View Full Version : New Scandal Developing

05-07-2008, 01:37 AM
First let me say that this is related to the Spurs, but not limited to the Spurs. I think that things are shaping up in such a way that this could be the season remembered as the one that crippled the NBA for a generation.

I was told a story last week that "several" NBA refs had spoken up about receiving instructions to call games differently during the playoffs. I guess they get told to watch more for lane violations, etc. But these instructions were clearly intended to target certain teams, and even certain individuals.

Apparently the grumbling has gotten a little louder, as a number of the refs are incensed that Kevin Garnet would be allowed, in the heat of an on-court altercation, to shove a referee and not be handed down a suspension. Whatever the reason, there are three officials who apparently are pissed about the instructions on how to call certain games, and starting to talk about it.

There were a couple of comments that really got my attention. One was that there are some officials who will go along with what they are told, without questioning, "because they have to". The other was that the inconsistencies caused by that kind of intervention makes it harder for them to do their jobs, and even make it harder to hold their heads up in public.

This second thing I wouldn't even repeat, except that I know a little about the source, and how the comments were overheard. There are also a couple of other factors that

The second thing I just heard this evening. I wouldn't even repeat it, except that I know the source, and how the comments were overheard. And there are a couple of things that make it somewhat believable.
1. Some people tend to think of certain workers as part of the furniture, and forget that they are even there.
2. People love to talk, and (most) coaches tend to be loud

Prior to Game 1 in New Orleans, one of the Hornets' staff was smugly bragging that they would be able to handle Duncan in the series. He said that they were "gonna wear his ass out off the ball", and that they have "a green light" as long as they don't tie anyone up with their arms... and that "the word is out on them flopping".

My immediate reaction was, "Bullshit. How would someone like that know how games were going to be called?" But almost immediately, I remembered the story about the refs getting instructions. And it also reminded me of an incident involving Jeff VanGundy, during the playoffs a couple of seasons ago

http://www.usatoday.com/sports/basketball/nba/rockets/2005-05-09-van-gundy-clarifies_x.htm Van Gundy started the saga by telling three reporters at the team hotel in Dallas that a referee not working the playoffs called him after the Rockets went up 2-0 and warned that Yao was mentioned in an online evaluation from supervisor of officials Ronnie Nunn. Van Gundy also told the reporters that referees "were looking at Yao harder because of Mark's complaints" to the league office, referring to Cuban.

Then I started thinking... what would make someone think they could body Duncan off the ball all night, without fouling out all their bigs? And then I remembered Kobe going to the line 23 times a couple of nights ago, while Boozer and Williams together went 8 times. And then I started thinking, "How the fuck could Garnett get by with pushing an official during an altercation, without being suspended for a game?" And the comment about the inconsistencies really began to hit home.

If any of you remember, I told you after Game 2 against the Suns that Stu Jackson took a call complaining about San Antonio's flopping. And in Game 3, the Spurs needed body armor... but not earmuffs, because the refs weren't blowing their whistles. The timing wasn't just a coincidence.

I'll be clear. I'm not suggesting a big NBA conspiracy. And I'm not suggesting that David Stern wants a Lakers-Celtics finals, or anything like that. But I'll stand by what I have said before about Stu Jackson having an agenda. And I think he sent word down about how the playoffs would be called, with a clear inference about which teams it would affect.

The difference this year is that I think there are some refs that are tired of being the whipping boys. It will be interesting to see just how public this gets. In the Van Gundy incident, the first issue wasn't whether he was telling the truth, but rather "Who told?" If Van Gundy had given up his source, I'm sure they would have been fired. (Personally, I think it was someone who works for Stu.) The refs might not want to go to the mat over this. But if they do, It's going to get bloody.

05-07-2008, 01:39 AM
The 2006 NBA Finals. enough said..

05-07-2008, 01:41 AM
BTW... the first story came from a friend of the family of one of the parties involved. Family talks to family. Not only do I trust the source, but it rings true.

The other thing I heard this evening, but haven't been able to confirm yet is that the "hoop of fire" wasn't scheduled to happen between the 1st and 2nd quarters. But the game was getting out of hand, and they wanted to let things coold down a little bit. It was supposed to be a stall.

They would have been out there for another couple of minutes, "trying" to put out the fire with those CO2 extinguishers, before using them correctly. Unfortunately, one of the members of the Fire Department didn't know it was a stall, and broke out the chemical extinguisher. And the whole thing just got out of hand.

But if the story is correct, the schedule was changed and it was for the purpose of stalling...just not 20 minutes worth.

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 01:42 AM
So the reason that Duncan sucked in game 1 is because the refs were instructed not to call N.O. fouls? :lmao :lmao :lmao

He didn't get fouled any more than normal. He just got doubled hard.

05-07-2008, 01:51 AM
Plus, the lane violations that were being instructed to be called more helped the Spurs with Shaquille O'Neal.

05-07-2008, 01:54 AM
I'll be clear. I'm not suggesting a big NBA conspiracy. And I'm not suggesting that David Stern wants a Lakers-Celtics finals, or anything like that. But I'll stand by what I have said before about Stu Jackson having an agenda. And I think he sent word down about how the playoffs would be called, with a clear inference about which teams it would affect.

So what you're suggesting is an NBA conspiracy??

05-07-2008, 01:56 AM


Princess Pimp
05-07-2008, 02:08 AM
:lol You are now crying when it was clear the league allowed you to do shit without any repercussion, this year and last year...

How does it feel?

05-07-2008, 02:13 AM
I only say the refereeing is questionable

05-07-2008, 02:28 AM
Yeah seriously, Duncan missed shots that he would usually hit even when playing badly. I mean crap he took was usually right at the rim.

I don't chalk it up to conspiracy but I do think the refs stopped calling in TD's favor this entire year, not just the playoffs. I'm always seeing him get mangled in the post, and they just let it go half the time nowadays cause he usually manages to fight through it.

05-07-2008, 02:31 AM
Shooting fouls drawn - 2008

ORL Howard 379
PHO Stoudemire 365
CLE James 337
DEN Iverson 323
LAL Bryant 308
NJN Jefferson 284
LAC Maggette 260
TOR Bosh 257
SAS Duncan 226

Princess Pimp
05-07-2008, 02:40 AM
Cry me a river hoes!

05-07-2008, 03:10 AM
The Spurs are being snuffed out. Its obvious.

05-07-2008, 03:29 AM

05-07-2008, 03:29 AM
Excuses already coming out in full force. Haha

05-07-2008, 04:04 AM
Some of you guys are serious about these "conspiracy theories"? If indeed there WAS a conspiracy theory, the Suns, Mavs and Rockets would still be in the Playoffs while the Spurs, Jazz would have been off'ed by now.

Utah is the #1 fouling team in the NBA, Kobe is one of the highest in drawing fouls. The Jazz have some guy named Brewer guarding Kobe. What did you think was going to happen when Kobe meets the Jazz?

