. Matt Barnes was a nobody before that series, he hit some lucky ass shots, and went right back to being a nobody. And that little tattooed mohawked faggot talked more shit than anybody else on the Warriors. I generally am against wishing or cheering injury, but I just might jump for joy if that guy ever died prematurely.

Hank the Tank
04-07-2008, 09:14 PM
Varejao easily...


Pistons < Spurs
04-07-2008, 09:16 PM
oh shit! I forgot Noah on my list! How could I forget that ugly piece of shit.

04-07-2008, 09:19 PM
Kevin Garnett. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this guy yet, I appreciate the passion he brings to the game but he is downright idiotic with his thug-life attitude. I still remember when the Suns bitchslapped them and he was trying to start shit with Amare. When you make Amare look like the mature human being you know your fucking childish.

04-07-2008, 09:20 PM
Jerry Stackhouse
Jason Terry
Josh Howard
Carmelo Anthony
Kenyon Martin
Earl Boykins

04-07-2008, 09:21 PM
ive seen dirk dive onto bruce bowen who had possession of the ball, foul bowen, take the ball away, roll out of bounds with the ball rolling over his entire out of bounds torso right in front of an official, they call mavs ball, then a tv timeout, then dirk shoots free throws after the timeout, all unexplained, unmentioned by the announcers

that shit was bogus

worst call ever edging out jason harts foul on la laker jannero pargo

04-07-2008, 09:24 PM
Shaq is the biggest bitch in the NBA. Lazy as fuck, a complete hypocrite, and a walking contradiction. I never really liked Shaq that much, but over the past few years, I've grown a disdain for the guy, especially this year after leaving the Heat.

04-07-2008, 09:25 PM
Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili, because they cry and complain more than any professional athletes I've ever seen. I know you spurs fans don't care about it, but everytime I see Duncan or Ginobili with arms out and this


kind of look on their face, I want to take their heads off. Seriously, I fucking hate them for it. Watching their spoiled little-girl tantrums 30x a game is one of the worst things about the NBA. (And don't pretend it wouldn't bother you if they weren't on the spurs.)

I also dislike Kevin Martin. His cocky as fuck attitude and smirk really get me.

Other notables include Matt Barnes, Bruce Bowen, Zach Randolph and Carlos Arroyo.

I'd of said more about Barnes, but this sums it up perfectly

My most hated is that motherfucker Matt Barnes. I could take losing to Stephen Jackson or Baron Davis because those guys are significant. Matt Barnes was a nobody before that series, he hit some lucky ass shots, and went right back to being a nobody. And that little tattooed mohawked faggot talked more shit than anybody else on the Warriors. I generally am against wishing or cheering injury, but I just might jump for joy if that guy ever died prematurely.

04-07-2008, 09:29 PM
i also hate manu ginobili, mostly because of how inconsistent his play can be, his unfathomably stupid turnovers, that one time warner ad where he says " i even have timewarner dijjjatacable", and most of all his not realspursfans argentina worshipers

Hank the Tank
04-07-2008, 09:29 PM
no one hates sheed?

i find that VERY surprising.

i love sheed though.

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 09:29 PM
Kevin Garnett. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this guy yet, I appreciate the passion he brings to the game but he is downright idiotic with his thug-life attitude. I still remember when the Suns bitchslapped them and he was trying to start shit with Amare. When you make Amare look like the mature human being you know your fucking childish.

I don't hate Garnett but I agree that sometimes he takes his "intensity" way too far. I've seen him smacking himself, i've seen him look like he is dreaming on the court, I've seen him go crazy after he blocks a shot, I've seen him banging his head on a wall, I've seen banging a Gatorade bottle on his forehead. I understand that KG loves to play intense but some of his antics are pretty childish and sometimes he looks like a crazy wwe wrestler.

04-07-2008, 09:33 PM
no one hates sheed?

i find that VERY surprising.

i love sheed though.

We need a 5 favorite players thread. Mine would be

Deron Williams
Joe Johnson
Josh Smith.

And am I the only one who hates Kevin Martin? I'd find that hard to believe.

04-07-2008, 09:37 PM
I can't give this thread any credibility until someone mentions Bruce Bowen.

Here are some of my most hated:

Shawn Marion
Jerry Stackhouse
Kenyon Martin
Ray Allen
Raefer Alston

Cry Havoc
04-07-2008, 09:38 PM
We need a 5 favorite players thread. Mine would be

Deron Williams
Joe Johnson
Josh Smith.

And am I the only one who hates Kevin Martin? I'd find that hard to believe.


You hate Duncan and Manu for whining (kicking your team's ass), but you love Sheed? Awesomely sweet double standard you have there. Could you be more two-faced?

My most hated player: Shaq. No contest.

04-07-2008, 09:38 PM
And am I the only one who hates Kevin Martin? I'd find that hard to believe.

I'd feel bad hating Kevin Martin because he looks like he's 12 (same with Azubuke). It would be like hating on someone's kid brother.

04-07-2008, 09:42 PM

You hate Duncan and Manu for whining (kicking your team's ass), but you love Sheed? Awesomely sweet double standard you have there.

Sheed doesn't whine like a girl. Kobe doesn't whine like a girl. They get techs and they get pissed like men while telling the refs to fuck off.

Duncan and Ginobili don't get T'd up. Instead they just act like spoiled little bitches who don't believe that they're capable of commiting fouls. 30x a game.

And way to throw in the unprovoked jab about my team asshole. That has nothing to do with it. Why start shit in a thread like this? Seriously? Why don't you stop being such a little bitch yourself, havoc?

04-07-2008, 10:01 PM
Sheed doesn't whine like a girl. Kobe doesn't whine like a girl. They get techs and they get pissed like men while telling the refs to fuck off.

Duncan and Ginobili don't get T'd up. Instead they just act like spoiled little bitches who can't believe that they're capable of commiting a foul. 30x a game.

And way to throw in the unprovoked jab about my team asshole. That has nothing to do with it. Why start shit in a thread like this? Seriously? Why don't you stop being such a little bitch yourself, havoc?

I didnt know there was a way to be a Manly bitch.....

So let me make sure I understand correctly... Duncan and Ginobilli whine.... while Kobe and Sheed bitch manly-like? They are somehow more "manly" because they talk shit to a ref?

give me a fucking break. :wakeup

Ya I hate it when ANY Spur complains, I would rather have them back on defence, but I will say it takes a bigger man to complain a bit and accept it rhater than to try and intimidate someone.

04-07-2008, 10:04 PM

04-07-2008, 10:04 PM
I can't give this thread any credibility until someone mentions Bruce Bowen.

