View Full Version : House stealing

04-23-2008, 08:35 AM
A Russian man returned from holiday to find his entire two-storey house had been stolen by a neighbour.
Yuri Konstantinov, 50, from the Astrakhan Region, came back from a trip visiting relatives to find his house had been taken down brick by brick and all the contents sold. Only the foundations were left.
Police investigating the theft found out that a neighbour had taken the house apart and sold everything, including the bricks and window frames, and even the kitchen sink.
A police spokesman said: "A local resident decided to take it away piece by piece, and he dismantled it for construction materials.
"This is not though the first such case we have come across, and in remote areas it is considered normal by some people."


peewee's lovechild
04-23-2008, 08:53 AM
Damn, that takes a lot of work.

I'm too lazy to be that kind of thief.

04-23-2008, 08:57 AM
:wow He must have been gone for a long time.

Don Quixote
04-23-2008, 10:22 AM
That kind of stuff happens in New Orleans every day. People who have worked for 2 years on their houses, and are about ready to move in, come home to find that their furniture or appliances are gone. Or that the electrical wiring and copper plumbing has been cut out.

Or, people are getting building materials and tools stolen. Sometimes it's by locals, but more often it's rogue out-of-state contractors or illegal immigrants. I see it every day.

They busted a couple of scrapyards out here the other day because they were buying stolen metal.

But I haven't heard any accounts of people getting their houses stolen yet.

The sone
04-23-2008, 11:03 AM
They busted a couple of scrapyards out here the other day because they were buying stolen metal.

YEAH!! Stolen metal!!!

havent paid for one yet...