View Full Version : New Manu's Note

05-21-2008, 10:31 AM
Here is the note, someone traslate it.

Ganamos y nos fuimos a dormir... al piso del avión

por MANU

El primer partido en Sunchales lo vi por Internet. No pude ver el segundo; tampoco el tercero, porque estaba jugando. Pero apenas terminamos la serie contra New Orleans, lo primero que hice fue llamar para averiguar cómo había salido Libertad-Quimsa. Estoy siguiendo con mucho entusiasmo la final de la Liga Nacional por mi hermano Sepo. Tienen que estar tranquilos. Están 3-0, pero todavía no se terminó. Yo sé lo importante que esto es para cualquier jugador. Y, por cómo van las cosas, estoy contento por él. Varios me dicen que la familia copó la televisión. Sebastián estaba en TyC Sports, Leandro comentaba por Canal 7 y, en Estados Unidos, yo iba por TNT... ¡Faltaba mi vieja en un programa de cocina!

Y ya que estoy con la Liga, les cuento que después del 7mo juego en Nueva Orleáns nos pasó algo increíble que me hizo recordar mis viajes en Andino o en Estudiantes. Aunque, pensándolo bien, esto no lo viví ni en los peores momentos en la Argentina. Apenas terminó el partido, Pop nos pidió que nos apuráramos, para salir cuanto antes para viajar hasta acá y descansar. Cumplimos, al pie de la letra. A las 11.30, estábamos todos arriba del avión, listos para despegar... cuando nos dicen que había desperfectos y que iban a tardar una o dos horas en solucionarlos. No nos importó. ¡Veníamos de ganar una serie durísima! Seguimos charlando, estábamos alegres y no pensábamos en la demora. A las dos horas, nos avisaron que el problema no era solucionable. Se llamó al hotel para volver y dormir en Nueva Orleáns. Pero no había lugar. Cuatro personas empezaron a buscar alojamiento. Llamaron a 25 hoteles diferentes. Desde los de 500 dólares la noche hasta los de 29,99, de ésos como en los que alguna vez paré con Pancho Jasen cuando vine a Estados Unidos de vacaciones en 2000. Pero en la ciudad había convenciones. Imposible, estaba todo ocupado.

No nos quedó otra que pedir permiso para dormir en el avión. Algunos se pusieron a jugar a las cartas; otros, a leer o a mirar películas. Lo peor es que muchos, como Tony Parker o yo, no estamos acostumbrados a dormir en asientos, así que nos tiramos en el piso, cruzados por el pasillo. Imagínense, ver gente de dos metros durmiendo así... era una imagen divertida. Nos pusimos de acuerdo para que a las 3 de la mañana se apagaran las luces y... nos tuvimos que arreglar. Fabri y yo les dijimos a los demás: "No se preocupen, así crecimos nosotros". Al final, el traslado a Los Angeles nos llevó 11 horas, cuando en condiciones normales no debería superar las cuatro. Además, con la diferencia horaria, llegamos acá a las 8.30, así que yo me pedí un desayuno en la habitación y me fui a dormir. Fue todo tan raro que diría que fue una siesta a las 10 de la mañana. Terminamos muertos y, con esto, no pudimos entrenarnos. Encima, ya tenemos que jugar contra los Lakers. Es raro. Tuvimos cuatro días de descanso entre el 6to y el 7mo partido con New Orleans y uno sólo antes de jugar la final.

Entre tantas cosas, no les conté nada del último juego. Bueno... jugamos un partido defensivo muy bueno. Evitamos que tuvieran ese lapso en el arranque del segundo tiempo en el que nos quebraban y conseguían que la gente se entusiasmara. Esta vez, en el 3er cuarto pasamos a ganar por 15 puntos y en el último nos costó mucho. Porque el esfuerzo que hicimos nos consumió energías y llegamos cansados al final, y porque ellos jugaron con desesperación. Cuando hacés eso, o tirás todo afuera o te salen todas, como pasó con Jannero Pargo, que está para eso, para entrar, confundir todo y dar vuelta un partido. No nos sorprendió, lo sabíamos, en un partido contra Dallas había metido 30 puntos.