The Suns got killed on the Shaq Lane violation, that was a silly violation but it was called nonetheless against Shaq, one of the most markettable names in the NBA. Even Stern said recently that Shaq was one of the biggest impacts in the NBA. Shaq and the Suns would have made more money and impact for the NBA than Tim Duncan and the Spurs.

Dwight Howard and the Magic had a screwed up call against them yesterday that probably cost them the game. The refs easily had the chance to call it a different way but they called it in favor of the Pistons. This makes no marketting sense or monetary sense for the NBA to help Superman get into a 2-0 hole.

During the Celtics/Hawks series, Al Horford should have gotten a technical foul for taunting Paul Pierce, nothing happened. Zaza could have gotten a suspension for headbutting KG, and then there was the flagrant 2 on Rondo with no suspension.

Refs get told to watch certain things all the time during a certain series. Even coaches send in tapes to demonstrate certain calls. Refs adapt from game to game. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they suck. All you can ask is that they're consistently bad or good for BOTH teams.

05-07-2008, 04:23 AM
The way some games pan out sometimes. Anything is possible!

UV Ray
05-07-2008, 04:37 AM
This excuse has been verified by Art Bell.

05-07-2008, 06:47 AM
Zaza could have gotten a suspension for headbutting KG, and then there was the flagrant 2 on Rondo with no suspension.

Please... there was no head butt.

05-07-2008, 07:01 AM
This excuse has been verified by Art Bell.

How does the taint taste?

Teal Street
05-07-2008, 07:11 AM
First let me say that this is related to the Spurs, but not limited to the Spurs. I think that things are shaping up in such a way that this could be the season remembered as the one that crippled the NBA for a generation.

I was told a story last week that "several" NBA refs had spoken up about receiving instructions to call games differently during the playoffs. I guess they get told to watch more for lane violations, etc. But these instructions were clearly intended to target certain teams, and even certain individuals.

Apparently the grumbling has gotten a little louder, as a number of the refs are incensed that Kevin Garnet would be allowed, in the heat of an on-court altercation, to shove a referee and not be handed down a suspension. Whatever the reason, there are three officials who apparently are pissed about the instructions on how to call certain games, and starting to talk about it.

There were a couple of comments that really got my attention. One was that there are some officials who will go along with what they are told, without questioning, "because they have to". The other was that the inconsistencies caused by that kind of intervention makes it harder for them to do their jobs, and even make it harder to hold their heads up in public.

This second thing I wouldn't even repeat, except that I know a little about the source, and how the comments were overheard. There are also a couple of other factors that

The second thing I just heard this evening. I wouldn't even repeat it, except that I know the source, and how the comments were overheard. And there are a couple of things that make it somewhat believable.
1. Some people tend to think of certain workers as part of the furniture, and forget that they are even there.
2. People love to talk, and (most) coaches tend to be loud

Prior to Game 1 in New Orleans, one of the Hornets' staff was smugly bragging that they would be able to handle Duncan in the series. He said that they were "gonna wear his ass out off the ball", and that they have "a green light" as long as they don't tie anyone up with their arms... and that "the word is out on them flopping".

My immediate reaction was, "Bullshit. How would someone like that know how games were going to be called?" But almost immediately, I remembered the story about the refs getting instructions. And it also reminded me of an incident involving Jeff VanGundy, during the playoffs a couple of seasons ago

http://www.usatoday.com/sports/basketball/nba/rockets/2005-05-09-van-gundy-clarifies_x.htm Van Gundy started the saga by telling three reporters at the team hotel in Dallas that a referee not working the playoffs called him after the Rockets went up 2-0 and warned that Yao was mentioned in an online evaluation from supervisor of officials Ronnie Nunn. Van Gundy also told the reporters that referees "were looking at Yao harder because of Mark's complaints" to the league office, referring to Cuban.

Then I started thinking... what would make someone think they could body Duncan off the ball all night, without fouling out all their bigs? And then I remembered Kobe going to the line 23 times a couple of nights ago, while Boozer and Williams together went 8 times. And then I started thinking, "How the fuck could Garnett get by with pushing an official during an altercation, without being suspended for a game?" And the comment about the inconsistencies really began to hit home.

If any of you remember, I told you after Game 2 against the Suns that Stu Jackson took a call complaining about San Antonio's flopping. And in Game 3, the Spurs needed body armor... but not earmuffs, because the refs weren't blowing their whistles. The timing wasn't just a coincidence.

I'll be clear. I'm not suggesting a big NBA conspiracy. And I'm not suggesting that David Stern wants a Lakers-Celtics finals, or anything like that. But I'll stand by what I have said before about Stu Jackson having an agenda. And I think he sent word down about how the playoffs would be called, with a clear inference about which teams it would affect.

The difference this year is that I think there are some refs that are tired of being the whipping boys. It will be interesting to see just how public this gets. In the Van Gundy incident, the first issue wasn't whether he was telling the truth, but rather "Who told?" If Van Gundy had given up his source, I'm sure they would have been fired. (Personally, I think it was someone who works for Stu.) The refs might not want to go to the mat over this. But if they do, It's going to get bloody.

This is bullshit. where is the link to this? How do you know what the refs and assistant coaches etc. etc. say behind close doors?

05-07-2008, 08:14 AM
...Unfortunately, one of the members of the Fire Department didn't know it was a stall, and broke out the chemical extinguisher...


05-07-2008, 08:23 AM
We're losing because we suck. Unless there's a conspiracy in which all the rims have colluded to prevent the Spurs shots from going in the basket...

George Gervin's Afro
05-07-2008, 08:38 AM
Spurs need to play through anything presented in front of them. As far as flopping CP3 has flopped more than the entire Spurs team in the first 2 games..

05-07-2008, 08:41 AM
Cry me a river hoes!

Dang what are the schools like where you are from? Unless you were intending to insult us by calling us a garden implement, learn how to spell the slang you are slinging idiot.

05-07-2008, 08:43 AM

05-07-2008, 09:20 AM
CP3 has flopped more than the entire Spurs team in the first 2 games..


05-07-2008, 09:25 AM
This ranks right up there with some of the dumbest threads I've ever read. Either back up your statements or don't bother.

05-07-2008, 09:26 AM
Shoot the ball straight. Put the ball in the hole more than your opponents and you win. Fuck the refs they all suck but it's even. The Jazz series with the Rockets was just ugly and the refs sucked on both sides. But the Jazz are the highest fouling team in the NBA. If we make a higher percentage of our shots I don't care how many times they foul, flop, or cheat. We win


Red Hawk #21
05-07-2008, 09:29 AM
97 freethrows in 6 games for Dwyane Wade in 2006 finals...

Cry Havoc
05-07-2008, 09:29 AM
We would have lost Game 2 with favorable officiating.

