View Full Version : Nerds On Sports Salutes Nerds In Sports: Tim Duncan

04-28-2008, 04:04 PM

[Business Day One] Nerds On Sports Salutes Nerds In Sports

We here at Nerds On Sports never promised unbiased reporting, eye opening analysis or proper grammar. But one line we insist on holding is that of unabashed nerdery. We are nerds, we love being nerds, and we appreciate when other nerds call us nerds. A true nerd goes about their nerdy business with either pride of gleeful indifference to judgement, and such dedication to happiness is a marvel to behold.

On the playgrounds of their youth, such nerds had to deal with the barbs and taunts of others, and it took great strength of character to keep on rolling the dice and reading the fantasy novels that made them happy. As these nerds grow up, they can either enter into an environment that supports such nerdery (like, say, a college full of geeky suburban kids) or hinders it (like, for instance, the U.S. Marine Corps or the National Hockey League). For those gamers, comic book buffs and ham radio enthusiasts that are fighting the good fight in inhospitable climates, we here at Nerds On Sports would like to salute you. As such, I am hereby instituting a new award in Business Day One. To honor men and women that practice their geeky trade in the field of professional athletes, I will be handing out the coveted Nerds On Sports Salute To Nerds In Sports. It is important to note that there is no trophy. It is an actual salute. So if you’re named, please feel free to stop by my apartment when you’re in Boston so I can salute you.

The first recipient of the NOS Salute To NIS should be no surprise to those that follow both sports and the Renaissance Faire circuit. With his dedication to both great on-court body position and eating turkey legs off the bone, I am proud to now salute San Antonio Spurs center Tim Duncan.

They call him The Big Fundamental for his technically sound play, both effective and devoid of flash. His off the court life could be described the same way. He finished up his degree at Wake Forest before entering the NBA. His humanitarian efforts are extensive, and include a Charity Bowl-A-Thon, which is regarded by most pundits as the most dull yet fundamentally sound way of raising money, and a golf classic. And he’s been married for seven years to a lady named Amy. Put all this together and it makes for a very stable platform to heap the nerdery on to. And that nerdery is extensive.

According to his own website, he has a “large knife collection” that includes a samurai sword. My guess is that he has more than one, and at least one Scottish claymore. He also lists “The Crow” as his favorite movie and describes himself as a video game junkie. Further insight is provided by a compelling 2007 True Hoop story. He wanted the nickname “Merlin” when he entered the NBA, has experience in both Dungeons & Dragons and paintball, and has a wizard and a skeletal jester tattooed on. This man is not just a nerd by NBA standards; he is a nerd by nerd standards. As such, I can think of no better first recipient.

So, Tim Duncan, Merlin of the NBA, I salute you.

04-28-2008, 04:08 PM
Tim Duncan is the epitome of how the new world nerdery order has begun. Now nerds not only rule at cool stuff such as video games and cutlery, they rule in the NBA.

Cry Havoc
04-28-2008, 04:48 PM
I'm a nerd.

I have a large collection of sci-fi/fantasy books, a trekkie (I don't go to conventions, though), a custom-built PC with LED fans and hi-fi headphones. I geek out on shows and video games, I love Renfests, and theater in general.

That said, I am an avid sports fan, I know (mostly) how to dress myself, I enjoy cars and big engines, have shot just about every kind of gun that's legally allowed to be shot, I keep myself in good physical shape, lift weights, and do a lot of other things that wouldn't sync with the nerd archetype. I do okay with talking to females and can hold my own in a conversation at a party. And yes, there are ubernerds out there that seem to absolutely fit the idea of what constitutes a nerd, but there are a lot of people who are similarly diversified.

04-28-2008, 04:54 PM
i wouldnt say nerd but just different...

04-28-2008, 05:05 PM
I'm a nerd.

I have a large collection of sci-fi/fantasy books, a trekkie (I don't go to conventions, though), a custom-built PC with LED fans and hi-fi headphones. I geek out on shows and video games, I love Renfests, and theater in general.

