View Full Version : Tyson's got love for Duncan

05-16-2008, 10:07 PM
This is from his blog.

Tim Duncan may be the toughest cover in the league. He's just so fundamentally sound. Any mistake you ever make, he capitalizes on it. But I told the coaches that we were doing so much doubling and so much scrambling, I felt like I could do a better job just covering him one-on-one. And if he makes some shots, he makes some shots. But he's making shots with the double teams, so it doesn't really matter. So, I kinda took the challenge on of playing him one-on-one a little more.

Last night, I was telling my agent and my wife that he's one of the few guys in the league that I love and respect. I respect what he does as a player, as well as his personality and demeanor. What he's able to accomplish on the floor and still stay even keel ... I have love and respect for what he does out there."


05-16-2008, 10:32 PM
Thats cool.

05-16-2008, 10:34 PM
Not sure how I feel about the "love" part..
I'm sure all of that will be out the window by monday night.

05-16-2008, 10:56 PM
If he loved him he would let Duncan score 40

05-17-2008, 12:10 AM
I wish I knew how to guard you...

Even though "brokeback" seems more fitting for West.:p:

I do expect him to be back on Monday (and I have nothing against West or Chandler). I want to view an epic game. No blowouts. If the Spurs lose, it better be hard-fought for the full 48. No excuses for anyone. And yes, that includes Super Hugo.

05-17-2008, 12:19 AM
For as many times as Tyson's nuts have been resting on Duncan's chin on those alley-oops, I think Timmy's got a soft spot for Tyson too. It's called his asshole.

05-17-2008, 12:29 AM
Is he saying he has a "man-crush" on Duncan a la JVG?

05-17-2008, 01:03 AM
For as many times as Tyson's nuts have been resting on Duncan's chin on those alley-oops, I think Timmy's got a soft spot for Tyson too. It's called his asshole.
Your first post and this is what you say? Not only is it highly disrespectful, it's obscene and offensive! :nope

Why don't you crawl back into the hole you slithered out of.

05-17-2008, 01:08 AM
I'm saying that in 6 games Duncan hasn't gone any higher than 22 points and as low as 5, and that's with the refs still giving him his little touch feely, bullshit fouls. Chandler's got Duncan's number, and he lets him know it everytime he catches the lob from CP3. Paul to Chandler=a set of Ginobili's in Duncan's eyes. Don't believe me? Take a look at that, "Aw, shit. Not again face" by Duncan while Tony stares in awe. Back to the Hive, bitches.


05-17-2008, 01:11 AM
Gee...is it as offensive as 18,000 people cheering someone's injury? Kiss my teal and gold ass, you fucking self-rightous douchebag?!

05-17-2008, 01:16 AM
Gee...is it as offensive as 18,000 people cheering someone's injury?
Yes, much more so - your language is over the top IMHO.

Also - it's been discussed ad nauseum - they weren't cheering West's injury, they were cheering Horry making a good play. A PERFECTLY CLEAN, LEGAL PLAY!

05-17-2008, 01:24 AM
Since when is an intentional foul a good, clean play? When it knocks a guy whose been kicking some serious Spur ass out of the game and puts his status for Game 7 in question? Bitch, please. You can keep telling yourselves that shit was clean, but it don't make it true. Come Monday, there's hell to pay.

05-17-2008, 02:00 AM
Since when is an intentional foul a good, clean play? When it knocks a guy whose been kicking some serious Spur ass out of the game and puts his status for Game 7 in question? Bitch, please. You can keep telling yourselves that shit was clean, but it don't make it true. Come Monday, there's hell to pay.

Dude, get a clue. Horry just set a screen. Screens are part of basketball.

And furthermore, if Tyson Chandler is praising Tim in the middle of his series against Tim, then shouldn't you take that as a hint to STFU? Some people...

05-17-2008, 02:05 AM
Since when is an intentional foul a good, clean play? When it knocks a guy whose been kicking some serious Spur ass out of the game and puts his status for Game 7 in question? Bitch, please. You can keep telling yourselves that shit was clean, but it don't make it true. Come Monday, there's hell to pay.

4-14 is kicking serious ass? More like handing the game to us. Stop the drama. It was nothing more than a hard pick. There have probably been half a dozen set by the Hornets EVERY GAME that were that hard. Not our fault your boy is a China doll at this point in the series. If West were even half a man, he'd pick his ass up like Tony after one of the Hornet's dozen assaults each game.

05-17-2008, 02:10 AM
ya everyone should feel that way. Hes the only superstar with no arrogance.