I mentioned Bowen on Page 1, but I actually I don't mind him that much. I do think he's a dirty player and a potential threat, but in terms of likability he doesn't actually get under my skin that much. In fact, I renounce mentioning his name. I dislike him, but not enough that I should be saying anything.

04-07-2008, 10:08 PM
I didnt know there was a way to be a Manly bitch.....

So let me make sure I understand correctly... Duncan and Ginobilli whine.... while Kobe and Sheed bitch manly-like?

ok...... :wakeup

It doesn't piss me off to see Sheed scream, "Do your fucking job," as he runs up the floor after getting hacked. If anything it ratchets up the games intensity.

It does piss me off when manu or Duncan flail their arms around and put on that almost patented Spurs WHO ME look after every clearly guilty foul.

Let the refs have it if they fuck up, I don't care, but to just bitch and moan like Duncan does after almost every single fucking correct call is ludicrous and and extremely annoying.

Don't pretend that Duncan in particular, but Ginobili too, are not famous for this.

04-07-2008, 10:16 PM
It doesn't piss me off to see Sheed scream, "Do your fucking job," as he runs up the floor after getting hacked. If anything it ratchets up the games intensity.

It does piss me off when manu or Duncan flail their arms around and put on that almost patented Spurs WHO ME look after every clearly guilty foul.

Let the refs have it if they fuck up, I don't care, but to just bitch and moan like Duncan does after almost every single fucking correct call is ludicrous and and extremely annoying.

Don't pretend that Duncan in particular, but Ginobili too, are not famous for this.

They are famous for it because the Spurs are in the lime-light. I watch every game I get a chance to (not just Spurs) and see a minimal difference between teams whining. Ya the Spurs whine alot, and that pisess me off just as much as it does you, but dont even fucking pretend that the Spurs are the worst ones for it.

Same shit used to be said of the Lakers....

Same Shit used to be said of the Bulls....

Same shit used to be said about the Celtics....

Champs are just subjected to more scrutiny. Period.

04-07-2008, 10:18 PM
no one hates sheed?

i find that VERY surprising.

i love sheed though.
Rasheed is a badass, I've always been a huge fan of his. I just wish he developed his post game more.

04-07-2008, 10:19 PM
They are famous for it because the Spurs are in the lime-light. I watch every game I get a chance to (not just Spurs) and see a minimal difference between teams whining. Ya the Spurs whine alot, and that pisess me off just as much as it does you, but dont even fucking pretend that the Spurs are the worst ones for it.

Champs are just subjected to more scrutiny. Period.

Whatever. Nobody's pretending but you. And trust me, nobody is scrutinizing the Spurs extra, because well, nobody can stand watching them to begin with. Look what Dime Magazine wrote just this week. I suggest you read the whole article.

I don’t care if you’re the biggest die-hard Spurs fan out there, you can’t deny that they might just be the whiniest team in all of basketball. Every call, every no-call, and generally everything that happens over the course of 48 minutes is met with whining or crying of some sort. And if, God forbid, a foul is called on somebody in a Spurs uni? You can bet that 10 out of 10 times, that call is going to be met with the Manu/Duncan-patented incredulous “It’s a Foul on Me?!” schtik on the court and at the announcers’ table.

They carry themselves with general arrogance that ties in with the whining (as in, “We don’t have to play well until the playoffs because we’re the Spurs!” or “We’re the Spurs! We’re too good to foul!”). Last night’s game was one big study in all of it. They were simply out-hustled and out-hearted by the Utah Jazz. Utah played better defense, came up with huge loose balls and boards and they hit big shots. Yet San Antonio and (Elliott) were carrying on like it was just unfathomable that Utah could be winning the game.

04-07-2008, 10:21 PM
Whatever. Nobody's pretending but you. Look what Dime Magazine wrote just this week. I suggest you read the whole article.

Your just proving my point for me... thank you.

04-07-2008, 10:21 PM
You hate Duncan and Manu for whining (kicking your team's ass), but you love Sheed?
There's definitely a bitchy, girly quality to the way Duncan, TP, & Manu whine. But Rasheed whines like a straight up badass. When he screams "BALL DON'T LIE" after a missed FT, it makes me laugh every time.

Tim, Manu, Josh Howard, Dirk, and the rest of the NBA whines to the refs but ultimately will bend over & take it. Rasheed just doesn't give a fuck.

04-07-2008, 10:22 PM
It doesn't piss me off to see Sheed scream, "Do your fucking job," as he runs up the floor after getting hacked. If anything it ratchets up the games intensity.

It does piss me off when manu or Duncan flail their arms around and put on that almost patented Spurs WHO ME look after every clearly guilty foul.

Let the refs have it if they fuck up, I don't care, but to just bitch and moan like Duncan does after almost every single fucking correct call is ludicrous and and extremely annoying.

Don't pretend that Duncan in particular, but Ginobili too, are not famous for this.

Watch more NBA games homie. That's the norm for 82% of the players in the league nowadays.

04-07-2008, 10:23 PM
Watch more NBA games homie. That's the norm for 82% of the players in the league nowadays.

Dont give him hints, let him believe its all the Spurs doing it...

04-07-2008, 10:25 PM
Your just proving my point for me... thank you.

So this whole thing is just because people hate the champs. I got news for you. The Pistons aren't viewed this way. Neither are the early 2000's Lakers. Or the 96, 97 or 98 Bulls.

Why is it that you are such a homer that can't just give in and admit they cry a lot in a particularly obtuse and annoying way. I mean, it's plain as the light of day.

Tell me then. What team or players do you think currently complain more than the Spurs or Duncan?

Y'know what fuck it. It's tough to win an argument against a die-hard, biased as fuck, moron like yourself.

I'll post it again-

I don’t care if you’re the biggest die-hard Spurs fan out there, you can’t deny that they might just be the whiniest team in all of basketball. Every call, every no-call, and generally everything that happens over the course of 48 minutes is met with whining or crying of some sort. And if, God forbid, a foul is called on somebody in a Spurs uni? You can bet that 10 out of 10 times, that call is going to be met with the Manu/Duncan-patented incredulous “It’s a Foul on Me?!” schtik on the court and at the announcers’ table.

They carry themselves with general arrogance that ties in with the whining (as in, “We don’t have to play well until the playoffs because we’re the Spurs!” or “We’re the Spurs! We’re too good to foul!”). Last night’s game was one big study in all of it. They were simply out-hustled and out-hearted by the Utah Jazz. Utah played better defense, came up with huge loose balls and boards and they hit big shots. Yet San Antonio and (Elliott) were carrying on like it was just unfathomable that Utah could be winning the game.

Watch more NBA games homie. That's the norm for 82% of the players in the league nowadays.