That said, I am an avid sports fan, I know (mostly) how to dress myself, I enjoy cars and big engines, have shot just about every kind of gun that's legally allowed to be shot, I keep myself in good physical shape, lift weights, and do a lot of other things that wouldn't sync with the nerd archetype. I do okay with talking to females and can hold my own in a conversation at a party. And yes, there are ubernerds out there that seem to absolutely fit the idea of what constitutes a nerd, but there are a lot of people who are similarly diversified.

pretty much ditto here.

- Mars

04-28-2008, 05:10 PM
Hasn't he won the "nerdy clap" award like 7 straight years?

04-28-2008, 06:45 PM
That Scottish claymore wouldn't even look like a claymore in his hands I bet LOL

04-28-2008, 07:26 PM
If being the best power forward in the NBA and winning four rings makes him a nerd, then a nerd he is!

Duncan is just himself and doesn't try to impress people. That's what makes him special.

04-28-2008, 08:04 PM
what a great article nice find!!

04-28-2008, 08:27 PM
what a great article nice find!!

Thanks. I like throwing the out of the ordinary stuff out there. :)

04-28-2008, 08:34 PM
He's a nerd and a great player.

04-28-2008, 08:53 PM
lol merlin of the nba

04-28-2008, 08:54 PM
Parker is his excalibur

04-28-2008, 09:10 PM
Parker is his excalibur

No, that analogy doesn't work.

Manu is his Arthur, and Parker his Gawain.

Lancelot can go stab himself, unfaithful bastard. :lol

And yes, I am a nerd and proud of it. But I also play sport, lift weights, and successfully converse with members of the opposite gender. Go figure. There really are no set categories - as someone said above, Timmy is cool because he is unabashedly who he is, and I am that way too.

Mister Sinister
04-28-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm a nerd. I have been since the day I could watch TV and know what was going on. Since others are posting their nerd credentials, I think I'll post mine.

I have seen:
Every comic book movie to date.
The Spider-Man, Iron Man, FF, Silver Surfer, X-Men, Batman, Superman, and both JLA cartoons.

I own:
2 Venom t-shirts, 1 of his symbol, the other with him with his fangs and tounge out.
1 Silver Surfer shirt
1 Transformers shirt featuring the Decepticons
1 copy each of V For Vendetta, Batman: Tales of the Demon, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Ultimate X-Men comp #9 (Sinister)
Every Redwall book up to Loamhedge, plus Martin The Warrior, Redwall, and Lord Brocktree on tape.
The Hobbit, The LotR trilogy, the Silmarillion, and Lost Tales of Middle Earth.

I possess:
1 metric shitload of nerdy knowledge. If there's an RPG out there, I've probably played it. If there's an obscure comic fact, I know it. Hell, I'm showing up to Iron Man at midnight with a t-shirt saying "Cap was right." and holding a sign saying "It's Tony's fault." When I get called a dork, a geek, or a nerd, I respond with, "You're god-damn right."

04-28-2008, 09:18 PM
I was waiting for you Shagia. :)

Mister Sinister
04-28-2008, 09:19 PM
:lol I just got home not too long ago, or I would've posted sooner.

04-28-2008, 09:27 PM
Shagia - the real test there is have you read The Silmarillion? :lol Actually, I haven't... :oops

And V for Vendetta is not a nerd movie, is it? I think it's one anyone who hates authoritarianism can enjoy it, surely.

Mister Sinister
04-28-2008, 09:28 PM
Shagia - the real test there is have you read The Silmarillion? :lol Actually, I haven't... :oops

And V for Vendetta is not a nerd movie, is it? I think it's one anyone who hates authoritarianism can enjoy it, surely.

I have indeed...and I actually own both the comic and the movie of V For Vendetta, so....yeah.

04-28-2008, 09:41 PM
Im definately a nerd....

I've read every book from R.A. Salvatore... I've read Almost every Battletech Novel.... warhammer and Warhammer 40k novels.... Dragon lance..... you name it...

I own well over 200 video games, dating back to 1984 when the Tandy and Amiga where around.... I still have a WORKING Amiga computer.

I work doing I/T support.

yes.... oh, yes... Im a fucking nerd.

