View Full Version : Manu: "Ahora tengo más esperanzas"

01-29-2005, 10:53 AM
"Ahora tengo más esperanzas"

Ginóbili habla de su histórica noche en Phoenix y dice que, tras los 48 puntos, ve mayores chances de llegar al All Star.

Julián Mozo. [email protected] (3'12")

Ya pasó una semana desde aquella noche histórica, pero todo está demasiado fresco. Porque no sólo fueron los 48 puntos. En la cabeza aún dan vueltas la faja-asistencia a Devin Brown, el volcadón sobre dos grandotes de los Suns, esas jugadas de uno contra uno que lo hacían ver como una auténtica superestrella... Todo con Tim Duncan, el mejor del mundo, mirando cómo un argentino llevaba al mejor equipo del planeta a una victoria contra la sensación del Oeste. Los elogios siguen llegando, aunque para Ginóbili, el protagonista de esta historia, ya fue. "Sirvió para demostrarme que puedo tener una noche así, que soy capaz... En la Argentina y acá todavía siguen las repercusiones, ya pasaron tres partidos y todavía me preguntan... Pero ya está, la temporada sigue... Casi no tuve tiempo de festejar, a las pocas horas estaba viajando a Sacramento", le contó a Olé con la naturalidad que sólo las figuras pueden tener ante un suceso de semejante magnitud.

—Ningún latinoamericano anotó tanto, tampoco figuras como Isiah Thomas o Barkley. Justamente vos anotaste 48 puntos y tenés un título, dos cosas que Sir Charles no logró. ¿Podés creer algo así?

—No, a uno le parece increíble pensando que hace cinco años estaba en la segunda división de Italia, pero al título no lo podés poner en la misma bolsa. En comparación, a los 48 puntos, que en realidad eran 42 en el tiempo regular, no les doy tanta trascendencia. Es importante porque ni en Bahía había anotado tanto y sé que no es común, más todavía para un latino o extranjero, pero ya te digo: al otro día jugamos en Sacramento y otra vez tuve que ponerme el overoll...

—¿Qué lugar pensás que ocupará esto cuando te retires?

—Un lugar importante, será una nota trascendente. Me van a recordar como aquel que hizo 48 puntos en la NBA, pero no hay dudas de que los títulos o la medalla serán mucho más valiosas.

—¿Cuándo te diste cuenta de que sería una noche bien especial? ¿Luego de la faja?

—Sí, puede ser después de la faja. Lo que pasa es que a veces anoto bastante en un tiempo y luego no se da para que lo siga haciendo, tomando tantos tiros o jugando uno contra uno como pasó ese día.

—¿Qué te dijo Duncan?

—Me abrazó y me felicitó por haber llevado al equipo al triunfo. Y además me hizo un par de chistes por los 48 puntos y la volcada.

—Hasta los que te conocemos nos sorprendemos y nos preguntamos hasta dónde podés llegar. ¿Vos creés que podés ser una estrella de la NBA?

—Yo también me sorprendí, eh. No soy de esos anotadores compulsivos, esos que tiran para anotar mucho... Ahora me siento un jugador importante en un equipo importante. Si puedo ser estrella, lo dirá la gente o los periodistas. Y hay que ver qué significa... Yo por ahí me siento una estrella haciendo lo que hago en el equipo.

—¿Y vos? ¿Pensás que tenés las armas para conseguirlo?

—Siento que, con el tiempo, voy a ser más reconocido todavía. Creo que puedo ser más regular, más importante... Puedo crecer más.

Al comienzo de la temporada dijo no tener ilusiones de llegar al All Star. En diciembre, tras su gran inicio, se permitió soñar, aunque aclarando que "era muy difícil". Hoy, a 22 días del evento, la idea da vueltas en su cabeza. "Ahora tengo más esperanzas, en especial después de todo lo que se habló por los 48 puntos. Hace dos meses lo veía complicado, era un sueño. Es que no lo esperaba tan rápido... Pero ojo: si no se da, no hay drama", analizó.

—¿Creés que los técnicos pueden votarte o que Steve Nash y Ray Allen, candidatos a ser suplentes en tu puesto, merecen un lugar más que vos?

—Nash tiene que estar, sí o sí. Lo de Allen también es tremendo. Lidera a Seattle, que nadie pensaba que podía llegar a playoffs y hoy está casi como nosotros. Si queda otro lugar, tal vez pueda ser mío... Tampoco es seguro.

—La lesión de Kobe tal vez pueda abrirte esa puerta.

—Sí, puede ser, pero no sé cómo está del tobillo (ver ¿Se viene...).

—Cosas que vos hacés como fajas, pases sin mirar o algún caño, no se ven en la NBA. ¿Eso te puede acercar al Juego?

