View Full Version : Oscar nominees announced

01-25-2005, 12:37 PM
The Associated Press

The Howard Hughes epic "The Aviator" led Academy Awards contenders with 11 nominations Tuesday, including best picture among them, plus acting honors for Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and Alan Alda and a directing slot for Martin Scorsese.

The boxing saga "Million Dollar Baby" and the J.M. Barrie tale "Finding Neverland" followed with seven nominations each, among best picture and acting nominations for Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Hilary Swank and Johnny Depp.

Eastwood also got a directing nomination for "Million Dollar Baby."

The other best-picture nominees were the Ray Charles portrait "Ray" and the buddy comedy "Sideways."

Along with Eastwood, Jamie Foxx also scored two nominations, as best actor for the title role in "Ray" and supporting actor as a taxi driver whose cab is hijacked by a hit man in "Collateral."

Foxx's dead-on emulation of Charles has made him the front-runner in the lead-actor category.

Starring as aviation trailblazer and Hollywood rebel Hughes, DiCaprio also was nominated for best actor. He and Foxx will compete against Depp as "Peter Pan" playwright Barrie in "Finding Neverland"; Eastwood as a cantankerous boxing trainer in "Million Dollar Baby"; and Don Cheadle for "Hotel Rwanda," starring as hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina, who sheltered refugees from the Rwandan genocide.

The best-actress category presents a rematch of the 1999 showdown, when underdog Swank won the Oscar for "Boys Don't Cry" over Annette Bening, who had been the front-runner for "American Beauty."

This time, Swank was nominated as a bullheaded boxing champ whose life takes a cruel twist in "Million Dollar Baby." Bening was chosen for "Being Julia," in which she plays an aging 1930s stage diva exacting wickedly comic revenge on the men in her life and a young rival.

Both actresses won Golden Globes for the roles, Swank for best dramatic actress, Bening for actress in a musical or comedy.

Also nominated for the best-actress Oscar were Catalina Sandino Moreno as a Colombian woman imperiled when she signs on to smuggle heroin in "Maria Full of Grace"; Imelda Staunton as a saintly housekeeper in 1950s Britain who performs illegal abortions on the side in "Vera Drake"; and Kate Winslet as a woman who has had memories of her ex-boyfriend erased in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."

Joining Eastwood and Scorsese among directing nominees are Taylor Hackford for "Ray"; Mike Leigh for "Vera Drake"; and Alexander Payne for "Sideways."

Scorsese, arguably the most prominent modern filmmaker who has never won an Oscar, also has never delivered a best-picture winner. Considered a nominal best-picture favorite, "The Aviator" offers him a shot to finally triumph on Oscar night, though Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby" is a formidable competitor.

"The Aviator" won the Golden Globe for best-dramatic film, but Eastwood beat out Scorsese for the directing prize at the Globes. Eastwood is a past Oscar winner for best-picture and director with 1992's "Unforgiven."

Along with Foxx in "Collateral," Alda was nominated for supporting actor as a senator tussling with Hughes in "The Aviator" while Freeman was picked as a worldly-wise ex-boxer in "Million Dollar Baby." The other nominees: Thomas Haden Church as a bridegroom out for a final fling in "Sideways"; Clive Owen as a coarse lover in "Closer."

For supporting actress, academy voters picked Blanchett, who plays Katharine Hepburn in "The Aviator"; Laura Linney as the title character's sexually adventurous wife in "Kinsey"; Virginia Madsen as a deceived lover in "Sideways"; Sophie Okonedo as innkeeper Rusesabagina's wife in "Hotel Rwanda"; Natalie Portman as a gutsy stripper in "Closer."

It was the best year ever for black performers, who had five of the 20 acting nominations. The most previously was three, including the 2001 Oscars when Halle Berry and Denzel Washington both won the lead acting prizes.

"Sideways" star Paul Giamatti was overlooked for a nomination, a surprise given that he had been a contender for most previous film honors. Liam Neeson, who had the title role in "Kinsey," also missed out, as did the movie, which had considered a best-picture contender.