And I will still kick your ass.

04-28-2008, 09:59 PM
im a tech nerd!

04-28-2008, 10:33 PM
I'm a nerd too... and there is nothing wrong with that!

04-28-2008, 10:40 PM
I wouldn't say nerd or out of the ordinary. he's actually quite normal.

04-28-2008, 10:43 PM
I wouldn't say nerd or out of the ordinary. he's actually quite normal.

I meant the article was out of the ordinary, not Duncan.

I get a lot on him, this would have been one that I usually don't post, but I thought some people might get a kick out of it.

Edit: Actually, I do think he's out of the ordinary...:)

04-28-2008, 11:01 PM
I'd give my nerd creds but I'm to busy...

04-28-2008, 11:14 PM
I possess:
1 metric shitload of nerdy knowledge. If there's an RPG out there, I've probably played it. If there's an obscure comic fact, I know it. Hell, I'm showing up to Iron Man at midnight with a t-shirt saying "Cap was right." and holding a sign saying "It's Tony's fault." When I get called a dork, a geek, or a nerd, I respond with, "You're god-damn right."

what's the story behind that "Cap was right" phrase? Im a sucker for superhero stuffs.

Fernando TD21
04-28-2008, 11:32 PM
Nerd here. But I'm not really interested in comic books and startrek/star wars stuff. I prefer Matrix, Lord of the rings and computer games.

And what the article says, is another reason why Duncan is my favorite player.


04-29-2008, 12:16 AM
so wait you guys all define nerds as being Dungeon and Dragon/World of Warcraft freaks who can't talk to the opposite sex?

04-29-2008, 12:20 AM
You know, Cap was right! And, yes, I'll be watching "Iron Man" on Thursday night as well.

Oh, as for the nerd credentials: I think the fact that I work part-time at a comic book shop is enough nerd cred, no?

04-29-2008, 12:38 AM
Shagia - the real test there is have you read The Silmarillion? :lol Actually, I haven't... :oops

And V for Vendetta is not a nerd movie, is it? I think it's one anyone who hates authoritarianism can enjoy it, surely.

so wait you guys all define nerds as being Dungeon and Dragon/World of Warcraft freaks who can't talk to the opposite sex?
guilty. i have the whole Tolkien collection and i've read all of Pratchett's Discworld books.

but i'm not into what Shagia is in (i have no spiderman undies :lol). never played D&D but i was a big Magic the Gathering player once upon a time. and up to 6 months ago, i played World of Warcraft (have a 60 warrior and 60 shadow priest). i don't qualify to "not being able to talk to the opposite sex" coz i'm married. so i probably have to be downgraded to a being geek.

I get a lot on him, this would have been one that I usually don't post, but I thought some people might get a kick out of it.

Edit: Actually, I do think he's out of the ordinary...
if you compare him to his peers, yes, he is out of the ordinary. the only thing that is different between duncan and me, superficially, is that he is a great basketball player. i'm mediocre at best. but i bet i can beat him in 9-ball. :lmao

04-29-2008, 12:42 AM
Any other Halo nerds in here?

Cry Havoc
04-29-2008, 12:43 AM
so wait you guys all define nerds as being Dungeon and Dragon/World of Warcraft freaks who can't talk to the opposite sex?

I would say that fits with the societal idea of what a "nerd" is.

Any other Halo nerds in here?

Counterstrike & CoD4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo.

04-29-2008, 12:47 AM
Any other Halo nerds in here?
pc. i don't have an XBox.

04-29-2008, 12:48 AM
I would say that fits with the societal idea of what a "nerd" is.

Counterstrike & CoD4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo.

CoD4-WAY overrated. still pretty fun though

04-29-2008, 01:44 AM
It's weird to think that I could play with him online and I wouldn't of even known it.

04-29-2008, 01:48 AM
phyzik - you read all the Battletech novels? Wow, I've never met anyone who has read those! I read the first 60 or so habitually and still have them on a shelf. Love the William H Keith Jnr and Michael A Stackpole ones best. :)

04-29-2008, 01:50 AM
so wait you guys all define nerds as being Dungeon and Dragon/World of Warcraft freaks who can't talk to the opposite sex?


