View Full Version : Japan worker in 780,000 porn hits

05-02-2008, 07:53 AM
A local council employee in Japan has been punished after it was discovered he had accessed porn websites at work more than 780,000 times in nine months.

His superiors were alerted to the problem only when his computer became infected with a virus.

The 57-year-old man, who has not been named, works for the city of Kinokawa in southern Japan.

He held on to his job, but has been demoted and his wages have been cut by about 20,000 yen ($190; £80) a month.

Productivity question

Each day he would turn up to work, but once in his office it seems unlikely he got much done.

A council investigation found that he viewed more than 750,000 pornographic websites in nine months.

His habit reached its peak last July when he surfed for porn more than 177,000 times during office hours.

That works out at almost 10,000 pages a day, or more than 20 each minute he was at his desk.

A council official, trying to explain why no-one had noticed, said that each employee's desk was set apart from the others.

The man was discovered only when his computer became infected with a virus, prompting officials to look at his web-browser history.

He has not been sacked but he has been demoted and his pay cut by about $200 a month. No doubt he is also proving to be a little more productive now.


05-02-2008, 08:10 AM
I don't know how people can do that.

Wouldn't you get porn exhaustion?

I stick to a couple of linker sites that categorize based on porn stars. Maybe that's what the meant by "780,000 hits"? Each linked page would count as a hit.

Then again, it's all useless without movies from Bit torrent. Greasing the pole to static images can get tiring.

peewee's lovechild
05-02-2008, 08:25 AM
Change Kinokawa, Japan to San Antonio, TX and change the guys age from 57 to 32 and make the guy Hispanic instead of Japanese . . . . that would be me.

05-02-2008, 08:27 AM
20 sites per minutes?? anybody stop to think that it might be a virus opening up all those sites? I don't know how somebody could access 20 sites a minute for a whole day... is that even a reasonable estimate?

05-02-2008, 08:57 AM
Wouldn't you get porn exhaustion?

I got internet porn exhaustion a long time ago! But in a way it's cool because now I am really into characteristics other than visuals. The sound of a guy's laugh......wow!

05-02-2008, 09:02 AM
I got internet porn exhaustion a long time ago! But in a way it's cool because now I am really into characteristics other than visuals. The sound of a guy's laugh......wow!

There are things other than visuals?????

My mind/penis doesn't work any other way. :)

I need visuals. Screw the other stuff.

Don Quixote
05-02-2008, 09:18 AM
Change Kinokawa, Japan to San Antonio, TX and change the guys age from 57 to 32 and make the guy Hispanic instead of Japanese . . . . that would be me.

It's good to know you are earning your paycheck.

05-02-2008, 09:39 AM
I have a hard time believing he accessed that many pages. Get a popup blocker for shits sake.

05-02-2008, 02:31 PM

05-02-2008, 03:14 PM
Well, Japanese porn IS awesome...

Pistons < Spurs
05-02-2008, 08:36 PM
This story made me think about another article I read this morning:

Toilet seats are cleaner than keyboards

COMPUTER KEYBOARDS can be home to more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat, says UK consumer watchdog, Which.

Tests on 33 keyboards at the organisation's offices found four that posed a health hazard and one playing host to five times more germs than the office's toilet seats. It was ordered to be removed, quarantined and cleaned after tests showed it exceeded recommended bacteria limits by 150 times.

"If you look at what grows on computer keyboards, and hospitals are worse, believe it or not, it's more or less a reflection of what's in your nose and in your gut," Dr Peter Wilson, a consultant microbiologist at University College London Hospital told BBC Radio. "Should somebody have a cold in your office, or even have gastroenteritis, you're very likely to pick it up from a keyboard."

Which said one of the causes of dirty keyboards was the increase in the number of people eating lunch at their desks.

The survey also found that 10 per cent of people said they never cleaned their keyboard, with a further 20 per cent admitting to never cleaning their mouse. Almost half cleaned their keyboard less than once a month.


05-02-2008, 08:58 PM
he couldnt stop hitting his mouse

Don Quixote
05-03-2008, 02:19 PM
Well, Japanese porn IS awesome...

So what's so great about Japanese porn? Other than, of course, Japanese women.

peewee's lovechild
05-04-2008, 02:40 AM
A local Hispanic council employee has been punished after it was discovered he had accessed porn websites at work more than 780,000 times in nine months.

His superiors were alerted to the problem only when his computer became infected with a virus.

The 32-year-old man, who has not been named, works for the city of San Antonio in southern Texas.

He held on to his job, but has been demoted and his wages have been cut by about 20,000 pesos ($190; 80p) a month.

Productivity question

Each day he would turn up to work, but once in his office it seems unlikely he got much done.

A council investigation found that he viewed more than 750,000 pornographic websites in nine months.

His habit reached its peak last July when he surfed for porn more than 177,000 times during office hours.

That works out at almost 10,000 pages a day, or more than 20 each minute he was at his desk.

A council official, trying to explain why no-one had noticed, said that each employee's desk was set apart from the others.

The man was discovered only when his computer became infected with a virus, prompting officials to look at his web-browser history.

He has not been sacked but he has been demoted and his pay cut by about $200 a month. No doubt he is also proving to be a little more productive now.


It's like I'm reading the future.