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View Full Version : Will the Real Kobe Bryant please stand up..

05-29-2008, 02:56 PM
Under the commercial smiles and glinting eyes lays a devious mind.

There have been tales told of Kobe Bryant, in his youth, purposely missing shots, and free throws, so that a pivotal situation might arise and on cue he would dash to the rescue, leaving the unwitting audience with a false impression of the moment, and his teamates to marvel at his mastery.

Kobe you clever cat, I see you.

In adulthood 8(now 24) is alleged to have orchestrated the demise of a franchises chance at Legendary, for the mere fact that the lions share of the credit was not passed to him. Kobe's NBA - where If I'm not the man then I don't give a damn happens.'

When the individual - whose chosen animal avatar is the Snake... passes and science examines his brain, next to the massive area that controlled his drive, we will find a fold, intricate as a snowflake, etched from countless hours of conscience exercise, where the Hero complex found it strongest hold on humanity.

So please Kobe be true to yourself. Stop with this making my teamates better charade. Don't forget that interview where you said "I trust my teamates, but I trust myself more." They don't know how to win yet... game 5 go ape shit. Show the world that you are King Kong and take every shot, prove that you can bury the defending Champs with your sheer greatness.

Or better yet, lose this game. Pass too much like it was game 7 against the Suns. Remind us that your teamates are inferior and that their success still stems from you. Besides, you know nothing would delight you more than closing out the Spurs on their homecourt, their tears a testament to your glory.

Well there is one.. tiny thing. And knowing you you've already daydreamed about it. Game 7, game winning shot, in front of your subjects. Chants of 24 thundering in your ears. One more then 23, better than Jordan. Yea..Black Mamba bitches.

Make it happen Kobe. I'm counting on you.

05-29-2008, 03:00 PM
Kobe ALMOST lost it there in the end of Game 4.

The thing is, there's no pressure on Kobe tonight, so less chance he'll do something stupid.

05-29-2008, 03:00 PM

Ghost Writer
05-29-2008, 03:50 PM
Kobe's head looks like he has a Crystal Skull from Indiana Jones fame.

Oddly shaped.

05-29-2008, 04:09 PM
WOW! Never heard any of that before. Very creative and original! :bang

05-29-2008, 04:11 PM
WOW! Never heard any of that before. Very creative and original! :bang

you likeee?

Ghost Writer
05-29-2008, 04:48 PM
The Crystal Skull comment has been used before?