Guarantee I've seen more games than you have. Homie...

04-07-2008, 10:29 PM
I agree with Mono 1000% on sheed.

he is easily one of my top 5 non Spur players.

04-07-2008, 10:32 PM
The difference between Sheed and the Spurs players mentioned is that Sheed is hilarious!

04-07-2008, 10:34 PM
Yeah, I'll be honest.

SA just might be the whiniest team of the decade.

04-07-2008, 10:36 PM
^ Realistic spurs fan, coming through in a very realistic way. Way to be honest. :clap :clap :clap

04-07-2008, 10:37 PM

I probably get more respect from Non-Spur fans than actual Spur fans because of my pessimism

04-07-2008, 10:44 PM
Mad Dog Madsen.


:lol :lol :lol :lol

04-07-2008, 10:47 PM
D wade, Lebroom, Amare, Carmelo, Vince

04-07-2008, 10:50 PM
I find it funny that jazzfan is complaining about the Spurs whining...when every fucking time a whistle was blown in Utah the Jazz players all complained in unison. Just a thought!


Hank the Tank
04-07-2008, 10:54 PM
I find it funny that jazzfan is complaining about the Spurs whining...when every fucking time a whistle was blown in Utah the Jazz players all complained in unison. Just a thought!

how in the hell could you hate chris paul?

04-07-2008, 10:55 PM
At first I was surprised at Chris Paul too, but I do think he has a bit of a big mouth during games.

04-07-2008, 10:56 PM
how in the hell could you hate chris paul?

He's so fucking cocky against us. I think he should be confident but he was talking shit to fucking Pop during a game! I lost respect for him when that happened.

04-07-2008, 10:59 PM
He's so fucking cocky against us. I think he should be confident but he was talking shit to fucking Pop during a game! I lost respect for him when that happened.

Why AK-47? I could see hating Boozer no problem. What gives with AK though? He's one of the nicest, most humble players in the league.

And someone said Vince Carter. good call, I forgot all about him. Fuck Vinsanity.

04-07-2008, 11:00 PM
Why AK-47? I could see hating Boozer no problem. What gives with AK though? He's one of the nicest, most humble players in the league.

And someone said Vince Carter. good call, I forgot all about him. Fuck Vinsanity.

I actually don't like Boozer but I don't "hate" him. I hate AK-47 because he's a fucking bitch who cries and throws pity parties.

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 11:04 PM
Why do so many people on here hate Vince Carter? He seems like a cool guy to me...

04-07-2008, 11:10 PM
Why do so many people on here hate Vince Carter? He seems like a cool guy to me...

He whines and bitches all the time, is a complete waste of talent, and coming from someone who lives in Toronto, I can say his way of dicking the franchise over by completely giving up on the Raptors and giving away plays to the opposing team during a game (Sonics) just to get out of Toronto is completely uncalled, no matter how bad the franchise was.

I wish the NBA banned him for 2 years for that shit.

It's the same issue I have with Zo, and other players who act like little babies when they get traded or play for a team they aren't 100% behind anymore.

04-07-2008, 11:12 PM
I don't necessarily hate them, just feel kinda sorry for them:
- Carmelo 'sucker-puncher'
- Amare
- Terry
- Artest
- Stackhouse
- 'I should be an AllStar' Marion

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 11:12 PM
He whines and bitches all the time, is a complete waste of talent, and coming from someone who lives in Toronto, I can say his way of dicking the franchise over by completely giving up on the Raptors and giving away plays to the opposing team during a game (Sonics) just to get out of Toronto is completely uncalled, no matter how bad the franchise was.

I wish the NBA banned him for 2 years for that shit.

It's the same issue I have with Zo, and other players who act like little babies when they get traded or play for a team they aren't 100% behind anymore.

Ah, now I see...

The Nba Is Rigged
04-07-2008, 11:20 PM
Hey I am the only one who just saw Memphis commit a Huge chokejob? They were up by 9 with 1:57 left and they lost by turning over the ball, bricking a shot and missing 5 out of their last 6 freethrows in regulation. Huge chokejob...

04-07-2008, 11:22 PM
Oh yeah i forgot about Chris Paul. That bitch chokes more than TMac so far, havent even play/win one playoff game yet, gets own by Rafer for a few years in a row, and hes talking shit to every team like hes da shit. I seriously hope the Hornets will match up with the Jazzholes so that DWill will anniliate CP3 and show the world, once and for all, that CP3 is just a trash-talkin' nobody.
FUCK Chris Paul

04-07-2008, 11:27 PM
And someone said Vince Carter. good call, I forgot all about him. Fuck Vinsanity.

Yeah, I'm the one who listed him. I'm a big UNC guy, and even I hate Wince. Dude once tipped off the Sonics bench on a last-second inbounds play when he was trying to puss his way out of Toronto.

04-07-2008, 11:30 PM
Sheed doesn't whine like a girl. Kobe doesn't whine like a girl. They get techs and they get pissed like men while telling the refs to fuck off.

Duncan and Ginobili don't get T'd up. Instead they just act like spoiled little bitches who don't believe that they're capable of commiting fouls. 30x a game.

And way to throw in the unprovoked jab about my team asshole. That has nothing to do with it. Why start shit in a thread like this? Seriously? Why don't you stop being such a little bitch yourself, havoc?

Dude, if you cant stand the heat of Spurstalk, then get the fuck out. Seriously. You hate Duncan and Gino because you are jealous of our success, thats it, bottom line. Everyone fucking complains, so your argument is weak and basically exposes you as a Spurs hater who's jealous of our success. :nope

04-07-2008, 11:31 PM
Bruce Bowen.......his dirty play could hurt somebody.....


04-07-2008, 11:33 PM
no one hates sheed?

i find that VERY surprising.

i love sheed though.

Sheed is a badass. I respect his game.

Cry Havoc
04-07-2008, 11:36 PM
Sheed doesn't whine like a girl. Kobe doesn't whine like a girl. They get techs and they get pissed like men while telling the refs to fuck off.

Duncan and Ginobili don't get T'd up. Instead they just act like spoiled little bitches who don't believe that they're capable of commiting fouls. 30x a game.

So let me get this straight. Losing your head, running all over the court, freaking out and screaming, only to get T'ed up and cost your team points is the MANLY way to go about doing something? Maybe it's just me, but I always thought the "manly" thing, hell, the "adult" thing to do in the situation is to retain SOME semblance of emotional control without the need to throw a complete tantrum. I've seen 10 year olds with more composure than Sheed -- and yet, his conniption fits are somehow a paragon of manliness. I guess I'm alone in thinking that a real man isn't prone to fits of rage. :dramaquee

And for what it's worth, I NEVER said I condone Manu or Tim's behavior towards the officials. I thought it was hilarious that it's okay to be an idiotic hothead who acts like a caveman -- and that ranks HIGHER on your scale than someone who genuinely looks incredulous and doesn't completely lose their composure -- or hand points to the other team.

