View Full Version : What team scares you most in WC so far?

01-21-2005, 01:31 AM
The logical mid-season picks are Suns (despite recent slide/injury) or Sonics. Decent picks both though I cannot yet believe Sonics will hang all year.

Yet to me, top threat re seeding and even later rounds = dallas, which despite 0-3 vs. Spurs is improved seemingly on defense (now deserve at least a small d in name) and is hanging around not far off Spurs heels. Spurs for all their great record do not possess a super large lead in Division at mid-point (although of course now hold tiebreaker vs. Mavs). I can easily see Mavs winning high 50s games - not giving much room for error. Plus Dirk this year is playing as well as anyone in the league at least on the offensive end.

Remember that 2nd in this Division probable 4 seed to face either Kings (don't laugh only about 3 back now of Suns) or Suns in first round = a scary thought. 1-3 ok but no way do Spurs want to slip to 4.

Also, Kings fans and some experts hyping Mobley as sign upgrade over Christie due to hustle and better scoring ability - if he fits, they have a pretty awesome starting 5 but questionable depth and ability to defend bigger guards etc. Webbers health and cohesion of team still an issue. Would be tough series but Spurs would win it.

Of the bottom feeders fighting for playoffs, Rockets tough just because seem to bring out worst in Spurs and Grizz another scary team that could hang for a 4-2 whipping. LA with Kobe a threat to steal a game or two but no more. Wolves are crumbling before our eyes but could still be a threat, would hate for Spurs to play them in first round period. Other LA would also be the type of series that would be ornery, could see also them stealing a game unless Spurs sharp.

However, if A Spurs show up and Duncan back to being Duncan no worries.


01-21-2005, 01:47 AM
However, if A Spurs show up and Duncan back to being Duncan no worries.

The B Spurs scare me the most. They are Spurs bane.

01-21-2005, 02:08 AM
Spurs. they are the only team that can beat the Spurs.

Kori Ellis
01-21-2005, 02:11 AM
The Spurs haven't impressed me at all in recent weeks, though they are at the top of the league. As Pop says, "there aren't that many good teams this season". But I definitely think the Spurs have the makings of a Championship team. I guess that I'm wary of Seattle, because they've beaten San Antonio handily. They have a good combination of perimeter shooters and some bangers inside.

01-21-2005, 02:19 AM
This may sound odd, but the NBA has some weak competition this season. The Suns are good, but they're about equal to the Mavs of the last handful of years. The Lakers are dead. The T'Wolves aren't as good as they used to be. The Kings aren't the dominant team they used to be. Utah has sucked for much of the year. Even teams like the Grizzlies, Rockets, Blazers and Nuggets are worse than they were last year. The Clippers aren't any better than they've been the last couple season. The Warriors and the Hornets are jokes.

Basically the only team that has played better than expected is Seattle, but lets be honest. In any other year, the Sonics would still be a 6th or 7th seed at best.

In 2003 and even last year, the Western Conference was one of the best conferences ever. This year, you have the Spurs, sometimes the Suns and a bunch of scrub teams.

01-21-2005, 02:38 AM
dallas and seattle

01-21-2005, 06:43 AM
This may sound odd, but the NBA has some weak competition this season. The Suns are good, but they're about equal to the Mavs of the last handful of years. The Lakers are dead. The T'Wolves aren't as good as they used to be. The Kings aren't the dominant team they used to be. Utah has sucked for much of the year. Even teams like the Grizzlies, Rockets, Blazers and Nuggets are worse than they were last year. The Clippers aren't any better than they've been the last couple season. The Warriors and the Hornets are jokes.

Basically the only team that has played better than expected is Seattle, but lets be honest. In any other year, the Sonics would still be a 6th or 7th seed at best.

In 2003 and even last year, the Western Conference was one of the best conferences ever. This year, you have the Spurs, sometimes the Suns and a bunch of scrub teams.

Not even close really. The West is deeper than it ever has been. Order League Pass.

01-21-2005, 09:18 AM
DALLAS playing defence they gave up 120 to Washington 80pts. in the second half,don't matter how big of a lead you have a so called good defence you do not give up that many points.WIZZARDS leading scorer was hurt and did not play.

01-21-2005, 09:36 AM
DALLAS playing defence they gave up 120 to Washington 80pts. in the second half,don't matter how big of a lead you have a so called good defence you do not give up that many points.WIZZARDS leading scorer was hurt and did not play.

by "defence", you mean they are undecided on whether to play one way or the other, as in sitting on the fence?

Just wondering.


01-21-2005, 09:37 AM
Spurs worst enemy: Spurs, the ones that give away games by not giving even the Spurs' average peformance. eg, the lucky Spurs were -10 RBs vs Clips, and were weak or minus in RBs in most of the Spurs losses. The Spurs RB diff has slipped from best in NBA to 2nd, dropping by almost 1 RB/game. If you look at the top 10 teams in RB diff, you'll see teams that the Spurs have struggled against or lost to. The

Second enemy: road games against higher seeded teams: 1 - 6 record. And, the Spurs are only NBA 6th in road record.

Also, teams that attempt play any defense or play a little rough (only a handful, but one or more stand between now and another ring). WC: Rockets, Grizz, Jazz, maybe Sonics. EC: Pistons, Pacers, and recently Bulls.

The Spurs offense has looked incredibly powerful and unstoppable against teams whose defense is basically just running down to their own end of the court (most of the NBA), but throw a little defense at the Spurs and they struggle badly and sometimes lose. This is an echo of the the Spurs collapse against the playoff Lakers, who changed their defense tactics after the first two losses, and the Spurs did not adjust.

"Apart from that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" :)

Like last season, the Spurs clearly have all the talent they need to win the title.