The point of the article and most of the comments in here is that there is no real definition of nerd-dom, that you can be a nerd and a jock and a stud at the same time. Nerd is a state of mind, not a category.

Mister Sinister
04-29-2008, 01:51 AM
Posted this in another thread, but I'm posting it here as well. My friends and I are, as I say, making shirts for Iron Man. On the front of mine will be a design resembling Cap's shield with the words "Cap was right," in red and blue lettering inside the shield, RIP on the sleeve(s), and "It's Tony's fault." accompanied by a Venom symbol on the back. (As Venom is currently a member of the Thunderbolts, recently drafted to enforce the SHRA)
And, yes, there *will* be pictures posted as soon as possible.

Fernando TD21
04-29-2008, 02:04 AM
It's weird to think that I could play with him online and I wouldn't of even known it.
If you find a guy who beats everyone and doesn't brag about it, that should be him. Specially if his nick happens to be MerlinTD21

single player: Crysis>HL2>CoD4>Halo

Kori Ellis
04-29-2008, 02:09 AM

If I knew you were all such nerds, I would have banned you long ago :)

Mister Sinister
04-29-2008, 02:15 AM
:lol Shit, Kori, in that case, I should be perma-banned from the internet.

04-29-2008, 03:01 AM
phyzik - you read all the Battletech novels? Wow, I've never met anyone who has read those! I read the first 60 or so habitually and still have them on a shelf. Love the William H Keith Jnr and Michael A Stackpole ones best. :)

Damn, never expected to see other Battletech fans here. :lol

Personally prefer the Robert Thurston and Blaine Lee Pardoe books, myself.

Tigole Bitties
04-29-2008, 03:46 AM

04-29-2008, 03:50 AM
Does being a pianist make me a nerd?

04-29-2008, 04:02 AM
Does the "Cap is right" thing have to do with the Mark Twain speech he made to Spider Man?

04-29-2008, 04:23 AM
wouldnt it be cool @ fuck to smoke a couple bowls with tim and play some fight night or somethin

04-29-2008, 05:36 AM
Im definately a nerd....

I've read every book from R.A. Salvatore... I've read Almost every Battletech Novel.... warhammer and Warhammer 40k novels.... Dragon lance..... you name it...

I own well over 200 video games, dating back to 1984 when the Tandy and Amiga where around.... I still have a WORKING Amiga computer.

I work doing I/T support.

yes.... oh, yes... Im a fucking nerd.

And I will still kick your ass.


I've got a bookshelf full Birthright, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, DarkSun, Greyhawk and LoTR books. Not to mention a comic book collection (I've collected DC's 52 just recently).

We also had an Atari 800SX and a Nintendo Family computer console before. Right now, I am mostly into PSP RPGs.

I played CCGs, RPGs, miniature board games and network gaming (Starcraft, Battle Realms and CS).

We go out, play basketball, workout, watch movies and TV shows.

I follow the NBA (Spurs) to the point of listening online broadcasts, watching games via ***cast and reading online articles.

I am also a LAN administrator and I am about to get married in 4 months to the most wonderful and gorgeous girl I've known in this planet outside of Krypton. (My girlfriend of 3+ years who tolerated my nerdy stuff... :lol)

Does that qualify as a nerd?

Yup. I am a nerd.

04-29-2008, 08:38 AM

Nerds On Sports Salutes Nerds In Sports

We here at Nerds On Sports never promised unbiased reporting, eye opening analysis or proper grammar. But one line we insist on holding is that of unabashed nerdery. We are nerds, we love being nerds, and we appreciate when other nerds call us nerds. A true nerd goes about their nerdy business with either pride of gleeful indifference to judgement, and such dedication to happiness is a marvel to behold.