También fue muy importante lo de Fabri. No sólo le toca bailar siempre con la más fea, en este caso marcar a David West, sino que además tuvo que estar pendiente todo el tiempo con las ayudas de los pick and roll con Chris Paul. Pero también es importante pensar que tiene un desgaste grande. Yo tengo que marcar a Peterson o a Stojakovic y cada tanto me como un golpe en una cortina. Fabricio tiene que estar raspándose todo el partido y toda la serie con jugadores grandes. Hizo un laburo impresionante, pero ya lo conocemos, lo hace siempre y, a veces, no lo destacamos.

Pero bueno... ya tenemos que meternos en la final de la Conferencia. La verdad es que con Pau Gasol, los Lakers son un equipo nuevo. Desde que él llegó, nos cruzamos una sola vez, pero no pude jugar, porque estaba lesionado. Tienen una gran confianza. Ahora no es sólo marcar a Kobe y listo. Con Pau, que entiende bien el juego, se potenciaron todos los jugadores de rol. Tienen un pivote que llama la atención y que, por si fuera poco, pasa bien la pelota. Ganaron en volumen de juego. Con todos los problemas y el poco tiempo, todavía no vimos mucho de ellos, pero hay algunas premisas elementales. Tendremos que tratar de que no jueguen cómodos y mover bien la pelota en ataque. No podemos darles de comer en la boca con pérdidas y errores pavos , porque no te perdonan.

Venimos de una serie larga, cansadora. En el último partido, jugué 41 minutos, algo a lo que no estoy acostumbrado. Pero además, son minutos distintos a los de la temporada regular, con mucha tensión y adrenalina. Recién ahora me estoy relajando y el desgaste se siente más. Pero hay que seguir adelante y hacer todo para tratar de ganar en Los Angeles. Apenas estamos en la mitad del camino de los playoffs.

05-21-2008, 10:47 AM
damn he had to sleep on the floor of the plane. that is ridiculous. I think the hotels told them they're booked because they said they were the Spurs. they even called $29.99 hotels !!!!

I have traveled like that and it takes me a couple of days to recuperate. I think Spurs gonna get spanked tonight.

he also gave props to Oberto, Oberto has always to guard the best big man from the other teams and gets beat up and everything. But he gets the job done.

Props to Oberto!

05-21-2008, 10:58 AM
He's saying pretty much that we're fucked.

05-21-2008, 11:52 AM
someone please translate this

05-21-2008, 11:55 AM
please translate this article :lol

Fabri y yo les dijimos a los demás: "No se preocupen, así crecimos nosotros".


05-21-2008, 11:55 AM
Manu sleeps in caves after wrestling bears in the off-season.

Do not worry.

05-21-2008, 11:56 AM
Did he really say we're fucked?

05-21-2008, 11:59 AM

05-21-2008, 12:01 PM
We won and we went to sleep ... to the floor of the plane


The first game I saw him in Sunchales, Santa Fe via the Internet. I could not see the second nor the third, because he was playing. But just finish the series against New Orleans, the first thing I did was call to find out how he left Liberty-Quimsa. I am following with much enthusiasm the finals of the National League for my brother SEP. They must be reassured. They are 3-0, but has not yet ended. I know how important it is for any player. And, how things are going, I'm happy for him. Several tell me that the family Copa television. Sebastian was in TYC Sports, Leandro commented by Channel 7 and, in the United States, I was on TNT ... Lacking a program in my old kitchen!

And since I'm with the League, I am counting that after the 7th game in New Orleans us something incredible happened that made me recall my travels in Andean or students. Although, on reflection, however, this is not what either lived in the worst moments in Argentina. Just finished the game, Pop asked us to hurry us to leave as soon as possible to travel up here and relax. We met, at face value. At 11.30, we were all above the plane, ready to take off ... when we say that there were breakdowns and that iban to take an hour or two in their solution. We are not imported. We were very hard to win a series! We continue chatting, we were not happy and we thought the delay. At two hours, we warned that the problem was not a solution. It was called to the hotel to go back and sleep in New Orleans. But there was no room. Four people began to look for accommodation. They called 25 different hotels. From $ 500 until the night of 29.99, as those in which ever stopped with Pancho Jasen when I came to America on holiday in 2000. But in the city had conventions. Impossible, was particularly busy.