And way to throw in the unprovoked jab about my team asshole. That has nothing to do with it. Why start shit in a thread like this? Seriously? Why don't you stop being such a little bitch yourself, havoc?

haha, wow, now you're whining. "oh my gah, he took a potshot at my team, oh noes!" Get over it. A lot of fans hate the Spurs for a myriad of reasons, but mostly because they have 4 trophies and are in line to win a fifth. Your team sucks. And you act surprised when you get crap after coming in demeaning the Champs on their own message board? It's called Spurstalk for a reason, and you think it's cool to talk trash about another team, but you get all offended when the tables are turned? Perhaps if you took it as well as you gave it, you wouldn't get so grumpy. :p:

And perhaps most humorously, the fact that you called me a bitch probably makes you feel pretty manly, huh? It shows the kind of caliber retorts you can come up with with relative clarity. It also gives a bit of insight as to why Sheed is among your favorite players. :toast

04-07-2008, 11:38 PM
Tim and Manu are boring, public persona wise, whatever they're like in private. Sheed is comic gold.

04-07-2008, 11:43 PM
hey hey hey, don't hate D-wade just because he got in chuck's fave 5. Gimme them socks!!!

04-07-2008, 11:57 PM
all-time is Karl Malone without a doubt.

In today's game. Noah for sure.

04-08-2008, 12:03 AM
Boobie Gibson
Drew I look like a Fool Gooden

04-08-2008, 12:05 AM
If you wanna see whining, you have to see D'Antoni in the 4th quarter when a call didn't go his way. I actually await anxiously his tantrum routine as if it would be a new episode of some comedy show.

04-08-2008, 12:05 AM
Dude, if you cant stand the heat of Spurstalk, then get the fuck out. Seriously. You hate Duncan and Gino because you are jealous of our success, thats it, bottom line. Everyone fucking complains, so your argument is weak and basically exposes you as a Spurs hater who's jealous of our success. :nope

Okay. Well, if you lose in the playoffs this year and are no longer successful I'll still come back and tell you that I think the Spurs are a bunch of whining bitches.

It's funny, cause when it comes to what I think of the Spurs, you really have no idea what you're talking about. I'll freely admit the Spurs are the NBA's best team. Will be until their knocked off IMO. In fact I spend a lot of time defending them on the ESPN boards. That doesn't mean I can't hate them for being obtuse, entitled, annoying, cry-babies. Which they most definitely are. And it certainly doesn't mean I'm jealous; I'm content as fuck with the teams I root for.

And I can stand the heat, I just think from previous conversations that cry havoc happens to be one of the faggiest little bitches I've ever encountered on a message board, so I let him have it. Fuck cry havoc, he can suck my ball sack.

04-08-2008, 12:07 AM
So let me get this straight. Losing your head, running all over the court, freaking out and screaming, only to get T'ed up and cost your team points is the MANLY way to go about doing something? Maybe it's just me, but I always thought the "manly" thing, hell, the "adult" thing to do in the situation is to retain SOME semblance of emotional control without the need to throw a complete tantrum. I've seen 10 year olds with more composure than Sheed -- and yet, his conniption fits are somehow a paragon of manliness. I guess I'm alone in thinking that a real man isn't prone to fits of rage. :dramaquee

And for what it's worth, I NEVER said I condone Manu or Tim's behavior towards the officials. I thought it was hilarious that it's okay to be an idiotic hothead who acts like a caveman -- and that ranks HIGHER on your scale than someone who genuinely looks incredulous and doesn't completely lose their composure -- or hand points to the other team.

haha, wow, now you're whining. "oh my gah, he took a potshot at my team, oh noes!" Get over it. A lot of fans hate the Spurs for a myriad of reasons, but mostly because they have 4 trophies and are in line to win a fifth. Your team sucks. And you act surprised when you get crap after coming in demeaning the Champs on their own message board? It's called Spurstalk for a reason, and you think it's cool to talk trash about another team, but you get all offended when the tables are turned? Perhaps if you took it as well as you gave it, you wouldn't get so grumpy. :p:

And perhaps most humorously, the fact that you called me a bitch probably makes you feel pretty manly, huh? It shows the kind of caliber retorts you can come up with with relative clarity. It also gives a bit of insight as to why Sheed is among your favorite players. :toast

I didn't read this. I don't like you enough. Just wanted to let you know that you're a piece of shit.

04-08-2008, 12:12 AM
You don't see me screaming about all the people saying Karl Malone. See, cause I'm not a homeristic idiot. I know Malone was unlikable. I'm not going to go blaming that shit on "Jazz-Hating" and jealousy of our 90's success.

Don't see why some of you Spurs bitches are having such a hard time being honest or fair. Oh well. I'm right, you're wrong, I'm going to bed and if you don't agree with me, go fuck yourselves.

baseline bum
04-08-2008, 12:13 AM
Karl Malone is the only player I've ever truly hated. I hated that he flopped like Divac and then went out and acted hard like he was Maurice Lucas or something.

04-08-2008, 12:17 AM
Karl Malone is the only player I've ever truly hated. I hated that he flopped like Divac and then went out and acted hard like he was Maurice Lucas or something.

He surely knew how to man those elbows...

04-08-2008, 12:25 AM
Damon Jones
Tayshaun Prince (looks like he's going to cry every bad call)
Jason Terry
Tim Thomas
Chris Paul (Plays like he's won multiple MVP's and always has a scowl on his face when things go wrong and acts like a bitch.
Stephen Jackson
Eduardo Najera

04-08-2008, 12:54 AM
I suppose we're talking about ALL-TIME and if that's the case this list will be LONG...but with that said, I only have TRULY hated a few players and very few of them exist today:

1. Karl Malone (don't even get me started)
2. Patrick Ewing (ultimate choker who took advantage of lazy calls to charge/travel every chance he got and couldn't lead his team to shit and thought he was a god)
3. Gary Payton (where did that loud bitch ass mouth and yellin at the ref's get ya huh? Oh yah..a gravy-train ring, good boy; now enjoy your retirement...a few years too late dontcha think??)
4. Alonzo Mourning (a great player, but his attitude on the court just made me laugh, he'll make the HOF eventually because his kidney got him the spotlight, NOT his play...see the above Payton reference too)
5. Amare Stoudemire (punk whiny bitch who thinks too much of himself)
6. Jason Terry (nut lovin ball grabbin punk who is a wannabe thug...weighs about as much as my dick but hoots and hollers like an O.G.. "Is there a camera on me?"...then listen to the most perfect Queens English since Winston Churchill.