That said, I STILL cannot comprehend how Garnett was not even punished for shoving a ref. If that's ANYONE not on the Celtics, he's riding the pine for at least a game.

05-07-2008, 09:39 AM
Follow the money. The game is entertainment and whatever keeps the dollars rolling in is important. It's clear that the treatment of superstars and developing superstars is important. In his heyday, who wanted to watch Shaq sit on the bench after bulling his way to the basket or using his forearms to push a defender out of the way?

Certainly not the networks or the league brass.

Re the changing of the guard: Duncan and Shaq both see less foul calls going their way as they get to the end of their careers. They will get more fouls called against them and fewer fouls called against the players guarding them, especially if the opposing player is a coming star.

Bullshit you say? Well, no one ever doubts--including TV commentators--that rookies get fewer calls for them and more calls against them than veterans, especially veteran stars? We all assume that the refs call the game a little differently when it comes to rookies. What's the difference between not calling the game evenly for rookies and cutting down on the protection and preferences given to aging superstars who no longer have as much dollar value?

The idea that refs always call an even-handed game is a myth. Whether they are instructed to do so by superiors is a question. They may simply do it on their own or get the 'word' through intuition. I wouldn't be surprised if some subtle hints aren't thrown around by the TV execs.

Whatever the reason, there is pressure on the refs to call em like the money men see 'em instead of how they see 'em.

05-07-2008, 09:40 AM
welcome to the NBA. do refs receive "instructions"? of course they do. They also do this in FIFA. nothing new

05-07-2008, 09:54 AM
This is so stupid. Please don't give spur fans a bad name. The big 3 have sucked, they have sucked hard. That is why we are down 0-2.

05-07-2008, 10:02 AM
I just laugh at people dismissing someone who might know more than you about internal sources within the high spheres of power in the NBA.

After watching the last few minutes of last night's game between the Celtics and the Cavs I can start believing what's been said about the Celtics having a free pass.

If you have any doubts, just watch the game again and please tell me Lebron didn't get hacked and nobody called anything.

05-07-2008, 10:04 AM
This is so stupid. Please don't give spur fans a bad name. The big 3 have sucked, they have sucked hard. That is why we are down 0-2.

For you an others, I don't think he tried to justified the pussiness the Spurs have played with the last 2 games. I don't think he meant it that way.

I don't think this thread has anything to do with why the spurs lost. If it was true they have green light to hack Duncan, still I don't think he meant to say that's the reason why the Spurs lost. We all know why the Spurs lost.

05-07-2008, 10:05 AM
Well if the Hornet and Spurs games were close then maybe I would kind of agree. But screw that the Spurs have not been showing up at all in the second half. The refs do not really matter when you are getting blown out by 20 with 2 minutes left to go. I just laugh that people might believe its the refs fault at this point. Spurs did this to themselves.

05-07-2008, 10:06 AM
The only conspiracy in the NBA this year was the Gasol trade.

05-07-2008, 10:06 AM
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. The Hugo the Hornet-Gate conspiracy just puts it right over the edge.

05-07-2008, 10:06 AM
For you an others, I don't think he tried to justified the pussiness the Spurs have played with the last 2 games. I don't think he meant it that way.

I don't think this thread has anything to do with why the spurs lost. If it was true they have green light to hack Duncan, still I don't think he meant to say that's the reason why the Spurs lost. We all know why the Spurs lost.

oh ok. Yeah I just believe the Spurs have been blowing bad! I haven't seen other close games lately because of finals. I guess i will be more observant

05-07-2008, 10:07 AM
BTW... the first story came from a friend of the family of one of the parties involved. Family talks to family. Not only do I trust the source, but it rings true.

The other thing I heard this evening, but haven't been able to confirm yet is that the "hoop of fire" wasn't scheduled to happen between the 1st and 2nd quarters. But the game was getting out of hand, and they wanted to let things coold down a little bit. It was supposed to be a stall.

They would have been out there for another couple of minutes, "trying" to put out the fire with those CO2 extinguishers, before using them correctly. Unfortunately, one of the members of the Fire Department didn't know it was a stall, and broke out the chemical extinguisher. And the whole thing just got out of hand.

But if the story is correct, the schedule was changed and it was for the purpose of stalling...just not 20 minutes worth.

Seriously. Think about these things before you write them. I don't care who you heard it from - that's the most insane, ludicrous bunch of bullshit anyone could ever imagine.

Teal Street
05-07-2008, 10:08 AM
wow you are a stupid bitch.

even though this is a stupid thread, you are even stupider.

he said multiple times that he "heard" it from someone.


it means to receive sound via the ears


not everything happens on the internets


Don't post hearsay as fact unless you name your source. If there isnt a link then its B.S. or name your source but dont expect readers to think there is any credibility to it.

Got it Bitch

Hornets pwn spurs!
05-07-2008, 10:11 AM
I think the spurs have bigger things to worry about other than a scandal.......like lets say??? Chris Paul....or David West maybe??? i don't know just sayin

05-07-2008, 10:11 AM
What would give this story any credence is a scorched earth policy by a ref leaving the league for another job. Then he could blow the whistle. Until this happens, then this story is just that. A story.

05-07-2008, 10:12 AM
The only conspiracy in the NBA this year was the Gasol trade.


The fact that Kwame Brown has now basically been traded for Caron Butler then again for Pau Gasol proves that all but a handful of NBA GM's are morons.

05-07-2008, 10:12 AM
This thread is the reason we are known as cry babies. Oh yeah, a little birdie told me .... All our crybaby Spurs fans need is an excuse to explain why we are getting our asses kicked by a very good team.

Kori, get this thread off before we add to our already tainted reputation around the league.

05-07-2008, 10:19 AM
The better team in games one and two was New Orleans. Not the guys who blow the whistles or the guy who jumped through a ring of fire.

05-07-2008, 10:22 AM
Man, for a minute I thought I was on a Suns forum.

05-07-2008, 10:31 AM
I can't comment on the original post, but please, to shout the word "conspiracy" and think that is enough to denounce something is not enough. A simple look at history (I know, hard to think of in modern America) will show that there have always been "conspiracies".

For example, a group of industrialists recruited the most decorated American general ever to help them overthrow FDR (Smedley Butler). Also, around 1776 there was a crazy-ass conspiracy of a bunch of colonies to kick the King out of their affairs! There have been conspiracies to throw the World Series, there have been ref and player gambling scandals, there has been a steroid cover up... it goes on and on.

One thing for sure is that the ref's decisions do make incredible impact on games, a few weighted calls here or there can easily swing a game or a series.

And, refs do call games differently depending on their personalities and their instructions. Where these instructions come from and what the agenda is, is not always clear to the average forum reader. That does not mean they do not exist. They could be completely divorced from the financial interests of the league as we see it.