We have no other was to ask permission to sleep on the plane. Some were playing cards, others to read or watch movies. The worst thing is that many, like Tony Parker or myself, we are not accustomed to sleeping on seats, so we throw away on the floor, crossed by the corridor. Imagine, seeing people from two meters sleeping well ... was a fun image. We agreed to that at 3 o'clock in the morning turns off the lights y. .. we had to fix. Fabri and I told them to the other: "Do not worry, as we grew up." In the end, the move to Los Angeles took us 11 hours, when normally should not exceed four. In addition, with the time difference, arrived here at 8.30, so I asked a breakfast in the room and went to sleep. It was all so strange that I would say that was a nap at 10 o'clock in the morning. We finished dead and, with this, we could not train. Above, and we have to play against the Lakers. It is rare. We had four days' rest between the 6th and the 7th game against New Orleans and one just before playing the final.

Among many things, not told them anything the last game. Well ... play a defensive game very good. We avoid having that time at boot the second time that we break and that got people excited. This time spent in the 3rd quarter to win by 15 points in the final cost us a lot. Because the effort we made our energies consumed and arrived tired at the end, and because they played with desperation. When hacés that, or STRIPS everything out or it will all come out, as happened with Jannero Pargo, which is for this reason, to enter, confuse everything and turn a match. We are not surprised, we knew, in a game against Dallas had put 30 points.

He was also very important for Fabri. Not only is dancing always plays with the ugliest, in this case to highlight David West, but also had to watch all the time with the aid of the pick and roll with Chris Paul. But it is also important to think that has a large wear. I have to dial or to Peterson Stojakovic and every now and then I as a blow to a curtain. Fabricio must be scraping the whole match and throughout the series with great players. He laburo impressive, but now we know, he does always, and sometimes do not stress.

But good ... we already have that going into the final of the Conference. The truth is that with Pau Gasol, the Lakers are a team again. Since he arrived, we crossed once, but I could not play, because he was injured. They have great confidence. Now is not just Kobe and ready to dial. With Pau, who understands the game well, was boosted all role players. They have a pin that draws attention and that, if that were not enough, passes the ball well. They won in volume game. With all the problems and little time, yet we saw much of them, but there are some basic assumptions. We will have to try to not play well at ease and move the ball in attack. We can not feed into the mouth at a loss and errors turkeys, because you are not forgiven.

We come from a series long, tiring. In the last match, played 41 minutes, something that I am not accustomed. But in addition, are different from those minutes of the regular season, with a lot of tension and adrenaline. Just now I'm relaxed and feel more wear. But we must move forward and do everything to try to win in Los Angeles. As soon as we midway of the playoffs.

05-21-2008, 12:02 PM
Did he really say we're fucked?

Doubt it!

05-21-2008, 12:03 PM
Working on translation, give me half an hour.

Southwest Texas Fan
05-21-2008, 12:04 PM
He's saying pretty much that we're fucked.

No. He says that it will indeed be difficult because it's not only about Kobe anymore but now they have Gasol to worry about. He adds a new dimension to the team. On another note I think he feels confident in Oberto's ability to defend and this could be very important in this series.

05-21-2008, 12:06 PM
Manu is quite the blogger isn't he?

Yes, someone please translate.....sleeping on the floor of the plane....Spurs are truly being tested this playoffs....maybe that's a good sign.....;)

Matches Malone
05-21-2008, 12:11 PM
First Paragraph

We won and we went to sleep... in floor of the airplane


The first game in Sunchales I saw it in the Internet. I could not watch the second, neither third, because I was playing. But as soon as we finished the series against New Orleans, first thing I did was to call to find out what was the score of Libertad-Quimsa. I am following the end of National League with much enthusiasm because of my brother Sepo . They must be calm. They are 3-0, but still it has not finished. I know how important this is for every player. And, by how the things are going, I am happy for him. Many people told me that the family took over television broadcasting. Sebastián was in TyC Sports, Leandro commented in Channel 7 and, in the United States, I played on TNT... We were missing my mom in a kitchen program!

Next one in five minutes

Matches Malone
05-21-2008, 12:24 PM
Second one

Talking about the League, let me tell you that after the 7th game in New Orleans something incredible happened to us that made me remember my trips with Andino or Estudiantes. Although, thinking about it, I haven't gone through something like this not even during my worst moments in Argentina. Right after the game, Pop asked us to hurry up, so to take as soon as possible our flight and rest. We did it. Around 11,30pm, we were all inside the plane, ready to take off... when they told us that there were problesm and that they were going to take one or two hours to fix them. It did not matter to us. We were coming from winning the hardest series! We continued chatting, we were glad and we did not think about the delay. After two hours, they told us that the problem was not fixable. We called to the hotel to return and to sleep in the New Orleans. But there was no vacany. Four people began to look for lodging. They called to 25 different hotels. From those of 500 dollars the night to those of 29.99, like those in which sometimes I stopped with Pancho Jasen when I came to the United States for vacations in 2000. But there were conventions in the city . Impossible, everything was full.

