View Full Version : tp almost responsible for half of spurs points

01-15-2005, 11:09 PM
21 points and 6 assist
6 assist= 12 points

33 points are almost half of 67

01-15-2005, 11:11 PM
duncan got 18 and barry got 8
and that is basically it

no help from anyone else :pctoss

01-15-2005, 11:12 PM
We should resign the Iceman.

At least it will get him out of that horrible Jordan Ford gig.

01-16-2005, 02:04 AM
Duncan got 18 on 7-19 shooting hardly MVP numbers. I am so fucking sick of listening to everyone slam everybody not named TIM DUNCAN. If the Spurs wanna win a championship everyone including DUNCAN needs to be held accountable. If he's hurt than he needs to man up and admit it, this pussy bullshit he's displaying is only hurting the team.

I'm also waiting for all the Barry backers to validate the shitty effort he is showning during games that really matter. Tell me what the fuck he did good in allas and rockets game, other than look scared?

I have read alot of bullshit in this forum lately but what I have not read is why the fuck our $14M man isnt taking this team by the throat and willing us to win. I guess Tim just isnt into winning that way. If he is not willing to be the leader he needs to give his endorsement to someone else on this team willing to have the balls to carry that load.

01-16-2005, 11:45 AM
Duncan got 18 on 7-19 shooting hardly MVP numbers. I am so fucking sick of listening to everyone slam everybody not named TIM DUNCAN. If the Spurs wanna win a championship everyone including DUNCAN needs to be held accountable. If he's hurt than he needs to man up and admit it, this pussy bullshit he's displaying is only hurting the team.

I'm also waiting for all the Barry backers to validate the shitty effort he is showning during games that really matter. Tell me what the fuck he did good in allas and rockets game, other than look scared?

I have read alot of bullshit in this forum lately but what I have not read is why the fuck our $14M man isnt taking this team by the throat and willing us to win. I guess Tim just isnt into winning that way. If he is not willing to be the leader he needs to give his endorsement to someone else on this team willing to have the balls to carry that load.

Pussy bullshit? Not having balls? Why should he admit he is hurt? Duncan is the most consistent player for the Spurs. Maybe he is having lingering effects from being sick. Maybe his hip is hurting him. But wtf, he still playing and still producing good numbers even if those are a little off from his regular self. A pussy doesn't keep playing. A pussy isn't still the best Spur out there on the court. Being hurt or sick is not a state of mind. It is a physical barrier that needs time to be over come.

You call out Duncan when he jsut got over being sick and may be struggling with an injury just as he played one of the best defensive teams out there. Gee I wonder why he didn't have a great night?

01-16-2005, 12:52 PM
Pussy bullshit? Not having balls? Why should he admit he is hurt? Duncan is the most consistent player for the Spurs. Maybe he is having lingering effects from being sick. Maybe his hip is hurting him. But wtf, he still playing and still producing good numbers even if those are a little off from his regular self. A pussy doesn't keep playing. A pussy isn't still the best Spur out there on the court. Being hurt or sick is not a state of mind. It is a physical barrier that needs time to be over come.

You call out Duncan when he jsut got over being sick and may be struggling with an injury just as he played one of the best defensive teams out there. Gee I wonder why he didn't have a great night?You never call out TIM DUNCAN, but are quick to call out any one else. You are a Duncan homer. Guess what, Tim is no where close to being an MVP player. Its not just this game, Tim's been sleep walking for the last 3 weeks. Until you can get over your hypocritical ways and be more objective, you will being willing to accept another 4 game sweep after being up 2-0 in the playoffs. Take off the Duncan colored glasses.

The team starts and ends with Tim and he simply is not up to the responsibility this year. If he's sick or tired or injuried then he should sit out games until he is better. Ever notice how teams pick it up when their star goes down? I guess you, Tim and the other Tim is flawless folks don't trust the rest of the players to pick it up in his absence. Excuse me for having more faith in the best support cast the Spurs have ever had. I will not excuse you or anyone else that does not support the rest of the players not named Tim Duncan. You might as well consider yourself a Duncan fan not a Spurs fan.