Please do not think that by shouting "conspiracy" that you are somehow more informed than the others.

05-07-2008, 10:34 AM
I can't comment on the original post, but please, to shout the word "conspiracy" and think that is enough to denounce something is not enough. A simple look at history (I know, hard to think of in modern America) will show that there have always been "conspiracies".

For example, a group of industrialists recruited the most decorated American general ever to help them overthrow FDR (Smedley Butler). Also, around 1776 there was a crazy-ass conspiracy of a bunch of colonies to kick the King out of their affairs! There have been conspiracies to throw the World Series, there have been ref and player gambling scandals, there has been a steroid cover up... it goes on and on.

One thing for sure is that the ref's decisions do make incredible impact on games, a few weighted calls here or there can easily swing a game or a series.

And, refs do call games differently depending on their personalities and their instructions. Where these instructions come from and what the agenda is, is not always clear to the average forum reader. That does not mean they do not exist. They could be completely divorced from the financial interests of the league as we see it.

Please do not think that by shouting "conspiracy" that you are somehow more informed than the others.

Please tell me you're not a 911 "twoofer".

05-07-2008, 10:39 AM
I don't think there is any conpsiracy against the Spurs. The Sternman does not care if S.A. or N.O. advance to fall to the Lakers.

The finals will be Celtics - Lakers - write it down -- take a picture. Celtics - Lakers no question.

05-07-2008, 10:58 AM
Spurs are gonna win this series 4-2. No scandal reports necessary.

05-07-2008, 11:32 AM
"My sources tell me...."

Always get a kick when someone says that line.

05-07-2008, 11:38 AM
"My sources tell me...."

Always get a kick when someone says that line.

:hat According to my sources, game 3 between Hornets and Spurs will take place tonight.

05-07-2008, 11:39 AM
Spurs need to play through anything presented in front of them. As far as flopping CP3 has flopped more than the entire Spurs team in the first 2 games..


05-07-2008, 11:44 AM
The only conspiracy in the NBA this year was the Gasol trade.

I know everyone always points to the Gasol trade, but I wonder why it is Fisher is never mentioned. He was "allowed" to get out of his contract with Utah, and return to the Lakers.

And believe it or not, Fish is an integral part of that team from several viewpoints. More so than Gasol. Fisher was probably the one that was able to hold them together early on when things didn't look so bright. Fish can burn your ass with 3 pointers on a cosistent basis.

Yet nothing is ever mentioned about this "questionable" gift to the Lakers. If they end up winning it all, Jackson should put a big "*" beside it.

05-07-2008, 12:02 PM
1. Fisher was a terrible team crippling, albatross contract the Jazz WANTED to get rid of. They were actually happy to get rid of him.
2. In a world where Caron Butler gets traded for Kwame Brown, said Kwame Brown can also get traded for Pau Gasol. I don't see anybody complaining about the Caron for Kwame trade. And don't forget Marc Gasol, he's the #1 big man in Europe right now and would be a top 5 pick in this year's draft. Javaris Critenton had a couple 20 point games after the trade. It's turning out that it wasn't as lopsided as you might think. Mitch Kupchak made some serous crystal ball draft picks and that resulted in Pau.

I can't believe the excuses are coming out already, that is disturbing.
1) The refs don't job you for 18 points, they'll job you for 3-5 points
2) The same refs that "handed the game" to the Hornets also handed 5 fouls to Tyson Chandler.
3) The same refs that are screwing the Spurs also called Shaq for stepping over the line after he shot his free throw.

Hmmm, maybe the US didn't land on the moon and maybe 911 was some huge US conspiracy.... sure.

05-07-2008, 12:44 PM
I think it is funny, that everyone always complains when they think there team is getting screwed by the league. I agree the ref's have called the playoffs a little different. Why would they call a lane violation on O'Neal for the Suns in the playoffs and not in the regular season? Now that something is not going a teams way, fans complain about it. Which, I think they should. There is no reason to change the style of refereeing in the playoff's. I can't stand the Spurs, but if they are getting different calls, then that is crap.

05-07-2008, 12:49 PM
[email protected]

he would like to know where you live to kill you

05-07-2008, 01:00 PM
Trolls from other teams have taken control of this thread.

05-07-2008, 01:31 PM
My sources tell me:

05-07-2008, 01:43 PM
I don't think there is any conpsiracy against the Spurs. The Sternman does not care if S.A. or N.O. advance to fall to the Lakers.

The finals will be Celtics - Lakers - write it down -- take a picture. Celtics - Lakers no question.

Lakers will be in the finals because they are the best team in the league with the best coach and the MVP.

05-07-2008, 01:46 PM

05-07-2008, 01:53 PM
My sources tell me:



George Gervin's Afro
05-07-2008, 03:16 PM

it is funny.. how many time has he fallen down when around bowen? 3? 4 times? don't play stupid..unless you are stupid then your post is excused..

05-07-2008, 03:21 PM
One thing that is an absolute truth about NBA officiating: It is the worst of all professional sports.

What sport had referees convicted of tax evasion, fired them, and then rehired them? This basically makes them thiefs, liars, cheaters as well as convicted felons....yet the NBA rehires them? Rehires them to do a job where honesty and integrity are paramount.

What sport constantly has dissatisfied sports fans in every city doubting the integrity of the officials and the league?

What sport constantly has the term "conspiracy" reaped upon them?

What league has a ref get arrested for calling fouls that intentionally altered games be bet on? What league then investigates the other officials and find a majority are placing wagers in clear violation of league rules...then does nothing to them?

What sport refuses to have instant replay available during the entire game?

I do not know if there is some sort of implied communication to the officials to alter games, but clearly the refs very questionable calls do alter games. Just look back to 2006 when the Spurs got jobbed by the refs against Dallas......who then got jobbed by the refs against Miami. My first real nasty taste of NBA refs game in the 1979 playoffs against Washington...and by the way, one of the Spurs from that team told me he and the other Spurs thought the series was rigged.

jack sommerset
05-07-2008, 03:24 PM
My ballls hurt so much from laughing. My Sources told me........................

05-07-2008, 03:24 PM
One thing that is an absolute truth about NBA officiating: It is the worst of all professional sports.

What sport had referees convicted of tax evasion, fired them, and then rehired them? This basically makes them thiefs, liars, cheaters as well as convicted felons....yet the NBA rehires them? Rehires them to do a job where honesty and integrity are paramount.

What sport constantly has dissatisfied sports fans in every city doubting the integrity of the officials and the league?

What sport constantly has the term "conspiracy" reaped upon them?

What league has a ref get arrested for calling fouls that intentionally altered games be bet on? What league then investigates the other officlas and find a majority are placing wagers in clear violation of league rules...then does nothing to them?

What sport refuses to have instant replay available during the entire game?

