View Full Version : Tim Duncan and his begging for calls

George Gervin's Afro
05-14-2008, 11:34 AM
It seems like if Tim tries the entire game to draw a foul rather than manning up and playing through the contact. I got the feeling last night that Tim was more interested in trying to draw a foul than scoring... We were down 15 and Tim is throwing up shots with the hope of securing free throws.. Sorry folks but when Tim pu$$es up so does his team.. Since when has David west been known as a lockdown defender?

05-14-2008, 11:35 AM
The rationale behind this is because Tyson got 2 quick fouls and Duncan was trying harder to put Chandler in foul trouble rather than play. This is what I think FWIW.

05-14-2008, 11:38 AM
It's become more and more of a problem over the years. He's not getting the calls he used to because he tends to be less aggressive and the refs stop giving him calls because he complains more and more. He needs to just man up and take it to the basket.

05-14-2008, 11:38 AM
It was probably the gameplan. now he knows its not gonna work, so he has to be more agressive to the basket.

05-14-2008, 11:40 AM
I agree it's gotten worse over time. I actually wouldn't mind him getting T'd up for it a couple of times, just to get the message through.
Stop begging for calls, stop worrying about the refs.

05-14-2008, 11:43 AM
This issue has ABSOLUTELY gotten worse over time. To me, it demonstrates a certain "wussiness" and a lack of mental toughness on his part. Part of being mentally tough if fighting through the adversity. I don't know why Pop doesn't jump his ass, and any other Spur for that matter, for these childish demonstrations.

05-14-2008, 11:46 AM
It seems like if Tim tries the entire game to draw a foul rather than manning up and playing through the contact. I got the feeling last night that Tim was more interested in trying to draw a foul than scoring... We were down 15 and Tim is throwing up shots with the hope of securing free throws.. Sorry folks but when Tim pu$$es up so does his team.. Since when has David west been known as a lockdown defender?

You are right about this...and the way it impacts the entire team. It seems to me that it has been like this all season this year. Tim has gotten a well-deserved reputation as a whiner, and the refs hate it. He should have gotten more calls than he did last night, but he was absolutely passive on offense. It mde me angry to watch him. When Chandler went out, I thought Tim would go dominant offensively. He didn't, and he has no excuses. He's just not hungry enough.

Tony was also very passive offensively, and while Manu was more aggressive than any other Spur, the whole team seemed to take the night off. The Hornets have been given lots of confidence in being able to beat the Spurs, and it is no one's fault but our own.

This was an embarrassing showing.

05-14-2008, 11:51 AM
it seemed like A LOT of his shots were taken while he was expecting to draw the foul..so instead of taking a normal shot, he went into the defender trying to get a call, which altered his shot..

Tim's my favorite player, but he needs to grow some balls..he's the leader, and the rest of the team doesn't play the same when he's being a pussy..

05-14-2008, 11:51 AM
There were 3 or 4 times last night that he got hacked and complained, but i did not see him whining all night long. This whole idea that Duncan didn't try last night is a joke. He is not a machine people, Manu and Tony were pretty bad as well, at least Tim hit the glass.

05-14-2008, 11:53 AM
This issue has ABSOLUTELY gotten worse over time. To me, it demonstrates a certain "wussiness" and a lack of mental toughness on his part. Part of being mentally tough if fighting through the adversity. I don't know why Pop doesn't jump his ass, and any other Spur for that matter, for these childish demonstrations.

Yeah he was a real wuss when he played 80 games on one foot in 2006. No mental toughness in this man at all. :rolleyes

05-14-2008, 11:58 AM
Tony was also very passive offensively, and while Manu was more aggressive than any other Spur, the whole team seemed to take the night off. The Hornets have been given lots of confidence in being able to beat the Spurs, and it is no one's fault but our own.

This was an embarrassing showing.

excuse me but was manu really aggressive when he did not attempt ANYTHING but 3's in the fatal 3rd QT. not a SINGLE ONE 2 pts shot attempted (including of course drives to the rim).

and Tim is 14 ppg at less than 44 % in this serie. and considering he's at only 57 % FT, he shouldn't be so worried for not having calls.

add that tony was maintainted away from the paint and resigned (only fucking JS in the third) in this 3rd QT after being banged up without any calls during the first half, and you have a bad bad shutout for the spurs.

