View Full Version : Hardcore NFL Fans; this is for you!

06-11-2008, 06:51 AM

Never mind. I don't know what got into me. I guess being out of the NFL scene for so long and just pure frustration on what's happened since.

Fin fan till I die.

06-11-2008, 08:03 AM
Ok. So I am a Dolphins fan. I will give you a second to stop laughing.

Done? Come the fuck on now...

Alright now? Ok whatever just fucking read.

I have been a fan of Miami since I can ever remember, at first just a Marino fan. You know, the greatest QB ever that never got a team placed around him, yeah that guy.

So after he retired, and considering the Spurs' success. I pretty much stopped following football hardcore the next year. I just watched the Sunday games and that's about it. I'd track Miami's games, but never was heartbroke at a loss. Hell I could careless really, last seasons 1-15 didn't make me flinch. I guess honestly, I stopped being a real fan when he retired, making me think it was mainly Marino why I cared so much.

Over the past couple years I have missed being a big time NFL fan. I don't know if it's because the NCAA isn't doing enough, or I just need more football.

But I will get to the point. I will always have a weak spot for Miami, but I don't care for them much and never really have looking back. But I want to pick a team I am hardcore about. And can get excited for the NFL again.

So considering that, am I a bandwagon or whatever if I start following a new team now? I like the Cowgirls and Colds well. And it would come down to a decision between them if I can.

The Dolphins failed me a long time ago, even before the coaching and quarterback circus.

So do I just stay at a distance from the NFL or go ahead and get into a team again?


No offence, but if you love the Dolphins why jump off the bandwagon?? No team is perfect. Every team goes through bad seasons, but they will turn it around. (unless your a Cardinals fan) I say stick with your team.

06-11-2008, 08:43 AM
The proper smack name for the Colts is "Dolts". Do not pass "Go," do not collect $200.

06-11-2008, 08:47 AM
what diss the cowboys and the colts if you like them you dumb shit

Tom Brady
06-11-2008, 08:49 AM
what diss the cowboys and the colts if you like them you dumb shit

Coming from a Fish fan, I wouldn't be too offended.

06-11-2008, 09:58 AM
In all countries, this is considered treason, and it is punishable by death or guantanamo bay. Besides, tuna, though stubborn, is now running the show! There are 2 things that the tuna does better than anyone.
1. he builds empires by using a defensive strategy
2. he makes great war analogies

06-11-2008, 11:31 AM
No offence, but if you love the Dolphins why jump off the bandwagon?? No team is perfect. Every team goes through bad seasons, but they will turn it around. (unless your a Cardinals fan) I say stick with your team.

Really jumped after Marino retired. You got a point.

06-11-2008, 11:32 AM
what diss the cowboys and the colts if you like them you dumb shit

You mean why* diss. Try again.

06-11-2008, 01:07 PM
Interesting thread

To me the rule is you're allowed to follow a team in the opposing conference to keep every game you see interesting.

But you must always stick with your original team. I had adopted the Chiefs but then changed to the Texans when they became a franchise since they are in my state. I really don't care that much for the Texans but I do cheer for them. Through thick and thin I will always be a Cowboys fan though.

Have faith in Miami…Bill will get them going in the right direction. I am not saying make a place on your mantle for a replica SuperBowl ring but he will at least give them a chance. Their first round pick was the right one.

06-11-2008, 01:30 PM
Interesting thread

To me the rule is you're allowed to follow a team in the opposing conference to keep every game you see interesting.

But you must always stick with your original team. I had adopted the Chiefs but then changed to the Texans when they became a franchise since they are in my state. I really don't care that much for the Texans but I do cheer for them. Through thick and thin I will always be a Cowboys fan though.

Have faith in Miami…Bill will get them going in the right direction. I am not saying make a place on your mantle for a replica SuperBowl ring but he will at least give them a chance. Their first round pick was the right one.

well put

Extra Stout
06-11-2008, 02:43 PM
Marino is from Western Pennsylvania and went to Pitt. Become a Steelers fan.

06-11-2008, 02:50 PM
Marino is from Western Pennsylvania and went to Pitt. Become a Steelers fan.

