View Full Version : Ku Klux Klan Endorses Obama

05-20-2008, 07:11 PM
Anything or anyone is better than Hillary Rodham Clinton
KENTUCKY - USA - Imperial Wizard, Ronald Edwards has stated that, "anything is better than Hillary Clinton."

White Christian Supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan has endorsed Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America.

Speaking from his Kentucky office in Dawson Springs, the Imperial Wizard exclaimed that anything or anyone is better than having that "crazy ass bitch" as President.

This is the first time in Klan history that any member of the KKK has ever publicly supported an African American candidate for the presidency.

KKK lodges all over America have been gathering and holding rallies supporting the black presidential candidate.

KKK members in Tennessee rally against Hillary Clinton and support Barack Obama

Grand Turk Cletus Monroe has also been very vocal about the election and has donated thousands of dollars to Obama's election fund.

"The boy's gonna do it. My Klan group has donated up to $250,000 to the Obama fund. Anything is better than Hillary Clinton. Hell I'll even adopt a black kid from Africa before I vote for Hillary."

"A few years back we were lynching negroes. Now we're gonna vote for one to be president of the US of motherfu**ing A, damn it! Anyone or anything is better than Hillary Clinton - anything!!"

Placards for Barack Obama have been put up around the Klan's Headquarters and the KKK have announced a television ad campaign to support the African American candidate.



05-20-2008, 07:18 PM
Very strange.

05-20-2008, 07:38 PM
"The boy's gonna do it"

He didn't use "colored" before he said boy, now that's what I call progress!

It should be a non-story, who cares what they think?

05-20-2008, 09:49 PM
i don't believe it, calling bullshit.

- Mars

Don Quixote
05-20-2008, 10:04 PM
It reads like an Onion article, doesn't it?

If it's true, does that mean that followers of St. Barry are racists? Obviously, since McCain has been endorsed by kooks, that makes him a kook.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Mister Sinister
05-21-2008, 01:49 AM
Ho-lee *Shit*

05-21-2008, 02:01 AM
Six degrees of Barack Obama......Republicans love to play this game with Obama, but not with McCain or Hillary...


05-21-2008, 03:22 AM
It reads like an Onion article, doesn't it?

If it's true, does that mean that followers of St. Barry are racists? Obviously, since McCain has been endorsed by kooks, that makes him a kook.

Sounds reasonable to me.I'm sure these guys will vote for McCain in the general election.

05-21-2008, 08:32 AM
i don't believe it, calling bullshit.

- Mars

Other headlines from the "Daily Squib":

Oil Futures Surge as Bush Plans Iran Invasion
• Comrade Gordon Brown to Put Tax on Taxation
• How Russell Brand Vows to Conquer America
• First Californian Gay Couple to Tie the Knot
• California Divorce Lawyers Applaud New Gay Marriage Ruling
• Bank of England: Quality of Life Will Go from Bad to Worse
• Hillary Vows to Keep on Fighting for Presidency Even After Obama is Inaugerated as President
• New Labour - New Memoir
• Obama Superdelegate Seen Flying Over Washington
• Madonna Rocks the Crowd at Free Kent Festiva

Selected article:

How Russell Brand Vows to Conquer America
May 19th, 2008
by the Marquis de Sad

LOS ANGELES - CA - Russell Brand, the almost current World Tiddlywinks champion, is now setting his sights on conquering other continents after subjugating England and Europe with his superior skill.

The Early Winky Brand Years

Russell's got his little Booky Wook out and notched off another continent that he has nearly conquered. Going from strength to strength this winker has got his sights on getting his winky out and conquering the whole winking world.

Russell Brand became the Tiddlywinks national champion at the age of 12 when he pioneered the pot-squop and won the national championship held in Grays Essex...

It is indeed satire.

The website logo kinda gives it away a little with the bomb in the logo.


05-21-2008, 08:41 AM
Six degrees of Barack Obama......Republicans love to play this game with Obama, but not with McCain or Hillary...

This is the douche that talked shit about the Spurs. :flipoff

Also, LMAO@ the KKK.

05-21-2008, 09:31 AM
Why wouldn't they. Obama is as much white as black. Even though
he threw his Grandmother under the bus. You never hear much about
Mom. Maybe he will negotiate an agreement with Grandma. After
accepting the KKK endorsement.

05-21-2008, 10:12 AM
Why wouldn't they. Obama is as much white as black. Even though
he threw his Grandmother under the bus. You never hear much about
Mom. Maybe he will negotiate an agreement with Grandma. After
accepting the KKK endorsement.

throwing braindead fossils under the bus is acceptable behavior.

