View Full Version : Stu Jackson

05-15-2008, 09:06 AM
This morning's paper reports that Stu Jackson upheld Crawford's ability to find both teams worthy of a delay-of-game technical the other night, even though Pop was correct that only the team that is taking the free throw should get the delay of game thing if they keep changeing player positions. This really infuriates me. I am highly critical of Spurs players whining to refs about bad calls because I think it takes their minds off their game, but this ruling really sucks!

Basically, what Jackson seems to be saying (IMO) is that it doesn't matter what the rules are, the refs just get to insert their own judgment (or lack thereof) whenever they damn well please. After last year's Donaghy expose, I decided not to reup our season tickets, because I felt it reinforced my existing belief that the refs are way too involved in 1) their own egos and 2) the outcome of the game they are officiating. Jackson's ruling on the events of the other night just institutionalize it.

The NBA already has image problems, so why would Stern allow Jackson to do this? Doesn't this dilute whatever belief in fair play the fans had left? Why should we even watch on tv (much less pay for tickets) if the refs are allowed to ignore rules? At this point, don't the NBA playoffs become little more than another reality TV show where contestants are manipulated by the programmers and the audience gets to see how they react?

05-15-2008, 09:25 AM
Stu Jackson is a puppet. He has been afraid to enforce anything after the uproar about Boo-Hoo Boris and Its-Amare last year.

I'm with you on this one, though. You can't blame the reffing in Game 5 as the reason we lost, but that technical on Pop was definitely a catalyst. Even Manu said as much himself.

Who can blame Pop for seeing a ref, with a known history against the Spurs, blatantly screw up a call and then override the rules to enforce his judgement? Pop should've just let a silly Delay of Game Foul go, but I can't blame him for being pissed. Any coach in the league probably would've gotten a technical in that situation. Pop flips out, the Spurs lose their edge, and the next thing you know, the game is snowballing and we're not getting any love from the refs.

I'm not trying to call a conspiracy by any means. In all technicality, the Spurs should've just sucked it up and played through it.

But if Crawford could get his fucking calls straight, Pop doesn't pick up that T, and I'd be interested to see how that hypothetical would've played out. Guess we'll never know though.

50 cent
05-15-2008, 09:28 AM
So what does Stu have to say about Crawford poking Pop in the chest?

05-15-2008, 09:31 AM
Mike Monroe's version:


Split decision : The NBA’s basketball operations department on Wednesday reviewed the double delay of game call made by referee Joey Crawford that so incensed Spurs coach Gregg Popovich in Tuesday’s Game 5 of the Spurs-Hornets Western Conference semifinal series at New Orleans Arena.

The result: A split decision.

Popovich received a technical foul from Crawford after arguing the validity of the call, made with 10.5 seconds left in the first quarter of the Hornets’ 101-79 victory.

An NBA spokesperson said executive vice-president for basketball operations Stu Jackson confirmed that Popovich’s interpretation of the rule about foul line access was correct, but that Crawford was within his rights to make a judgment call that players from both teams had contributed to the delay of the game.


05-15-2008, 09:39 AM
if the spurs would just play to their potential it wouldnt matter at all what the refs did

05-15-2008, 09:44 AM
I wonder if Popovich is on a mission to get rid of Stu Jackson, or at least reduce his power. Jackson certainly seems to have it in for the Spurs. He suspends Bowen for standing over Chris Paul after he falls down, but won't suspend Stackhouse for grabbing Ginobili's neck and slamming his head to the floor.

05-15-2008, 09:57 AM
Stu Jackson is a puppet. He has been afraid to enforce anything after the uproar about Boo-Hoo Boris and Its-Amare last year.

I'm with you on this one, though. You can't blame the reffing in Game 5 as the reason we lost, but that technical on Pop was definitely a catalyst. Even Manu said as much himself.

Who can blame Pop for seeing a ref, with a known history against the Spurs, blatantly screw up a call and then override the rules to enforce his judgement? Pop should've just let a silly Delay of Game Foul go, but I can't blame him for being pissed. Any coach in the league probably would've gotten a technical in that situation. Pop flips out, the Spurs lose their edge, and the next thing you know, the game is snowballing and we're not getting any love from the refs.

I'm not trying to call a conspiracy by any means. In all technicality, the Spurs should've just sucked it up and played through it.

But if Crawford could get his fucking calls straight, Pop doesn't pick up that T, and I'd be interested to see how that hypothetical would've played out. Guess we'll never know though.

05-15-2008, 10:01 AM
Sorry, I messed up on my prior response, (being a luddite has its drawbacks) and I did not see the other post that quoted Monroe's blurbs about Horry and Jackson together.

Anyway, all I wanted to do in this was agree with the responder who said the Spurs should have played through it. It's just that Crawford should NEVER have been put in a position of reffing a playoff game with the Spurs, even though he did one in the last round that we won. He shouldn't have reffed that one either. And Jackson's response should get him fired.