View Full Version : Foul Calling

05-09-2008, 01:46 PM
Hey Guys, I'm a long time fan and mostly a visitor to this website, but I needed your thoughts on this topic.

Do you guys feel that the game wasn't called correctly for a period of time. Duncan was fouled left and right during the 2nd and 4rd quarter, and most of Tony's drives. Then on the other end the hornets were getting every call. I started to wonder if the game was being called for one team than equally. What do you guys think?

We WILL beat the hornets on sunday!!!:flag:

05-09-2008, 01:50 PM
I don't like to buy into the idea that the refs are against the Spurs, which seems to be the implication there, but I have to admit that I found myself scratching my head more than usual during stretches of that game.

05-09-2008, 01:51 PM
i saw a couple times where chris paul traveled and no call was given but yet parker MAYBE moves a pivot foot a little and gets called like 3 times....sounds kinda fishy

05-09-2008, 01:52 PM
As long as they know the difference betwenn a foul and a fall down, we're good.

05-09-2008, 01:52 PM
I saw a couple of questionable calls on both sides of the ball; then again, you see that every game. I felt as thought the refs swallowed their whistles for most of the game, which is how the games should be called.

05-09-2008, 02:08 PM
I had a problem with the early part of the third where I disagreed with several foul and traveling calls (that doesn't mean they were wrong, just that I didn't see it or thought they fell for flops), but other than that, nothing too terribly bad. They let the game develop a flow, so it was good with me.

05-09-2008, 02:17 PM
Manu exaggerates contact sometimes yes.. but he is banged all the time and doesn't get calls... there definitively is a hierarchy status to get calls on this league...

Cry Havoc
05-09-2008, 02:19 PM
The 2nd and early 3rd quarter were ridiculous. Atrocious. I felt like it was the Mavericks all over again. They called Parker because he spun around more than once on his pivot foot? Wtf... they could call traveling on EVERY play, and instead they just decide to call 3 in a row on the Spurs. One of which was a clear travel. The other two? Hell if I know. Maybe they just wanted to bring back the Macarena.

There were several clear, open, over-the-backs that the officials missed on the Hornets. Yes, I realize that those calls are missed, but don't call them on one team and not the other if they're both doing it equally.

You could tell the officials knew they had lost/were losing control of the game, because they called 2 fouls in a row on the Hornets and then realized the game clock wasn't working right. I hate seeing 3 deadballs just to get an inbound, even if it helps the Spurs.

Officiating in the 1st and 4th quarters was pretty good. Late 3rd quarter was fine as well.

poo-doe wayne-o
05-09-2008, 02:26 PM
i think that biased officiating can cost a team a series.

i also think the spurs have gotten some bad call against them in this series but it was more even in game 3.

its pretty much up to stern who advances and who goes home and the 1st 2 games definitly looked like he wants the spurs out.

refs and other league decisions can steal a title from a team and it happens all the time

dallas in 06 is a fine example

and the suns last year is another one.

look at the deal with garnett blatantly shoving a ref and gets nothing is something to keep your eyes on this year.

which is worse, garnett shoving the ref or amare walking towards the scuffle last year?

the spurs were scheduled by the league to win it last year, and maybe this year is the celtics. we will have to see.