—Me acerca a la gente y a ciertos periodistas que buscan cosas distintas. Me dan más popularidad que otros jugadores que hoy poseen mejores números que yo.

Gino elige la humildad pero sabe que merece el viaje a Denver.

© Copyright 1998-2004 Diario Ole

01-29-2005, 11:08 AM
Translantion please!

01-29-2005, 11:42 AM
I am working on it.

01-29-2005, 11:42 AM
Taco Bell Forum

Slo spurs fan
01-29-2005, 11:46 AM
^^^Short forum!

01-29-2005, 12:11 PM
"I have more hope now"

-Never before this a latinamerican player scored that much,
not even stars like Thomas Or Barkley. Indeed, you've scored 48
points and won a title, something that Sir Charles never acomplished.
Can you believe it?

No, it seems incredible to me thinking that 5 years before I was
in Italy's second division, but the title, you can't put it in the
same department.In comparison, I don't give that much importance to
the 48 points, that were 42 in regulation.
It's important because not even in Bahia Blanca (his former team in Argentina)
I scored that much and I know it's special, even more for a latin or
foregein player, but the other day we were playing in Sacramento and I had to
put on my overoll...(overoll: is the typical clothes of a worker, a
blue-collar guy)

-What place will this have when you retire

An important place.They will remember me as the one who socred 48 in
the NBA,but no doubt the titles or the medal will have more value.

-When did you realize that that one would be a special night?After
the pass behind the back?

Maybe.But sometimes I score a lot in bunches and it doesen't go like
that for me to keep taking as many shots or playing 1 on 1 like that day.

-What did Duncan said?

He hugged me and congratulated me for leading the team to the victory.
And he also joked about the 48 points and the dunk.

-Even we that know you well are surprised and asking ourselves
where you can get to.Do you think yo can be a star in the NBA (it is
not clear if this guy is asking about being a star or an "all-star")

I am surprised too.I am not of the compulsive scoring type, those who
shoot to score a lot...now I feel I am important player of an important team.
Whether if I can be a star or not will be said by the people or the
journalists.And you have to think about what it means..maybe I feel
like a star doing what I do in the team.

-And do you think you have enough to acomplish that?

I feel that, as time goes by, I will be more aprecciated.I think I can
be more consistent, more valuable...I can get better.

-Do you think the coaches will vote you or that Nash and Allen deserve
that spot more than you?

Nash is a lock.Allen is awesome too.He leads Seattle, a team nobody
thought could clinch a spot for the playoffs and today they are
as confident as ourselves(as the spurs).If there is one more spot...
It could be mine...but it's not a lock.

-Perhaps Kobe, who is injuried can open that door for you

Yes, maybe.But I don't know how his ankle is right now.

-Stuff you do: passes behind the back, no look passes, you don't see
that NBA frecuently. Could that get you closer to the All Star game?

It gets me closer to the people and some journalists that are looking
for uncommon things.They give me more popularity than other players
that have better numbers than me.

01-29-2005, 12:18 PM
Just so we are clear on this...Charles Barkley once scored 56 points in a playoff game...so he has indeed scored more than 48 when the stakes were very high.

I think Jordan is the only guy in NBA history who has ever scored more in a playoff game.

Slo spurs fan
01-29-2005, 12:18 PM
Many thanks Leo!

01-29-2005, 12:27 PM
When I read interviews from Manu he sounds like he could be a coach...he's always very realistic about his achievements, about his game, about the level of play of the Spurs and about his opponents...he nailed it on why the fans like him and why many people want to see him in the All Star Game. He's also very realistic about his AS game possibilities...I agree 100% with what he said about the challenges for him to make the AS game.

If this was an interview with Shaq, Shaq would be saying that his performance was the greatest in NBA history and he's the MDE :puke

01-29-2005, 12:40 PM
Taco Bell Forum
What does this mean, Sequ?

01-29-2005, 12:48 PM
When I read interviews from Manu he sounds like he could be a coach...he's always very realistic about his achievements, about his game, about the level of play of the Spurs and about his opponents...he nailed it on why the fans like him and why many people want to see him in the All Star Game. He's also very realistic about his AS game possibilities...I agree 100% with what he said about the challenges for him to make the AS game.

If this was an interview with Shaq, Shaq would be saying that his performance was the greatest in NBA history and he's the MDE uke

Agree with you completely and any team would love to have him. Not only will he do what's best for the team to win games but he can play too :p

01-29-2005, 12:50 PM
Thanks Leo, nice job!

01-29-2005, 01:39 PM
What does this mean, Sequ?
Stupid ass probably thinks we're Mexican.

01-29-2005, 05:11 PM
Stupid ass probably thinks we're Mexican.


