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View Full Version : *FLIP-FLOP ALERT*--McCain Sets Timetable For getting Out of Iraq

05-15-2008, 01:55 PM
Senator McCain's speech today gives a timetable for when US troops will leave Iraq if he becomes President. McCain went after former GOP rival Mitt Romney during the Florida primary, claiming his mention of timetables was equivalent to putting defeat into the hands of terrorists. Now the Senator is changing his tune.

Sen. John McCain will pledge today that most American troops will return home from Iraq by 2013 if he is elected president, a position that closely resembles the promises made by both of his potential Democratic rivals.
In a speech here this morning, McCain will say that only a small contingent of troops would remain in Iraq in non-combat roles beyond that date. He predicts that the drawdown will be possible because al Qaeda in Iraq will be defeated and a democratic government will be able to thrive in the war-torn country.

The straight-talk expresss my ass.

05-15-2008, 01:59 PM

I like McCain. Really. He seems to be decent and has a good sense of humor.

But the obvious flip-flopping and pandering to his base he has done really makes me uncomfortable.

Obama to be sure, is doing a chunk of the same, but not to the scale of what I have seen McCain do in the run up to the nomination. Icky. I am glad he is not my candidate this go around.

05-15-2008, 03:25 PM
McCain is a good man but he knows he needs to change his views on Iraq if he wants to win in November.

Don Quixote
05-15-2008, 03:44 PM
I want him to pander to his base. He's done nothing but give us the finger!

Come on John! You want to win?? Then run as a conservative!!

05-15-2008, 07:58 PM
Old McFlopPanderKeating, reliable as Old Faitful. :lol