View Full Version : FBI - investicating Dick Bavetta

06-12-2008, 11:13 AM


FBI investigating NBA ref Bavetta
Tim Donaghy isn't the only bad boy in the world of referees, it appears. The FBI has apparently been asking around about Dick Bavetta, who has officiated over more NBA games than anyone else in history. A former NBA ref, Hue Hollins, said federal agents tracked him down last year to talk about how Bavetta handled games. By the way, Bavetta was the ref of the now infamous Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals, which Donaghy claims was mishandled on purpose. (New York Times)


06-12-2008, 11:17 AM
Not Bavetta... :(.

06-12-2008, 11:27 AM
This is turning into a fucking nightmare. If this comes out that games were fixed, the league will be all but finished. It will take them years to recover and regain the trust of fans and even when they do any close game and call will be forever questioned because of this shit.

06-12-2008, 11:38 AM
"Bavetta is old. He shouldve been out of the game years ago but he cant stay home cause he hates his wife."

06-12-2008, 11:39 AM
Wow..fuck this bullshit. I'm officially done

06-12-2008, 11:41 AM
Stern needs to get got by some rabid and heartbroken NBA fan. Seriously, I want him dead.

06-12-2008, 11:45 AM
Yup, if this all comes into fruition and is revealed that there were more than 1 involved it's going to suck for us fans.

06-12-2008, 11:45 AM
Euroleague is become #1 now because of Stern rigging of games.

06-12-2008, 11:52 AM
Let's see if this is more than a rumor before we take it as the truth. It could be that the FBI is investigating the claims made by Donaghy -- apparently provided to the government long ago -- and sought sources other than the 3 game officials in LA that day (Bavetta, Delaney, and Bernhardt) to ask some broader questions.

I do think there's going to be a lot more to this, though. . . .

06-12-2008, 12:21 PM
Let's see if this is more than a rumor before we take it as the truth. It could be that the FBI is investigating the claims made by Donaghy -- apparently provided to the government long ago -- and sought sources other than the 3 game officials in LA that day (Bavetta, Delaney, and Bernhardt) to ask some broader questions.

I do think there's going to be a lot more to this, though. . . .

for the sake of the game i hope so but when the feds get involved it is usually bad bad news.

06-12-2008, 12:22 PM
Kings and Lakers series is famous one for be rigged even in Europe. Most people know at some time what NBA did will come back against them.

06-12-2008, 12:33 PM
He is one of the "Company Men". That cadre of old refs that have been around a long time who seem to get assigned the big games to work, which many times have controversial referring. I wonder if Hue Hollins called a reporter and leaked this story?

06-12-2008, 12:40 PM
This is turning into a fucking nightmare. If this comes out that games were fixed, the league will be all but finished. It will take them years to recover and regain the trust of fans and even when they do any close game and call will be forever questioned because of this shit.

I wish the NBA takes a big slap in the face.

But it won't happen; Stern is also a lawyer, and he must have connections :bang

06-12-2008, 12:43 PM
I wish the NBA takes a big slap in the face.

But it won't happen; Stern is also a lawyer, and he must have connections :bang

he doesn't have connections with the feds. don't ever fuck with the feds. :nope

06-12-2008, 12:49 PM
he doesn't have connections with the feds. don't ever fuck with the feds. :nope

Stern might be connected to influent prosecutors who are connected to the FBI

06-12-2008, 12:59 PM
I knew three years ago after the Van Gundy fiasco with Yao Ming that this would one day come out. When Donaghy was arrested I said that where there was smoke there was fire and got laughed at. Now Bavetta is being investigated and Donaghy is singing like a canary. I was right then and right now. This is going to be one of the biggest sports scandals in history.

When the smoke clears, there will be a new independent referee organization. Stern will be fired or perhaps a major fines or worse. Most likely just fired or resignation because the District Attorney will set up some type of plea agreement. There will probably be some new governance body to monitor the NBA.

06-12-2008, 01:01 PM
Yup, if this all comes into fruition and is revealed that there were more than 1 involved it's going to suck for us fans.

I don't know how the league recovers from something like that if it goes down. Games fixed, titles put in question how do you sell to the fans that is all in the past and now we are on the level??

