View Full Version : Shaq and Kobe's History - What Could Have Been

05-26-2008, 01:36 PM
I always forget how bad their feud really was, these two went at it and ruined what could have been a great thing. If they could have managed to work things out i'm not so sure the Spurs would have been as successful as they were. All things happen for a reason, but it's crazy to look back and imagine the magnitude of the rivalry between these two teams had Shaq and Kobe worked things out.

Found this interview with Jim Gray where Kobe really goes at Shaq. There is an incredible amount of irony here, considering he was accused by the media of a lot of the things Kobe was accusing shaq of.


The transcript of Kobe Bryant's interview with ESPN's Jim Gray:

GRAY: What was your reaction to Shaq saying the Lakers are his team, and everybody knows it?

BRYANT: It doesn't matter whose team it is. Nobody cares. I don't, Karl [Malone] doesn't, Gary [Payton] doesn't, and our teammates and the fans don't either. There's more to life than whose team this is. But this is his team, so it's time for him to act like it. That means no more coming into camp fat and out of shape, when your team is relying on your leadership on and off the court. It also means no more blaming others for our team's failure, or blaming staff members for not overdramatizing your injuries so that you avoid blame for your lack of conditioning. Also, "my team" doesn't mean only when we win; it means carrying the burden of defeat just as gracefully as you carry a championship trophy.

GRAY: Do you consider Shaq to be a leader?

BRYANT: Leaders don't beg for a contract extension and negotiate some 30 million [dollars] plus per year deal in the media when we have two future Hall of Famers playing here pretty much for free. A leader would not demand the ball every time down the floor when you have the three of us [Malone, Payton, Bryant] playing beside you, not to mention the teammates you have gone to war with for years -- and, by the way, then threaten not to play defense and rebound if you don't get the ball every time down the floor.

GRAY: Shaq says that you have not been a team player. Is he right?

BRYANT: That's ridiculous. I have been successfully sacrificing my game for years for Shaq. That's what Phil [Jackson] wanted me to do, so I did it. Last year Phil told me Shaq was not in physical condition to carry the trust of our offense, so he asked me to do it. But then he saw Shaq was getting upset that the team wasn't running through him, so Phil asked me to pull back and I did. This year is no different; my role is whatever Phil wants it to be. Period.

GRAY: Through out the preseason, your leg and conditioning has been lagging. Are you in the proper shape to start the season?

BRYANT: My knee is not strong enough to play yet. I know it. When it is I will play.

GRAY: Does that mean you will miss the opener [Tuesday] night and other games?

BRYANT: I probably won't play tomorrow night or until I'm ready. But I don't need Shaq's advice on how to play hurt. I've played with IVs before, during and after games. I've played with a broken hand, a sprained ankle, a torn shoulder, a fractured tooth, a severed lip, and a knee the size of a softball. I don't miss 15 games because of a toe injury that everybody knows wasn't that serious in the first place.

GRAY: Kobe, Shaq said if you didn't like what he had to say you can opt out and leave next season. Will you leave the Lakers?

BRYANT: I won't make that decision until the end of the season. I told Shaq last year that I was planning on opting out. He knew before anyone. I told him out of respect for what we have been through together. I thought he should be the first to know. The fact that he acts like this is such a big shock is a mystery to me. If leaving the Lakers at the end of the season is what I decide, a major reason for that will be Shaq's childlike selfishness and jealousy.

GRAY: Do you feel Shaq has been supportive in regards to your legal situation?

BRYANT: He is not my quote unquote "big brother." A big brother would have called to lend his support this summer. I heard absolutely nothing from him. I spoke to Devean [George], Rick [Fox], Mitch [Kupchak], Phil, and our owner Jerry Buss. And Shaq's own Uncle Jerome called and left three messages. Other teammates like Derek [Fisher], Mark [Madsen], and [Stanislav Medvedenko] left messages as well. Opponents called like [Chris] Webber, [Mike] Bibby, and many others. So did a lot of coaches. Michael Jordan, who didn't have my home phone, tracked it down to lend his support. So did Tiger Woods. But yet from my so-called big brother, I heard nothing.

GRAY: Why not resolve this behind closed doors? Why is this so public?

BRYANT: I asked Phil on Sunday [yesterday] to say something to calm this situation down before it boiled over. But he backed away, so now here we are. I have been a bigger person every time something happened with Shaq, and I don't expect this to be any different. But somebody in this organization had to speak up, because his unprofessionalism hurt us last year, and I don't want it to hurt us this year.

05-26-2008, 01:47 PM
Bunch of grown men acting like children if you ask me

05-26-2008, 01:54 PM
Sad for Laker fans, and makes Spur Fan appreciate the grace with which David stepped aside for Tim. He was still a 21.5/10.5 player in Tim's rookie year.

05-26-2008, 01:54 PM
What a total clusterf**k. They were so dominant and I believe that you are right when you said that if they had stayed together then the Spurs might not have the 4 Cs today. Though I'm not a big fan of either one together they had something special.

05-26-2008, 01:56 PM
boy am I glad snaq is off the HEAT. we went through a similar situation this year.

we sent his ass packing to PHX

05-26-2008, 02:04 PM
I'm convinced the Lakers would have had 3 more titles if shaq and kobe could have coexisted. I think underneath it all Kobe has a michael jordan wannabee complex and wanted shaq out of the way.

05-26-2008, 02:06 PM
you cant ask two babies to share the same bottle at the same time....phil knew it cos he held the bottle...........go spurs go

05-26-2008, 02:13 PM
I think underneath it all Kobe has a michael jordan wannabee complex and wanted shaq out of the way.

You think???? Trust me, you know.

He tries to interview/talk exactly like MJ, you can tell he's studied hours of MJ game tape only to watch MJ's in-game antics...from his fist pump to his swagger, he wants to be a Jordan clone. There were even reports in the summer of '07 that he was looking into buying Jordan's old house in Highland Park in Chicago.

05-26-2008, 02:23 PM
Shaq and Kobe was a dynamic duo, but they still needed help from the supporting cast. In 2003, the Spurs dismantled them even at their prime, and this started off the trades and signings that ultimately ended the Lakers dominance.

Say all you want, but signing Malone and Payton were short term signings with the idea of winning right away and sacrifice the future. The Spurs started that panic reaction, and the Pistons put an official stop to it.

The two, even if they were on good terms, would not have been as dominant as they were in 2000 to 2002. Shaq, for all his dominance, had a total of 3 good years, he was but a role player with the Heat, and even during his MVP runner up year in 2005, was a shell of his former dominanting self. He just never had the drive to keep himself in good enough shape to prolong his dominance, he really thought he was superman himself.