View Full Version : How many does Dirk go for tonight?

04-22-2008, 05:46 PM
How does he respond to the love tap?

Will it be a Tim Thomas 50 or a Golden State 20?

04-22-2008, 06:01 PM

04-22-2008, 06:23 PM
He'll have another 30+ 10rebs

04-22-2008, 06:45 PM
Doesn't matter cause the Hornets are probably going to get 120

04-23-2008, 08:23 AM
So much for turning West into Tim Thomas.

He had a nice game, but nice games aren't gonna cut it in this series. Dirk needs to start going Jordan on his team and say "Fuck you Avery, fuck you Josh, fuck you Jet, fuck you Stack, fuck you Damp, and fuck you Kidd, give me the damn ball every time down the court and watch me win this game"

I just don't think Dirk has it in him.

04-23-2008, 08:27 AM
I just don't think Dirk has it in him.

actually, no player ever has. Except Jordan.

04-23-2008, 08:30 AM
actually, no player ever has. Except Jordan.

Kobe has, Duncan's done it when he really needed to, Wade did it, and for about a month in the 2006 playoffs Dirk had it.

04-23-2008, 08:37 AM
Kobe has, Duncan's done it when he really needed to, Wade did it, and for about a month in the 2006 playoffs Dirk had it.

To an extent. But in all these examples, they had teammates that were dependable (except Wade, but... he still got dependable help, just not as much from teammates as other sources...)

You can't depend on any of Dirk's teammates now though. If you couldn't depend on Ginobili or Barry or someone like that to hit an open shot, then Duncan would have just as hard of a time as Dirk. If you don't have Shaq down low, or dependable clutch shooters like Fisher and Fox, Kobe has a hard time as well (although less because he is a far different kind of player than Dirk and is physically capable of doing more things)

You cannot do much at all if you get doubled and tripled every play because everyone knows no one else will chip in. It's the same reason Kobe hasn't really been able to succeed in the playoffs the past couple years. It's the reason Lebron lost to the Spurs last year. Gotta have help.

04-23-2008, 09:51 AM
50 Points? no way in hell, that shouldn't even be in the poll.