Mel Gibson's religious blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ" missed out on main categories, but did pick up nominations for cinematography, makeup and original score.

Michael Moore's gamble to hold his hit film "Fahrenheit 9/11" out of the documentary category -- to boost its best-picture prospects -- backfired. The movie was shut out across the board.

Moore won the documentary prize two years ago for "Bowling for Columbine."

Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me," which hilariously chronicles his monthlong feed frenzy on an all-McDonald's diet, was among the documentary nominees.

Also nominated was "Born into Brothels," "The Story of the Weeping Camel," "Tupac: Resurrection," and "Twist of Faith."

With its epic scope and dazzling re-creation of early Hollywood, Scorsese's "The Aviator" could claim the inside track as front-runner for best picture. The film won the Golden Globe for best dramatic picture.

Yet unlike last year, when "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" went in as the odds-on favorite and swept all 11 of its categories come Oscar night, the outcome is more uncertain this time.

"The Aviator" could finally bring Scorsese the best-picture and directing wins that have eluded him during his distinguished career. But Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby" is a heavyweight opponent that could spoil Scorsese's chances.

The fairy-tale comedy "Shrek 2" and the superhero adventure "The Incredibles" will duke it out for the animated feature film Oscar, along with the undersea romp "Shark Tale."

Nominated for foreign-language film were Sweden's "As It Is in Heaven," France's "The Chorus," Germany's "Downfall," Spain's "The Sea Inside" and South Africa's "Yesterday."

Nominees in most categories are chosen by specific branches of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, such as directors, actors and writers. The full academy membership of about 5,800 is eligible to vote in all categories for the Oscars themselves.

ABC will broadcast the Oscars live Feb. 27 from Hollywood's Kodak Theatre. Chris Rock is the show's host.

01-25-2005, 12:39 PM
I hope Jamie Foxx and "Ray" win.

01-25-2005, 12:40 PM
I saw Ray, The Aviatior and Finding Neverland. I think Jamie Fox deserves the Best Actor nominee over Leo and Depp. But they might just give Fox the supporting actor in Collateral(I saw that too) as a token and give it to Leo to go along with the other 10 it will win.

01-25-2005, 12:45 PM
To hell with Leo...give Jamie both! :)

01-25-2005, 12:52 PM
I saw Ray, The Aviatior and Finding Neverland. I think Jamie Fox deserves the Best Actor nominee over Leo and Depp.

You were saying this before you even saw the Aviator.

Honestly, DiCaprio turning into Howard Hughes was more impressive than Foxx turning into Ray Charles...I think DiCaprio had the tougher assisgnment. Not only because he looks nothing like Hughes, but because Hughes was a flake.

However, I do think Foxx will probably win because it's the PC pick and the timing of the movie release was perfect.

I'll say this though...all 3 of the guys you mentioned were in biography type films...those guys almost never win the Oscar, and a lot of guys have given excellent performances in those types of roles.

And when you have 2 or 3 guys nominated for that same type of role...DiCaprio's performance is excellent, as is Jamie Foxx's....I could see them canceling each other out...

It won't surprise me if Eastwood steals this one as sort of a career achievement award, other than that I think it will be Foxx...but I don't agree that he he was better than DiCaprio.

01-25-2005, 12:56 PM
I haven't seen Aviator or Ray....but I loved Foxx in Collateral.

I'm a cheap bastardette, remember? :lol

01-25-2005, 01:27 PM
Howard Hughes was "a modest, retiring, lonely genius, often misunderstood, sometimes misrepresented and libeled by malicious associates and greedy little men..."


"I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands."

Duff McCartney
01-25-2005, 01:28 PM
Looks like Clint Eastwood shits out Oscar gold....didn't Mystic River win a few awards last year as well?

01-25-2005, 01:30 PM
Foxx was excellent in both Collateral and Ray....the fact that he got nominated in two different best actor categories is one hell of an honor...it doesn't happen very often.

It won't be a travesty if he wins in either category...but I don't think he'll win both.