I'll just mutilate my penis instead.

06-11-2008, 02:52 PM
Interesting thread

To me the rule is you're allowed to follow a team in the opposing conference to keep every game you see interesting.

But you must always stick with your original team. I had adopted the Chiefs but then changed to the Texans when they became a franchise since they are in my state. I really don't care that much for the Texans but I do cheer for them. Through thick and thin I will always be a Cowboys fan though.

Have faith in Miami…Bill will get them going in the right direction. I am not saying make a place on your mantle for a replica SuperBowl ring but he will at least give them a chance. Their first round pick was the right one.

You got a point and I think I will just stick it out. I am going to follow the NFL this season like I used to. Win or lose I been around for the worst it can only get better I guess.

If I had been a hardcore fan and jumped, well I'd never have posted this to begin. But considering I've been middle of the road for a while, I'm glad there's some good opinions out here. Thanks.

N.Y. Johnny
06-11-2008, 03:28 PM
I'm a Jets fan. Why I don't know. I lived and am from NY so there it is. I just never got into the Giants and never really liked them at all.

I for a while in the 80s and 90s was into the Houston Oilers!!! I loved them and since I moved down here I really followed them, there wasn't Sunday Ticket then, so I saw alot of them on KENS on Sundays. Then the city of Houston had a beef with Bud Adams and the Oilers left to my dismay as I was adopting them.
Now I'm still left with the Jets, I fucking hate them and defend them the same way. I guess its my lot in life to suffer with them...they fuckin suck.

06-11-2008, 03:48 PM
Coming from a Fish fan, I wouldn't be too offended.

For the 1000th time, Dolphins are mammals not fish.

06-11-2008, 03:51 PM
I'm a Jets fan. Why I don't know. I lived and am from NY so there it is. I just never got into the Giants and never really liked them at all.

I for a while in the 80s and 90s was into the Houston Oilers!!! I loved them and since I moved down here I really followed them, there wasn't Sunday Ticket then, so I saw alot of them on KENS on Sundays. Then the city of Houston had a beef with Bud Adams and the Oilers left to my dismay as I was adopting them.
Now I'm still left with the Jets, I fucking hate them and defend them the same way. I guess its my lot in life to suffer with them...they fuckin suck.

Well at least you beat the Fins regularly.

Remember that 28 point comeback in the 4th. Testies was off the chain that night. I smashed my remote into 4 pieces.

06-11-2008, 03:53 PM
For the 1000th time, Dolphins are mammals not fish.

What's sad is people use that as an insult when really, it's just ignorant.

Call us whatever, sharkbait, but don't be ignorant. Fish?????

06-11-2008, 03:55 PM
I guess its my lot in life to suffer with them


If you just hit on one QB...

06-11-2008, 04:00 PM
Interesting thread

To me the rule is you're allowed to follow a team in the opposing conference to keep every game you see interesting.

But you must always stick with your original team. I had adopted the Chiefs but then changed to the Texans when they became a franchise since they are in my state. I really don't care that much for the Texans but I do cheer for them. Through thick and thin I will always be a Cowboys fan though.

Have faith in Miami…Bill will get them going in the right direction. I am not saying make a place on your mantle for a replica SuperBowl ring but he will at least give them a chance. Their first round pick was the right one.

Not necessarily. Being from San Antonio and having to sit and watch pokes games from a very early age I actually learned to hate them. As an adult however I felt I had the choice to cheer for whatever team I wanted to despite what team the current brainwashed citizenry of South Texas chose to support.

So, after leaving San Antonio and spending a good portion of my life living and working in Northern Virginia I became a rabid Redskin fan. I attended many games at RFK and at FedEx and generally relished the whole bandwagon thing. Now that I'm back in San Antonio people tell me that I should support the pokes by default because they are the most successful Texas team etc. I say bullshit. I will continue to support the Redskins despite this pro dallas bias down here.

06-11-2008, 04:13 PM
You can pick any team you want if A) Your city doesnt have a franchise for the sport you love, or B) Your team is mis-managed and it drives you to hate everything about the franchise. The Dolphins are a great example of B.