*Jerome James-he's so much of a nothing (oxymoron) that he doesn't even get ON the list
*'Melo HAS to be mentioned after the Knicks embarassment. We revoked his Man Card after that...
*I've gotta be honest: if I wasn't a Spur junkie, I'd probably hate Manu Ginobili too
*T-Mac-gawd I hate his game...fuck it-I hate him

04-08-2008, 01:05 AM
^Comon man Alonzo in his prime was a beast, no need to hate.

Cry Havoc
04-08-2008, 01:19 AM
^Comon man Alonzo in his prime was a beast, no need to hate.

Agreed. Zo fought through a life-threatening condition to make a very solid return to the NBA.

04-08-2008, 01:23 AM
Fuck Zo, he also showboated like hell and refused to report to toronto.

Zo could've cured AIDS for all I cared, doesn't give him a free pass to cry over a trade and refuse to report to them. I understand that he wanted to play for a contender, but there were much better ways to go about it.

04-08-2008, 01:43 AM
You might not agree with what he did, but I'm talking about the on court aspect of his career. The dude was a badass, one of the best post defenders ever.

Tike Mailer
04-08-2008, 01:57 AM
Tim Duncan
Chris Paul
Steve Nash
Manu Ginobili
Pau Gasol

04-08-2008, 02:23 AM
Paul Pierce

04-08-2008, 02:43 AM

John Paxson
Mario Ellie
Byron Scott
Jerry Stackhouse
Terry Porter
Kobe Bryant
Manu Ginobli
among others.....


04-08-2008, 03:14 AM
Still guilty, by the way.

04-08-2008, 03:44 AM
Steve Nash
Devin Harris
Tim Duncan
Allen Iverson

04-08-2008, 03:51 AM
Fuck Zo, he also showboated like hell and refused to report to toronto.

Zo could've cured AIDS for all I cared, doesn't give him a free pass to cry over a trade and refuse to report to them. I understand that he wanted to play for a contender, but there were much better ways to go about it.

Damn, I hate agreeing with you but that's my take too basically. Fuck him and his bullshit "gimme the spotlight" attitude.

04-08-2008, 03:51 AM
Tim Duncan
Chris Paul
Steve Nash
Manu Ginobili
Pau Gasol

Oh, fuck you Mouse

04-08-2008, 07:25 AM
jason terry

04-08-2008, 07:41 AM

04-08-2008, 08:12 AM
D wade, Lebroom, Amare, Carmelo, Vince
take your mouth off Kobe's cock man

04-08-2008, 08:18 AM
K Martin
Deaven George
Yao Ming

04-08-2008, 08:18 AM
I find it funny how people list Jason Terry, and talk all this shit about him, when the truth is... if he wasn't a Maverick, and didn't hit Finley in the groin (which i didn't condone, but in all honesty, Finley started it by jumping on Terry well after the play was whisled dead and refused to get up off of him) no one here would give a shit about him. all this "wannabe thug" stuff is absolutely retarded. screaming to get the crowd involved has absolutely nothing to do with being a thug. having a very minor altercation has nothing to do with being a thug.

04-08-2008, 08:20 AM
I find it funny how people list Jason Terry, and talk all this shit about him, when the truth is... if he wasn't a Maverick, and didn't hit Finley in the groin (which i didn't condone, but in all honesty, Finley started it by jumping on Terry well after the play was whisled dead and refused to get up off of him) no one here would give a shit about him. all this "wannabe thug" stuff is absolutely retarded. screaming to get the crowd involved has absolutely nothing to do with being a thug. having a very minor altercation has nothing to do with being a thug.

Terry looks like a turtle....nuff said

04-08-2008, 08:37 AM
Terry looks like a turtle....nuff said

04-08-2008, 08:38 AM
Bonzi Wells for the win.

04-08-2008, 09:20 AM
It doesn't piss me off to see Sheed scream, "Do your fucking job," as he runs up the floor after getting hacked. If anything it ratchets up the games intensity.

It does piss me off when manu or Duncan flail their arms around and put on that almost patented Spurs WHO ME look after every clearly guilty foul.

Let the refs have it if they fuck up, I don't care, but to just bitch and moan like Duncan does after almost every single fucking correct call is ludicrous and and extremely annoying.

Don't pretend that Duncan in particular, but Ginobili too, are not famous for this.

Very manly indeed


Don't get me wrong, I love Rasheed, but this double standard is just laughable.

04-08-2008, 09:26 AM
Whatever. Nobody's pretending but you. And trust me, nobody is scrutinizing the Spurs extra, because well, nobody can stand watching them to begin with. Look what Dime Magazine wrote just this week. I suggest you read the whole article.
Wow! You found an article that says Tommy Heinsohn NOT being a homer as some evidence that the Spurs whine?

Since you put so much stock in online blogs, read this.
They put Sheed in the same group as Duncan and Ginobili! I suggest you read this as well.

04-08-2008, 09:30 AM
^ Realistic spurs fan, coming through in a very realistic way. Way to be honest. :clap :clap :clap
Whoever agrees with you is realistic, whoever doesn't see the world through your eyes are blind homers.
BTW, Amusedaysleeper, do you mind telling Mr. ultimate decider of truth how many times you said the Spurs weren't going to win it all last year? You were just being realistic, weren't you?

04-08-2008, 09:33 AM
Bruce Bowen.......his dirty play could hurt somebody.....


Mutombo .... his clumsy play did hurt someboyd ....

04-08-2008, 09:35 AM
There were several instances where I felt the Spurs weren't gonna win it last year. The team never quite gelled together, and had we not gotten an xmas gift with GS knocking off Dallas who knows what would've happened? (not that I'm complaining)

Having said that, I couldn't be happier to be proven wrong last year.

This year should be a another battle, but I know last year we had more Spurs fans doubting SA more than ever, and with good reason.

oh, and Mr. Chug, why do you hate agreeing with me?

04-08-2008, 09:44 AM
You might not agree with what he did, but I'm talking about the on court aspect of his career. The dude was a badass, one of the best post defenders ever.

Alonzo's hatable on court accomplishments:

Embarrassed the whole USA during the world championship as part of Dream Team II, flexing muscles, screaming, staring down, etc .... after every single play.

Signed with the Heat because he couldn't stand being 2nd banana to Larry Johnson.

Refused to report to Toronto after the Vince Carter trade, forcing a $10 M buyout.

