View Full Version : Tim Duncan - Rebound Monster

05-30-2008, 12:10 AM
Tim Duncan - Rebound Monster!

For those who think Tim Duncan may be slowing down, think again!

Duncan had at least 13 rebounds in his last ten playoff games, each game since he recovered from the flu.

Total for ten games = 169 rebounds!

16.9 rebounds per game. I bet it has been a long time since anyone had 13 rebounds in ten straight playoff games.

05-30-2008, 12:12 AM
Too bad no one else could get a fucking rebound. And why did Pop not play Kurt Thomas earlier in the series? The Spurs just wasted a first round draft pick.

05-30-2008, 12:16 AM
tim duncan shows up for playoff games.

05-30-2008, 12:20 AM
Kurt went though some mind bending stuff this series.
He knows rebounding is the key to making stops and scoring opportunities.

All the answers will come out this week if not by next week, and I'll bet loyalites by Pop towards his players will be a big factor that we will understand if not necessarily like.

05-30-2008, 12:27 AM
He just put a triple-double, I cant believe people are talking shit about him.

05-30-2008, 12:43 AM
TD=Legend, he had little help this series that is why we look to next year but if he gets help Spurs will win another ring, he is still the man


T Park
05-30-2008, 12:44 AM
Yeah, the rumors of his demise are GREATLY exaggerated.

Duncan was pulling down 20 and 20 like its no one's business.

05-30-2008, 12:46 AM
Yeah, the rumors of his demise are GREATLY exaggerated.

Duncan was pulling down 20 and 20 like its no one's business.

He's not in any sort of decline. He's just in a major shooting funk, but to say he's declining is just plain stupid. Tim makes grabbing 15 boards look like nothing. It's just really too bad that he had no source of consistent help this series, or it might have been more competitive. Instead we're left with fucking 2002 all over again.

05-30-2008, 12:47 AM
Yeah, the rumors of his demise are GREATLY exaggerated.

Duncan was pulling down 20 and 20 like its no one's business.

His D and work on the glass was amazing this series, got doubled like crazy and still put up 22 a game. Just didn't get enough help.

05-30-2008, 12:49 AM
WATTA waste of effort for his game today

trade them clowns on the team and rebuild NOW

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-30-2008, 12:49 AM
As great as Tim is, he needed help..reason he had so many rebounds was because he wasn't allowed to slack off for our two subpar bigs and a bunch of over-30 midget shooting guards with no true SF.

I'd rather see Timmy's averages go down with our team having room to breathe to easier wins because he's actually getting help from the front court, over him putting up stellar numbers in team losing efforts. Seriously, I don't really care about his stats this post-season it's as anti-climactic as his 2006 run in a losing effort.

It just seems like the big three deserved better whenever I see them over-extend themselves in these title defending years.

05-30-2008, 12:50 AM
He's not in any sort of decline. He's just in a major shooting funk, but to say he's declining is just plain stupid. Tim makes grabbing 15 boards look like nothing. It's just really too bad that he had no source of consistent help this series, or it might have been more competitive. Instead we're left with fucking 2002 all over again.

I really don't see the decline, his D and rebounding is as good as ever. He missed some shots he usually makes thanks to some fatigue but at 32 he is still a great player and to think he can't lead the Spurs to another title is crazy, he for sure can.

05-30-2008, 01:08 AM
I really don't see the decline, his D and rebounding is as good as ever. He missed some shots he usually makes thanks to some fatigue but at 32 he is still a great player and to think he can't lead the Spurs to another title is crazy, he for sure can.

Yeah, he's in no decline at all. He just needs to practice making layups and 3 footers...

05-30-2008, 01:31 AM
Tim had his career high in rebounds per game for the playoffs. And that includes the game with 3 rebounds when he was sick. If you take out the 2nd Hornets game when he was still sick, he had a double-double in all the other 15 games, and averaged 15.7 rebounds per game in those 15 games. That is what Dwight Howard averaged in 10 playoff games.

Here is another stat for you, they talk about double-doubles and 20-20 games, well what about 15-15 games?

Duncan had 9 of 17 playoff games with a 15-15. That is remarkable, I bet it has been a long time since a player had that many 15-15 games in the playoffs. Dwight Howard had five 15-15 games in the playoffs this year in ten games, pretty good as well.

Duncan also had his career high for total steals in a playoff year, and he had other years where he played more games.

Steals and rebounds are stats that usually go down for old players, many players have their career highs in these stats in their first three years.

Duncan hit the greatest shot of his career in this year's playoffs, and his Phoenix game one was maybe his best playoff game.

Duncan looked great on the court tonight. The Spurs have cap room and will dump some old players. A young star may want to sign with the Spurs and play with Tim and win a championship a few years down the road. But for next year, who knows what veteran star might end up in SA?

If I was a veteran star, without a ring, I would come to SA for less money than elsewhere, and play with Timmy.

05-30-2008, 02:09 AM
Tim's Triple-Double

Tim becomes only the third player to get a triple-double in the playoffs this year, the others are Lebron James and Chris Paul with one each.

Do you guys understand how rare triple-doubles are by power forwards and centers? Most triple-dubles are by swing men, small forwards and guards because the key is getting 10 boards AND 10 rebounds.

Guess how many centers and true power forwards had triple-doubles during the regular season this year?

Not many.

Marcus Camby had 2

Dirk had one

Carlos Boozer had one

Lamar Odom had one

That's it.

Tim is it!

05-30-2008, 02:19 AM
Tim needs to go back to play the 4.
In other words, next year, in order to take that next step, the Spurs need a real 5.
Not substitutes, and wannabes, but a real 5.
They don't have to be great, but it would be best for a top 15 center.

Yes, Manu was injured, but still need to retool. And the first step is to get Tim a 5.

05-30-2008, 02:21 AM
I feel bad for Duncan that he didn't have more frontline help this season.

05-30-2008, 02:30 AM
Jordan vs Duncan Update:

career playoff series record;

Jordan 30-7 (13 playoff years)
Duncan 24-6 (10 playoff years)

playoff W/L record;

Jordan 119 wins, 60 losses
Duncan 100 wins, 55 losses

Galileo's Point System = 2W - L = Points

Series Points

Jordan 53 (4.1 points per year)
Duncan 42 (4.2 points per year)

[Duncan earned 3 series points this year. Duncan needs 11 series points in 3 years to tie Jordan. Doable.]

Games Points

Jordan 178 (13.7 points per year)
Duncan 145 (14.5 points per year)

[Duncan earned 10 games points this year. Duncan needs 33 game points in 3 years to tie Jordan. Doable]

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-30-2008, 02:41 AM
I feel bad for Duncan that he didn't have more frontline help this season.

I really wanted the repeat for 2008 for Timmy's decade dominance and felt that was our best chance for the 5th ship being a back to back one... but I definitely want to see Timmy get number 5. He's too good not to be utilized during his prime.

05-30-2008, 02:59 AM
I really wanted the repeat for 2008 for Timmy's decade dominance and felt that was our best chance for the 5th ship being a back to back one... but I definitely want to see Timmy get number 5. He's too good not to be utilized during his prime.

Best chance for repeat is and always will be 2006. Amare-less Suns and the Heat? That's a sweep and a sixer with all of the ref love Wade got but Spurs wouldn't have choked with the chance to put the spork in Game 3 like Dallas did.