06-11-2008, 04:21 PM
You can pick any team you want if A) Your city doesnt have a franchise for the sport you love, or B) Your team is mis-managed and it drives you to hate everything about the franchise. The Dolphins are a great example of B.

Regarding A), I wish and dream of the day that San Antonio has her own NFL team. That will be a great thing for South Texas football fans and for the region in general. I have a feeling it will happen sooner than anyone thinks too.

06-11-2008, 04:21 PM
Not necessarily. Being from San Antonio and having to sit and watch pokes games from a very early age I actually learned to hate them. As an adult however I felt I had the choice to cheer for whatever team I wanted to despite what team the current brainwashed citizenry of South Texas chose to support.

So, after leaving San Antonio and spending a good portion of my life living and working in Northern Virginia I became a rabid Redskin fan. I attended many games at RFK and at FedEx and generally relished the whole bandwagon thing. Now that I'm back in San Antonio people tell me that I should support the pokes by default because they are the most successful Texas team etc. I say bullshit. I will continue to support the Redskins despite this pro dallas bias down here.

Naw man...stick to the Redskins. Whatever team you really fall in love with is your first team, even if you discover them as an adult.

06-11-2008, 04:28 PM
You can pick any team you want if A) Your city doesnt have a franchise for the sport you love, or B) Your team is mis-managed and it drives you to hate everything about the franchise. The Dolphins are a great example of B.


Thats what makes a true fan, sticking through it.

06-11-2008, 06:15 PM
I am a fan of some of the worst teams in sports. I am a die hard, Texans, Astros, and Aggies fan. I don't give a shit how much they break my heart I will never stop being a fan. I pray that just one of those teams wins a championship before I die.

06-11-2008, 06:44 PM
I am a fan of some of the worst teams in sports. I am a die hard, Texans, Astros, and Aggies fan. I don't give a shit how much they break my heart I will never stop being a fan. I pray that just one of those teams wins a championship before I die.

Texans will have one.

N.Y. Johnny
06-11-2008, 06:56 PM
I am a fan of some of the worst teams in sports. I am a die hard, Texans, Astros, and Aggies fan. I don't give a shit how much they break my heart I will never stop being a fan. I pray that just one of those teams wins a championship before I die.

Good for you!

I'd put the pick on the Texans. They'll win the Super Bowl before the others win their sports.

06-11-2008, 08:02 PM
Stick with the Fins.

Parcells will turn the franchise in the right direction.

06-11-2008, 08:37 PM
Stick with the Fins.

Parcells will turn the franchise in the right direction.

Bill wasted some draft picks and FA signings but he did FAR MORE right than wrong everywhere he has been. The Dolphins will do just fine after he leaves.

Hang in there Brutalis. :toast

06-11-2008, 11:51 PM
Brutalis dont bail out on us now. Ive been a fins fan ever since I can remember as well, as matter of fact I just bought an authentic Marino jersey today. I dont care what anybody says about the Fins, Im with them thick and thin, its all part of being a fan. Things can only get better for us. Stick around and you will be glad you did. How many Cowboys fans remember when they were 1-15 and were still there to cheer them on to back to back championships?? Come over the Finheaven.com you can find the support you seek there.

Here is the jersey I got, and I will be wearing it on game days.

Horry For 3!
06-12-2008, 01:57 AM
I am a fan of some of the worst teams in sports. I am a die hard, Texans, Astros, and Aggies fan. I don't give a shit how much they break my heart I will never stop being a fan. I pray that just one of those teams wins a championship before I die.

I hope the Astros win the Championship. At least they made it to the World Series then got crushed.... :pctoss

06-12-2008, 02:09 AM
I used to get Marino jerseys every year from my family in Florida. My dad is still a huge Fins fan, it was a pretty cool moment when the Fins won that one game last year cuz I was with him and he had some champagne iced up and ready to pop for when they won their first game. He said he was saving it for either Miami's 1st win or NE's 1st loss.

06-12-2008, 12:11 PM
I hope the Astros win the Championship. At least they made it to the World Series then got crushed.... :pctoss

Thanks for that reminder asshole.

06-12-2008, 12:45 PM
Thanks for that reminder asshole.