LOL what's funny is Tom Cruise's costars have won about 60 Oscars and he's been in more blockbuster films than anyone other than maybe Harrison Ford..and he's got no Oscar, ditto Harrison Ford....

Yet a guy like Daniel Day Lewis has an Oscar and I bet most people can't think of more than 1 movie he's been in, and probably never even saw the movie he won the Oscar for...

I've never understood exactly how they choose who wins but it's usually a pretty screwed up choice...to me if the movie is poular and loved it should probably be the best picture...yet those movies never win...LOTR last year is just about the first time I can think of it happening.

But think about it...

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Star Wars

None of those movies won any acting or best picture Oscars...but can anyone remember who did win the years those movies were nominated?

Seems stupid to me that the Academy so often rewards forgettable films and roles.

If it's that forgettable then the actors and directors didn't succeed in their jobs.

And yes this is my way of bitching about the fact that the immortal Spiderman 2 will go home Oscarless this year. :(

01-25-2005, 01:37 PM
Spiderman 2- will get...Achievement in Sound Mixing....

01-25-2005, 01:52 PM
yeah...the Academy is really something...the most popular movie of all time where people voted with their dollars to the tune of 700 million smackers doesn't get shit for nominations for best picture and a movie about snuffing a handicapped person gets multiple nominations in the prime time categorys in the same year really makes a lot of sense...

01-25-2005, 02:04 PM
yeah...the Academy is really something...the most popular movie of all time where people voted with their dollars to the tune of 700 million smackers doesn't get shit for nominations for best picture and a movie about snuffing a handicapped person gets multiple nominations in the prime time categorys in the same year really makes a lot of sense...

Which were these?

01-25-2005, 02:07 PM
Passion of the Christ was the biggest box office of all time...and in Million Dollar Baby the lead character (Hillary Swank) gets paralyzed from the waist down and since "life isn't worth living" anymore wants to be euthanized...and is...

01-25-2005, 02:09 PM
I thought the Aviator was... long.

I wish they'd just give Scorsese the Best Director Oscar so he can go back to making Martin Scorsese movies.

01-25-2005, 02:12 PM
Passion of the Christ was the biggest box office of all time...and in Million Dollar Baby the lead character gets paralyzed from the waist down and since "life isn't worth living" anymore wants to be euthanized...and is...

I've never seen either of them..... :oops

01-25-2005, 02:13 PM
SW, just don't go see the Passion of the Christ on a full stomach or in a squeamish mood. You will regret it.

01-25-2005, 02:15 PM
I thought the Aviator was... long.

I wish they'd just give Scorsese the Best Director Oscar so he can go back to making Martin Scorsese movies.

Scorsese should have won it for Raging Bull...that was another year the Academy gave a crap artsy fartsy film the Best Picture Award.

What won it that year? Chariots of Fire or some kind of crap like that?

T Park
01-25-2005, 02:26 PM
Raiders of the Lost Ark

One of my favorite movies of all time.

Harrison Ford easily one of my top 5 actors of all time.

01-25-2005, 02:49 PM
Harrison Ford is great...it's a joke he hasn't won an Oscar for any of his movies...obviously he is capable of creating memorable characters, regardless of whether or not he could do Shakespeare, and to me that's what separates a great actor from merely a good actor. It takes more than memorizing lines to make a good movie...and Ford, like a lot of other much maligned actors who were absolute Superstars and boxoffice gold,, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood,...made you remember him. I think he should have won a Best Actor for Witness or Blade Runner, if not Raiders.

Harrison Ford's only failed movies really are the ones where he was obviously trying to win an Oscar...

Like the Mosquito Coast. That movie is crap, easily the worst movie of his career, and a total box office failure, but it's probably the one that gets him the most critical acclaim.

01-25-2005, 03:18 PM
What won it that year? Chariots of Fire or some kind of crap like that?

I actually picked COF for the Oscar the minute I left the theater. I really liked it at the time and I just knew that it would win, I told my girlfriend that it would win that night walking out of the movies. I was right, huh?