On the playgrounds of their youth, such nerds had to deal with the barbs and taunts of others, and it took great strength of character to keep on rolling the dice and reading the fantasy novels that made them happy. As these nerds grow up, they can either enter into an environment that supports such nerdery (like, say, a college full of geeky suburban kids) or hinders it (like, for instance, the U.S. Marine Corps or the National Hockey League). For those gamers, comic book buffs and ham radio enthusiasts that are fighting the good fight in inhospitable climates, we here at Nerds On Sports would like to salute you. As such, I am hereby instituting a new award in Business Day One. To honor men and women that practice their geeky trade in the field of professional athletes, I will be handing out the coveted Nerds On Sports Salute To Nerds In Sports. It is important to note that there is no trophy. It is an actual salute. So if you’re named, please feel free to stop by my apartment when you’re in Boston so I can salute you.

The first recipient of the NOS Salute To NIS should be no surprise to those that follow both sports and the Renaissance Faire circuit. With his dedication to both great on-court body position and eating turkey legs off the bone, I am proud to now salute San Antonio Spurs center Tim Duncan.

They call him The Big Fundamental for his technically sound play, both effective and devoid of flash. His off the court life could be described the same way. He finished up his degree at Wake Forest before entering the NBA. His humanitarian efforts are extensive, and include a Charity Bowl-A-Thon, which is regarded by most pundits as the most dull yet fundamentally sound way of raising money, and a golf classic. And he’s been married for seven years to a lady named Amy. Put all this together and it makes for a very stable platform to heap the nerdery on to. And that nerdery is extensive.

According to his own website, he has a “large knife collection” that includes a samurai sword. My guess is that he has more than one, and at least one Scottish claymore. He also lists “The Crow” as his favorite movie and describes himself as a video game junkie. Further insight is provided by a compelling 2007 True Hoop story. He wanted the nickname “Merlin” when he entered the NBA, has experience in both Dungeons & Dragons and paintball, and has a wizard and a skeletal jester tattooed on. This man is not just a nerd by NBA standards; he is a nerd by nerd standards. As such, I can think of no better first recipient.

So, Tim Duncan, Merlin of the NBA, I salute you.


04-29-2008, 08:39 AM
If you feel you have the nerditude, step up... (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93417)

04-29-2008, 08:42 AM

If I knew you were all such nerds, I would have banned you long ago :)

How then could you suck up to us for a chance to get one of our boxed original Star Wars action figures for your birthday?

I blew all of mine up with firecrackers.... :depressed

But I did keep a good number of orginal Star Wars Collector cards.

04-29-2008, 09:15 AM
How then could you suck up to us for a chance to get one of our boxed original Star Wars action figures for your birthday?

I blew all of mine up with firecrackers.... :depressed

But I did keep a good number of orginal Star Wars Collector cards.

:lol Random Guy has found a reason to venture into the Spurs forum.

Mister Sinister
04-29-2008, 10:45 AM
Does the "Cap is right" thing have to do with the Mark Twain speech he made to Spider Man?

Yes and no. It's a blanket reference to Civil War.

04-29-2008, 11:15 AM
I'm a total star wars nerd.

04-29-2008, 12:27 PM
Posted this in another thread, but I'm posting it here as well. My friends and I are, as I say, making shirts for Iron Man. On the front of mine will be a design resembling Cap's shield with the words "Cap was right," in red and blue lettering inside the shield, RIP on the sleeve(s), and "It's Tony's fault." accompanied by a Venom symbol on the back. (As Venom is currently a member of the Thunderbolts, recently drafted to enforce the SHRA)
And, yes, there *will* be pictures posted as soon as possible.

Nice design, I look forward to the pics. And I'd totally buy one off you if you have any extras!

Mister Sinister
04-29-2008, 12:40 PM
Nice design, I look forward to the pics. And I'd totally buy one off you if you have any extras!

:lol Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. My buddy's actually doing something with the Stark Armor that Spidey wore for a while, but I forget what exactly it is.

04-29-2008, 12:55 PM
Yes and no. It's a blanket reference to Civil War.

And that part's the only part I ever read.

Mister Sinister
04-29-2008, 01:01 PM
And that part's the only part I ever read.

:lol I read the whole thing, and I'm glad I did, because it got into the Thunderbolts. Justice, like lightning.