I do not know if there is some sort of implied communication to the officials to alter games, but clearly the refs very questionable calls do alter games. Just look back to 2006 when the Spurs got jobbed by the refs against Dallas......who then got jobbed by the refs against Miami. My first real nasty taste of NBA refs game in the 1979 playoffs against Washington...and by the way, one of the Spurs from that team told me he and the other Spurs thought the series was rigged.

nice points

05-07-2008, 03:35 PM
2. In a world where Caron Butler gets traded for Kwame Brown, said Kwame Brown can also get traded for Pau Gasol. I don't see anybody complaining about the Caron for Kwame trade.

At the time Kwame was not a certifiable bust, and Caron was nowhere near an All-Star. That was a typical non-collusion Mitch Kupchak move.

And don't forget Marc Gasol, he's the #1 big man in Europe right now and would be a top 5 pick in this year's draft. Javaris Critenton had a couple 20 point games after the trade. It's turning out that it wasn't as lopsided as you might think. Mitch Kupchak made some serous crystal ball draft picks and that resulted in Pau.

Here is the man who is taking the bow for the Pau trade:


05-07-2008, 03:45 PM
Hornets have beaten the Spurs twice in this series by just under 20 points. No conspiracy could cause that size of a lead and win. The excuses are beginning.

05-07-2008, 03:47 PM
it is funny.. how many time has he fallen down when around bowen? 3? 4 times? don't play stupid..unless you are stupid then your post is excused..


05-07-2008, 03:50 PM

05-07-2008, 03:57 PM
I'm confused. Is it the refs? Or cause Timmy was sick? Or age? Or CP3 is flopping? Or maybe, just MAYBE is it cause the team with the better record is the better team?

Actually, most Spurs fans have been pretty cool on here and call out their homers when they make crazy threads. I don't know if the Hornets fans would be so quick to do the same. Major props.

05-07-2008, 03:58 PM
Hornets have beaten the Spurs twice in this series by just under 20 points. No conspiracy could cause that size of a lead and win. The excuses are beginning.

You are forgetting the ol' "put small amounts of rat poison in the gumbo play". Like we wouldn't notice.

05-07-2008, 04:05 PM
:hat According to my sources, game 3 between Hornets and Spurs will take place tonight.

According to my sources, you need to check your calendar...that game is on Thursday night, not tonight... :hat

05-07-2008, 04:38 PM
I don't think there is any conpsiracy against the Spurs. The Sternman does not care if S.A. or N.O. advance to fall to the Lakers.

The finals will be Celtics - Lakers - write it down -- take a picture. Celtics - Lakers no question.

The Celtics in the Finals? I seriously doubt it. They barely got by Atlanta and just barely beat the Cavaliers yesterday. And that was mostly because James had a horribly atypical playoff game. When Cleveland wins game two the Celtics will really be under the gun heading back to Ohio having lost hca. Additionally the Pistons have much more collective playoff experience than Boston and would crush the green in a series should Boston manage to get that far. Which is doubtful.

05-07-2008, 04:40 PM
At the time Kwame was not a certifiable bust, and Caron was nowhere near an All-Star. That was a typical non-collusion Mitch Kupchak move.

Not a certifiable bust but a bust nonetheless. People thought he could stop sucking with the right tutelage but only some people realized his hands were too small, he could never be a good NBA player (offense wise).

Here is the man who is taking the bow for the Pau trade:

Hahah, possibly, I can't rule it out but I think as things roll, you'll see that Memphis didn't get robbed as badly as Kwame for Pau straight up. Hell in the long run, the Lakers might be the screwed ones if Javaris keeps up his 20 points and Marc Gasol becomes an All-Star. Then again, both could be busts and Memphis got bilked...we'll find out in about 2 years :D

05-07-2008, 04:41 PM
Then again, both could be busts and Memphis got bilked...we'll find out in about 2 years :D

Yeah. Um, I'm thinking that we already know how that's ultimately going to turn out.

05-07-2008, 04:52 PM
Yeah. Um, I'm thinking that we already know how that's ultimately going to turn out.

Uhm yeah, you'd need a hell of a crystal ball to see how that turns out and you don't have one do you? Perhaps you can use that crystal ball to forecast the Hornets series and give us all a sense of calm.

05-07-2008, 05:07 PM
Spurs are almost always on the downside of foul calls IMO, always have been and always will be. It goes back to Robinson, who never complained despite being hacked and mauled on a nightly basis and rarely getting calls.

The Phoenix series was a terribly called series, IMO, against the Spurs.

But the Spurs have found a way to play through this en route to 4 titles. The NBA cracking down on lane violations is not really going to make or break their chances. (Although, if they're going to crack down on something, I'd prefer to see them crack down on traveling - Chris Paul, I'm looking at you)

What is going to determine this series is whether the Spurs can hit their shots. That's all. Their weakness all year has been their streaky offense, and so far for 2 games it's been pretty cold. Hopefully being on their homecourt will help them rebound from that.

05-07-2008, 06:09 PM
And don't forget Marc Gasol, he's the #1 big man in Europe right now and would be a top 5 pick in this year's draft.

You might want to attend some more Alcoholics Anonymous meetings...

05-07-2008, 06:22 PM
Uhm yeah, you'd need a hell of a crystal ball to see how that turns out and you don't have one do you?

Hmmm, a former all-star (who will be an all-star again, in light of his new situation and his age) is likely to be better than: (1) a guy who has been labeled a complete bust, who has been traded twice, who couldn't get minutes for a team in desperate need of help at his position, and who was taunted into tears by LA fans for turning the ball over in January or February when he did finally get some playing time; (2) a guard who couldn't get consistent minutes on a horrible team, probably because he shot 40% from the floor for that horrible team and had a negative assist-to-turnover ratio for his rookie season; and (3) a young 7 footer who was only good enough to be a 2nd round pick (into a league that has used lottery picks on guys like Nikolaz Tskitishvili, Rafael Araujo, Robert Swift and Kris Humphries) because he can't move defensively and is disappointingly unproductive rebounder?

Yeah, that takes a crystal ball.

George Gervin's Afro
05-07-2008, 06:44 PM
wow hornet trolls show up after game 2.... i'd have more respect for them if they had been here all season but i guess they have no idea how to act like they've won before so we should excuse them..as far as spurs fans complaining i'd say the majority of the posts here on the board reflect the simple fact that the hornets are outplaying the spurs.... don't be asses or play stupid.... of course we have the bandwagon laker trolls showing up ..

05-07-2008, 06:56 PM
The other thing I heard this evening, but haven't been able to confirm yet is that the "hoop of fire" wasn't scheduled to happen between the 1st and 2nd quarters. But the game was getting out of hand, and they wanted to let things coold down a little bit. It was supposed to be a stall.

They would have been out there for another couple of minutes, "trying" to put out the fire with those CO2 extinguishers, before using them correctly. Unfortunately, one of the members of the Fire Department didn't know it was a stall, and broke out the chemical extinguisher. And the whole thing just got out of hand.