Go Spurs Go. :)

01-21-2005, 09:42 AM
A healthy Nash makes Phoenix very scary.

Seattle is very scary with the amt of players that can shoot and hit the 3 ball. Ray Allen, Lewis, Radmanovic, Daniels and Ridnour call all hit shots in bunches, so when you have a team that can do that, they can win against any team on any night.

Frenchise player
01-21-2005, 09:53 AM
Sonics and Suns don't have any experience of playoffs, Kings and Mavs don't defend, Lakers and Grizz don't have enough talent, Twolves, Rockets, Nuggs and Jazz have disapointed.

No team in WC is as scarry as last year Lakers.
I think the challenge for Spurs will be against Pistons or Heat.

01-21-2005, 10:06 AM
"A healthy Nash makes Phoenix very scary"

PHX OFFENSE looks very scary when the other team doesn't play any defense. PHX is not scary against a good defense, and since PHX doesn't play defense, they're actually weak.

If the Spurs play The Spurs Way, the Spurs stop PHX offense, as in previous PHX game (Nash or no Nash, who is only effective on offense). I expect the same result tonight, maybe a little less scoring and less pts differential (road factor), but a Spurs' W.

And the Spurs badly need to start fixing their 1-6 road record against teams like PHX. The toughness the Spurs showed against the Clips when the Spurs shooting went stone cold in the 4th but crunch heroics still saved the W needs to continue on the road.

PHX is 28th in RB differential, so I wanna see the Spurs also destroy PHX on the boards (if PHX doesn't have the ball, can't score, duh).

01-21-2005, 10:26 AM
PHX OFFENSE looks very scary when the other team doesn't play any defense. PHX is not scary against a good defense, and since PHX doesn't play defense, they're actually weak.

Back up your stupid takes.

Phoenix is 7-3 against the top 5 defensive teams in the league.
SA, Chicago, Clippers, Memphis and Houston. :rolleyes

01-21-2005, 10:35 AM
But the teams have to play defense against PHX to stop PHX. And defensive teams have to score, also. If the Spurs defense is weak tonight, if the Spurs continue going -10 or -5 in RBs, if the Spurs shooting cold, Spurs lose.

01-21-2005, 10:39 AM
But the teams have to play defense against PHX to stop PHX. And defensive teams have to score, also. If the Spurs defense is weak tonight, if the Spurs continue going -10 or -5 in RBs, if the Spurs shooting cold, Spurs lose.

That is a generalization...they will lose almost all games when that happens.

01-21-2005, 10:53 AM
list the dates and scores of your 7-3

01-21-2005, 11:01 AM
list the dates and scores of your 7-3
No, you go look it up...I am not going to help you, you lazy ass.

01-21-2005, 11:13 AM
They are actually 6-2(even better)...I was counting Cleveland for some reason, they are not in top 9 defense.

01-21-2005, 11:37 AM
The Lakers of 02....oh...damn....
Actually the Spurs are their own worst enemy...just like the Laker teams of the past 5 years...they usually beat themselves.

01-21-2005, 12:47 PM
Of course, the game after allowing 120 to the Wizards they give up 9 (two field goals) in the entire fourth quarter to the Clippers, a team that the Spurs barely beat, and that's not mentioned. Hmmm.

baseline bum
01-21-2005, 02:09 PM
There's no team in the West that scares me. The only teams that can take down a healthy Spurs team are Detroit and Miami.

Solid D
01-21-2005, 02:14 PM
Sonics, Suns (at AmericaWest) and Kings

01-21-2005, 02:34 PM
Sonics, Suns (at AmericaWest) and Kings

Funny you would mention the Kings... I'd actually been thinking that the addition of Mobley makes them scarier than before.

For one, Mobley may not possess Dougish-like defense but he is still a good defender.... That being said, Mobley gives the Kings the intangibles that Ginobili gives our team....

01-21-2005, 04:18 PM

I think Dallas and Minnesota, if they ever get their act together, could take a couple of games from SA in a seven game series.

01-21-2005, 06:23 PM

01-21-2005, 06:36 PM
I disagree. I think there is a lot of competition in the WC this year. Over the last couple of weeks, the Spurs have shown that they have weaknesses. At times, they have defense relapses, rebounding woes, FT shooting difficulties, lack of 3pt defense, and inability to close out close games.
With that said, I think the
Suns: People are easily disregarding them due to their recent losses
Sonics: Beat us twice, deadly 3 pt shooting team (defense on which we lack)
Kings: Diffcult to play at home and are deadly, more so than the Suns in my opinion, especially with Mobley addition
Rockets: Have beat us twice, who knows, maybe as the season progresses McGrady and Yao will become that duo we all thought they'd be
Dallas:Can give the Spurs a hard time in a 7 game series--Dirk is playing awesome this season (and should be at least considered for MVP in my opinion)

If last year's LA game and this year's houston game have taught me anything, is that nothing is guaranteed and while the Spurs might look like the clear cut favs, you never know what can happen in basketball--which is what I love about the game :)

01-21-2005, 09:26 PM
Houston, they play defense that really makes us look bad, and if we have to play them as a one sed against an 8 seed i dont see us beating them

01-21-2005, 09:29 PM
Houston, they play defense that really makes us look bad, and if we have to play them as a one sed against an 8 seed i dont see us beating them
Come on RTD, Houston???

I know they were lucky shits that one game, but in a 7 game series....

01-21-2005, 09:35 PM
1.Dallas-for improved D;
2.Seattle-for beating Spurs 2x this season;
3.Minny-if they can find a decent center.

possible East opponent*:
1.Indiana-w/ SJax & Artest

*Miami struggling tonight's game vs.a no Artest/SJax Indy team :rolleyes