05-17-2008, 02:14 AM
Dude, go fuck yourself. Horry lowered his shoulder into West's back while he was in mid-air, committing an intentional foul with the intent of shelving West for Game 7. So be it. I don't have a problem with you rubes trying to take out one of our guys because you're too chickenshit to want to play the series straight up, but, if you're gonna do so, be a fucking man and own that shit. Admit that seeing West on the bench is what you and every one of those 18,000 pussies wanted.

Johnny RIngo
05-17-2008, 02:17 AM
Since when is an intentional foul a good, clean play?

Cry me a fucking river. Chandler's been pulling the same shit on a much smaller Parker all series long. Difference is Parker's not a soft-ass bitch like West. When West comes out 100% on Monday we'll all know he milked that injury.

When it knocks a guy whose been kicking some serious Spur ass out of the game and puts his status for Game 7 in question?

Kicking ass? More like getting raped. West was shooting 4-14 while his team was getting blown out of the gym. He never should have even been on the court at that point. Go blame your fucking coach for that one.

Bitch, please. You can keep telling yourselves that shit was clean, but it don't make it true. Come Monday, there's hell to pay.


05-17-2008, 02:23 AM
Bitch, ya'll were pissing and moaning over an Eva Longeria cut out, a Super Hugo stunt, and making excuses cause of Timmy's flu. So, fucking spare me. You would've lost your damn minds if Tyson woulda stomped Manu's tender, little injured ankle. And, since when is Tony Parker a man? When he and Eva fuck, it's because Eva strapped one on.

05-17-2008, 02:38 AM
Oh yeah, I forget the only justification you pussies got. The pick Tyson threw on Parker. Well, when Tyson lowers a shoulder into Tony's back in the middle of a fourth quarter blow out while Paul was passing the ball, and, all the while, Parker wasn't even checking Paul, but in mid-air trying to steal the pass, then you got something to bitch about. Otherwise, man up and own the shit! Just fucking admit you cowards wanna play us without West! You're scared. It's okay. But, hell, son, this is what we wanted. A chance to witness the end of the Spurs "dynasty" first hand. Dynasty? What a fucking joke. In the 80's, the Lakers, Celtics, Pistons, and Bulls woulda ran a train on your candy asses. So long, paper champs.

05-17-2008, 02:52 AM
read before you post


05-17-2008, 02:55 AM
duncan loves the nutts

05-17-2008, 02:55 AM

Still believe everything you read, dude? There's your boy, going crazy and Tyson playing it cool like he's done all series long. How much you wanna bet Duncan wasn't whistled for this either. Stay classy, San Antonio.

Johnny RIngo
05-17-2008, 11:10 AM
Oh yeah, I forget the only justification you pussies got. The pick Tyson threw on Parker. Well, when Tyson lowers a shoulder into Tony's back in the middle of a fourth quarter blow out while Paul was passing the ball, and, all the while, Parker wasn't even checking Paul, but in mid-air trying to steal the pass, then you got something to bitch about.

Still whining like a bitch, I see. Blame your dumbass coach for leaving that cripple in the game when his goddamn team is getting blown out.

Otherwise, man up and own the shit! Just fucking admit you cowards wanna play us without West! You're scared. It's okay. But, hell, son, this is what we wanted. A chance to witness the end of the Spurs "dynasty" first hand. Dynasty? What a fucking joke.

The Spurs have the 3rd best all-time win percentage of all NBA teams. That's fucking amazing considering the fact that they're a small market team. Where the fuck's the Hornets? Your fluke team won't EVER have the success that San Antonio has had.


Again, where the fuck are the Hornets?

In the 80's, the Lakers, Celtics, Pistons, and Bulls woulda ran a train on your candy asses. So long, paper champs.

You kidding me? That soft bitch David West wouldn't last a minute in the 80s/90s. One little bump and he's on his back like a cheap hooker.

05-17-2008, 11:14 AM
I'm saying that in 6 games Duncan hasn't gone any higher than 22 points and as low as 5, and that's with the refs still giving him his little touch feely, bullshit fouls.


duncan also had this thing called a fever when he scored 5...

- Mars

05-17-2008, 11:15 AM
Gee...is it as offensive as 18,000 people cheering someone's injury? Kiss my teal and gold ass, you fucking self-rightous douchebag?!

they weren't cheering his injury, they were cheering for Horry, you fucking douchebag.

- Mars

05-17-2008, 11:16 AM
Since when is an intentional foul a good, clean play? When it knocks a guy whose been kicking some serious Spur ass out of the game and puts his status for Game 7 in question? Bitch, please. You can keep telling yourselves that shit was clean, but it don't make it true. Come Monday, there's hell to pay.

