View Full Version : Public Outing Of The Media

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 12:01 AM
As Rev. Wright continues to debunk the false, misleading narrative of him by FOX news and other intellectual lazy journalists and pundits alike, I am struck by the willingness of many in the media to attempt to continue the charade. The fact of the matter is, they underestimated Rev. Wright's ability to fight back in such a way, as to make them all look like microbial parasites feeding on the common sense of an already ignorant electorate, while demonstrating his love of God, knowledge, and his country. Never before in the history of this country, has a man been deliberately mischaracterized by so many in the media for nefarious purposes, and have their narrative exposed as fraud at one fell swoop, creating a schism, . . . a disconnect if you will, between perceived reality and false narrative. In effect, leaving many to say to themselves, some folks in the media's got some splain'in to do.

In both the PBS interview and the CNN broadcast, there was not a hint of anything racist about the man or his legacy. Contrary to the caricature, he is in fact one of America's treasures having served his country and community. He should be viewed as an asset to the country, rather than a means by which some would use to character assassinate. A former marine and navy man, he served the country honorably, as demonstrated in his service on the medical team that operated on President Lyndon Johnson. Indeed, all fair minded people should be outraged that so many people in positions of responsibility were willfully complicit in this fraud. I could go on but, curtness is of the essence. The American people deserve better, and should demand such.

04-28-2008, 12:29 AM
A bunch of fucking corporate-lackey parrots squawking up a din in an echo chamber. A cacophony of fucktards.

They must keep the Dem nomination pot boiling in order sucker in the sheeple's eyeballs to sell to corporate advertizers.

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 12:38 AM
A bunch of fucking corporate-lackey parrots squawking up a din in a echo chamber. A cacophony of fucktards.

They must keep the Dem nomination pot boiling in order sucker in the sheeple's eyeballs to sell to corporate advertizers.

I must admit, I love the unfettered style of your posts.

04-28-2008, 01:12 AM
Great post Jerome....the reason the media can get away with defaming a man like Reverend Wright is because no one ever calls them on it anymore....there was a time when there were government checks and balances in the news media but now with FAUX news, ABC, or even CNN... they can report the most malicious lies with the most nefarious agendas and no one calls them on it, or if someone dare say anything, say like Keith Obermann, that person's credibility gets personally attacked as being a partisan hack or 'hating the country'..a method the Nazi used to use with great success too....I think the larger problem is that the big media, TV, radio and increasingly our nation's newspapers are owned by 7 conglomerations...and as we've seen, unless you play the game that these corporations want you to play, your soon out on your ass and replaced with a with another of long line of willing hacks who have no integrity and will comply for a easy paycheck.....it's a sad a very scary situation for our country..

...I believe this is why viewer-ship to cable news and even network news has been on a steady decline for the last decade and why people are increasingly turning to alternative news sources on the web....for instance, just this week we've come to find not from the MSM which never reported it, that the Pentagon is using our own tax dollars to train and hire ex-military shills to act as 'independent' military analysts for the media conglomerates to pimp the surge, disguise the lack of success in Iraq and sow the seeds for future wars with North Korea, Iran and Syria.... despite all the Pre-war lies told about Saddam/Iraq ties to Al-Queda, about stockpiles of WMDs and a imminent threat, and yes even about 9/11 most people are still complacent....it's not only scary, it's treasonous....

....this is why I donate hours of my time here at Spurs Talk to get the story out to people that the media no longer reports...it's not about personally attacking McCain, or Hillary, or any other candidate....it's about getting to the truth...and I'm not perfect, I make mistakes sometimes too, but once you've read this forum for awhile you'll notice in the long-run that I am right far many times than I am wrong.....and who else who consistently sticks their neck out these days can say that?

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 01:23 AM

Thanks for the thoughtful post. Your posts are very insightful, as are a few others, that is why I come here (Spurstalk), to get info or a perspective I may miss. Keep the truth coming. Peace.

04-28-2008, 01:44 AM
for those of you who missed it, here is the Reverend Wright's speech at the NAACP


Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leg1oARLXDM

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wfrjiADBBA

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40XICxRA7mc

04-28-2008, 03:19 AM
NY Times busts Pentagon-scripted TV News interview...


