View Full Version : The Hillary Campaign for the Knuckle-draggers

05-06-2008, 11:59 AM
The Hillary campaign by pre-school kids...


05-06-2008, 02:02 PM
The Hillary camp moves the goalposts again - now says Obama needs 2,208 delegates
rather than the 2,025 set by party rules...

DURHAM, N.C. — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign yesterday tried to redefine the delegate math for securing the Democratic presidential nomination, signaling its willingness to wage a divisive battle with front-runner Sen. Barack Obama through the summer.

Mr. Obama, meanwhile, questioned Mrs. Clinton's trustworthiness heading into today's primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.

Top Clinton aides said the nominee must win based on a tally that includes delegates from Florida and Michigan, which held January primaries that were disqualified by party rules. The campaign's "Delegate Hub" Web site identifies 2,208 as the total delegates needed to be nominated, or 183 more than the threshold of 2,025 set by the Democratic National Committee's rules.

"That's what we believe is the standard for deciding this — who has the majority of the total delegates including Michigan and Florida to decide the nomination," said Clinton strategist Geoff Garin.

Washington times (http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080506/NATION/525934081/1002)

Why the redefinition?? According to many sources, Obama could have wrapped up the 2025 needed for the Democratic nomination by May 20th..