Alvarez6.... I'm Mexican... and I took offense to Sequ's uncalled for comment but also to the fact that you seconded his notion (as if it were OK to insult Mexicans....) be more careful with your wording.

Kori Ellis
01-29-2005, 05:19 PM
I think Sequ was just trying to be funny (though sometimes he's not). His wife is hispanic, so I'm sure it wasn't an ill-hearted jab at Mexicans or Argentineans.

I apologize on his behalf to anyone who was offended.

01-29-2005, 05:20 PM

Alvarez6.... I'm Mexican... and I took offense to Sequ's uncalled for comment but also to the fact that you seconded his notion (as if it were OK to insult Mexicans....) be more careful with your wording.
That was not supposed to be offensive to you, only to Sequ.

He said this thread belongs in the Taco Bell Forum, when that doesn't apply to Manu.

If I offended you, Im sorry, It wasn't meant that way.

01-29-2005, 05:25 PM
I think Sequ was just trying to be funny (though sometimes he's not). His wife is hispanic, so I'm sure it wasn't an ill-hearted jab at Mexicans or Argentineans.

I apologize on his behalf to anyone who was offended.
Thanks for appologizing Kori, although I did not feel offended.

My question though, was legit. I did not understand what Sequ meant.

Anyways, everybody that knows Sequ says he is a nice guy. Hope I get to meet him at a GTG. We could finally talk about Chips A-hoy and hot dogs face to face.

I just wish he would cook more for Pseudo (and a foot massage once in a while would not hurt either).

01-29-2005, 05:32 PM
That was not supposed to be offensive to you, only to Sequ.

He said this thread belongs in the Taco Bell Forum, when that doesn't apply to Manu.

If I offended you, Im sorry, It wasn't meant that way.

Ok.... Just remember we Latino's have to stand up for each other... :angel

Kori Ellis
01-29-2005, 05:38 PM
Sequ should have said "Taco Cabana Forum" and then it would have made sense.

01-29-2005, 05:43 PM
Next time someone decides to post something on this forum about one of our Spurs players, let It be In English...I'm sure there are Spanish Spurs forums somewhere In Yahoo-Mexico. :rolleyes

That way no one gets offended...

Kori Ellis
01-29-2005, 05:45 PM
Next time someone decides to post something on this forum about one of our Spurs players, let It be In English...I'm sure there are Spanish Spurs forums somewhere In Yahoo-Mexico.

Now that was offensive.

Don't be so bitchy. We often post articles here in any language.

01-29-2005, 05:50 PM
Now that was offensive.

Don't be such a bitch.

I didn't mean It to offend anyone... I'm Mexican and I can speak, read, and write Spanish...But, for those who don't, putting something In a language other then the one they know, Is offensive.

Thanks for the Bitch comment... It's funny how I was just posting on the GTG thread how sweet you are...

01-29-2005, 05:52 PM
Spurgal, how would posting a spanish article in an English forum be offensive????

Don't know where you pulled that out of.

And BTW, this is a SAN ANTONIO Spurs forum.

And as we all know, San Antonio is in southern texas. :wow

01-29-2005, 05:52 PM
Next time someone decides to post something on this forum about one of our Spurs players, let It be In English...I'm sure there are Spanish Spurs forums somewhere In Yahoo-Mexico. :rolleyes

That way no one gets offended...

Some of those articles offer takes and perspectives not captured by our own media... In fact some French articles and Argentinian articles have given us an insight about certain things that we didn't even know about our players....

The more languages we know more power to us.... I shouldn't feel bad about the fact that I can speak 3 languages fluently and conversationally in 2 others.... that sort of comment is rather "ignorant".

Why?? because I've encountered several hispanic families who have told their children not to learn spanish because they didn't want other people looking down on them.... My parents insisted that I learn all I could because it would make me a better overall person. Anyways.... no personal insult suggested but that happens to be one of my other pet peeves.......

Edit... I accidentally submitted the response before I was done writing it..

Kori Ellis
01-29-2005, 05:53 PM
I didn't mean It to offend anyone... I'm Mexican and I can speak, read, and write Spanish...But, for those who don't, putting something In a language other then the one they know, Is offensive.

Thanks for the Bitch comment... It's funny how I was just posting on the GTG thread how sweet you are...

I saw your comment, thanks. I just mean that it's bitchy to tell people to go post in a Spanish only forum. There are a lot of article written about the Spurs in other languages -- Spanish, Slovenian, French, etc.

They get posted here, and then someone of that native tongue translates. The more information we have about the Spurs, the better, right? Why would you not want those articles here?

01-29-2005, 05:54 PM
This thread is getting out of hand.

01-29-2005, 05:55 PM
Thanks for the Bitch comment... It's funny how I was just posting on the GTG thread how sweet you are...