04-28-2008, 04:42 AM
I am watching it on CNN right now.

The guy is friggin captivating.

04-28-2008, 08:53 AM
Yep, he is a real jewel. I know Obama loves him as much as you
do. I guess we should just make it part of our everyday sermons,
GD America. What a guy!

04-28-2008, 09:01 AM
You're exactly the uneducated, unthinking audience that corporate media has been so successful in pedaling crap to, such as in this case.

04-28-2008, 09:05 AM
Yeah, the video of him saying it is just a sham. Nothing to it.
Boy and you call me uneducated, unthinking. Just carry on in your
own little world, he didn't really say it, it was an optical illusion.

04-28-2008, 09:11 AM
You never heard the context of the speech. You just heard the sound-bite and listened to the talking heads extrapolate away.

If you weren't so wrapped up in your flag-waving pseudo-patriotic crap, you would see that a real patriot tries to mend the flaws in his country. America is great, but only because of the thousands who continuously and tirelessly work to make it great. All this despite the efforts of the neo-cons to take away the very things that make us who we are.

04-28-2008, 09:59 AM
You never heard the context of the speech. You just heard the sound-bite and listened to the talking heads extrapolate away.

If you weren't so wrapped up in your flag-waving pseudo-patriotic crap, you would see that a real patriot tries to mend the flaws in his country. America is great, but only because of the thousands who continuously and tirelessly work to make it great. All this despite the efforts of the neo-cons to take away the very things that make us who we are.

My Me, are we getting upset? Flaws in our country. What
a jerk you are. What made this country what is was?
Not some stupid ninny like you or your group. It was
the principles laid down by our founding fathers. Not
some idiot of a minister calling for the damnation of
our country. That is not out of context stupid. It is
what it is, he said it and didn't qualify it.

The Rev. Wright talks like the blacks were the only
group that was ever discriminated against. Wrong.
Every group, including many white people, Irish,
Italians, many religious groups also. So get off your
high horse and face a little reality. Life is not fair and
there is no such thing as a level playing field. Life is
what you make it. Not some damn federal program.
Now you can call me a racist. Doesn't make is so, but
it will make you feel so much better. And in your
estimation that is what life is all about, feeling better.

04-28-2008, 10:04 AM
Why talk about real problems like social security, etc when you can run off this mundane shit for 6 months....

Not like the masses care anyways.

04-28-2008, 10:06 AM
ray, shouldn't you save your strength for that rapidly approaching interrogation at the gates? your thinking is fossilized.

04-28-2008, 10:52 AM
Why talk about real problems like social security, etc when you can run off this mundane shit for 6 months....

Not like the masses care anyways.

You mean like Bush tried to do but was stopped by the
dimm-o-craps. It is crap, but not mundane, when a
person is running for President and supports this minister,
but throws his Grandmother under the bus.

04-28-2008, 10:56 AM
ray, shouldn't you save your strength for that rapidly approaching interrogation at the gates? your thinking is fossilized.

Naw, will have my second wind by then. I have to keep you
young'ins in line, sometimes you get so far off the beaten
path. Have to remind you what made this country.

What part of my thinking is fossilized. Not believing Dan
Rather or not really hearing what the minister said. Or is
it that no other race has experienced racism?

I still believe in what made this country great and you
just wander around in a little world of "what ever it takes
to make you feel good". And we must have a level
playing field. Whatever the hell that means.

04-28-2008, 11:00 AM
McFlopPander is close friend and 100% supporter of dubya and dubya's policies, plus seeks endorsements and spiritiual guidance from weirdo religious extremists.

Does the M$M rip and re-rip McFlopPander for it?

I think the Clinton's and Repugs are Swift-boating Obama by secretly prodding M$M to keep harping on Wright.

Don Quixote
04-28-2008, 11:32 AM
I agree. Let's keep Rev. Wright in the spotlight.

We have a right to know who Obama's best friends are, and what they teach, right?

I say let's give Wright a weekly show on national TV. Then we'll all be clear where he stands.

04-28-2008, 12:38 PM
The media doesn't need to defame Rev. Wright. All you have to do is listen to his own words and judge for yourself.

