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05-20-2008, 03:34 PM
We've only got one thing to say to all you great Spur fans.

05-20-2008, 03:35 PM
Hell yeah...and you gotta beat Boston...Spurs and Pistons in the Finals...let's make Stern cry... :toast

05-20-2008, 03:36 PM
Get your guys to take care of the Celtics and we'll meet you in the middle to dance on the grave of TV ratings to the tune of David Stern weeping.

05-20-2008, 03:59 PM
After months of hearing about the league's desire for a Celtics/Lakers final (which I don't get, given that there's no connection between the current teams and the past rivalry other than the name on the front of the jerseys -- wouldn't a Tim Duncan/Kevin Garnett Battle Royale harken back to Russell/Chamberlain? wouldn't there be more connection between the current Pistons and the current Lakers thanks to 2004?), I would love nothing more than to see the Pistons and Spurs rematch.

Well, I guess I can think of a few other things I might love more.

Okay, love nothing more was a bit too strong.

Yeah, I think I'd just really like to see the Spurs beat the Pistons again -- or see the Pistons get lucky against the Spurs for once.

05-20-2008, 04:02 PM
Get lucky for once?

There was only one other time.

05-20-2008, 04:03 PM
I actually wanted Spurs to beat Celtics in the finals. But you know what? Celtics don't even deserve to play the Spurs in the finals.

I want Pistons vs. Spurs.

05-20-2008, 04:04 PM
Get lucky for once?

There was only one other time.

Yeah, it was a joke.

05-20-2008, 04:05 PM
What I don't understand is why Piston fans would rather face the Spurs rather than the Lakers?

It's the oddest thing, Celtic fans want the Lakers for the rivalry and hype.

The Pistons want the Spurs for ??? I don't think there's a Spur/PIston rivalry is there?

05-20-2008, 04:06 PM
What I don't understand is why Piston fans would rather face the Spurs rather than the Lakers?

It's the oddest thing, Celtic fans want the Lakers for the rivalry and hype.

The Pistons want the Spurs for ??? I don't think there's a Spur/PIston rivalry is there?

This is what happens when you stop paying attention when your Lakers become irrelevant. 05. Game 7. Spurs win. Ring a bell?

05-20-2008, 04:12 PM
Ah, so the Pistons just want a rematch to Payback Game 7 in '05? I thought there was some greater grudge.

And yes, I'm happy the Lakers are relevant again and on their way to a title.

Thanks for the info.

05-20-2008, 04:17 PM
Please, please, please dispatch of the Celtics in four games.

05-20-2008, 04:18 PM
Allanon, YOU JUST DON'T GET IT! The Spurs and Pistons represent everything that's right about TEAM BASKETBALL! The Fakers and the Cucktics are the glamour teams, the cash cows who are all about flash, no substance, the superstar, and no team play. Stern and his media has basically told the Detroit's, the San Antonio's, even the Houston's in the past, SCREW YOU! It's all about LA, Boston, Chicago, and the flavor of the month teams like Cleveland and Miami. This is our time to STICK IT TO THE MAN, AND TURN THE SCREWS BACK ON HIM! We'll try our hardiest to take down his team from the East, but we both need to REALLY WATCH THE OFFICIATING. If you guys see strange things, SCREAM YOUR HEADS OFF! That Boston-Cleveland series looked more like Browns vs Patriots, and game 6 in UTAH had some fishy calls too! They could be right, and this thing is fixed! But as both teams have proven in the past, they are the best on their sides and have earned the right to be there, dispite some prearranged raitings grabber!

05-20-2008, 04:22 PM
What I don't understand is why Piston fans would rather face the Spurs rather than the Lakers?

It's the oddest thing, Celtic fans want the Lakers for the rivalry and hype.

The Pistons want the Spurs for ??? I don't think there's a Spur/PIston rivalry is there?

maybe because Celtics and Lakers are the darlings of the media and NBA when they haven't proven shit yet.

Pistons and Spurs have proven everything.

fuck the Celtics + Lakers. Go Pistons!!

05-20-2008, 04:24 PM
What I don't understand is why Piston fans would rather face the Spurs rather than the Lakers?

It's the oddest thing, Celtic fans want the Lakers for the rivalry and hype.

The Pistons want the Spurs for ??? I don't think there's a Spur/PIston rivalry is there?

Pistons beating the Lakers in the Finals has been done already.

05-20-2008, 04:27 PM
I agree if for no other reason than I laugh when there are low rating in the finals...

All these people complain about all the showboating but thats all their ADD minds can handle. If you want to see good hard fundamental ball tune in for the finals between the Pistons and Spurs.

Fuck the Lakers, and the Celtics

05-20-2008, 04:28 PM
Ah, I see, it's so that you two older teams can get together for one last hurrah in before the new generation steps up.

One last time to stick it to the "Man" or "the Sexy is betta Societal Machine"...as good a reason as any I suppose and I agree it'd have to be this year.

05-20-2008, 04:29 PM
There isn't a Spurs vs Pistons rivalry because the Pistons fans here are great fans of their team and don't troll or belittle the Spurs like some fans of other teams (You know who you are). The respect goes both ways and we wouldn't spend the whole series talking about flopping, Bowen being dirty, the Spurs being boring, Horry delivering "cheap shots". They'd play the games and we'd talk about it. If the Spurs get to the Finals I don't care who they play. The Pistons would be a great series, but the Celtics would be good too for the chance to slam the door on the Duncan vs Garnett debate.

05-20-2008, 04:29 PM
Pistons beating the Lakers in the Finals has been done already.

Thee times, am I right?

05-20-2008, 04:30 PM
becareful of what u wish for........

05-20-2008, 04:30 PM
Pistons beating the Lakers in the Finals has been done already.


05-20-2008, 04:35 PM
we wouldn't spend the whole series talking about flopping, Bowen being dirty, the Spurs being boring, Horry delivering "cheap shots".

Oh, yeah, we would. :lol

And Rip getting chippy, and Chauncey being arrogant, and Sheed being . . . well, Sheed.

05-20-2008, 04:37 PM
Thee times, am I right?

They've played 3 times (88, 89, 04), Pistons won the last two times.

05-20-2008, 04:38 PM
The only reason I would want the Lakers over the Spurs is because I think the Pistons have a better chance to beat the Lakers. I got plenty of healthy respect for the Spurs. I think they would be tougher to beat. In that sense, I do want the Pistons to face the Lakers. edit: ...if the Pistons are fortunate enough to make it to the NBA Finals this year.

05-20-2008, 04:55 PM
Because Pistons < Spurs has been waiting 4 years to change his name back to Pistons > Spurs...that's why.

Pistons < Spurs
05-20-2008, 04:57 PM
Because Pistons < Spurs has been waiting 4 years to change his name back to Pistons > Spurs...that's why.


05-20-2008, 06:21 PM
And guys, do you really want Phill "the whiner" Jackson winning title number 10, and bragging about being the greatest coach of all time? All he did was have two and half of the best players in the league at that time, in a watered down league that was prearranged for Stern's NBA on NBC! I hate Boston, I hated Red Aurebach, but I respected them and him! Red hated the Pistons and Detroit, but we respected EVERYTHING he accomplished! HE EARNED IT, Phil the Town Cryer, whines to the refs after EVERY LOSS! WHAT A PUNK!

05-20-2008, 06:34 PM
GO PISTONS GO!!! Spurs nation is backin you guys hard! You guys do your part and take care of the Celtics and let's make life miserable for Stern, ABC, and the media. :ihit

05-20-2008, 06:37 PM
Beat Boston its time for Detroit vs. San Antonio 2.