05-21-2008, 10:18 AM
Why wouldn't they. Obama is as much white as black. Even though
he threw his Grandmother under the bus. You never hear much about
Mom. Maybe he will negotiate an agreement with Grandma. After
accepting the KKK endorsement.

If only we'd be so lucky as to have you thrown under a bus.

05-21-2008, 10:22 AM
Ahhh, you have wounded me. I feel so bad. Did I hurt your
feelings. If so, I glad.

05-21-2008, 10:24 AM
Ahhh, you have wounded me. I feel so bad. Did I hurt your
feelings. If so, I glad.

did not, too bad.

05-21-2008, 10:34 AM
^^I'll try harder the next time.......

05-21-2008, 03:16 PM
Six degrees of Barack Obama......Republicans love to play this game with Obama, but not with McCain or Hillary...


we've already been over this, those guys are fucking retards. see Horry vs West incident.

- Mars

05-21-2008, 03:28 PM
Ah yes, More white supremacists love for Obama...a Georgia (that's still in the south for you geographically challenged Americans) puts out a cover with Obama in rifle cross-hairs....


Illustration of Obama in rifle crosshairs draws fire

A Roswell newspaper is defending a controversial cover illustration that placed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in a rifle's cross hairs.


DailyKos readers — Kos receives more than 1.3 million visits a day, according to sitemeter.com — were encouraged to contact the newspaper and its advertisers. By day's end, Holiday Inn announced it would no longer do business with the Beacon, though the paper's publisher, John Fredericks, said editorial decisions would not be influenced by "liberal blogger thuggery."

"Good, bad or ugly, we tell the truth," he said.

Link (http://www.ajc.com/services/content/metro/northfulton/stories/2008/05/21/obama_0522.html?cxtype=rss&cxsvc=7&cxcat=13)

Viva Las Espuelas
05-21-2008, 03:51 PM
^^^^oh yeah. it's pretty ugly. hello 60's

05-21-2008, 04:00 PM
Kentucky - heavy Republican, mostly forgotten....


05-21-2008, 04:23 PM
I'll believe the KKK is voting for McCain when I hear Ron Paul telling them to do so...and not before.

Seriously...anti-black is just one of their stances...they are also anti-Iraq War and anti-Israel...

What that they want to happen is more likely to happen?

Voting for McCain and him getting Roe V Wade overturned?

Voting for Obama and him pulling us out of Iraq and backing away from our staunch support of Israel?

Not to mention...I could see many white supremacists having the view that a black man becoming President could be just the thing to wake the white race up and unite it. Seriously.

Back to the point at hand...

Sure there are plenty of Americans that don't want to vote for Obama because he is black...just as there are plenty of Americans that will be voting for him becuse he is black...and most of them have nothing to do with the KKK and would want no part of them.

But this is the KKK...a grouping of white supremacists, with no singular voice or leadership...but largely, they are isolationist, they are anti-mexico, anti-black, anti-jew, anti-war...

It's not like McCain is going to give them what they want...they probably just view him as a liberal who won't even pull us out of Iraq like the other liberals will.

Anyway, we can resolve this real quick...while there are quite a few KKK leaders...there are two Klansman that are easily the most well known, even if only based on past affiliation...

Those would be Democrat Robert Byrd, and Democrat David Duke...who are they endorsing? I bet neither of them are endorsing McCain.

In any case...I think they estimate the KKK to have a current membership of around 10k...hardly a voting block worth getting worked up about.

05-21-2008, 04:33 PM
I'll believe the KKK is voting for McCain when I hear Ron Paul telling them to do so...and not before.

Seriously...anti-black is just one of their stances...they are also anti-Iraq War and anti-Israel...

What that they want to happen is more likely to happen?

Voting for McCain and him getting Roe V Wade overturned?

Voting for Obama and him pulling us out of Iraq and backing away from our staunch support of Israel?

Not to mention...I could see many white supremacists having the view that a black man becoming President could be just the thing to wake the white race up and unite it. Seriously.

Back to the point at hand...

Sure there are plenty of Americans that don't want to vote for Obama because he is black...just as there are plenty of Americans that will be voting for him becuse he is black...and most of them have nothing to do with the KKK and would want no part of them.

But this is the KKK...a grouping of white supremacists, with no singular voice or leadership...but largely, they are isolationist, they are anti-mexico, anti-black, anti-jew, anti-war...