04-28-2008, 12:46 PM
We have a right to know who Obama's best friends are, and what they teach, right?Do we have a right to know who met with Bush and Cheney to formulate our energy policy?

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 12:49 PM

What a pseudo code name for someone pretending to be patriotic. You are a caricature of all that pushbutton politics has become, the epitome of a dumbed down American electorate. Rev. Wright speaks from the historical perspective of a black man, not an Irish or Italian man. You assume he is not mindful of the history of other groups, in an earlier post. Why should he address that exactly?

Did you know that there are more white people on welfare and other social programs than blacks? Do you know what made the country great? The words in the constitution alone? You are so limited, and I recognize that you are so tormented by your lack of cognitive skills, that you actually make poor Nash McCabe look like a Rhodes Scholar.

You have the audacity to post your incredibly stupid comments about something you were duped into believing to be true, and yet when the information is available for you to liberate yourself from your ignorance, your contentment to revel in a lifetime of ignorance overrides your sense of progression. What a dweeb. It's no wonder the world has been laughing their collective asses off at the utter stupidity of the American people. Idiots like you are the lowest common denominator who habitually bring this country down.

You are dismissed.

04-28-2008, 12:54 PM

What a pseudo code name for someone pretending to be patriotic. You are a caricature of all that pushbutton politics has become, the epitome of a dumbed down American electorate. Rev. Wright speaks from the historical perspective of a black man, not an Irish or Italian man. You assume he is not mindful of the history of other groups, in an earlier post. Why should he address that exactly?

Did you know that there are more white people on welfare and other social programs than blacks? Do you know what made the country great? The words in the constitution alone? You are so limited, and I recognize that you are so tormented by your lack of cognitive skills, that you actually make poor Nash McCabe look like a Rhodes Scholar.

You have the audacity to post your incredibly stupid comments about something you were duped into believing to be true, and yet when the information is available for you to liberate yourself from your ignorance, your contentment to revel in a lifetime of ignorance overrides your sense of progression. What a dweeb. It's no wonder the world has been laughing their collective asses off at the utter stupidity of the American people. Idiots like you are the lowest common denominator who habitually bring this country down.

You are dismissed.

And so there you have it. I don't have to respond. He
did it all by himself.:toast:lol

How can you top what this great American has to say.

04-28-2008, 01:04 PM
Go ez on xz.

He's not completely here, mentally.

God bless him.

04-28-2008, 01:07 PM
Go ez on xz.

He's not completely here, mentally.

God bless him.

Thank you boutons for the blessing. But, really, I don't
need it. Folks like you and your new found friend do.
Along with a little education and history. But again, thanks.

Don Quixote
04-28-2008, 02:56 PM
Do we have a right to know who met with Bush and Cheney to formulate our energy policy?

ummm ... yeah, sure. Why not?

All I'm saying is, Rev. Wright is an issue that's not going to go away. And it's not because the media is spinning it -- it's due to Wright's own words and beliefs. He's a public figure who preaches publicly, and we have the right to analyze what it is he's saying. And, IMHO, the "snippets" are not taken out of context, but rather represent what he truly teaches.

Now, to a postmodern like Obama, to whom words and ideas don't mean anything objectively (the real truth lies in your "feelings" about the matter, or what they subjectively mean to you), I can see why he wouldn't be offended by the guy. Wright's message of hate doesn't mean that to him.

And, like I said, I hope Wright sticks around. Obama ought to stand by his man. Really.

Don Quixote
04-28-2008, 03:02 PM
You are so limited, and I recognize that you are so tormented by your lack of cognitive skills, that you actually make poor Nash McCabe look like a Rhodes Scholar.

You have the audacity to post your incredibly stupid comments about something you were duped into believing to be true, and yet when the information is available for you to liberate yourself from your ignorance, your contentment to revel in a lifetime of ignorance overrides your sense of progression. It's no wonder the world has been laughing their collective asses off at the utter stupidity of the American people. Idiots like you are the lowest common denominator who habitually bring this country down.

You are dismissed.

Your feelings for Zebra are noted. Does your diatribe represent your views about middle American conservatives in general? And does this represent the view of Obama supporters overall, or is this just your view?