06-12-2008, 01:05 PM
I don't know how the league recovers from something like that if it goes down. Games fixed, titles put in question how do you sell to the fans that is all in the past and now we are on the level??

You don't. The only way to gain credibility is to get rid of the refs, fire Stern, set up a new governance body and make the referees independent of the league. You do that and people will trust the NBA again. As it stands right now, nobody trusts the NBA. I'm still waiting for the big bombshell that I predict is coming. NBA - Organized Gambling Ties.

baseline bum
06-12-2008, 01:08 PM
Bavetta's officiating in game 6 of the '98 Finals was almost as bad as it was in game 6 SAC/LA. Waving off that Howard Eisley three was ridiculous.

Zee Laker
06-12-2008, 01:11 PM
Why does Stren still have a job is beyond me

Extra Stout
06-12-2008, 01:30 PM
What form will this discussion forum take once the NBA collapses and there are no Spurs or NBA to talk about?

06-12-2008, 01:31 PM
When the Spurs got eliminated, I hoped that the Finals would be overshadowed by ref controversies. Thanks Donaghy and the FBI :tu

Hopefully there is more news in the next couple days.


06-12-2008, 01:35 PM
Bavetta sucks and always has. I don't know why he's seen as a good ref by the league. I would not be surprised at all if this was true. Fuck the NBA and fuck Stern for doing nothing about it.

Extra Stout
06-12-2008, 01:37 PM
When the Spurs got eliminated, I hoped that the Finals would be overshadowed by ref controversies. Thanks Donaghy and the FBI :tu

Hopefully there is more news in the next couple days.

Well, there is the problem that these controversies tend to make the Spurs' 4 Larry O'Brien trophies less prestigious than WSOP bracelets.

06-12-2008, 01:38 PM
When the Spurs got eliminated, I hoped that the Finals would be overshadowed by ref controversies. Thanks Donaghy and the FBI :tu

Hopefully there is more news in the next couple days.


:tu It's worse than when corky sosa took over game 1 in 03

06-12-2008, 01:44 PM
for anyone interested, here's a link to the entire NYT article..


The Gravity of Donaghy’s Accusations Is Unclear
LOS ANGELES — Troubling new allegations of referee misconduct have dampened the celebratory mood here at the N.B.A. finals, although the line between temporary crisis and long-term scandal is not clear.

Tim Donaghy, the disgraced former referee, has accused league officials of manipulating games. Commissioner David Stern has dismissed the claims as “baseless” and the desperate words of a convicted felon who is seeking a light sentence after admitting to conspiring with gamblers.

Coaches, players and fans are left to navigate the rhetoric and the accusations without a reliable compass. “The whole Donaghy thing just makes me sick,” Boston Coach Doc Rivers said Wednesday as the Celtics and the Lakers were preparing for Game 4 of the finals.

Donaghy’s latest accusations were contained in a four-page letter filed Tuesday in United States District Court in Brooklyn. In the letter, Donaghy said that N.B.A. executives directed referees “to manipulate games” in order to “boost ticket sales and television ratings,” and he cited several alleged examples, including a highly disputed 2002 playoff series between the Lakers and the Sacramento Kings.

When he spoke with reporters Tuesday night, Stern repeatedly stated that all of Donaghy’s claims have been investigated by the F.B.I. and federal prosecutors.

“We said it in July, and we’ll say it again on the first anniversary: there’s one criminal here,” Stern said.

His implication was that if the authorities had discovered other criminal misconduct, they would have acted on it. That is not necessarily the case, according to legal experts.

“It takes a long time to investigate cases,” said Laurie Levenson, a professor of criminal law at Loyola Law School and a former federal prosecutor in Los Angeles.

Levenson said there were many possible explanations for the absence of criminal charges. She said authorities could still be investigating; they could have “high suspicion” of a criminal act but insufficient proof; or the allegations could simply be false. In some instances — like Donaghy’s accusation of impropriety in a 2002 playoff series — the statute of limitations could have expired, she said.

“It doesn’t at all follow that because they didn’t file charges that you can dismiss the allegations,” Levenson said. But, she added: “We have to take it for what it is — allegations. Whether they’re true or false probably remains to be answered.”

Levenson said the allegations could prompt the court to delay Donaghy’s sentencing hearing, scheduled for July 14 in Brooklyn.