Don't be on the court if you can't take the shit.

parker and manu have already learned this, they've been knocked down w/o a call more times than I can count.

- Mars

05-17-2008, 11:17 AM
Dude, go fuck yourself. Horry lowered his shoulder into West's back while he was in mid-air, committing an intentional foul with the intent of shelving West for Game 7. So be it. I don't have a problem with you rubes trying to take out one of our guys because you're too chickenshit to want to play the series straight up, but, if you're gonna do so, be a fucking man and own that shit. Admit that seeing West on the bench is what you and every one of those 18,000 pussies wanted.

:cry :cry :cry

such pussy fans nowadays.

- Mars

05-17-2008, 11:18 AM
Oh yeah, I forget the only justification you pussies got. The pick Tyson threw on Parker. Well, when Tyson lowers a shoulder into Tony's back in the middle of a fourth quarter blow out while Paul was passing the ball, and, all the while, Parker wasn't even checking Paul, but in mid-air trying to steal the pass, then you got something to bitch about. Otherwise, man up and own the shit! Just fucking admit you cowards wanna play us without West! You're scared. It's okay. But, hell, son, this is what we wanted. A chance to witness the end of the Spurs "dynasty" first hand. Dynasty? What a fucking joke. In the 80's, the Lakers, Celtics, Pistons, and Bulls woulda ran a train on your candy asses. So long, paper champs.

the pistons woulda done the same damn thing in the 80s, except harder.

- Mars

05-17-2008, 12:20 PM
Dude, go fuck yourself. Horry lowered his shoulder into West's back while he was in mid-air, committing an intentional foul with the intent of shelving West for Game 7. So be it. I don't have a problem with you rubes trying to take out one of our guys because you're too chickenshit to want to play the series straight up, but, if you're gonna do so, be a fucking man and own that shit. Admit that seeing West on the bench is what you and every one of those 18,000 pussies wanted.

Listen up dumb ass. Horry did nothing that hasn't been done a hundred times this postseason. Were you so high and mighty when Chandler did the same thing to Tony in game 5? I doubt it.

But you are putting your anger (and a lot of other Hornets fans doing the same) in the wrong place. That game was over. West had been ailing the entire game. Why hadn't Scott already set him down? Your coach is where you anger should be aimed, because except for him, West would have been resting the back, not on the court taking a chance on getting hurt further.

So take the "Horry cheap shot" mantra and shove it where the sun don't shine. There was no cheap shot. It's all a part of your imagination, and the media telling you what to think.

Apparently the NBA has reviewed the play. I would guess at the Hornets whining request. And found nothing, nada, zilch that would warrant anything other than a moving screen foul (and I'm not even sure about that) that was called. This horse is dead. Quit beating on it.

Johnny RIngo
05-17-2008, 01:38 PM
the pistons woulda done the same damn thing in the 80s, except harder.

- Mars

That soft bitch West wouldn't last 10 mins in any other era of the NBA.

Hornets fans crying over a soft-ass bump :lol

05-17-2008, 03:24 PM
I love how you hillbillies try to paint Hornets fans as whiners for daring to tell you what the rest of the country has known for a while now. Your world champions are mediocre at best. They've gotten to where they are by being a group of floppers, cheap shot artists, and having a big, dumb goof who the refs are scared to call a foul on cause they might get fined and suspended . The Hornets are young and inexperienced and we've blown ya'll out 3 times already. Face it, assholes, the Spurs have been playing catch up all series long, and its taken all they've got just to pull even with us.

As for whiners, bitch, please. I'm not complaining about what Horry did. I'm pointing out that Spurs fans are a bunch of pussies and liars who won't own up to the fact that they wanted to see West out of the series. Now, that the maninstream media have labeled San Antonio fans as classless, comparing ya'll to Philly fans, all your little posts say, oh no, no, no, we weren't REALLY cheering his injury. We were cheering a good play. Yeah! Horry made a great play! LYING ASSHOLES!

Jesus, just fucking own up to it already...or have ya'll really deluded yourselves into thinking Hornets fans are whining about Robert Horry? Well, I don't see any Hornets fans asking for the guy to be suspended, but for the sake of you yokels I'll spell it out. Fuck Horry. We're pissed at YOU.