Got 2 go back to work, sorry

Matches Malone
05-21-2008, 12:37 PM
Third one...

We couldn't do anything else but to request permission to sleep in the airplane. Some started to play cards; others, to read or to watch films. The worse thing is than many, like Tony Parker or I, are not used to sleep in seats, so we laid down in the floor, across the aisle. Imagine that, to see people of two meters tall sleeping like that... was an crazy image. We agreed ourselves so that at 3am the lights would go off and... we had to live with that. Fabri and I said to the others: "Don"t worry, this is how we grew up". In the end, the trip to Los Angeles took 11 hours, when in normal conditions it would have not gone over four. In addition, with the time difference, we arrived here at 8,30, so I took my breakfast in the room and I went to sleep. Everything was so crazy that it would say that I took a nap at 10 in the morning. We ended up dead and, we could not train. Furthermore, we have to play against the Lakers. It is weird. We had four days of rest between the 6th and 7th games against New Orleans and only one before playing the conference final.

Going to work...for real now:bang

05-21-2008, 12:38 PM
I watched the first game in Sunchales over the Internet. I couldn't watch the second one or the third one because I was playing. But as soon as we ended the series against New Orleans, the first thing I did was call to find out the result of the Libertad-Quimsa game. I'm following with a lot of enthusiasm the Liga Nacional finals, because of my brother Sepo. They have to take it easy. They're up 3-0, but it's not over yet. I know how important this is for any player. And, because of how things are going, I'm happy for him. Bunch of people told me that we took over television. Sebastián was in TyC Sports, Leandro was the color commentator on Canal 7 and, in the US, I was on TNT... The only thing missing was my mom on a cooking show!

And not that I'm talking about the League, let me tell you something incredible that happened after Game 7 in New Orleans, that reminded me of my old trips while I was a player for Andino or Estudiantes. Although, thinking it through, this didn't happen even in the worst moments in Argentina. As soon as the game was over, Pop asked us to hurry up so we could make the trip here and rest. We did. By 11:30 we were all aboard the plane, ready to takeoff... when they tell us there are some malfunctions and that it would take 2 or 3 hours to fix them. We didn't mind. We just finished winning a very tough series! We kept talking, we were happy and didn't think about the delay. Two hours later they let us know that the problem was not fixable. We called the hotel to see if we could come back and sleep in New Orleans. But there was no room. Four people started to search for hotels. They called 25 different hotels. From $500/night down to the 29,99 ones, those like the one I went to some time ago when I came to the US on vacations in 2000 with Pancho Jasen. But there were conventions in the city. Impossible, everything was booked.

We had no other choice than ask permission to sleep in the plane. Some started to play cards; others to read or watch movies. The worst part is that a bunch of us, like Tony Parker or myself, are not used to sleeping in seats, so we lay down on the floor, across the aisle. Imagine watching 7 foot people sleeping like that... it was a funny image. We all agreed to turn off the lights at 3am and we had to just sleep like that. Fabri and I told everyone else: "Don't worry, that's how we grew up". All in all, the trip to LA took 11 hours, when under normal conditions it shouldn't take over 4. On top of that, with the time zone change, we arrived here at 8:30am, so I ordered breakfast on my room and went to sleep. Everything was so weird, that I would say it was a siesta at 10am. We ended up very tired, so we couldn't practice. On top of that, we have to play the Lakers right away. It's weird. We had 4 days of rest between Game 6 and Game 7 against New Orleans and only one before playing the conference final.

With all this stuff, I forgot to tell you about our last game. Well... we played a great defensive game. We avoided having that lapse at the beginning of the second half, where they used to break us down and get the crowd involved. This time, in the 3rd quarter we went all the way up to 15 points, but the last quarter was hard for us. Because the effort we put forth earlier drained our energy and we got tired at the end, and because they played with desperation. They did that. Put everything on the line and like Jannero Pargo, everything seems to go your way. That's what he's there for, to get in, confuse everything and turn around a game. We were not surprised, we knew. In a game against Dallas he put up 30 points.

