View Full Version : Overload!

04-25-2008, 09:23 AM
Do you guys ever feel like for you to be sane in the long term, something in the present has got to give, and yet you don't know what that could/ what that should be.

I am there right now.

I love everything I do: my sales job ( okay, so I don't love it but it pays the bills), my Spurs' restaurant job, writing for my website, church activities, hanging out with my roommate, getting together with friends.
Then there is all the necessary errands that have to be taken care of: grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning the house, getting gas for the car etc.

Then to top all that off, I am in the middle of registering to go to college this fall.
Once the discipline of paperwork for that is done, the real work begins.


There is nothing that I mentioned above that I want to quit- although if I can afford to go to school and just keep my Spurs job, that would be really nice.

So I am wondering:
I am sure a lot of you guys have full, hectic lives as well.

How do you handle it?

What are some ways you take good care of yourself health wise?
What have you learned about prioritizing and time management?

In your experience, does a temporary break from something help?
I would love to take a vacation but I look at all my different schedule requirements and have no idea when I could actually fit one in.

Oh , would you look at that! It is time to go to work- again! :lol

04-25-2008, 09:29 AM

04-25-2008, 09:32 AM
Prioritize. Check to see what you can do w/out and scratch that off your list. Always take time to read and pray.

04-25-2008, 09:32 AM
Girl, you think it's hectic now?

Wait till your married and have kids..

04-25-2008, 09:36 AM
Wait until life really gets busy. Right now you're in the pre-season.

04-25-2008, 09:37 AM
Sounds like you need a nice subserviant wife.

04-25-2008, 09:56 AM
Do you guys ever feel like for you to be sane in the long term, something in the present has got to give, and yet you don't know what that could/ what that should be.

I am there right now.

I love everything I do: my sales job ( okay, so I don't love it but it pays the bills), my Spurs' restaurant job, writing for my website, church activities, hanging out with my roommate, getting together with friends.
Then there is all the necessary errands that have to be taken care of: grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning the house, getting gas for the car etc.

Then to top all that off, I am in the middle of registering to go to college this fall.
Once the discipline of paperwork for that is done, the real work begins.


There is nothing that I mentioned above that I want to quit- although if I can afford to go to school and just keep my Spurs job, that would be really nice.

So I am wondering:
I am sure a lot of you guys have full, hectic lives as well.

How do you handle it?

What are some ways you take good care of yourself health wise?
What have you learned about prioritizing and time management?

In your experience, does a temporary break from something help?
I would love to take a vacation but I look at all my different schedule requirements and have no idea when I could actually fit one in.

Oh , would you look at that! It is time to go to work- again! :lol

And now for a serious answer. :)

Yes, I feel that way quite often. There are times when I literally feel on the verge of tears because there's simply not enough time in the day (or week) to do everything I need to do.

To remain sane, I make sleep a priority. It sounds obvious, but it's amazing how much easier it is to deal with stress if you're not exhausted. Get eight hours every night.

Make time for yourself. That also sounds obvious, but I think that means something different for each person. For me, it can be as simple as going to Target by myself on a Saturday morning while Jim watches the boys, since the boys are 75% of my workload. Just browsing through the magazines, sipping an iced tea, without someone jabbering at me or running away with the cart is a mental massage.

Learn to say no. I don't mean just to other people who ask if you can volunteer or come to a party or babysit. I mean say no to yourself when it's 11 PM and you're thinking if you could just finish the dishes and and get the laundry put away and the floors swept and mopped, you can go to bed happy and wake up refreshed. Learn to be okay with what you can reasonably accomplish with what time you have and move on. Don't feel guilty about not being able to get everything done.

04-25-2008, 10:54 AM
you need to get laid.

04-25-2008, 11:21 AM
you need to get laid.

Simple, yet very effective. :tu

04-25-2008, 11:24 AM
Simple, yet very effective. :tu

:lol I agree! This too can be a great stress reliever.

04-25-2008, 12:08 PM
Thanks Summers.

Thanks the rest of you for trying to help. :lol

I do need some sleep which is why I am skipping the GTG tonight. I need to be home to sleep as soon as the game ends, so I can be rested to work Saturday and then have fun the rest of the weekend.

I tried going to bed early last night but that didn't work out so well.
I had a disturbing nightmare that an evil man had stolen my work keys, kidnapped my work booth, and demanded from me a ransom that I was unable to pay.

So you fully understand how completely ridiculous my dream was:
My work booth is mammoth in size. No man could ever lift it, much less fit it through a door.

Of course, when I returned to work this morning, everything was as it should be.

Forget the V-8. Clearly, I need a vacation! :dizzy

04-25-2008, 12:37 PM
Reading at night helps you sleep. I tend to fall asleep as I read a book in bed. Read the bible as well in bed and you'll fall asleep. Not saying that the bible is boring or anything, but reading relaxes your mind and if your body is tired, the reading will help you put your body to sleep.

04-25-2008, 01:23 PM
You need more of this
in your life.

04-25-2008, 05:26 PM
I relax by coming to SpursTalk and looking for post made by the lovely angel_luv. :toast

04-25-2008, 05:59 PM
yep, sleep is critical. A study long ago found that across countries, races, socio-econominc status, etc, the single factor that was associated with longevity was hours sleep/night.

If you can't get to sleep, there's something wrong with your waking hours, how you are living.

As a sleep assist, melatonin works for a lot of people. It's not very bio-available, so exists in sub-lingual form. Start with 1 mg and work up until it works for you. Take about 1 hr before bedtime. Post-menopausal women (none of them here, huh?) should get 20 mg melatonin and up to 8000 IU Vit D3 per day.

Sleeping room to be as quiet and as black as possible, ALL light blocked out, but with good, quiet ventilation. No TV in the bedroom.

When somebody criticized TM as doing nothing but helping them sleep better, the Maharishi chucked an said that sleeping better was evidence that TM provided improved, stress-free waking hours (if your are too insensitive to realize it).

04-25-2008, 06:01 PM

+1 :lol