You wanna talk about whining... Spurs fans whined over the SuperHugo incident, the Eva Longoria cut out, the Chandler screen on Parker, etc. But if you really wanna talk about whining, what about the fuss ya'll made when it was time for the Saints to come back to New Orleans? That right there earned ya'll the Academy Award for whining. So, suck a dick and get a hiccup, San Antonio. Your role in this is over. Monday, it's back to the Hive bitches! Next time you see your Spurs, it'll be preseason.

And while I'm at it:

The Alamo is a piece of shit!

Davy Crockett was a pussy!

Pace picante sauce sucks!

And the Riverwalk is totally fucking lame!

I'm out, bitches.

05-17-2008, 03:28 PM
I'm out, bitches.



- Mars

05-17-2008, 04:15 PM
For as many times as Tyson's nuts have been resting on Duncan's chin on those alley-oops, I think Timmy's got a soft spot for Tyson too. It's called his asshole.

haha i'm sorry, i had to laugh.

Your first post and this is what you say? Not only is it highly disrespectful, it's obscene and offensive! :nope

Why don't you crawl back into the hole you slithered out of.


Hornets pwn spurs!
05-17-2008, 04:36 PM
Wow The Spurs Really Do Suck!

Hornets pwn spurs!
05-17-2008, 04:37 PM
:cry :cry :cry

such pussy fans nowadays.

- Mars

I think you may have already fucked yourself.. or wait did you let your boy Big Shot Bob do it for you?? Just Curious

Beno Udrih
05-17-2008, 04:47 PM
I love how you hillbillies try to paint Hornets fans as whiners for daring to tell you what the rest of the country has known for a while now. Your world champions are mediocre at best. They've gotten to where they are by being a group of floppers, cheap shot artists, and having a big, dumb goof who the refs are scared to call a foul on cause they might get fined and suspended . The Hornets are young and inexperienced and we've blown ya'll out 3 times already. Face it, assholes, the Spurs have been playing catch up all series long, and its taken all they've got just to pull even with us.

As for whiners, bitch, please. I'm not complaining about what Horry did. I'm pointing out that Spurs fans are a bunch of pussies and liars who won't own up to the fact that they wanted to see West out of the series. Now, that the maninstream media have labeled San Antonio fans as classless, comparing ya'll to Philly fans, all your little posts say, oh no, no, no, we weren't REALLY cheering his injury. We were cheering a good play. Yeah! Horry made a great play! LYING ASSHOLES!

Jesus, just fucking own up to it already...or have ya'll really deluded yourselves into thinking Hornets fans are whining about Robert Horry? Well, I don't see any Hornets fans asking for the guy to be suspended, but for the sake of you yokels I'll spell it out. Fuck Horry. We're pissed at YOU.

You wanna talk about whining... Spurs fans whined over the SuperHugo incident, the Eva Longoria cut out, the Chandler screen on Parker, etc. But if you really wanna talk about whining, what about the fuss ya'll made when it was time for the Saints to come back to New Orleans? That right there earned ya'll the Academy Award for whining. So, suck a dick and get a hiccup, San Antonio. Your role in this is over. Monday, it's back to the Hive bitches! Next time you see your Spurs, it'll be preseason.

And while I'm at it:

The Alamo is a piece of shit!

Davy Crockett was a pussy!

Pace picante sauce sucks!

And the Riverwalk is totally fucking lame!

I'm out, bitches.
Quit whining.

Beno Udrih
05-17-2008, 04:48 PM
Wow The Spurs Really Do Suck!

Thats some pretty fresh smack talk you got going on there.

05-17-2008, 04:49 PM
These fans are crying and whining like they're scared. You know whats coming for your little bees don't ya?

05-17-2008, 05:03 PM
The Alamo is a piece of shit!

Davy Crockett was a pussy!

Pace picante sauce sucks!

And the Riverwalk is totally fucking lame!

I'm out, bitches.

:lol This guy is gold.

05-17-2008, 05:04 PM
I think you may have already fucked yourself.. or wait did you let your boy Big Shot Bob do it for you?? Just Curious

go away Louis.

- Mars

05-17-2008, 07:59 PM
For as many times as Tyson's nuts have been resting on Duncan's chin on those alley-oops, I think Timmy's got a soft spot for Tyson too. It's called his asshole.

Until he comes up with any other plays than dunks....suppose that's true.
Wasn't Oberto or the old guy Thomas guarding him? Yawn.

05-17-2008, 10:34 PM
And while I'm at it:

The Alamo is a piece of shit!

Davy Crockett was a pussy!

Pace picante sauce sucks!

And the Riverwalk is totally fucking lame!

I'm out, bitches.

Okay, you can stop pretending to be an idiot now. You're too good at it; it's scary.