I believe baskball is a team game...I guess you're brainwashed by BSPN and the rest of the media into believing this is a basket is a superstar game. The Spurs are not the lakers. If Tim sits out some games the Spurs will NOT lose games like other teams with only one superstar. Have some faith in the players not named Tim Duncan damit.

I would rather have Tim sit out 2 weeks and be at 100% for the playoffs then have him continue to wear himself out until the playoffs. I guess you just want Tim out there at all costs.

01-16-2005, 01:36 PM
You never call out TIM DUNCAN, but are quick to call out any one else. You are a Duncan homer. Guess what, Tim is no where close to being an MVP player. Its not just this game, Tim's been sleep walking for the last 3 weeks. Until you can get over your hypocritical ways and be more objective, you will being willing to accept another 4 game sweep after being up 2-0 in the playoffs. Take off the Duncan colored glasses.

The team starts and ends with Tim and he simply is not up to the responsibility this year. If he's sick or tired or injuried then he should sit out games until he is better. Ever notice how teams pick it up when their star goes down? I guess you, Tim and the other Tim is flawless folks don't trust the rest of the players to pick it up in his absence. Excuse me for having more faith in the best support cast the Spurs have ever had. I will not excuse you or anyone else that does not support the rest of the players not named Tim Duncan. You might as well consider yourself a Duncan fan not a Spurs fan.

I believe baskball is a team game...I guess you're brainwashed by BSPN and the rest of the media into believing this is a basket is a superstar game. The Spurs are not the lakers. If Tim sits out some games the Spurs will NOT lose games like other teams with only one superstar. Have some faith in the players not named Tim Duncan damit.

I would rather have Tim sit out 2 weeks and be at 100% for the playoffs then have him continue to wear himself out until the playoffs. I guess you just want Tim out there at all costs.

Dude, you don't know what you are talking about. Your last post is the cherry on top a steaming pile of bullshit. Maybe you should leave the decision to play up to Tim and Pop. I think the know more than any of us.

I can't even believe you are calling me a Duncan homer. That is both very funny and pretty stupid at the same time. You say something is wrong with Duncan over the last three weeks? Well gues what, as it is rumored that he has been sick and playing through a possible injury that would make sense now wouldn't it? He is playing through what ever it is that is bothering him and still putting up the best numbers on the team.

You say the that Tim Duncan is the key and needs to be "the man" and then you state that he needs to sit out and not play like a pussy. "If Tim sits out some games the Spurs will NOT lose games like other teams with only one superstar." So sitting out is not being a pusy when you could be playing and be a major contributor? Taking Tim out right now is your idea? Well I'm sorry, but the best way to describe that is poorly thought out.

18 points, 12 rebounds on 7/19 shooting maybe be below average for Tim Duncan, but that hardly requires everyone to call him out. I think 3 points 5 rebounds on 1/3 shooting in 29 minutes might be a reason to call someone out. Parker had a decent game and Manu was hurt so you can't really say anything about them. If not calling out TD for this game, or even the past few games makes you a homer, then just about everyone but you is a freaking homer.

I have not said TD is the MVP this year. He may be in the running, but he doesn't have to win that award for the Spurs to earn their rings. Let KG get another one or Nash. I slao don't get where you think ESPN is hyping Duncan that much. But just like you missed the point about how few minutes Duncan is playing you missed that one as well.

01-16-2005, 03:20 PM
once again you miss the point. Duncan's lack of focus recently has hurt the Spurs in games they should have won.

If he is tired, hurt or sick then wouldnt it be better for the Spurs to have him sit out games? I would rather lose games like last night without Tim playing (so that he can get to 100%) then with Tim playing without focus.

If Tim is NOT tired, hurt or sick then he needs to step it up and focus more when he's in the game.

This is not a concept that should be hard to comprehend. Yet time and time again in many different threads you fail to see what I am saying. If you disagree that Tim needs to step it up and instead Tim should be allowed to sleep walk through games then I simply do not agree with you.

if Spurs homer is no matter what Spurs do everything is ok
then why isn't Duncan homer - no matter what Duncan does everything is ok

01-17-2005, 05:09 PM
TD will be fine. His numbers are down because Manus and Parkers are up.