Actually, Kori posted her "bitch" comment before your GTG post, so she didn't see the GTG post before this.

01-29-2005, 05:56 PM

Kori Ellis
01-29-2005, 05:56 PM
Even if I saw it, I would have still posted my comment. SpurGal thinking I'm nice doesn't mean I don't think her comment was bitchy.

Kori Ellis
01-29-2005, 06:01 PM
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Forget about Taco Bell and bitching.

01-29-2005, 06:03 PM
Kori.... changing subjects.... are you all about to leave for the New Orleans game?

Anyways I submitted my question (Jumpman 23) to Ginobili's website... I guess he'll have a chance to look at it during the road trip....

01-29-2005, 06:03 PM
What does this mean, Sequ?

I think I can connect the dots. 1) the article is in Spanish. Okay who speaks Spianish, that's right people from Mexico do. Not just people from Mex. but also south and Latin America. But when you here Spanish you think Mexico, unless you are from somewhere south of Mexico(not counting Brazil cause they speak that freaky Portugese thank you Pope whoever that split up South America a long ass time ago) but that is irrelevent here. 2)Alright so hear Spanish think Mexico, 3)what does Mexico have, that's right they have food. But what kind of food do they have, they have Tacos. 4)Who serves Tacos? That's right Taco Bell Serves "tacos". 49 cents on Sundays no less (at least they used to.

To paraphrase
Article in Spanish, Spanish=Mexico--Mexico=Mexican food--Mexican food=Tacos--Tacos=Taco Bell

01-29-2005, 06:06 PM
I think I can connect the dots. 1) the article is in Spanish. Okay who speaks Spianish, that's right people from Mexico do. Not just people from Mex. but also south and Latin America. But when you here Spanish you think Mexico, unless you are from somewhere south of Mexico(not counting Brazil cause they speak that freaky Portugese thank you Pope whoever that split up South America a long ass time ago) but that is irrelevent here. 2)Alright so hear Spanish think Mexico, 3)what does Mexico have, that's right they have food. But what kind of food do they have, they have Tacos. 4)Who serves Tacos? That's right Taco Bell Serves "tacos". 49 cents on Sundays no less (at least they used to.

To paraphrase
Article in Spanish, Spanish=Mexico--Mexico=Mexican food--Mexican food=Tacos--Tacos=Taco Bell

Well thank you captain obvious....

01-29-2005, 06:06 PM
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Forget about Taco Bell and bitching.

Sorry posted man before this was posted.

01-29-2005, 06:07 PM
Well thank you captain obvious....

Give me a break, I'm bored.

01-29-2005, 06:08 PM
Give me a break, I'm bored.
So am I.

01-29-2005, 06:47 PM
You know, 99% of the argentiniansdon't know what a taco is(we are a bit ignorant, I have to admit).I know it's a mexican food but have not idea of how it tastes.
But Hey let's go back to the topic.

It amazes the way that Manu doesen't get carried away by this things,anyone in his place would have said "you see, I knew I Could do that but they never give me a chance".
Shows he is a team first player, always has been.

01-29-2005, 06:56 PM
Sequ should have said "Taco Cabana Forum" and then it would have made sense.

Man, I miss Taco Cabana. Mexican food in Seattle ain't that great. Which probably comes as no big surprise.

01-29-2005, 07:05 PM
Geeze... I shoulda stayed home today.

01-29-2005, 10:52 PM
Sequ : "Taco bell"?
"picada, asado, vino tinto y flan con dulce de leche !!!" is better


01-29-2005, 11:08 PM
Leo...if you guys knew what a Taco tasted like you probably wouldn't be insulted. Tacos are one of the great inventions in world history and are usually quite tasty. The man who invented the taco has plenty of reason to be proud.

01-30-2005, 12:51 AM
em..maybe i could translate the articles or opinions about Spurs and Manu from chinese to english one day if i could speak excellent english. :lol :lol but now,i could only read it.. :blah :blah

01-30-2005, 02:21 PM
what Sequ meant to say was; you're all fucking assholes

01-30-2005, 04:20 PM
what Sequ meant to say was; you're all fucking assholes

I don't know exactly what you meant to say with this comment....
Was the comment:

01-30-2005, 04:27 PM
OH.. I can't believe it! Is this a racist forum? I am confused. I thought it's a Forum about SAS...
SeguSpur: he's offensive almost all the time...
IcemanCometh: what is your IQ? not over 20...

01-30-2005, 04:49 PM
what Sequ meant to say was; you're all fucking assholes
Iceman, WTF do you mean by this comment?

01-30-2005, 06:18 PM
"WTF do you mean by this comment"

... means Sequ SuckAss is a sicko misanthrope.

01-30-2005, 09:44 PM
Who cares about Sequ anyway ? :P