It's not like McCain is going to give them what they want...they probably just view him as a liberal who won't even pull us out of Iraq like the other liberals will.

Anyway, we can resolve this real quick...while there are quite a few KKK leaders...there are two Klansman that are easily the most well known, even if only based on past affiliation...

Those would be Democrat Robert Byrd, and Democrat David Duke...who are they endorsing? I bet neither of them are endorsing McCain.

In any case...I think they estimate the KKK to have a current membership of around 10k...hardly a voting block worth getting worked up about.


"I didn't read the whole thread before I posted."


05-21-2008, 04:37 PM
But this is the KKK...a grouping of white supremacists, with no singular voice or leadership...but largely, they are isolationist, they are anti-mexico, anti-black, anti-jew, anti-war...

Then the best thing for them to do is pool their money together and buy an island somewhere, live their all white dream and leave the rest of us the fuck alone, that is if working at bowling alleys and truck stops can net them enough cash.

05-21-2008, 04:43 PM

"I didn't read the whole thread before I posted."


Of course I read it...my post was in response to Chump's post that they would all vote for McCain.

05-21-2008, 04:46 PM
I am still convinced these fictional characters will vote for McCain.

05-21-2008, 04:47 PM
I am still convinced these fictional characters will vote for McCain.

Robert Byrd and David Duke are fictional?

05-21-2008, 04:48 PM
Cletus Monroe and Roland Edwards.

05-21-2008, 04:49 PM
Never heard of em...which is why their endorsement would mean jack shit.

Byrd and Dukes OTOH...people know who they are and they are known to control pretty large voting blocks...

So who are they endorsing?

05-21-2008, 04:52 PM
Never heard of em.So you didn't read the thread.

05-21-2008, 04:57 PM
So you didn't read the thread.

If you want off the hook just say so...

I just think it was funny that you stereotyped all the racists.

The KKK has more in common with the Black Separatists and Islamic Fundamentalists than they do with the right wing of the Republican Party...most notably being that they are all vehemently anti-Israel and anti-Iraq war...

You want some links to the Klan protesting the Iraq war? They were doing it before most of the rest of America was.

IOW...don't shuffle that shit on to the candidate I will be voting for...I'm the moderate, not the extremist. The extremists almost unilaterally vote Democrat these days and want us out of Iraq.

05-21-2008, 04:59 PM
So like I was saying...who are Byrd and Duke endorsing? Any care to post that? Or should I just find that out for myself? I just have a very strong feeling it isn't McCain. If I was a racist...I wouldn't be voting for McCain.

05-21-2008, 05:02 PM
:lol I'm sure plenty of extremists will vote for McCain. I understand you are incredibly sensitive about any perceived slight by implied association in a satirical post responding to another satirical post in a thread about a satirical article, I just don't understand why.

IOW, lighten the fuck up.

05-21-2008, 05:13 PM
Oh I get it...you were joking :lol

Well never let it be said that whottt stood in the way of a funny backped...er I mean joke. By all means...as you were.

If I was to go lift the KKK's political platform off their website, it would read like a Ron Paul Victory Speech...just so you know.

05-21-2008, 05:23 PM
Oh I get it...you weren't joking.

Well never let it be said that I stood in the way of whottt's serious internets business.

05-21-2008, 05:46 PM
Oh I get it...you weren't joking.

Brilliant observation...one of your best.

Well never let it be said that I stood in the way of whottt's serious internets business.

I just think it's funny that someone that goes around asking for links as much as you do, is so resistant to providing them when requested...

05-21-2008, 05:51 PM
Brilliant observation...one of your best.Thanks.

I just think it's funny that someone that goes around asking for links as much as you do, is so resistant to providing them when requested...You have a great sense of humor. You got all the jokes in this thread, for example, and didn't overreact to any of them.

If you want a link to the potential vote of every extremist in the United States, I'm sure you can put on your big boy pants and find it all by yourself. I don't think you are going to be able to convince me to do it for you.

But please try.

05-21-2008, 05:56 PM

You have a great sense of humor. You got all the jokes in this thread,

Dude...it's the ST politicial forum, not exactly a crowning achievment. Will you also be proud of me if I jump in the pool and get that I am wet?

for example, and didn't overreact to any of them.

One man's overreactions is another man's valid question.

If you want a link to the potential vote of every extremist in the United States, I'm sure you can put on your big boy pants and find it all by yourself. I don't think you are going to be able to convince me to do it for you.