But if the story is correct, the schedule was changed and it was for the purpose of stalling...just not 20 minutes worth.

Let me guess.... you rode the short bus to school?

05-07-2008, 07:00 PM
Hmmm, a former all-star (who will be an all-star again, in light of his new situation and his age) is likely to be better than: (1) a guy who has been labeled a complete bust, who has been traded twice, who couldn't get minutes for a team in desperate need of help at his position, and who was taunted into tears by LA fans for turning the ball over in January or February when he did finally get some playing time;
Yup, but look at his salary cap space, that's his MAIN asset.

(2) a guard who couldn't get consistent minutes on a horrible team, probably because he shot 40% from the floor for that horrible team and had a negative assist-to-turnover ratio for his rookie season
Are you just making this stuff up? He spent half the season with the Lakers and was shooting almost 50% inside the arc. His 3 point shooting needs development.

He's a rookie along with 2 other very promising young guards on the same team (Kyle Lowry and Mike Conley). Yet he's averaging 18 minutes a game for the Griz, that's quite a few minutes for a rookie. One of those 3 guards is getting traded and I guarantee you it won't be Critter.

(3) a young 7 footer who was only good enough to be a 2nd round pick (into a league that has used lottery picks on guys like Nikolaz Tskitishvili, Rafael Araujo, Robert Swift and Kris Humphries) because he can't move defensively and is disappointingly unproductive rebounder? Yeah, that takes a crystal ball.

Yeah, he plays in the most competitive Euro League and was on the All Star team. Marc Gasol entered the NBA draft early, he would be a top 5 draft pick this year. Yet you're saying he sucks.

I think you need to get a refund on your crystal ball.

05-07-2008, 07:26 PM
and who was taunted into tears by LA fans for turning the ball over in January or February when he did finally get some playing time;

Wow seriously? Got any links for that?

05-07-2008, 07:28 PM
Yeah, he plays in the most competitive Euro League and was on the All Star team.

Uhm, I think he didn't play in Euroleague...

05-07-2008, 07:34 PM
wow hornet trolls show up after game 2.... i'd have more respect for them if they had been here all season but i guess they have no idea how to act like they've won before so we should excuse them..as far as spurs fans complaining i'd say the majority of the posts here on the board reflect the simple fact that the hornets are outplaying the spurs.... don't be asses or play stupid.... of course we have the bandwagon laker trolls showing up ..

I keep reading this from various posters since I've been here and I have to ask, why in the fuck would a bunch of Hornets fans be hanging out and posting here during the regular season? Of course we haven't been around here dumbass, we've been on the Hornets forums, posting about the Hornets.


05-07-2008, 07:41 PM
This thread is ridiculous - the originator is one of those losers that makes up stories to get attention, or even worse is schizophrenic and is listening to the "other" voice in his head.

Ban him from posting so we don't have to look at any more of this nonsense.

"I was told a story last week that "several" NBA refs had spoken up about receiving instructions to call games differently during the playoffs."

Yeah right - again - stop listening to that "other" voice in your head and call your psychiatrist very quickly - your dose of Haldol needs to be increased.

05-07-2008, 07:42 PM
Don't post hearsay as fact unless you name your source. If there isnt a link then its B.S. or name your source but dont expect readers to think there is any credibility to it.

Got it Bitch

This is our forum, if you don't like it then leave.

Got it, BITCH?

- Mars

05-07-2008, 07:44 PM
Uhm, I think he didn't play in Euroleague...

Uhm, who he play for?

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 07:50 PM
Uhm, who he play for?

He plays for ACB (the Spanish League). His team is Akasvayu Girona (which I don't think is a Euroleague team).

05-07-2008, 07:51 PM
Uhm, who he play for?

What Kori said. :lol
I think he played in ULEB Cup.

05-07-2008, 07:52 PM
When the Spurs are getting blown out by New Orleans after beating the Suns, the officiating is the last thing I think about. :lol

05-07-2008, 07:53 PM
He plays for ACB (the Spanish League). His team is Akasvayu Girona.

Yes, so I'm not sure why Pero says he didn't play in the Euroleague. Girona won the FIBA Eurocup in 2007.

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 07:55 PM
Yes, so I'm not sure why he Pero says he didn't play in the Euroleague. Girona won the FIBA Eurocup in 2007.

He didn't play in Euroleague.

Girona isn't a Euroleague team. It's not good enough. It's a Spanish League team - they play in ULEB, not Euroleague. Eurocup isn't Euroleague.

ULEB Cup is a huge step down from Euroleague. His team came in 2nd in the ULEB Cup this year. They got blow out in the Finals and he had 9 points and 10 boards.

05-07-2008, 07:55 PM
When the Spurs are getting blown out by New Orleans after beating the Suns, the officiating is the last thing I think about. :lol

Well in blowouts in general it's stupid to blame refs.

05-07-2008, 07:57 PM
Yup, but look at his salary cap space, that's his MAIN asset.

That's a different question. But getting an all-star for capspace isn't a particularly even deal.

Are you just making this stuff up? He spent half the season with the Lakers and was shooting almost 50% inside the arc. His 3 point shooting needs development.

He played 400 more minutes for the Grizzlies, attempted 130 more shots for them, and ended up shooting 40% for them. And he had 33 assists to go with 33 turnovers.

Yeah, he plays in the most competitive Euro League and was on the All Star team. Marc Gasol entered the NBA draft early, he would be a top 5 draft pick this year. Yet you're saying he sucks.

So, at best, the Grizzlies got a guy who might be a taller Luis Scola for the All-Star they gave up.

Hmmm, a bust of a bigman who breaks down at the first hint of criticism (and who's best attribute is a big contract), a guard who can't shoot, and a guy who will be, at best, a middling big man in the NBA.

Yeah, I'm still pretty sure that's an incredibly lopsided deal.

I don't really need a crystal ball to foresee that end.

It is funny, though, to hear Lakers fans try to justify the amazing talent they shipped out to get Pau. Undoubtedly, if Crittendon had never played for the Lakers, most Lakers fans would know nothing of him and fewer still would have any idea who Marc Gasol is. But because the Lakers shipped them out, they're both burgeoning stars who will help Memphis become competitive very soon.

05-07-2008, 07:57 PM
He didn't play in Euroleague.

Girona isn't a Euroleague team. It's not good enough. It's a Spanish League team - they play in ULEB, not Euroleague. Eurocup isn't Euroleague.

ULEB is a huge step down from Euroleague. His team came in 2nd in the ULEB Cup this year. They got blow out in the Finals and he had 9 points and 10 boards.

Well actually no. :lol
ULEB is an organization which organizes the competitions Euroleage and ULEB Cup.

05-07-2008, 07:58 PM
Yes, so I'm not sure why Pero says he didn't play in the Euroleague. Girona won the FIBA Eurocup in 2007.

