View Full Version : Afghanistan Firefight Heard On Voice Mail

05-06-2008, 11:17 AM
OTIS, Ore. -- An Oregon couple received a frightening phone call from their son in Afghanistan when he inadvertently called home during battle.

Stephen Phillips and other soldiers in his Army MP company were battling insurgents when his phone was pressed against his Humvee. It redialed and called his parents in the small Oregon town of Otis.

Sandie Petee, Phillips' mother, and her husband, Jeff Petee, weren't home at the time of the call. They returned home to find a three-minute voice mail on their answering machine.

"His friend died a year ago in Iraq and I'm thinking, 'Oh my God, this may be the last time I hear my son's voice on the phone,'" Petee said.

They heard shooting, swearing and shouted pleas for more ammunition on the phone call from their son.

"They were pinned down and apparently his barrel was overheating," said Jeff Petee. "It's something a parent really doesn't want to hear. It's a heck of a message to get from your son in Afghanistan."

The three-minute call ended abruptly.

"You could hear him saying stuff like, he needs more ammo, or he needs another barrel," said John Petee, Phillips' brother. "At the end, you could hear a guy saying 'Incoming! RPG!' And then it cut off."

As soon as the voice mail stopped playing, the Petees began trying to reach their son in Afghanistan. The family figured out Petee had tried to call home earlier that day, but he didn't leave a message and the phone later redialed during battle.

They eventually reached their son.

"I finally got a hold of him," Sandie Petee said. "He was embarrassed, he said, 'Don't let Grandma hear it.'"

Stephen Phillips is scheduled to return home next month, when his tour is complete, his mother said.

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Link to the phone call


Heath Ledger
05-06-2008, 11:20 AM
how the fuck does he get cell service in Afghanistan, they usually use Sat phones.

05-06-2008, 11:22 AM
Man thats crazy. I want to hear that voicemail.

Heath Ledger
05-06-2008, 11:22 AM
That was a brilliantly created clip using Call of Duty 4 and some voice acting.

Heath Ledger
05-06-2008, 11:25 AM
its in the link goes to a youtube video but i call bullshit, when you are in a mission ready environment having a personal cell phone is a personal no no, imagine that you are in the middle of a terrorist hunt in a small village and Ring, Ring,,,,, Ruh Roh ragggy. There are rules against carrying you cell phone in combat. This is bullshit, how does he have cell service in Afghanistan anyway?

Here is the youtube link for those lazy fuckers who wont go read the article to get the link


05-06-2008, 11:25 AM
Those poor parents; what a nightmare!

05-06-2008, 11:32 AM
how the fuck does he get cell service in Afghanistan, they usually use Sat phones.

don't they have relay dialers readily set up?

05-06-2008, 11:36 AM
how the fuck does he get cell service in Afghanistan.

Bet the roaming charges are gonna be a bitch.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-06-2008, 01:10 PM
This is hard to believe. If he really had a cell phone with him that's a huge breach of operational security, that's the kind of shit that gets you court martialed.

Ed Helicopter Jones
05-06-2008, 06:54 PM
its in the link goes to a youtube video but i call bullshit, when you are in a mission ready environment having a personal cell phone is a personal no no, imagine that you are in the middle of a terrorist hunt in a small village and Ring, Ring,,,,, Ruh Roh ragggy. There are rules against carrying you cell phone in combat. This is bullshit, how does he have cell service in Afghanistan anyway?

Here is the youtube link for those lazy fuckers who wont go read the article to get the link


Did you gain all of this combat knowledge while slicing up bamboo rugs in your backyard dressed up like a ninja turtle?

05-07-2008, 09:54 AM
its in the link goes to a youtube video but i call bullshit, when you are in a mission ready environment having a personal cell phone is a personal no no, imagine that you are in the middle of a terrorist hunt in a small village and Ring, Ring,,,,, Ruh Roh ragggy. There are rules against carrying you cell phone in combat. This is bullshit, how does he have cell service in Afghanistan anyway?

Here is the youtube link for those lazy fuckers who wont go read the article to get the link


I'm with you on this one. I call BS.

I think the guy was in the barracks playing some combat video game.

Seriously, the number of effing cell phone towers in rural Afghanistan has got to be a number similar to the number of supermodels I have slept with, and we are somehow to believe that this guy magically got enough signal out there to accidentally dial his parent's phone?

Maybe he was just sitting around getting drunk and stoned off-duty and thought, in the hazy logic of the stoned, that it might have been a good idea to prank his parents with the sounds from Call of Duty 4 or something. :drunk:smokin

05-07-2008, 09:55 AM
BTW, don't think that the magic herb isn't available in Afghanistan. It is one of their main crops, in case you haven't been reading the news...

05-07-2008, 09:58 AM
There are cell phones and wireless connections/setups are sprouting all over in Afghanistan, more and more are being raised to slowly increase technological growth.

Weed is available in Afghanistan, I remember Canadian troops had to find some insurgents and they had to get through a maze of marijuana plants so they burned all of it and had to cancel the operation, because they all got high.

05-07-2008, 10:09 AM
weather its fake or not who knows we werent there....but you cats are tools to think it couldnt happen...damn near everyone has a cell phone in iraq and afghan nowadays...to say its a breach of opsec is a way to look at it but what are you breaching...you obviously are not hearing anything that is classified right here and its nothing that a reporter with a VIDEO camera couldnt or hasnt already captured...if anything else it could be used as another means of comms if they radios were to shit on them...props to the dude reguardless of what the situation ended up being and I can see how this mistake could have happened...as for the rest of you bullshit callers who have never left you couch for nothing other then to replace your batteries on your 360 and ps3 controllers stfu keep playing call of duty and have a nice day....:wakeup

Heath Ledger
05-07-2008, 10:09 AM
No dickweed i actually served in the military while you were at home pooping your diapers and popping your zits.

05-07-2008, 10:11 AM
Wait a minute..... I thought we weren't fighting in Afghanistan anymore. Remember? We don't care about them anymore, it's all about Iraq.

So this is obviously a joke.

05-07-2008, 10:16 AM
No dickweed i actually served in the military while you were at home pooping your diapers and popping your zits.

serving in the military and being deployed has actually taken on new meanings now in the forces and then you have to get into the whole what branch and what you did but regardless...its prolly been lets say 5 to 10 years since you last lived your glory days...give it up dude...if this is truly the case and you have had the privilege to serve in any modern day events you would know better heath...so now I myself have to call bullshit...:lmao

Heath Ledger
05-07-2008, 10:29 AM
You can call whatever you want, i dont give a fuck about you nor do i need to explain my service to our country. When i served is also a non fucking issue, you apparently have not so shut the fuck up already.

05-07-2008, 10:35 AM
you're right you got me...my bad...but if you ever need a cell phone just let me know ok

05-07-2008, 10:44 AM
of course it's bullshit.

everyone know's our troops are being greeted with chocolates and nylons.

05-07-2008, 11:06 AM
of course it's bullshit.

everyone know's our troops are being greeted with chocolates and nylons.