Levenson and another former prosecutor raised questions over the timing of the claims. Donaghy’s lawyer, John Lauro, had already filed a plea letter last month, but without any of the provocative details that were presented Tuesday.

“It looks more desperate,” Levenson said of making the claims now. “It looks like he might be stretching. It has less credibility. Things that are in sentencing memos look like last gasps to get whatever they can from the court. We always look at those with a grain of salt. It doesn’t mean it’s not true. It doesn’t mean it is true.”

Ed McDonald, a former federal prosecutor in New York, said that making the claims now “detracts from the significance of what he had to say, by Lauro’s not raising it in the first letter.”

Donaghy was arrested last summer and pleaded guilty to two felony counts in August. He faces up to 25 years in prison and a $500,000 fine, but he is expected to receive a lighter sentence for cooperating with the authorities.

Lauro provided enough details in the letter so that specific games that were allegedly tainted by referee misconduct could be recognized. The letter pointed to Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference finals, in which the Lakers were awarded 40 free throws, including 27 in the fourth quarter, in a victory over the Kings that forced a Game 7.

According to Lauro’s letter: “Tim learned from Referee A that Referees A and F wanted to extend the series to seven games. Tim knew Referees A and F to be ‘company men,’ always acting in the interest of the N.B.A., and that night, it was in the N.B.A.’s interest to add another game to the series.”

The game was refereed by three tenured veterans: Dick Bavetta, Ted Bernhardt and Bob Delaney. Bernhardt has retired from the league. Under N.B.A. rules, Bavetta and Delaney are not permitted to speak to the news media. However, Delaney, a former New Jersey state trooper, cast doubt on Donaghy’s claims in an interview with ESPN.

“This is not the first time a known or convicted criminal has lied about me before the judicial system,” Delaney said Wednesday. “I have an extensive law enforcement background, and still train police officers. I have dealt with criminals and informants, and I know full well they are capable of doing and saying anything.”

The FBI has made inquiries about Bavetta, according to a former N.B.A. referee who was interviewed by federal agents last year.

Hue Hollins, who retired in 2003 and has been outspoken about the N.B.A.’s treatment of referees, said he met for about an hour with two agents from New York before last season.

In addition to asking questions about Donaghy, Hollins said the agents inquired extensively about Bavetta. They asked if he ever noticed that Bavetta “was making sure that the home team would win, and I told them I had no idea because I didn’t work with him a lot.”

Hollins said the agents did not ask about a specific team, game or series and did not ask about Game 6 in 2002.

“They were very specific about their questioning, as though they had heard something,” Hollins said. “They knew exactly what they were going after.”

He said that he didn’t tell them much about either Donaghy or Bavetta, saying he had never noticed suspicious activity by either man. He said it would be difficult for a single referee to affect the outcome of a game.

Mark Cuban, the outspoken Dallas Mavericks owner, who has been a leading critic of the N.B.A.’s officiating program, cast doubt on Donaghy’s claim that league officials had orchestrated anything.

“There’s no way on God’s green Earth that David Stern has ever done anything to influence the outcome of a game,” Cuban told ESPN.com.

Two current N.B.A. referees, in separate interviews, also said Donaghy’s claims were not credible. “I’ve been refereeing since I was 18 years old; I’ve never suspected a referee of cheating in my life,” said a referee, who required anonymity because the N.B.A. prohibits referees from speaking to the news media.

Another referee said that Donaghy appeared to be cherry-picking the most well-known and most-controversial games in order to make the biggest impact.

“He took a poorly refereed game that everyone knew was a poorly refereed game,” said the referee, referring to Game 6. “He knows where to punch.”

Donaghy’s charges have given new life to conspiracy theories about N.B.A. officiating, generating suspicion and conjecture in blogs and on sports talk shows.

Given the intensity of the coverage, there is also the possibility of Congressional hearings. There is no indication that the House committee that investigated the steroids scandal in baseball will take up the matter.

Scot Pollard, a former Kings center who fouled out of the game in question, sounded doubtful about Donaghy’s charges.

“You can’t put credibility in a guy that wasn’t there, didn’t ref the game and doesn’t have a lot of friends in this world right now,” said Pollard, who now plays for Boston. “That game was controversial, anyway. It’s an easy one for somebody to make up a conspiracy theory about.”