I did not care for Raging Bull, personally.

01-25-2005, 03:19 PM
I thought Harrison was awesome in The Fugitive.

Also that one where his wife dies in the airplane crash while having an affair.

01-25-2005, 03:23 PM
I actually picked COF for the Oscar the minute I left the theater. I really liked it at the time and I just knew that it would win,

Yeah? And you have also admitted an attraction to Brad Pit(if you were female) so why does it not surprise me that you picked COF for the Oscar?

I rest my case.

I did not care for Raging Bull, personally.

I bet you were bummed when The Crying Game got shut out :fro

01-25-2005, 03:25 PM
Chariots of Fire was the only movie, in the history of me going to the movies, that I ever actually fell sound asleep in. :sleep

And it was packed in that theater, too. :lol

01-25-2005, 03:29 PM
Dear CC,

Popular movies often get shut out at Oscar time.

Steven Speilberg and George Lucas

01-25-2005, 03:30 PM
Chariots of Fire was the only movie, in the history of me going to the movies, that I ever actually fell sound asleep in.
:lol Me, too. What a scnoozer! I've even tried to watch it on cable, and end up turning the channel.

01-25-2005, 03:34 PM
You guys have no appreciation for art...why am I not surprised...:)

01-25-2005, 03:36 PM
I never saw The Crying Game.

Movies that were highly acclaimed that I left in the middle of or fell asleep in:

Howard's End(Butt)
My Left foot

01-25-2005, 03:46 PM
My Left foot

LOL this is the movie Daniel Day Lewis won Best Actor. I couldn't get through it either.

01-25-2005, 03:51 PM
Magnolia was a beating.

01-25-2005, 03:52 PM
The only movie that has ever made me fall asleep was Last of the Mohicans(also starring Daniel Day Lewis)...

My best friend was going on and on and on about that movie...so we went and saw it and I fell asleep.

He told me how I missed out the best movie in history so I went and saw it again with my Girlfriend, and I fell asleep again!

Then about 5 or 6 years later my wife was telling me what an awesome movie that was and how she couldn't believe I hadn't seen it...so we rented it, and LMFAO I fell asleep during it again!

I still haven't made it through the first 20 minutes of that movie...it might well be the finest movie ever made, but holy shit it starts fucking slow.

I've never fallen asleep during any other movie...

Needless to say, I'm not impressed with Daniel Day Lewis' acting ability, one of his famous movies is my cure for insomnia and the other one I just walked out in the middle of it.

01-25-2005, 04:18 PM
Gee, you must be gay too, you and I both walked out on My Left Foot.


01-25-2005, 04:20 PM
No, you were just having a hetero moment when you walked out...

01-25-2005, 04:22 PM
No, you were just having a hetero moment when you walked out...


01-25-2005, 04:23 PM
Speaking of gay, where is gayabc lately?

01-25-2005, 04:26 PM
The only movie I ever walked out of was Voyage of the Rock Aliens. It was a REALLY bad sci-fi musical. About an hour into it, dude is singing a song, and turns into a panther. Exit, stage left. :lol

01-25-2005, 04:42 PM
Another movie I walked out on is To Die For, that movie totally sucked.

01-25-2005, 04:42 PM
When I lived in Europe, we would go and see any movie that came to town that was in English. When I was probably about 10 or 11, my dad took me to see Jesus Christ Superstar and promptly fell asleep with loud snoring and all.

I was mortified.

01-25-2005, 04:55 PM
I slept like a baby through Fantasia when I was a kid.

01-25-2005, 05:01 PM
Speaking of gay, where is gayabc lately?

Sucking this : 8=====D :baby

01-25-2005, 06:15 PM
When I lived in Europe, we would go and see any movie that came to town that was in English. When I was probably about 10 or 11, my dad took me to see Jesus Christ Superstar and promptly fell asleep with loud snoring and all.

I was mortified.

So that is where they thought of this line:

Whats the buzz, tell me what's a happening"?


01-25-2005, 09:18 PM
We should have a VBookie for the Oscars