Went to the Nets to play with Kidd, then forced the Nets to trade him when the team started sucking.

04-08-2008, 10:03 AM
I hate Brad Miller, Matt Harpring, Scott Pollard, Jeff Foster, Gordan Girisuck, Eduardo Najera, pretty much any white dude who can't play that just beats people up.

04-08-2008, 10:12 AM
1.Ron Artest because of the brawl a couple years back. He's a thug and a bitch. Then after the brawl at a game i think it was this year he looked at the palace crowd and stuck his tongue out like a little bitch like "hey look at me im a little immature bitch that threw a little bitch fit and beat the shit out of a fan when he wasnt even the one that threw the water bottle"

2.Anderson Vaginajao-litte fagget bitch that needs a haircut. I can't stand his flopping he looks like a damn ballarina out there.

3.LeBron-Overrated. If I was the only person on my team i could make 50 points a game too. And with all of the bullshit calls he gets, that would make me that much better.

4.Bruce Bowen-He's one of the dirtiest players in the game.

04-08-2008, 10:13 AM
3.LeBron-Overrated. If I was the only person on my team i could make 50 points a game too. And with all of the bullshit calls he gets, that would make me that much better.

lol, jealous

miss paxton
04-08-2008, 10:15 AM
I don't like saying I hate anyone, but there are definitely players about whom I hate certain things:

Shaq: I hate his reputation for being a wit when I don't think he's funny at all. I think if the media didn't worship the pearls of hilarity that fall from his lips I might like him better. So maybe I just hate the media.

Bonzi Wells: Probably the one active player who I almost can't find a reason not to hate. He just gets under my skin. . . and it doesn't help that he's now on the Hornets. I wish he were on a non-playoff team, because he is always a problem for the Spurs.

Jason Terry: I'll take you Mavs fans at your word that he's a decent guy off the court. On the court I reserve the right to dislike his attitude.

Karl Malone: The elbows. The knees.

Those are really the only guys I have visceral reactions to. I think the Sheed discussion upthread is kind of funny, because I've always really liked him. I can see how he's frustrating because he could be so much better than he even already is, but since he doesn't play for my team I'm free to just be entertained by him.

04-08-2008, 10:29 AM
In no order
Karl Malone
Jerry Stackhouse
Jason Terry
DeWayne Wade - learn how to spell you dumb bitch, and your momma

There's others but it's a minor hate. Those players up there can break a testicle and retire for all I care.

Utah Jazz
LA Lakers
Phoenix Suns


04-08-2008, 10:56 AM
Bruce Bowen. Guy kicks others in the face and back. Grabs and holds. Slides foot under shooters. When other players retaliate he holds his hands up like he did not do anything. Then when he gets interviewed it is all about praising God. What a hypocrite.

Karl Malone. Intentionally elbowing players. He too lead with his foot to kick players.

All the bitch ass floppers in the league. Flopping is just unmanly. Which includes Fisher, Ginobili, Harris, Varejao, Posey, Raja Bell, Horry, Divac, Stockton......

04-08-2008, 11:12 AM
Wow, I'm surprised by the lack of Kobe hate.....interesting.

04-08-2008, 11:22 AM
Alonzo's hatable on court accomplishments:

Embarrassed the whole USA during the world championship as part of Dream Team II, flexing muscles, screaming, staring down, etc .... after every single play.

Signed with the Heat because he couldn't stand being 2nd banana to Larry Johnson.

Refused to report to Toronto after the Vince Carter trade, forcing a $10 M buyout.

Went to the Nets to play with Kidd, then forced the Nets to trade him when the team started sucking.

Don't quote me and try to call me out, Alonzo Mourning was a great player. Like him or not, he is definately Hall of Fame deserving. Great shot blocker to the extent that guys are sometimes scared to drive in when he's in the paint, and very strong and able to hold good post position and keep his man away from the basket. Was a solid 20 and 10 guy for years. Besides, everything you mentioned minus the flexing and screaming was off the court anyway.

04-08-2008, 11:27 AM
Mutumbo was for the longest time... Such an arrogant ass..

I have since graduated to the infinitely more arrogant MarshMelo.

I also am perpetually pissed at Stephen Jackson and Ron Artest... Those head-cases cost Reggie his last shot at a title.

Kobe... more disappointed than anything else with him... Before the 'Rado incident, he was the unique guy who I didn't like, didn't have to, but still respected as one of the most intelligent, thoughtful and articulate athletes. Then he just acted like an idiot, and I lost all respect for the man. Had the 'Rado thing not happened, I would have been the most Pro Kobe guy during the Shaq debacle. But alas, no crying over spilled milk.

Cry Havoc
04-08-2008, 11:29 AM
Those are really the only guys I have visceral reactions to. I think the Sheed discussion upthread is kind of funny, because I've always really liked him. I can see how he's frustrating because he could be so much better than he even already is, but since he doesn't play for my team I'm free to just be entertained by him.

I don't hate Rasheed, actually. I want to like him, but a guy with the talent to be a Tim Duncan caliber player, only to accept a role position, and then to whine about calls like he does... it bothers me. Sheed bothers me, but I admire some of the things he can do on the court. I think if I were a Pistons fan, I would hate him, because of the ability he has that he doesn't consistently use. A determined, focused, and in-control Sheed would be a monster every night on the court. I was simply pointing out the fallacy in ballijuana's logic... which obviously struck a nerve. :lol

04-08-2008, 11:36 AM
Don't quote me and try to call me out, Alonzo Mourning was a great player. Like him or not, he is definately Hall of Fame deserving. Great shot blocker to the extent that guys are sometimes scared to drive in when he's in the paint, and very strong and able to hold good post position and keep his man away from the basket. Was a solid 20 and 10 guy for years. Besides, everything you mentioned minus the flexing and screaming was off the court anyway.
Don't bother trying to even comment on anything ambchang has to say. He always turns it into a debate. Always.

miss paxton
04-08-2008, 11:36 AM
Wow, I'm surprised by the lack of Kobe hate.....interesting.

I respect Kobe for being not just phenomenally gifted but an extremely hard worker. I think he sets the bar for himself very high. Do I like him? No, but then I don't know him either. I try not to think too much about whether I would like any of these guys personally, since what I see of them is so limited.

I have a healthy respect for Kobe as an opponent. I will never not worry when he's on the floor. But that doesn't mean I hate him.

04-08-2008, 11:38 AM
I find it funny how people list Jason Terry, and talk all this shit about him, when the truth is... if he wasn't a Maverick, and didn't hit Finley in the groin (which i didn't condone, but in all honesty, Finley started it by jumping on Terry well after the play was whisled dead and refused to get up off of him) no one here would give a shit about him. all this "wannabe thug" stuff is absolutely retarded. screaming to get the crowd involved has absolutely nothing to do with being a thug. having a very minor altercation has nothing to do with being a thug.