06-12-2008, 01:45 PM
Bavetta's officiating in game 6 of the '98 Finals was almost as bad as it was in game 6 SAC/LA. Waving off that Howard Eisley three was ridiculous.

Thank you. I didn't know anyone outside of Utah cared or knew about that.

06-12-2008, 01:49 PM
Thank you. I didn't know anyone outside of Utah cared or knew about that.

I don't know who was officiating game 6 of the 1997 Finals.

Jazz had the chance to tie the game in the closing minutes, Shandon Anderson went to the rim and Pippen's block attempt should have been called for goaltending, but it wasn't

06-12-2008, 01:51 PM
Well, there is the problem that these controversies tend to make the Spurs' 4 Larry O'Brien trophies less prestigious than WSOP bracelets.I see it the other way. If the NBA was openly trying to conspire with the goal of making more money by lengthening series and favoring big markets, that makes the Spurs winning four championships during the middle of this age even more impressive. No way the NBA would conspire to have podunk muddy river San Antonio win -- four times. And only one Game 7 in the four championship runs?

That's domination against the conspiring forces.


06-12-2008, 01:54 PM
I see it the other way. If the NBA was openly trying to conspire with the goal of making more money by lengthening series and favoring big markets, that makes the Spurs winning four championships during the middle of this age even more impressive. No way the NBA would conspire to have podunk muddy river San Antonio win -- four times. And only one Game 7 in the four championship runs?

That's domination against the conspiring forces.


You got that right

We should have 10 titles by now :D

06-12-2008, 01:57 PM
I don't know who was officiating game 6 of the 1997 Finals.

Jazz had the chance to tie the game in the closing minutes, Shandon Anderson went to the rim and Pippen's block attempt should have been called for goaltending, but it wasn't

And in addition to the three point shot that got waved off they gave a 3 to Kerr about two posessions later that was clearly shot after the 24 second clock expired. 98' wasn't so bad, only the pushoff, but the Jazz got royally hosed by Bavetta in 97.

It's cool you guys remember that stuff.

06-12-2008, 02:02 PM
I see it the other way. If the NBA was openly trying to conspire with the goal of making more money by lengthening series and favoring big markets, that makes the Spurs winning four championships during the middle of this age even more impressive. No way the NBA would conspire to have podunk muddy river San Antonio win -- four times. And only one Game 7 in the four championship runs?

That's domination against the conspiring forces.


No. The Spurs have always been on the beneficial side of officiating, there is nothing more impressive about their championships than any other team.

06-12-2008, 02:04 PM
No. The Spurs have always been on the beneficial side of officiating, there is nothing more impressive about their championships than any other team.Yes because the NBA wants a team from the poor South Texas market that they never even wanted in the league in the first place to win playoff games. Wake the F up, Kobe Quotes.

06-12-2008, 02:06 PM
Wake the F up, Kobe Quotes.


06-12-2008, 02:14 PM
Well, there is the problem that these controversies tend to make the Spurs' 4 Larry O'Brien trophies less prestigious than WSOP bracelets.

I disagree. The Spurs won in spite of the refs. They don't want a small market team winning it all. Trust me, I know.

06-12-2008, 02:15 PM
Maybe NBA players will play in Europe again. :lol

06-12-2008, 02:16 PM
Yes because the NBA wants a team from the poor South Texas market that they never even wanted in the league in the first place to win playoff games. Wake the F up, Kobe Quotes.

Looking at the facts, the Spurs have not had to face anything tougher than any other team who has won the Finals. They have never had to win in spite of refs conspiring against them, if anything they have always been on the favorable side of the refs. Those are the facts chicken-little.

Name me the exact instances in which the refs were actively conspiring to keep the Spurs from winning.

06-12-2008, 02:21 PM
Looking at the facts, the Spurs have not had to face anything tougher than any other team who has won the Finals. They have never had to win in spite of refs conspiring against them, if anything they have always been on the favorable side of the refs. Those are the facts chicken-little.

Name me the exact instances in which the refs were actively conspiring to keep the Spurs from winning.Good points, Kobe Quotes. Obviously shooting a turnaround jumper in .4 is perfectly legal, as is tackling someone going for a game-winning three-pointer.