It's okay if you say yes to either. I just need to be reminded sometimes what Obama people think of us. ;)

04-28-2008, 03:06 PM
ummm ... yeah, sure. Why not?Because Bush and Cheney said you can't know them, that's why.

Don Quixote
04-28-2008, 03:12 PM
Well, if that's true, then it sucks. I've never said the Bush administration was perfect or particularly transparent. And I've only defended it from some of the stupid and base attacks leveled against it, not giving it thumbs-up for the un-conservative things it has done.

But let's not act like Wright is irrelevant. The loyalty of the long-time pastor and "mentor" of a major presidential candidate is in serious question here. Indeed, this major candidate, like the other Democratic candidate, has a fairly long list of friends whose loyalty to America could reasonably be called into question. And loyalty to America and the Constitution is such a basic part of the job description of President that it need not even be spelled out (actually, they're in the Oath of Office!). To many conservatives, the issue of loyalty is more important than his tax policy, his stance on health care, etc.

04-28-2008, 03:19 PM
Did you know that there are more white people on welfare and other social programs than blacks? Do you know what made the country great? The words in the constitution alone? You are so limited, and I recognize that you are so tormented by your lack of cognitive skills, that you actually make poor Nash McCabe look like a Rhodes Scholar.
You are dismissed.

Dude...you are calling out xray and yet you display the very traits that you bash him for.

Specifically, pushbutton diatribe.

Did you know that there are more white people around than black people? Do you think that might have some bearing on your, ummm...facts?:downspin:

Psst. The relevant stat would be that the poverty rate is higher among white people than among black people. However, that would be incorrect.

If you had bothered to use a little critical thought rather than relying on your talking points, you might have discovered the following:

Poverty rates:

Welfare recipients:


These were pulled from: http://www.publicagenda.org/research/research_reports.cfm

Pretty good stuff on this site...you might learn something.

I don't really have a dog in this fight, but when someone comes along and makes such a spectacular ass of themselves, well, I just can't help jumping in.:rollin

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 09:57 PM
Let me start by stating, everyone gets a pass for initially not knowing that's going on i.e. the Wright comments. Noone knows the guy, so we take the media's spin at face value, 'cause there is supposed to be a trust thing at work with the public. But, when you start the hear that what the media is feeding you is a false narrative, designed to deliberately mislead the public for an attempted character assassination of a Presidential candidate, I think the voting public has an obligation to at least see if it is valid or not. This is after all, a violation of the public trust, and innocent people are put in danger, should some dotty person get the idea to follow through on a death threat or a bomb threat.

Xrayzebra and people like him keep perpetuating the false narrative, to the point where everything regarding the matter is skewed through this flawed prism of reality. The country deserves better. For example.

1. Rev. Wright is unpatriotic
False: He served 6yrs in the marines and navy; A member of the surgical team
that operated on President Lyndon Johnson. He has spent decades in service to
the people in his community.
2. Rev. Wright is a racist, he preaches hate
False: Listen to the full context of the sermons

No consideration is given to context, because many are content with being stuck on stupid. It should be noted, that black folk can care less about some federal program. They want what everyone else wants, . . . equal opportunity to get an education and a job with good pay so they can provide for their families.

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 09:59 PM
Don Quixote,

My views apply to anyone, regardless of race or socioeconomic status, or political affiliations.

Doc Jerome
04-28-2008, 10:10 PM

You support my point. Because the poverty rate is higher among blacks, social activists and/or preachers et al, advocate what Rev. Wright preaches, black liberation theology. It is not anti-white, nor does it advocate any belief that blacks are superior, just different in some of the things we do. The core message is one of self help, through education, not self help through welfare. Yet, Rev. Wright is demonized for helping folk take responsibility for their lives.

Because there are more white people in this country than blacks, the amount of subsidies white people get dwarfs what is doled out to blacks. The point is that Xrayzebra et al, have found a convenient scape goat in blaming blacks for benefiting from social programs when in fact, whites make up the majority of the social welfare rolls. Now, if you had bothered to ascertain the context, you would have had the epiphany of a lifetime.

Don Quixote
04-28-2008, 10:20 PM
Don Quixote,

My views apply to anyone, regardless of race or socioeconomic status, or political affiliations.