Euroleague, Eurocup -- it's all the same, right?

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 07:58 PM
Well actually no. :lol
ULEB is an organization which organizes the competitions Euroleage and ULEB Cup.

But his team isn't a Euroleague team. It's just a Spanish league team that played in the ULEB Cup, correct?

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 07:59 PM
Here's the Euroleague teams:


His team isn't one of them.

05-07-2008, 07:59 PM
And FIBA Eurocup is way below ULEB Cup level. But he played in ULEB Cup. But that is below Euroleague level.

05-07-2008, 08:00 PM
But his team isn't a Euroleague team. It's just a Spanish league team that played in the ULEB Cup, correct?


05-07-2008, 08:00 PM
This is our forum, if you don't like it then leave.

Got it, BITCH?

- Mars

He's just used to the Hornets forum where heresay isn't allowed. Any items such as this thread is required to have a link. We don't allow personal generalizations. Give the guy a break.

05-07-2008, 08:01 PM
Well in blowouts in general it's stupid to blame refs.

When the Spurs just got done beating the Suns three out of four years it's really hard to suggest there's some NBA conspiracy, at very least one that's targeting the Spurs.

05-07-2008, 08:03 PM
When the Spurs just got done beating the Suns three out of four years it's really hard to suggest there's some NBA conspiracy, at very least one that's targeting the Spurs.

Well maybe there IS a conspiracy but the Suns just sucked so much in comparison to the Spurs that they couldn't be helped. :lol

05-07-2008, 08:04 PM
He's just used to the Hornets forum where heresay isn't allowed. Any items such as this thread is required to have a link. We don't allow personal generalizations. Give the guy a break.

the thing was you people come into our forum and tell us how to do things. unacceptable. I simply used his own phrase and turned it back on him.

and if you hornet fans haven't awoken to this fact yet, we do things differently at SpursTalk.

- Mars

05-07-2008, 08:09 PM

I have to admit I don't know much about Eurobasketball, only what I read. From what i understand, they're top leagues and nothing to sneeze at :)

"FIBA EuroCup is the top Men's Basketball competition directly run by FIBA Europe. The competition was created in 2003 following the defection of several top European basketball teams from the former European Champions' Cup which heralded the formation of the Euroleague under the umbrella of ULEB."


I'm not sure if it's THE TOP league or not, but it should be worth something to win it and be an All-Star player in the league.

05-07-2008, 08:11 PM
I have to admit I don't know much about Eurobasketball, only what I read. From what i understand, they're top leagues and nothing to sneeze at :)

"FIBA EuroCup is the top Men's Basketball competition directly run by FIBA Europe. The competition was created in 2003 following the defection of several top European basketball teams from the former European Champions' Cup which heralded the formation of the Euroleague under the umbrella of ULEB."


I'm not sure if it's THE TOP league or not, but it should be worth something to win it and be an All-Star player in the league.

D-League All Stars thank you for acknowledging their accomplishments.

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 08:13 PM
I have to admit I don't know much about Eurobasketball, only what I read. From what i understand, they're top leagues and nothing to sneeze at :)

"FIBA EuroCup is the top Men's Basketball competition directly run by FIBA Europe. The competition was created in 2003 following the defection of several top European basketball teams from the former European Champions' Cup which heralded the formation of the Euroleague under the umbrella of ULEB."


I'm not sure if it's THE TOP league or not, but it should be worth something to win it and be an All-Star player in the league.

He doesn't play in Euroleague, which is far and away the best teams. It's not close. It doesn't mean he's a bad player. He's just not playing against the best competition.

05-07-2008, 08:17 PM
Yeah, superstars of the moment get the calls. More news at 11.

05-07-2008, 08:19 PM
I have to admit I don't know much about Eurobasketball, only what I read. From what i understand, they're top leagues and nothing to sneeze at :)

"FIBA EuroCup is the top Men's Basketball competition directly run by FIBA Europe. The competition was created in 2003 following the defection of several top European basketball teams from the former European Champions' Cup which heralded the formation of the Euroleague under the umbrella of ULEB."


I'm not sure if it's THE TOP league or not, but it should be worth something to win it and be an All-Star player in the league.

FIBA is separate from ULEB, like your quote above says. FIBA Eurocup is a weaker leauge than ULEB Cup. Marc Gasol played in ULEB Cup (http://www.ulebcup.com/).

The TOP league as you say, is Euroleague (which is under ULEB).

ULEB is an organization, ULEB Cup is a league and Euroleague is a league and they're both under ULEB.

Is it clearer now? :lol

05-07-2008, 08:20 PM
That's a different question. But getting an all-star for capspace isn't a particularly even deal.

He played 400 more minutes for the Grizzlies, attempted 130 more shots for them, and ended up shooting 40% for them. And he had 33 assists to go with 33 turnovers.
Capspace is sometimes as valuable as a player. It's what the Grizzlies needed above all else since there was an impending sale. Sure if it was straight up, it might have been a stretch, but look at what they got in addition. Critter went 40% on him, that's half the season for a rookie that just got traded. We don't know how good he will be, that' the point, you just can't just say he sucks. The Lakers very much wanted to keep him because he has serious talent...untapped but the talent is there.

So, at best, the Grizzlies got a guy who might be a taller Luis Scola for the All-Star they gave up.

Yeah, I'm still pretty sure that's an incredibly lopsided deal.

I don't really need a crystal ball to foresee that end.

1) Very much needed cap space
2) One very excellent guard prospect
3) One of the top Centers in Europe
4) 2 more first round draft picks

In total, the Grizzlies netted basically 4 first round draft picks plus salary cap relief...not bad at all for an All-Star that was taking up money but not getting them anywhere.

It is funny, though, to hear Lakers fans try to justify the amazing talent they shipped out to get Pau. Undoubtedly, if Crittendon had never played for the Lakers, most Lakers fans would know nothing of him and fewer still would have any idea who Marc Gasol is. But because the Lakers shipped them out, they're both burgeoning stars who will help Memphis become competitive very soon.

It's also equally funny but not amazing that a Spurs fan easily criticizes it as a no value deal without contemplating the future. Both teams got what they wanted. NOBODY, except YOU seems to know the future of Marc Gasol and Critter. That's one hell of a crystal ball....just saying.

05-07-2008, 08:22 PM
FIBA is separate from ULEB, like your quote above says. FIBA Eurocup is a weaker leauge than ULEB Cup. Marc Gasol played in ULEB Cup (http://www.ulebcup.com/).

The TOP league as you say, is Euroleague (which is under ULEB).

ULEB is an organization, ULEB Cup is a league and Euroleague is a league and they're both under ULEB.

Is it clearer now? :lol

I'm still confused as hell :) I thought FIBA was the number one authority.