Really though, go back and read my quotes. I said that if the NBA was openly trying to conspire during this era, that'd make the Spurs' championships even more impressive. Keyword being "if". If the NBA wasn't, then Spurs fans will just have to accept four regular championships.

Don't you have some more ref complaining to do or is that only after losses? You know because the NBA obviously conspires against its biggest and most cherished market.

06-12-2008, 02:26 PM
Looking at the facts, the Spurs have not had to face anything tougher than any other team who has won the Finals. They have never had to win in spite of refs conspiring against them, if anything they have always been on the favorable side of the refs. Those are the facts chicken-little.

Name me the exact instances in which the refs were actively conspiring to keep the Spurs from winning.

-Dallas 06
-Lakers 04
-Knicks 99 (shot clock goes out on spurs side only at MSG during elimination game?!??)

06-12-2008, 02:27 PM
Really though, go back and read my quotes. I said that if the NBA was openly trying to conspire during this era, that'd make the Spurs' championships even more impressive. Keyword being "if". If the NBA wasn't, then Spurs fans will just have to accept four regular championships.

Don't you have some more ref complaining to do or is that only after losses? You know because the NBA obviously conspires against its biggest and most cherished market.

Honestly, I think Stern not necessarily helped but "allowed" San Antonio to win those championships as sort of a decoy. For the longest while, every time someone brought up that the league might be fixed people would say "No because the Spurs are a small market and would be bad for business, they would never let them win if it was rigged." It was like the perfect alibi. Then in the even numbered years, it was easier for Stern to manipulate outcomes and do things in order to make more money for the league.

Cry Havoc
06-12-2008, 02:28 PM
Looking at the facts, the Spurs have not had to face anything tougher than any other team who has won the Finals. They have never had to win in spite of refs conspiring against them, if anything they have always been on the favorable side of the refs. Those are the facts chicken-little.

Name me the exact instances in which the refs were actively conspiring to keep the Spurs from winning.

Evidently you've never watched Duncan get chopped 4-5 times each play while in the post with no foul called.

But of course, I don't expect you to see that. Only objective fans see stuff like that. I've openly been vocal when I feel the Spurs got the benefit of the doubt this year, and I definitely think we had some games where the officials swallowed their whistles.

That said, the Lakers would have 0 titles this decade if the games were called 100% fair. Shaq would have fouled out in the first quarter of nearly every single game he started in. But hey, what's basketball without watching a bigger, stronger guy push and knock other players out of the way because his only real method of scoring is inside 4 feet? Makes sense to me.

Extra Stout
06-12-2008, 02:30 PM
I disagree. The Spurs won in spite of the refs. They don't want a small market team winning it all. Trust me, I know.
They won't lose prestige because people would think their titles were fixed. They'll lose prestige because they would have won championships in a formerly-major niche league nobody takes seriously.

Cry Havoc
06-12-2008, 02:30 PM
Speaking of which, if officials are told to swallow their whistles at the end of games, then what the fuck is Dirk doing shooting a FT to send Game 7 to overtime?


It's sad, really. The NBA has been so arrogant for so long, and now they are going to pay dearly for it.

06-12-2008, 02:30 PM
Honestly, I think Stern not necessarily helped but "allowed" San Antonio to win those championships as sort of a decoy. For the longest while, every time someone brought up that the league might be fixed people would say "No because the Spurs are a small market and would be bad for business, they would never let them win if it was rigged." It was like the perfect alibi. Then in the even numbered years, it was easier for Stern to manipulate outcomes and do things in order to make more money for the league.Except that the Spurs won twice when the NBA was negotiating television deals. No sane businessman would give up hundreds of millions to form an alibi when he could have waited one more year to form an alibi and have those hundreds of millions in his pocket.

And if Stern really wanted an alibi, he would let even the Mavs sniff a trophy . . .

06-12-2008, 02:32 PM
its over. the end for the NBA as we know it.

good. some huge changes need to happen.

06-12-2008, 02:32 PM
i truly believe that Spurs vs Celtics wouldve been friggin epic. more so than this one this year.

better basketball, better players, and better ratings.

Homeland Security
06-12-2008, 02:35 PM
Speaking of which, if officials are told to swallow their whistles at the end of games, then what the fuck is Dirk doing shooting a FT to send Game 7 to overtime?


