View Full Version : Goodell ready to crack down on Pats

04-25-2008, 02:52 PM
NEW YORK -- Roger Goodell is fully prepared to crack down again on the New England Patriots if his meeting with Matt Walsh uncovers a tape made of the St. Louis Rams' final walkthrough practice before the 2002 Super Bowl.

"Taping a walkthrough is much different from what I punished them for," the NFL commissioner said Thursday at a meeting of a group representing the Associated Press Sports Editors.

After more than two months of negotiations, lawyers for the league and Walsh, the former New England employee, finally reached agreement Wednesday on terms that will allow him to talk Goodell. They include an agreement by the Patriots not to sue Walsh and to pay his legal expenses and his airfare to New York from Hawaii, where he is now a golf pro.

Walsh's name first surfaced just before the Super Bowl, in which the Patriots were upset by the New York Giants after finishing the regular season 16-0 and winning two playoff games. Among the allegations was that the Patriots illegally taped the Rams' final walkthrough before that title game, when New England, a two-touchdown underdog, upset St. Louis 20-17.

Five months before their loss to the Giants, New England coach Bill Belichick was fined $500,000 and the team $250,000 for taping the New York Jets' defensive signals during the season opener. The Patriots also lost their first-round pick in this weekend's draft.

Goodell said Thursday he has no idea what Walsh, who spent six years as a New England employee, has to offer than what the league already knows: Belichick had been taping defensive signals since first becoming Patriots coach in 2000. He noted, however, that the league, which destroyed the tapes from the Jets game after reviewing them, had spoken to 50 people in connection with the case and that Walsh was the only one who asked for legal protection.

Belichick has emphatically denied taping the walkthrough.

"I have never taped a practice, certainly not that one," New England's coach has said repeatedly.

Goodell said his mind is open on the subject.

On other matters, Goodell said:

• He gave no guarantees to owner Jerry Jones or anyone from the Dallas Cowboys that he will reinstate Adam "Pacman" Jones, who the Cowboys obtained in a trade with Tennessee on Wednesday. He expects to meet in June with Pacman Jones, who was suspended all of last season for multiple violations of the league's code of behavior.

• He met this week with his players council and discussed the proposal that would require players' hair that reaches below their name tag being tucked under the helmet.

"It would have to be done in a way that would respect the uniform code and also respect players' rights," he said.

• The NFL is considering moving the draft from New York to other cities. Its contract with Radio City Music Hall, where it will be held this weekend, is in its last year.

• He welcomes the plan by developer Edward P. Roski Jr. to build a 75,000-seat stadium in Los Angeles to help lure back the NFL, which hasn't had a team there since 1994. He noted, however, the league has no plans to expand and no current franchise seems in enough trouble to seek relocation.


Oh how the mighty have fallen.

04-25-2008, 03:01 PM
Wow....I don't think NE will lose a Lombardi over this but I could see some more #1's being taken.

04-25-2008, 03:15 PM
Wow....I don't think NE will lose a Lombardi over this but I could see some more #1's being taken.

It would make for great NFL drama.

04-25-2008, 04:19 PM
Matt Walsh has nothing. You know why it took so long to get him to talk? It WAS NOT because the Patriots had a "nondisclosure clause" because that NEVER existed.

It's taken so long because Walsh wanted 100% protection from the Patriots suing his ass for defamation after all this is over. He wanted immunity to tell Goodell that he lied about the Rams walkthrough and knows nothing more than what Goodell has already been informed.

Walsh has been Arlen Specter's puppet this entire time. I guarantee if someone were to follow the money trail, it would go from point A (Specter) to point B (Walsh).

ESPN has been made to look like a fool by Bill Belichick a few times now, and this is there revenge - misleading articles like this.

04-25-2008, 06:04 PM
Matt Walsh has nothing. You know why it took so long to get him to talk? It WAS NOT because the Patriots had a "nondisclosure clause" because that NEVER existed.

It's taken so long because Walsh wanted 100% protection from the Patriots suing his ass for defamation after all this is over. He wanted immunity to tell Goodell that he lied about the Rams walkthrough and knows nothing more than what Goodell has already been informed.

Walsh has been Arlen Specter's puppet this entire time. I guarantee if someone were to follow the money trail, it would go from point A (Specter) to point B (Walsh).

ESPN has been made to look like a fool by Bill Belichick a few times now, and this is there revenge - misleading articles like this.

You act as if you have an inside source. How will you defend the Patriots this time if Walsh comes with evidence?

Every team films Super Bowl practice walk throughs, the Patriots just got caught

04-25-2008, 09:42 PM
You act as if you have an inside source.

I do - Peter King, Jason Whitlock, Pro Football Talk, Michael Wilbon, the list goes on. Basically every member of the media that doesn't work for ESPN.

04-25-2008, 11:38 PM
i think ive seen wilbon once or twice on espn.

You never answered my question.

04-25-2008, 11:56 PM
I do - Peter King, Jason Whitlock, Pro Football Talk, Michael Wilbon, the list goes on. Basically every member of the media that doesn't work for ESPN.

There is a show on ESPN called PTI or Pardon The Interuption for the late person. Micheal Wilbon is on that show. He works for ESPN.

04-26-2008, 11:44 AM
There is a show on ESPN called PTI or Pardon The Interuption for the late person. Micheal Wilbon is on that show. He works for ESPN.

He doesn't cover the NFL does he? He has articles that appear in the Washington Post, doesn't he? His interests don't lie solely with ESPN, do they?

Enjoy watching your shitty team not win a playoff game next season faggot.

04-26-2008, 11:48 AM
You never answered my question.

No point in answering questions about a fairy tale.

04-26-2008, 11:49 AM
He doesn't write articles for ESPN dumbfuck.

I do - Peter King, Jason Whitlock, Pro Football Talk, Michael Wilbon, the list goes on. Basically every member of the media that doesn't work for ESPN.

Don't get mad at people because YOU are a dumbfuck.

04-26-2008, 11:55 AM
On second thought, I am being a bitch about this aren't I? Absolutely I am. I don't know why either, I'm arguing with fans of the shitty Niners, decade long playoff losing streak Cowboys, and the Patriots dog collar wearing Chargers.

04-26-2008, 11:55 AM

04-26-2008, 11:56 AM
last time i checked.. NINERS dynasty >>>>>>>> pats dynasty.. 5 > 3, I dont ever remember the Niners losing a Superbowl to a couple of vaginas.

04-26-2008, 11:57 AM
last time i checked.. NINERS dynasty >>>>>>>> pats dynasty.. 5 > 3, I dont ever remember the Niners losing a Superbowl to a couple of vaginas.

I don't remember the Niners being relevant for the past decade.

04-26-2008, 11:59 AM
Pats suck cock... you've been a fan since 03

04-26-2008, 12:00 PM
:lmao Bandwagon shit talk is basically an admission that you don't have shit else to say.

04-26-2008, 12:02 PM
:lmao Bandwagon shit talk is basically an admission that you don't have shit else to say.

You can replace "Bandwagon" with damn near anything... YOU LOSE FOR BEING A BITCH!


Merrill Hoge
04-26-2008, 12:24 PM
If these allegations are true, the Patriots should have their titles stripped, and given to the second best team in the league those years. It's obvious that the Pittsburgh Steelers would be the rightful owner of those three Super Bowl wins.