It was also very important what Fabri did. Not only he always gets a tough matchup, in this case guard of David West, but also had to pay attention all the time helping on the pick and roll with Chris Paul. But it's also important to remember he has a lot of wear and tear. I have to guard Peterson or Stojakovic, and once in a while I get knocked on a screen. Fabri is banging all game and all series with big guys. He did an amazing job, but we know him: He does it all the time, and sometimes we don't highlight it.

But well... we have to get into the Conference Final. The truth is that with Pau Gasol, the Lakers are a brand new team. Since he arrived, we only played against each other just once, but I couldn't play because I was injured. They are very confident in themselves. Now it's not only just guard Kobe and that's it. With Pau, who understands the game well, all the role players get a boost. They have a PF that requires attention and as if that were not enough, is a good passer. They gained in depth. With all the trouble and the little time we had, we haven't seem much from them, but there are some basic premises. We have to try to make them play uncomfortable and move the ball well on offense. We can feed them with turnovers and silly mistakes, because they will take advantage of them.

We come from a very long series, very tiring. In the last game I played 41 minutes, something I'm not used to. But also, they're very different minutes than those from the regular season, with a lot of tension and adrenaline. Just now I'm relaxing and you can feel the fatigue. But we have to move forward and do everything we can to win in Los Angeles. We're only halfway through the Playoffs road.

05-21-2008, 12:52 PM
Here's my shot at it.

We won and went to sleep... on the plane's floor


The first game in Sunchales, I watched it over the internet. I couldn't watch games two and three, because I was playing. But as soon as we ended our series with New Orleans the first thing I did was to call to find out the score of Libertad-Quimsa. I'm following with quite enthusiasm the National League Finals because of my brother Sepo. They must remain calmed. They are 3-0 up, but it isn't over yet. I know how important is this for any player. And by the way the things are going, I'm happy for him. Many people tell me that the family has taken over the TV. Sebastian was on TyC Sports, Leandro was doing commentary on Channel 7, and in America, I was on TNT... Only thing missing was my mom on a cooking show!*

And talking about the League, let me tell you something unbelieavable that happened after the seventh game in New Orleans that reminded me of my trips with Andino and Estudiantes. But, on second thoughts, I haven't been through something like this in the worst moments in Argentina. As soon as the game ended, Pop asked us to hurry, so we could leave as soon as possible and get some rest. We did. At 11:30 pm, we were all on the plane, ready for take-off... when we were told that there were malfunctions and they were going to take one or two hours in repairing them. We didn't care. We just finished a very hard series! We kept chatting, we were happy and didn't think about the delay. Two hours later, they told us that the problem wasn't going to be fixed. Calls were made to the hotel to get back to New Orleans and sleep there. But there wasn't any room. Four people started looking for a place to spend the night. They called 25 different hotels. From those who charge 500 dollars a night, to those that charge 29.99, like the ones I slept in 2000 when I came the the US on holidays with Pacho Jasen. But there were conventions in the city. Impossible, everything was booked.*

We didn't have a choice but to ask permission to sleep on the plane. Some started to play cards; others to read or watch movies. The worst part is that many, like Tony or me, aren't used to sleep on seats, so we just threw ourselves to the floor, across the corridor. Imagine it, to watch people two metres tall sleeping like that... it was a funny picture. We agreed to shut down lights at 3 am and... we had to manage ourselves. Fabri and I told the rest: "Don't worry, that's the way we grew". In the end, the trip to LA took us 11 hours, when in normal conditions it shouldn't have been more than 4. Besides, with the different time zones, we arrived here at 8:30 am, so I asked for breakfast in my room and went to sleep. It was all so weird that I would call it a nap at 10 in the morning. We ended up dead, so we couldn't practice. And we have to play the Lakers right now. It's strange. We had four days off between games 6 and 7 with New Orleans and just one before the Conference Finals.

With so much going on, I didn't tell you anything about Game 7. Well... we played a great defensive game. We stopped them from having that start of the 3rd quarter were they broke us and got the crowd involved. This time in the third quarter we went up by 15 points and struggled in the last quarter. Because the effort we made took energy from us and we arrived tired at the end and they played with desperation. When you play that way, you either miss everything or you do all the thing right, like it happened to Jannero Pargo, who has that role, to get in, confuse things and turn around the game. We weren't surprised, we knew him, in a game with Dallas he scored 30 points.