I remember that one game that went to like 19 innings or some shit. Was crazy, and I had an exam the next day that I didn't get to study for. For the record Jermaine Dye faked getting hit by that ball. White Sox World Series Champs *

06-13-2008, 08:26 AM
I remember that one game that went to like 19 innings or some shit. Was crazy, and I had an exam the next day that I didn't get to study for. For the record Jermaine Dye faked getting hit by that ball. White Sox World Series Champs *

this an NFL forum not a baseball forum

06-13-2008, 08:41 AM
I used to get Marino jerseys every year from my family in Florida. My dad is still a huge Fins fan, it was a pretty cool moment when the Fins won that one game last year cuz I was with him and he had some champagne iced up and ready to pop for when they won their first game. He said he was saving it for either Miami's 1st win or NE's 1st loss.

Sweet I'll take one of those jerseys off your hands.

I was looking into buying a Marino jersey, stitched lettering. But they are all well over 150 bucks. Too much for me budget.

06-13-2008, 08:43 AM
Brutalis dont bail out on us now. Ive been a fins fan ever since I can remember as well, as matter of fact I just bought an authentic Marino jersey today. I dont care what anybody says about the Fins, Im with them thick and thin, its all part of being a fan. Things can only get better for us. Stick around and you will be glad you did. How many Cowboys fans remember when they were 1-15 and were still there to cheer them on to back to back championships?? Come over the Finheaven.com you can find the support you seek there.

Here is the jersey I got, and I will be wearing it on game days.

Made the decision to stick it out. I am getting back into the NFL hardcore again, and I have a lot of catching up to do. I am so lost on who all these guys are on our team as well as the others.

That jersey is so beautiful man. Congratulations. I JUST got finished commenting on buying a jersey but I just can't afford that much.

That jersey sent chills down my back, so nice.

06-13-2008, 08:50 AM
Well I used to have an authentic Marino jersey. When I was 11 my uncle got it for me for Christmas. I was so proud of it. I wouldn't wear it, and put it in plastic the dry cleaners give ya, and stuck it on a hanger and put a nail in the wall and hung it up.

That March our duplex burned to the ground. We lost everything except for all my Spurs stuff -- I kept at my grandma's cause my step dad was abusive, and he trashed my stuff a lot. I don't remember why I didn't move my Marino jersey with them. I guess I just was too proud of it and wanted it on my wall. Needless to say it was my step dads fault the place burned down, the neighbors sued, and yeah no insurance on anything at all.

But it's all good I got over it.

06-13-2008, 08:52 AM
Stick with the Fins.

Parcells will turn the franchise in the right direction.

What does Parcells have to do with anything? WTH!?

And who the hell is our coach I have never heard of this dude.

And QB situation? GOD I am so out of the loop.

Ricky Williams? Do I want to know?

06-13-2008, 08:59 AM
Oh and sa butta I registered as Brutalis on there.

06-13-2008, 10:23 AM
What does Parcells have to do with anything? WTH!?


06-13-2008, 10:33 AM
He works for Miami now?

Shit he does. I googled it. Awesome!

06-13-2008, 01:22 PM
this is the weirdest thread......

N.Y. Johnny
06-13-2008, 08:27 PM
He works for Miami now?

Shit he does. I googled it. Awesome!

Parcells usually turns it around before he jumps ship lately it seems so the Fins will be back. We need you Brutalis! we need all the loyal Dolphins fans for our rivalries in the AFC East.
Man its too bad the Houston Oilers became the Tennessee Titans, otherwise I'd be going for another Texas team. :downspin:

Now we will make the AFC East a powerhouse like the NFC EAST is. too bad we don't have the NFC West. :hat

06-13-2008, 08:51 PM
it usually takes the tuna to turn it around so bare with us Brutalis our Fins will be back

06-13-2008, 09:18 PM
Its easy to stick with a team when they are winning, it takes a lot more to stick with them when they are terrible.

Stay strong bro.

06-13-2008, 11:29 PM
Its easy to stick with a team when they are winning, it takes a lot more to stick with them when they are terrible.

Stay strong bro.

I agree 100%.