05-14-2008, 12:01 PM
Tony was also very passive offensively, and while Manu was more aggressive than any other Spur,

Oh please, Manu did not look to get into the paint until the game was basically over. Was content to stand outside and shoot contested 3's.

05-14-2008, 12:02 PM
Yeah he was a real wuss when he played 80 games on one foot in 2006. No mental toughness in this man at all. :rolleyes

Don't get the shit twisted! I'm not calling him a career wuss. Also, it's well-documented that he was ill in Games 1 & 2. I'm making this statement based upon his performance in Game 5.

Say what you want, but his constant whining isn't helping his concentration nor his game. He needs to "man up", play through it and stop looking for calls on every possession.

05-14-2008, 12:05 PM
Don't get the shit twisted! I'm not calling him a career wuss. Also, it's well-documented that he was ill in Games 1 & 2. I'm making this statement based upon his performance in Game 5.

Say what you want, but his constant whining isn't helping his concentration nor his game. He needs to "man up", play through it and stop looking for calls on every possession.

I did not see him whining the whole game, i saw him do it a few times when he did indeed get hit. Other than that he missed some easy hook shots he usually makes, he drove a few times and the shots he was making in game 4, he missed last night. He was at times too tentative with the double teams, thinking about them coming too much. He didn't play well offensively but i don't agree that he can't play through no calls, he tried last night it just wasn't his night.

05-14-2008, 12:17 PM
i hope he gets a tech the next time he complains about calls

im tired of his bs, man the fuck up and get us the damn series

05-14-2008, 12:20 PM
The one thing I'm tired of his how long it takes for him to make his move AFTER he gets the ball in the post. He lets a few seconds burn off before he makes that 1st step or pivot or whatever he's gonna do. It's almost like he doesn't know what to do when he gets the ball and has to think about it or is scared to take it to the rim. I'd like to see him not only be more aggressive, but also be quicker in his moves.

Also, I'm not gonna say he a complete whiner, but his complaining about calls or non-calls has skyrocketed the past few years. I miss the methodical player who just went out and played the game.

T Park
05-14-2008, 12:21 PM
I did not see him whining the whole game, i saw him do it a few times when he did indeed get hit. Other than that he missed some easy hook shots he usually makes, he drove a few times and the shots he was making in game 4, he missed last night. He was at times too tentative with the double teams, thinking about them coming too much. He didn't play well offensively but i don't agree that he can't play through no calls, he tried last night it just wasn't his night.


Being blind to Duncan playing like a puss does you no good.

05-14-2008, 12:42 PM
Its not a mystery that Tim Duncan whines a lot. I love the Spurs and especially Timmy, but I hate when he cries for a foul. He does tend to do it a lot and when he does, it takes him out of his game.

05-14-2008, 12:43 PM

Being blind to Duncan playing like a puss does you no good.

No talking non-stop shit about him is much more productive. :rolleyes

And lets all talk about the great games Manu and Tony had right?? Tony looked like trying to drive the lane was a federal crime last night.

05-14-2008, 12:58 PM
Tony made some poor decisions with the ball in the 3rd quarter. Robert Horry leaves Chandler unchecked and Chandler finishes off the Alley Oop, Manu fails to cover Peterson forcing Bruce to leave Peja (Who was also wide open). Peterson makes the 3. It goes on and on..

05-14-2008, 01:00 PM
Tony made some poor decisions with the ball in the 3rd quarter. Robert Horry leaves Chandler unchecked and Chandler finishes off the Alley Oop, Manu fails to cover Peterson forcing Bruce to leave Peja (Who was also wide open). Peterson makes the 3. It goes on and on..

And on and on and on and on

Everyone basically sucked last night

05-14-2008, 01:07 PM
It's become more and more of a problem over the years. He's not getting the calls he used to because he tends to be less aggressive and the refs stop giving him calls because he complains more and more. He needs to just man up and take it to the basket.

+1 Especially this year...and it's really starting to piss me off. TD used to be unstoppable...now he gets hacked, owned, and rejected on a regular basis (his outstanding Game 4 performance excluded), and it's clear the refs are tired of his constant whining. He came out in the first half of Game 5 playing weak and uncertain, and right then I knew the Spurs were gonna get waxed. Timmy needs to be super-aggressive and throw down on the defenders for the next two games if the Spurs want to have any chance at getting to the WCF.