But isn't Jason Terry a Dallas Maverick and didn't he hit Michael Finley in the groin?

04-08-2008, 11:41 AM
I'm a huge fan of Rasheed Wallace.

And, I love the fact that fans of other teams hate him.

04-08-2008, 11:48 AM
But isn't Jason Terry a Dallas Maverick and didn't he hit Michael Finley in the groin?
Indeed he is and did. But obviously you missed the point of the post once again, dickhead. I was more annoyed with people calling him a "thug" when in fact he is far from being anything like a thug. He has a family and 4 children, stays out of trouble, and always has classy interviews, and typically is classy on the court, with the exception of the altercation with Finley, but even the classiest of players will get involved in an altercation from time to time.

04-08-2008, 12:41 PM
andrea bargnani because of all the hype that the news gives him over here and the fact that his bad english is very annoying lol

04-08-2008, 12:49 PM
Can't say that I hate any player today. Since Karl Malone became a Lakers, I hated no other player. Karl Malone was the only player that I despised.

04-08-2008, 01:00 PM
Indeed he is and did. But obviously you missed the point of the post once again, dickhead. I was more annoyed with people calling him a "thug" when in fact he is far from being anything like a thug. He has a family and 4 children, stays out of trouble, and always has classy interviews, and typically is classy on the court, with the exception of the altercation with Finley, but even the classiest of players will get involved in an altercation from time to time.

Come on. The guy was being the punk he is when Ginobili was owning him early in the year. Grabbing arms and legs. Plus, he's got as big a mouth as Stackhouse, and probably as little a mind. When he wins, is all about how they wanted to send a message, and when they lose, the game didn't matter.
He's also another showboater just like Zo, who is riding Dirk's coattails.

You know, Bowen also has a nice family, and a degree in public relations. Not to mention he is heavily involved in various SA's community projects. Do you hate him any less because of that?

04-08-2008, 01:02 PM
Don't quote me and try to call me out, Alonzo Mourning was a great player. Like him or not, he is definately Hall of Fame deserving. Great shot blocker to the extent that guys are sometimes scared to drive in when he's in the paint, and very strong and able to hold good post position and keep his man away from the basket. Was a solid 20 and 10 guy for years. Besides, everything you mentioned minus the flexing and screaming was off the court anyway.

Not trying to call you out man, just interesting that you didn't know why many doesn't like Alonzo.

BTW, who can forget that famous dragging Van Gundy around brawl he was involved in? Cost the Heat the series. Come to think of it, Mourning screwed over every pro team he was associated with, which is quite an accomplishment in itself.

BTW, I doubt Mourning makes the HoF, his play on the court is good, and he is a force defensively, but I am not sure he is HoF level, borderline at best.

04-08-2008, 01:05 PM
Don't bother trying to even comment on anything ambchang has to say. He always turns it into a debate. Always.
As opposed to you who never argued anything. Never.

04-08-2008, 01:13 PM
As opposed to you who never argued anything. Never.
Posting a reply like this only reinforces stretch's point. Just saying.

04-08-2008, 01:15 PM
Come on. The guy was being the punk he is when Ginobili was owning him early in the year. Grabbing arms and legs. Plus, he's got as big a mouth as Stackhouse, and probably as little a mind. When he wins, is all about how they wanted to send a message, and when they lose, the game didn't matter.
He's also another showboater just like Zo, who is riding Dirk's coattails.

You know, Bowen also has a nice family, and a degree in public relations. Not to mention he is heavily involved in various SA's community projects. Do you hate him any less because of that?
Actually I don't hate Bowen one bit. Do I think he is dirty and does a lot of cheap shots? Yes. But I don't hate him for that.

And I'm not sure what it is that gets on yalls nerves so much about Terry screaming after hitting a big shot, or throwing his arms up to get the crowd involved, as every team has guys like those. I've seen Parker and Ginobili do stuff like that plenty of times. I don't hate them one bit for that. It's all part of the game. The crowd helps, and showing emotion gets the crowd more involved. Plus, this is entertainment. Crowds like seeing emotion.

Off the court, Terry is just as classy as Bruce Bowen. Does a lot of community projects, has a nice family, and a degree as well. Very classy in his interviews, always showing nothing but the utmost respect for opponents, etc...

as for the bullshit "When he wins, is all about how they wanted to send a message, and when they lose, the game didn't matter"... all players say that. ALL PLAYERS. no one in their right mind walks out into an interview and says "we fucking sucked that game, and it will damage our psyche for the next few games, so dont be surpized to see us hang our heads and lose a few..." thats fucking retarded, and a terrible way to bash on someone. He tries to stay as positive as possible, and like i said earlier, he ALWAYS gives credit to the opponents when losing, and even when winning, gives credit for solid efforts he noticed from particular players on the opposing team who deserves mention.

On the court, Bowen and Terry both are fierce competitors and want to do anything possible to win. I don't see how you can hate a player because of that, as long as they aren't constantly stepping outside the lines. Bowen and Terry both do not.

04-08-2008, 01:16 PM
i really dislike Jeff Foster, but it has more to do with the case of beer he jacked from my fridge in 1998 than anything he has done on the court.

Cry Havoc
04-08-2008, 01:17 PM
Don't bother trying to even comment on anything ambchang has to say. He always turns it into a debate. Always.

Yes, because message forums about sports are meant to be used for ponies and rainbows. Spurstalk.com's new motto should be: "Disagreement is highly discouraged!" :spin

04-08-2008, 01:20 PM
Yes, because message forums about sports are meant to be used for ponies and rainbows. Spurstalk.com's new motto should be: "Disagreement is highly discouraged!" :spin
I agree.

The Nba Is Rigged
04-08-2008, 01:28 PM
This has nothing to do with this thread but I thought this was fuckin sick- http://youtube.com/watch?v=23Tt13WCGHw

04-08-2008, 01:38 PM
Posting a reply like this only reinforces stretch's point. Just saying.
I just had no idea where that came from in the first place.

Honestly, I don't even recall "debating" with stretch in the first place, but if he got sore from the last exchange we had, that's his problem.

I also find it amusing that people are complaining about others engaging in "debates" on forums. I thought that's the main purpose of a forum.

04-08-2008, 02:54 PM
hey Ambchang have they banned you from the Suns board yet? :lol

04-08-2008, 03:27 PM
Mourning is definately HOF material, as is Ewing, Olajuwon, Payton, and so many other great defensive players from that time period.