But in your estimation, is a Eurocup Allstar any good? What league did Dirk, Manu and Tony play for do you know (just curious, I don't know either)

05-07-2008, 08:22 PM
Wait I see now why you're confused. I think you have old info. In 2007 Marc's team won the FIBA Eurocup. But in this season, they're competing in ULEB Cup.

05-07-2008, 08:26 PM
Can you imagine how fun a Lakers-Suns matchup would have been?

05-07-2008, 08:29 PM
Can you imagine how fun a Lakers-Suns matchup would have been?

If you read about basketball in People or Star, I guess.

05-07-2008, 08:32 PM
Wait I see now why you're confused. I think you have old info. In 2007 Marc's team won the FIBA Eurocup. But in this season, they're competing in ULEB Cup.

See, that's what's so confusing about the Euroleagues...how the heck did they go from the FIBA Eurocup to the ULEB Cup.

So they are in BOTH the ULEB cup (this year) and in the Eurocup (last year)?

How did Marc's team, Girona do in the ULEB cup this year..is it over?

Thanks for all the info, btw.

05-07-2008, 08:33 PM
I'm still confused as hell :) But in your estimation, is a Eurocup Allstar any good? What league did Dirk, Manu and Tony play for do you know (just curious, I don't know either)

It's ULEB Cup, not EuroCup. :lol

He played on the EuroCup allstar the previous season. And I don't think it's very good...
ULEB Cup doesn't have an allstar game. But it's a pretty good league.

I think ULEB Cup in comparison to Euroleague is something like Euroleague in comparison to the NBA. While the EuroCup to Euroleague is something like NBDL to NBA (maybe that's too rough).

Dirk and Tony played "nowhere" as far as I recall. Manu played in Euroleague. He won the title in the only season Euroleague had a best of 5 finals. It was a great series. I remember Italians compared that Kinder team to the Lakers. Manu was Kobe, Grifith (sp?) was Shaq, Smodis was Horry...

Kori Ellis
05-07-2008, 08:36 PM
See, that's what's so confusing about the Euroleagues...how the heck did they go from the FIBA Eurocup to the ULEB Cup.

So they are in BOTH the ULEB cup (this year) and in the Eurocup (last year)?

How did Marc's team, Girona do in the ULEB cup this year..is it over?

Thanks for all the info, btw.

His team got blown out in the Finals

Here's the box score.


05-07-2008, 08:49 PM
It is funny, though, to hear Lakers fans try to justify the amazing talent they shipped out to get Pau. Undoubtedly, if Crittendon had never played for the Lakers, most Lakers fans would know nothing of him and fewer still would have any idea who Marc Gasol is. But because the Lakers shipped them out, they're both burgeoning stars who will help Memphis become competitive very soon.

These are the same fans who overpraise Manu and Tony as to diminish Duncan's accomplishments.

05-07-2008, 08:50 PM
These are the same fans who overpraise Manu and Tony as to diminish Duncan's accomplishments.

Not me, Timmy's the greatest Power Forward ever as I have said before.

05-07-2008, 08:54 PM
His team got blown out in the Finals

Here's the box score.


Ouch, that IS a blowout.

It looks like that was the Championship game? If so, they must have done pretty well to get there.

Gasol had 9 & 10 rebounds, not too shabby.

05-07-2008, 08:54 PM
See, that's what's so confusing about the Euroleagues...how the heck did they go from the FIBA Eurocup to the ULEB Cup.

Haha, yeah it's confusing in comparison to the NBA because there it's always the same. So I hope I get how it is here. :lol

Here the only league you play always is your domestic one (unless you're the last team in the standings - then you fall down to a lower league).

I'm not entirely sure how the ULEB Cup and Eurocup thing works, I think you get invited and sign a contract. Could also depend on your team's ranking in domestic league.

But for Euroleage, teams sign contracts for a limited period of time, during that time they can play in Euroleage regardless of their standing in their domestic league.
But when contract runs out, the teams that can get in Euroleage are the top teams in domestic leagues. Something like first 3 from Spain, 2 from Russia, 3 from Italy, 3 from Greece, 1 from Croatia, 1 from Slovenia, 1 from Serbia etc... And the winner of ULEB Cup.
And sometimes there are some exceptions.

This is more or less how it is, unless something changed.
So, it's confusing. :lol

So they are in BOTH the ULEB cup (this year) and in the Eurocup (last year)?

They're just in ULEB Cup, you can't be in both. ULEB and FIBA don't really see eye to eye. :lol

How did Marc's team, Girona do in the ULEB cup this year..is it over?

They got the finals, but there they were destroyed (http://www.ulebcup.com/ulebcup/competition/results/showgame?gamenumber=17&gamecode=326&phasetypecode=final).

Thanks for all the info, btw.


05-07-2008, 08:58 PM
BTW, I don't know if this was posted in the NBA forum or not, it's not really new news anymore... But FIBA decided to change some stuff... They're going to move the 3point line 0.5 meters back, the rocket will be a rectangle and they'll implement that half-circle they have in the NBA. This should be in effect in 2010. I don't know if ULEB will also change the same things or not.

05-07-2008, 09:01 PM
BTW, I don't know if this was posted in the NBA forum or not, it's not really new news anymore... But FIBA decided to change some stuff... They're going to move the 3point line 0.5 meters back, the rocket will be a rectangle and they'll implement that half-circle they have in the NBA. This should be in effect in 2010. I don't know if ULEB will also change the same things or not.

FINALLY, that rocket always irritated me.

Again, thanks for the Euroknowledge, I'll let this topic get back on topic now of NBA conspiracy theories and anti-Spur scandals :)

05-07-2008, 09:03 PM
I don't really understand what the difference between the two rockets is other than shape. Does it effect game play or what?

05-07-2008, 09:09 PM
I don't really understand what the difference between the two rockets is other than shape. Does it effect game play or what?

It just seems inconsistent, why would you create more room in the post and less at the FT line. In addition, why would you have a smaller basketball court but a larger key? Just seems strange and harder to officiate in my opinion.

05-07-2008, 09:10 PM
wow you are a stupid bitch.

even though this is a stupid thread, you are even stupider.

he said multiple times that he "heard" it from someone.


it means to receive sound via the ears


not everything happens on the internets



05-07-2008, 10:03 PM
I keep reading this from various posters since I've been here and I have to ask, why in the fuck would a bunch of Hornets fans be hanging out and posting here during the regular season? Of course we haven't been around here dumbass, we've been on the Hornets forums since March, posting about the Hornets.



05-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Can you imagine how fun a Lakers-Suns matchup would have been?

Would have been a sweep. The only fun part would have been Kobe shitting all over Shaq though.

Hornets/Lakers will be much more entertaining. Lakers in 5 or 6

05-07-2008, 10:13 PM
According to my sources, you need to check your calendar...that game is on Thursday night, not tonight... :hat


@ Yahoo