It's sad, really. The NBA has been so arrogant for so long, and now they are going to pay dearly for it.
Games 3, 4, 5, and 6 of that series all were kind of interesting. It would fit with the "extend the series" hypothesis.

06-12-2008, 02:43 PM
Except that the Spurs won twice when the NBA was negotiating television deals. No sane businessman would give up hundreds of millions to form an alibi when he could have waited one more year to form an alibi and have those hundreds of millions in his pocket.

Stern has done dumber things. I don't even begin to try to understand his reasoning or decision making. :dizzy

And if Stern really wanted an alibi, he would let even the Mavs sniff a trophy . . .

And why is that?

06-12-2008, 02:56 PM
I see it the other way. If the NBA was openly trying to conspire with the goal of making more money by lengthening series and favoring big markets, that makes the Spurs winning four championships during the middle of this age even more impressive. No way the NBA would conspire to have podunk muddy river San Antonio win -- four times. And only one Game 7 in the four championship runs?

That's domination against the conspiring forces.


As an outsider I completely agree with this sentiment. The Spurs being a small market team an winning is unbelievable.

06-12-2008, 03:04 PM
I don't know how the league recovers from something like that if it goes down. Games fixed, titles put in question how do you sell to the fans that is all in the past and now we are on the level??

Isn't that basically what MLB is doing about steroids in baseball?

06-12-2008, 03:07 PM
Isn't that basically what MLB is doing about steroids in baseball?

This would be worse though. If Umpires were rigging games so the Yankees were always in the WS, that is worse than rogue players who took steroids.

06-12-2008, 03:14 PM
:lmao :lmao at MavFan actually believing Stern let the Spurs win 4 championships as some sort of decoy.

Honestly, I have no idea what to even say to that.

06-12-2008, 03:16 PM
This is getting worse than baseball. I cant wait to see what the NFL digs up.

mma>College sports>pro sports

Cry Havoc
06-12-2008, 03:16 PM
As an outsider I completely agree with this sentiment. The Spurs being a small market team an winning is unbelievable.

I don't think the league conspired against us. We got the benefit of the doubt in the Cleveland series most of the time. That series easily could have gone 5 at least.

However, if the Spurs never won a title, the fix would be obvious.

06-12-2008, 03:19 PM
I have to say, after a friend of mine, who is a ref for basketball games (high school) said in his blog (http://teacherrefpoet.blogspot.com) that HE thinks the NBA is rigged...well, suddenly I'm a lot more convinced that the mounting evidence against the NBA is real. He's usually the one convincing me that my rants about ref jobs is off-base, tainted by homerism. So the fact that HE is now saying HE believes the NBA is rigged - well, that carries weight.

And it's very, very depressing. I love basketball - but I will watch less and enjoy it less if the integrity of the game is so deeply damaged.

Extra Stout
06-12-2008, 03:24 PM
I have to say, after a friend of mine, who is a ref for basketball games (high school) said in his blog (http://teacherrefpoet.blogspot.com) that HE thinks the NBA is rigged...well, suddenly I'm a lot more convinced that the mounting evidence against the NBA is real. He's usually the one convincing me that my rants about ref jobs is off-base, tainted by homerism. So the fact that HE is now saying HE believes the NBA is rigged - well, that carries weight.

And it's very, very depressing. I love basketball - but I will watch less and enjoy it less if the integrity of the game is so deeply damaged.
Yeah, that transcript of the conversation between Stern and Officials A and F was devastating. Truffle?

06-12-2008, 03:27 PM
What this is boiling down to is that the league isn't fixed per se, but that the powers that be try to influence outcomes by protecting star players and favoring big market teams.

06-12-2008, 03:29 PM
I have to say, after a friend of mine, who is a ref for basketball games (high school) said in his blog (http://teacherrefpoet.blogspot.com) that HE thinks the NBA is rigged...well, suddenly I'm a lot more convinced that the mounting evidence against the NBA is real. He's usually the one convincing me that my rants about ref jobs is off-base, tainted by homerism. So the fact that HE is now saying HE believes the NBA is rigged - well, that carries weight.

And it's very, very depressing. I love basketball - but I will watch less and enjoy it less if the integrity of the game is so deeply damaged.