04-08-2008, 04:09 PM
lebron, bowen and dirk

04-08-2008, 04:09 PM
I hate players with too much hype,
kobe, vince, tmac, etc,
especially Kobe

Reggie Miller
04-08-2008, 04:58 PM
1. Michael Jordan
2. Isaiah Thomas
3. Bill Laimbeer
4. Karl Malone
5. Shaquille O'Neal
6. Kobe Bryant
7. Derek Fisher
8. D. Wade
9. John Starks
10. Amare Stoudamire

Cry Havoc
04-08-2008, 05:03 PM
3. Bill Laimbeer

Dude, come on. His Combat Basketball game for the Super Nintendo was freaking awesome. I won one game 168 to 4. You just can't compare today's game with that level of realism.

04-08-2008, 06:20 PM
oh also kobe bryant

04-08-2008, 06:49 PM
From the past- Karl Malone, now....

1. Jason Terry (fucking dumbass thug who's never won anything, yet still talks trash, hits people in the nuts, etc.)

2. Jerry Stackhouse (nuff said, see above.)

3. KoME Bryant.

4. Snaq

5. Amare Stoudemire

6. Tracy Mcgrady

7. Marsh-melo Anthony

8. Allen Iverson

04-08-2008, 08:32 PM
hey Ambchang have they banned you from the Suns board yet? :lol
Surprisingly, not yet. I didn't really say anything bannable I suppose. I am still waiting for them to have any decent evidence of what they say, and I thought arguing that Bowen is not dirty has already given them a sizable advantage, but they failed to capitalize on it.

04-08-2008, 08:49 PM
I fucking hate Amare. Overhyped P.O.S.

And I also hate Lebron for how he and ESPN think he is the Golden boy of the league.

04-08-2008, 09:41 PM
Bruce Bowen. Guy kicks others in the face and back. Grabs and holds. Slides foot under shooters. When other players retaliate he holds his hands up like he did not do anything. Then when he gets interviewed it is all about praising God. What a hypocrite.

Karl Malone. Intentionally elbowing players. He too lead with his foot to kick players.

All the bitch ass floppers in the league. Flopping is just unmanly. Which includes Fisher, Ginobili, Harris, Varejao, Posey, Raja Bell, Horry, Divac, Stockton......

Watch video of Patty Ewing. Dude got away with practically EVERYTHING. Hate Malone? Watch Ewing offensively. He threw more bows to get open than Karl, and that says ALOT.

04-08-2008, 09:52 PM
I guess I am the only one with a bone to pick with Mt. Mutumbo eh?

04-08-2008, 09:55 PM
Besides, everything you mentioned minus the flexing and screaming was off the court anyway.

Bullshit, he is an asshole on the court. And we ARE asking about off the court-are we not??? Glad he was never able to lead a team to the championship. Fuck him...he thinks he can BUY TIME with The Almighty by giving back his money to charity.

04-08-2008, 09:55 PM
I guess I am the only one with a bone to pick with Mt. Mutumbo eh?

He was on MY list. Fuck that finger waggin fool.

04-09-2008, 01:22 AM
Am I the only one who gets aggravated when Dikembe Mutombo waves that damn finger when he blocks a shot?

04-09-2008, 01:23 AM
I guess I am the only one with a bone to pick with Mt. Mutumbo eh?
I posted before I saw this page.

04-09-2008, 02:23 AM
Shaq. And I actually liked Shaq during his college days and in Orlando! Then he went to LA as Jordan retired for good and the league and media started falling all over themselves to find the next big thing. Reporters started slobbing his knob over every incredibly unfunny one liner he said (once they decoded his mouth full of marbles delivery). Once he was christened the league's face of the future he got fat and coasted by on refs not having the balls to call the 50 or so fouls a game he committed. And then his ego and shitty work ethic left the Lakers in shambles for a while, and his pout until they trade me routine just did the same to the Heat. He runs to the media to bitch about anything and everything, and has taken needless pot shots at his former teams. I'm not proud of it, but I am happy whenever that fat fuck gets injured.

04-09-2008, 07:15 AM
I hate anyone that gets mention in the same breath as jordan, which includes Dwet, kobitch, lechoke, and hakeem, the former being that houston would not have won 2 championships if jordan was around, and his greatness is debatable.

04-09-2008, 07:17 AM
You know, I don't hate Dirk, but he has to STOP making that stupid face with his tounge sticking out while popping his jersey.

Be a professional, for christsakes.


04-09-2008, 07:25 AM
i hate shaq, and anybody wearing a celtics uniform

04-09-2008, 07:36 AM
my most hated player would have to be steve nash and the reason is because he thinks he is the best in the nbe and he is not he sucks

04-09-2008, 07:48 AM
my most hated player would have to be steve nash and the reason is because he thinks he is the best in the nbe and he is not he sucks

Yeah, he's a real showboater. :lol

04-09-2008, 07:55 AM
my most hated player would have to be steve nash and the reason is because he thinks he is the best in the nbe and he is not he sucks

not sure where steve nash ever thought of himself as the best in the nba but ok...

04-09-2008, 09:14 AM
my most hated player would have to be steve nash and the reason is because he thinks he is the best in the nbe and he is not he sucks

Youre reachin there Mrs. Rodgers

04-09-2008, 09:18 AM
You know, I don't hate Dirk, but he has to STOP making that stupid face with his tounge sticking out while popping his jersey.

Be a professional, for christsakes.

America, eatin' my lunch from a single bowl in my parents basement, where I'm livin'. Happy Birthday, I'm forty-three.

Don't want to waste those precious calories...chewin'. Jesus come move my jaw for me, help me get my sloppy food down my throat

04-09-2008, 01:24 PM
lol, jealous

Lol, I am in no way jelous of queen james

04-09-2008, 01:29 PM
Lol, I am in no way jelous of queen james
lol, denial

04-10-2008, 12:36 AM
Bullshit, he is an asshole on the court. And we ARE asking about off the court-are we not??? Glad he was never able to lead a team to the championship. Fuck him...he thinks he can BUY TIME with The Almighty by giving back his money to charity.

No. Someone said that he would make it because of his kidney ailment, but I said that his on court accomplishments are good enough to get him into the Hall of Fame. And what's this bullshit about buying time with God, you don't know the guy personally do you? You're freakin criticizing him for doing charity work.

04-10-2008, 05:38 AM
the whole Toronto Raptors franchise. im not really sure why :pctoss

04-10-2008, 07:52 AM
I literally hate steve nash and he is a ball hog he thinks that he owns the nba and my favorite players would have to be
mike bibby
lebron james

04-10-2008, 10:20 AM
bumping MRodgers gay threads off the front page