Okay. So does your dim view of the cognitive skills of some Americans extend to non-conservative people as well? Would you say that stupidity is not a commodity dominated by white southern conservatives, but can indeed be accessed by all? And can Obama supporters indeed be mouth-breathers, too, like the rest of us?

And can you elaborate about the stupidity of Americans that has foreigners laughing their hiners off at us on a regular basis? And, do these views of yours represent the beliefs of the Obama campaign, or are they your own?

04-28-2008, 10:24 PM

You support my point. Because the poverty rate is higher among blacks, social activists and/or preachers et al, advocate what Rev. Wright preaches, black liberation theology. It is not anti-white, nor does it advocate any belief that blacks are superior, just different in some of the things we do. The core message is one of self help, through education, not self help through welfare. Yet, Rev. Wright is demonized for helping folk take responsibility for their lives.

Because there are more white people in this country than blacks, the amount of subsidies white people get dwarfs what is doled out to blacks. The point is that Xrayzebra et al, have found a convenient scape goat in blaming blacks for benefiting from social programs when in fact, whites make up the majority of the social welfare rolls. Now, if you had bothered to ascertain the context, you would have had the epiphany of a lifetime.

I make no judgement on Rev. Wright. Don't know the man well enough to make one..but what little I've read of him and his messages,(actually quite a bit, but pales in comparison to his total work) I'd say I'd probably back him.

I don't understand your point, I guess. It follows, logically, that if there is more of one population, then the opportunity exists for that population set to outweigh others in any meaningful comparison. You might have well as said there's more chlorine in this bathtub than in this glass of water..you are making quantitative conclusions based on unweighted data sets.

Your conclusion, more implied causation than anything else, is based upon a false pretense. As I showed you, the percentage of welfare recipients, that is the percentage of the total welfare population, is actually higher for blacks, with whites coming in second. I'm not refuting your point per se, but you need to actually base it upon something other than a very poor quality, faulty conclusion. I can't have an epiphany if the context (?) makes no sense.

04-29-2008, 05:08 PM
A bunch of fucking corporate-lackey parrots squawking up a din in an echo chamber. A cacophony of fucktards.

They must keep the Dem nomination pot boiling in order to sucker in the sheeple's eyeballs and sell to corporate advertizers.


Ok, that rant was worth logging on just to read.

I may not always agree with you, but I *will* admit you have the occasional funny way with the english language.

"corporate-lackey parrots" (chuckles)

Doc Jerome
04-29-2008, 08:18 PM
Okay. So does your dim view of the cognitive skills of some Americans extend to non-conservative people as well? Would you say that stupidity is not a commodity dominated by white southern conservatives, but can indeed be accessed by all? And can Obama supporters indeed be mouth-breathers, too, like the rest of us?

And can you elaborate about the stupidity of Americans that has foreigners laughing their hiners off at us on a regular basis? And, do these views of yours represent the beliefs of the Obama campaign, or are they your own?

You are definitely the great generalizer. I'm sure there are many that visit this site, considering the Spurs have many international star players. Ask them a few questions.

Be careful what you cosign.

Doc Jerome
04-29-2008, 08:44 PM
I don't understand your point, I guess. I'm not refuting your point per se, but you need to actually base it upon something other than a very poor quality, faulty conclusion.

The point is, some use blacks as a scapegoat when they rail against federal programs and government spending, giving the impression that only blacks benefit from these programs, taking money from hard working taxpayers, when there are more whites in total numbers and gross payments that are paid out.

The conclusion is neither poor quality, nor faulty. It is simply fact.

Don Quixote
04-29-2008, 10:20 PM
You are definitely the great generalizer. I'm sure there are many that visit this site, considering the Spurs have many international star players. Ask them a few questions.

Be careful what you cosign.

:wtf I have no clue what you just said.

I have to apologize. As a philosopher, I am trained to take facts and inferences from all the areas of study in the attempt to draw general conclusions. I work from the specific to the general.

My question is, does your attitude toward Zebra reflect your attitude toward conservatives in general? I'm asking you. And do your views toward conservatives reflect what Mr. Obama feels about us, or are they your own views?