I think the blog was being a bit sarcastic :downspin:

06-12-2008, 03:30 PM
Donaghy just trying to make a name for himself. It is total bullshit. No fixing as that would be stupid.

06-12-2008, 03:36 PM
I see it the other way. If the NBA was openly trying to conspire with the goal of making more money by lengthening series and favoring big markets, that makes the Spurs winning four championships during the middle of this age even more impressive. No way the NBA would conspire to have podunk muddy river San Antonio win -- four times. And only one Game 7 in the four championship runs?

That's domination against the conspiring forces.


I've always believed Pop's instilling of not fouling has given the spurs an indellible and unstoppable edge against any type of manipulation by the league. It is extremely difficult to call phantom fouls consistently on a team that plays incredibly smart on that end of the floor.

I think most spurs fans will agree we've played 5 on 8 more than a few times in the playoffs. See Mavericks/Spurs, 2006

06-12-2008, 03:40 PM
Donaghy just trying to make a name for himself. It is total bullshit. No fixing as that would be stupid.

Making a name for himself? And this would benefit him how?

The dude is already getting a lesser sentence by cooperating with the feds, why would he want to lie under oath and potentially get himself in more trouble?

06-12-2008, 03:47 PM
Making a name for himself? And this would benefit him how?

The dude is already getting a lesser sentence by cooperating with the feds, why would he want to lie under oath and potentially get himself in more trouble?

Even if a federal investigation turns up nothing, Donaghy's statement in the letter isn't incriminating him in any way. This is just a personal vendetta against Stern and the league for the $1 million restitution -- but it still could be true.

06-12-2008, 03:49 PM
Donaghy just trying to make a name for himself. It is total bullshit. No fixing as that would be stupid.

not fixing, but influencing.

T Park
06-12-2008, 04:23 PM
This is getting worse than baseball. I cant wait to see what the NFL digs up.

mma>College sports>pro sports


MMA is totally fixed, give me a break.

06-12-2008, 04:31 PM

MMA is totally fixed, give me a break.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Did you not watch that trash they put on CBS two weeks ago?

06-12-2008, 04:47 PM
I was thinking the exact same thing. Did you not watch that trash they put on CBS two weeks ago?


06-12-2008, 05:10 PM
not fixing, but influencing.

there have been fixed games...here is an interview with a professional NBA gambler


06-12-2008, 05:12 PM
I was thinking the exact same thing. Did you not watch that trash they put on CBS two weeks ago?

you mean where thompson's eyes were rolling back into his head as he was getting pounded? yeah it was stopped a little early but they stopped everything early on CBS. name me 1 fight they weren't overly cautious with from that show.

06-12-2008, 05:13 PM
I was thinking the exact same thing. Did you not watch that trash they put on CBS two weeks ago?

EliteXC before Kimbo was decent. Dont judge mma based off that. that was trash. watch the UFC.

06-12-2008, 05:16 PM
MMA seems slow and weak to me. I'd rather just see regular and/or bare knuckle boxing. Screw that gay as fuck rolling around on the ground bullshit.

06-12-2008, 05:23 PM
wtf is up with this...


06-12-2008, 05:36 PM
EliteXC before Kimbo was decent. Dont judge mma based off that. that was trash. watch the UFC.

I've watched UFC from the early 90's, they definately put the best product out there but all fighting is subject to the fix and I think they put it in from time to time.

While we're hijacking this thread

you mean where thompson's eyes were rolling back into his head as he was getting pounded? yeah it was stopped a little early but they stopped everything early on CBS. name me 1 fight they weren't overly cautious with from that show.

I wasn't talking about the stop of the fight, I was talking about Kimbo getting pounded in the head for 1 1/2 mins in the 2nd round (it wasn't stopped then) and falling on the ground after the fight completely out of it. He would be destroyed by any of the top fighters in UFC right now. I think Lesnar would beat him, honestly.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
06-12-2008, 05:54 PM
Yes because the NBA wants a team from the poor South Texas market that they never even wanted in the league in the first place to win playoff games. Wake the F up, Kobe Quotes.

:lmao @ Kobe quotes.

I can't believe some people/ (especially Laker Fan) are arguing that the League had incentive to make less money from both T.V. ratings, and winning a championship for the league's smallest market.