But please try.

I'll just settle for links to the "Klansmen" known to have signifigant voting blocks...you know, Byrd and Duke..

And frankly the fact you don't know is a little alarming to me...I guess that rumor about the Democrats not being unified is true.

05-21-2008, 06:22 PM
Dude...it's the ST politicial forum, not exactly a crowning achievment.Exactly. Makes one wonder why this is so important to you.

I'll just settle for links to the "Klansmen" known to have signifigant voting blocks...you know, Byrd and Duke..Do these guys really have significant voting blocks? I'm quite sure West Virginia will go to McCain, and Duke? The only time I have heard that name in the past five years is when you bring him up.

And frankly the fact you don't know is a little alarming to me...I guess that rumor about the Democrats not being unified is true.It's no rumor, and I'm not a Democrat.

But your need to be right on the internets has made you replace Cletus and Roland with Byrd and Duke. I was not talking about Byrd and Duke -- I was talking about fictional creations of apparently foreign writers. But hey --how bout I just concede and say every extremist on the left and right will vote for Obama and everyone who votes for McCain will do so for the exact same reasons you will.

Does it make it all better for you?

05-21-2008, 06:28 PM
Exactly. Makes one wonder why this is so important to you.

Do these guys really have significant voting blocks? I'm quite sure West Virginia will go to McCain, and Duke? The only time I have heard that name in the past five years is when you bring him up.

It's no rumor, and I'm not a Democrat.

But your need to be right on the internets has made you replace Cletus and Roland with Byrd and Duke. I was not talking about Byrd and Duke -- I was talking about fictional creations of apparently foreign writers. But hey --how bout I just concede and say every extremist on the left and right will vote for Obama and everyone who votes for McCain will do so for the exact same reasons you will.

Does it make it all better for you?

And you say I've got a shitty sense of humor...

05-21-2008, 06:30 PM
Ah yes, More white supremacists love for Obama...a Georgia (that's still in the south for you geographically challenged Americans) puts out a cover with Obama in rifle cross-hairs....


Illustration of Obama in rifle crosshairs draws fire

Link (http://www.ajc.com/services/content/metro/northfulton/stories/2008/05/21/obama_0522.html?cxtype=rss&cxsvc=7&cxcat=13)

fuck the Daily Kos.


- Mars

05-21-2008, 06:34 PM
also another epic CD vs whottt battle in the making.

- Mars

05-21-2008, 09:50 PM
also another epic CD vs whottt battle in the making.

- Mars

Dude you haven't even been here a full year. What the fuck would you know about their "classic battles?" :idiot

05-22-2008, 12:29 AM
Dude you haven't even been here a full year. What the fuck would you know about their "classic battles?" :idiot

he obviously missed the time that whottt said " I don't care if it's about oil".

05-22-2008, 09:09 AM
Of course I read it...my post was in response to Chump's post that they would all vote for McCain.

Fair enough. My apologies then.

05-22-2008, 11:04 AM
Have you ever been to a party? And been talking with a group of friends, and some guy comes up and introduces himself. and so you're civil to him at first, as civility demands. and then that guy insinuates himself into the group of friends and starts laughing at inside jokes because he sees that everyone else is laughing, and the fact that he doesn't get it simply compels him to laugh louder so that everyone can see that he thinks it's funny, too. and he won't go away, and it's getting to be annoying. and then someone will make a joke about Bush, and that new guy will call the person out and say they need to support the troops. and then it's kind of awkward and everyone's really annoyed that they were nice to that guy in the first place?

ClingingMars is the Internet version of that guy.

very funny!:lol

but then that only makes you the little bitch instigator who hides behind his freinds at a party, and never has anything to say substantively, and probably if for the fact that he's not ripped, laced with dual star tatoos, sports a popped collar, or has sprayon tan, still in contention for #1 douchebag.

05-22-2008, 11:07 AM
Have you ever been to a party? And been talking with a group of friends, and some guy comes up and introduces himself. and so you're civil to him at first, as civility demands. and then that guy insinuates himself into the group of friends and starts laughing at inside jokes because he sees that everyone else is laughing, and the fact that he doesn't get it simply compels him to laugh louder so that everyone can see that he thinks it's funny, too. and he won't go away, and it's getting to be annoying. and then someone will make a joke about Bush, and that new guy will call the person out and say they need to support the troops. and then it's kind of awkward and everyone's really annoyed that they were nice to that guy in the first place?

ClingingMars is the Internet version of that guy.
