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05-20-2008, 11:49 AM

Attorney drops bombshell accusations, argues for probation for Donaghy
ESPN.com news services

Updated: May 20, 2008, 10:29 AM ET
NEW YORK -- Disgraced basketball referee Tim Donaghy told investigators in the NBA betting probe that relationships among officials, coaches and players "affected the outcome of games," his attorney said. The league said the charges were unfounded.


Donaghy's attorney made the assertions in a letter filed in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn on Monday, in which he argued that his client should be sentenced to probation because he fully cooperated with prosecutors and has been undergoing treatment for his gambling addiction.

The attorney also suggested that Donaghy told investigators about the gambling activities of other NBA officials and about a referee that passed "confidential" information to an unidentified coach.

The attorney, John F. Lauro, wrote that the U.S. attorney's office for the Eastern District agreed to plea agreements with other defendants in the case, even though his client told investigators about NBA matters outside of the government's initial investigation. Lauro said the disparity in treatment could not be fully explained because prosecutors have "surrounded this case with a cone of silence."

In a footnote, attorney John F. Lauro suggested that the NBA might have "pressured" the attorney's office "into shutting down this prosecution to avoid the disclosure of information unrelated to Tim's conduct."
The U.S. attorney's office said Tuesday it has no comment.

In a footnote, the attorney suggested that the NBA might have "pressured" the attorney's office "into shutting down this prosecution to avoid the disclosure of information unrelated to Tim's conduct."

"The letter filed today on Mr. Donaghy's behalf contains an assortment of lies, unfounded allegations, and facts that have been previously acknowledged, such as the fact that certain NBA referees engaged in casino gambling in violation of NBA rules," said Joel Litvin, the NBA president for league and basketball operations, in a statement. "The letter is the desperate act of a convicted felon who is hoping to avoid prison time."

The 42-year-old veteran referee pleaded guilty last August to felony charges for taking cash payoffs from gamblers and betting on games he officiated. Donaghy's sentencing was pushed back to July 14 on Monday; by law, he faces up to 25 years in prison and a $500,000 fine, though the term could be much lower under sentencing guidelines.

While citing Donaghy's commitment to his family, charitable activities and positive feedback for his career as a referee prior to his "tragic fall from grace," his attorney said that his client's "aberrant conduct" can only be understood in the context of his gambling addiction, a "crippling disease, which prevented him from exercising complete rational self control."

Lauro wrote that Donaghy is taking steps to get treatment for his condition, including therapy with a gambling counselor and attending Gamblers Anonymous meetings.

"Without a doubt, Tim made significant errors in judgment, but he also tried to right the wrongs of his conduct by assisting the government and seeking treatment for his disorder," Lauro wrote.

05-20-2008, 11:54 AM
nothing will come of this. I think most fans pretty much accept the fact that outcomes are fixed *coughCelticsLakerscough*.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. When all of the NBA & David Stern's corrupt practices are exposed, we'll be treated to a live re-enactment of the Warden suicide scene from Shawshank Redemption, except the cops will be banging on Stern's office door and Stern will be the one putting a gun in his mouth.

05-20-2008, 12:19 PM
That coach must have been Mike D'Antoni.

05-20-2008, 12:25 PM
of course relationships between refs and players affect the game. that's why crawford kicked duncan out of a game for laughing on the bench. the fact that stern allowed him back in the league and allowed him to ref spurs playoff games shows that stern cares nothing about the integrity of the sport. why did the hornets and spurs get three games rest inbetween game 6 and 7. so that the lakeshow played a team with only one game rest/ prep time for game 1. stern will do all he can to make lakers vs. celtics happen. (like allowing kg to push an official). too bad for the little a-hole that he can't beat the spurs on his own.

05-20-2008, 06:02 PM

investigate this shit

05-21-2008, 11:21 AM
No that coach was Jeff Van Gundy

The attorney also suggested that Donaghy told investigators about the gambling activities of other NBA officials and about a referee that passed "confidential" information to an unidentified coach.


Will Rockets Head Coach Jeff Van Gundy Give Up His Referee Source?


(Zapote, Costa Rica, 6 MAY 2005) -After handing out the largest fine ever to an NBA coach, the NBA commissioner wants answers. The $100,000 fine was given to Houston Rockets head coach Jeff Van Gundy. Van Gundy claims that he was told by an NBA referee, whose identity Van Gundy is protecting, that the NBA sent out a directive to its playoff referees to officiate Rockets center Yao Ming differently from the other players. Stern was livid upon hearing the story and is investigating the claims that Van Gundy has made.

Van Gundy criticized the officials and the way they were calling and not calling fouls on Yao Ming. Once the story broke, he said he would not give up the source that told him this. Stern immediately fined Van Gundy $100,000 and is demanding to know the name of the referee who gave Van Gundy the information. Many people in the NBA think that Van Gundy made the story up in order to light a fire under his team and the referees who were officiating the Rockets' first-round playoff series against the Dallas Mavericks. Recently, there have been strong words from Stern that if Van Gundy does not give up his source or come clean that the story was made up, that Van Gundy could be jeopardizing his future place as a coach in the NBA.

"Van Gundy definitely has himself in hot water with the NBA after the comments he made," said Wagerweb.com CEO Dave Johnson. "The fine is the least of Van Gundy's worries; if he doesn't give up the source of the comments he claimed to have been made, he could be forced to resign, suspended, or even fired by the Rockets under pressure from David Stern."

In May 2005, he was fined $100,000 by the NBA for accusing referees for investigating the on-court actions of Houston Rockets center Yao Ming on the recommendation of Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. This is the largest fine ever handed down to a coach in NBA history.

05-21-2008, 11:32 AM
Ahhhh... that's a good article.

Good point too - I remember that.

05-21-2008, 01:34 PM
They need to clean this up. Imagine worst case scenario something like the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. I said it back then and I'll say it now. I still think that where there is smoke there's fire.