It was also very important what Fabri did. Not always he's dancing with the ugliest one, like David West this time, but he had to be alert all the time with helping with Chris Paul in the pick'n'roll. It is also important to think that he has an important fatigue factor. I had to guard Stojakovic or Peterson and from time to time I get knocked in the face in a pick. Fabricio is fighting all the game and with big guys the entire series. He did a terrific job, but we know him, he does it all the time and sometimes we underrated him.

Anyway... we have to focus on the Conference Finals now. Truth is, that with Pau Gasol the Lakers are a new team. Since he arrived, we crossed our paths just once, but I couldn't play, because I was injured. They have great confidence. Now it's not just "guard Kobe" and that's it. With Pau, who reads the game very well, the role players have improved. They have a presence in the post who draws the attention, and like that wasn't enough, passes the ball very well. They improved in the elaboration of their plays. With all the problems and the little time, we haven't seen many tapes of them, but there are elementary premises. Don't allow them to play in a confort zone and move the ball well in offense. We can't feed them with turnovers and stupid mistakes, because they won't show mercy.

We come from a long, exhausting series. In game 7, I played 41 minutes, something I'm not used to. And those are different minutes from the ones in the regular season, with a lot of tension and adrenaline. Just now I'm relaxing and feeling the fatigue a little more. But we gotta move on and make everything possible to win in LA. We are just halfway of the playoffs road.

* Notes: In the first parragraph, Manu is talking about his brother Sebastian, who is playing in the Argentinian National League finals. His team, Libertad, is winning the series 3-0. His other brother, Leandro (a former basketball pro player, now retired) is commenting the NBA playoffs in the Argentinian TV.

In the second parragraph, near the end, Manu talks when he went on holiday to the US in 2000. Pacho Jasen is an Argentinian pro basketball player who plays in the Spanish League and is called for the National Team sometimes.

When he talks about David West as the "ugliest one", it's not a description of West face, but actually a compliment. He means Fabri has the some of the hardest tasks in defense usually.

05-21-2008, 01:00 PM
I think the Lakers sabotage our plane... fuck them.

Nice translation, BTW.

05-21-2008, 01:02 PM
I love reading his blogs. Manu is the reason the Spurs will win #5.

05-21-2008, 01:10 PM
I love reading his blogs. Manu is the reason the Spurs will win #5.

i would say is ONE of the resons why we CAN win the 5th... he is not more important than TP or Timmy or Bruce or Pop or anyone else... :toast

Man of Steel
05-21-2008, 01:10 PM
Manu said the Lakers are Fakers.

He also said the Fakers are fucked.


05-21-2008, 01:20 PM
The worse thing is than many, like Tony Parker or I, are not used to sleep in seats, so we laid down in the floor, across the aisle. Imagine that, to see people of two meters tall sleeping like that... was an crazy image. We agreed ourselves so that at 3am the lights would go off and... we had to live with that. Fabri and I said to the others: "Don"t worry, this is how we grew up".

:lmao :lmao I just had a mental image of Parker and Ginobili sleeping in the aisle of a plane. And the Argentians pronouncing "oh this is nothing new to us, this is how we grew up" I'm sure that was comforting to Duncan, Finley, and company.

05-21-2008, 01:27 PM
try this


it's a language translator and will get you close enough.

05-21-2008, 01:34 PM
Manu is one of the best guys in NBA...good man...no to many people express himself than Manu, and the thing in te floor...isn't that real, in Argentina, aircrafts flyes when they want, not when people want.:rolleyes

Sorry for my very poor english, I'm trying to explain Argentinean humor.

Chasky helpppppppppppp in translation !!!!!!!!! hahahaaaaaaaaa

05-21-2008, 01:48 PM
if the spurs somehow win game 1 with no good rest or practice, itll be a miracle

05-21-2008, 01:53 PM
Miracle? Spurs himself are a mIRACLE......SPURS WILL GIFT US other MIRACLE TONIGHT.

05-21-2008, 02:01 PM
if the spurs somehow win game 1 with no good rest or practice, itll be a miracle

I wholeheartedly agree!!! :)

05-21-2008, 02:22 PM
The team's unusual sleeping arrangements Monday piqued my curiosity about team travel:on the road, do the players share rooms or do the superstars get their own room and the second tier players and rookies share a room?