I'm actually now not surprised by how Stern looked the other way when the refs were allowed to follow through with their vendetta against Tim Duncan, bias against Manu Ginobili's "foreigner flopping" all through the regular season. Our boys got beat up more than usual thanks to that Crawford debacle.
Not to mention Pop and Crawford going at in the playoffs and STILL no action taken with the ref bias issue.

06-12-2008, 06:25 PM
And in addition to the three point shot that got waved off they gave a 3 to Kerr about two posessions later that was clearly shot after the 24 second clock expired. 98' wasn't so bad, only the pushoff, but the Jazz got royally hosed by Bavetta in 97.

It's cool you guys remember that stuff.

To go back to game 6 of the 1998 Finals...........

In the 1st half, 2 other controversial calls : Eisley scores a long 3 at the 24 shotclock buzzer; it was waived off by the refs, but when looking at the replay, it was clearly before the buzzer.
Then a bit later,Ron Harper scores a jumper at the buzzer, but it was after !

2 ways to kill the momentum (on purpose?)

Plus, Bulls won by 1.

You do the math

06-12-2008, 07:22 PM
In the 1st half, 2 other controversial calls : Eisley scores a long 3 at the 24 shotclock buzzer; it was waived off by the refs, but when looking at the replay, it was clearly before the buzzer.
Then a bit later,Ron Harper scores a jumper at the buzzer, but it was after !

Those were Dick Bavetta calls too. Both of them. For a long time after that SLC booed every single call that he made.

06-12-2008, 07:29 PM
There are only two things the NBA can do to stop this avalanche of bad press:

1) relinquish control of referee ratings, assignments, and post season selection to a non-affiliated body.

2) fire the remaining travel-gate refs. I think there are at least 6 or 7 left. Every one of them was either convicted or cut a plea to IRS fraud. That's not who you want on your ref squad. Funny thing is, many of them show up deep in the post season every year, and they are working ONLY because Stern re-hired them. Hmmmmmm.

06-12-2008, 07:32 PM
There are only two things the NBA can do to stop this avalanche of bad press:

1) relinquish control of referee ratings, assignments, and post season selection to a non-affiliated body.

2) fire the remaining travel-gate refs. I think there are at least 6 or 7 left. Every one of them was either convicted or cut a plea to IRS fraud. That's not who you want on your ref squad. Funny thing is, many of them show up deep in the post season every year, and they are working ONLY because Stern re-hired them. Hmmmmmm.

Add Stern's resignation to that list and we're set.

06-12-2008, 07:57 PM
I wasn't talking about the stop of the fight, I was talking about Kimbo getting pounded in the head for 1 1/2 mins in the 2nd round (it wasn't stopped then) and falling on the ground after the fight completely out of it. He would be destroyed by any of the top fighters in UFC right now. I think Lesnar would beat him, honestly.

i agree but the ref said that kimbo was practically having a conversation with him when he was in that bad position just to show that he was alright. further, the ref stated that thompson wasn't doing much damage from that dominant position which he wasn't. bas rutten thinks the fight should have been stopped there in the 2nd but he also acknowledged that he couldn't hear kimbo talking to the ref or see him give the ref the thumbs up. that is what saved kimbo's ass...well that and thompson's weak forearm shots and not hitting with the point of the elbow.

i agree 100% about lesnar. lesnar should have beat mir but made a few dumb rookie mistakes and got caught. kimbo is what he is. he's a big time striker with a weak ground game and weak stamina.

back to the topic....stern is screwed.

06-12-2008, 08:16 PM
By the way, Bavetta was the ref of the now infamous Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals, which Donaghy claims was mishandled on purpose. (New York Times)

This fiasco is getting out of hand. Even the refs that we thought are doing their job properly are under investigation.

I hope Bavetta did not mishandled that Spurs ONLY game loss in the 1999 finals in New York which he coincidentally officiated too for the sake of "business".

jack sommerset
06-12-2008, 08:52 PM
How are you suppose to enjoy the games (past or present) if more than one ref is proven tainted? Answer is you shouldn't and you should be pissed off.

I don't care if you are a fan of a certain team or a fan of the NBA. Whatever you are, if more refs are proven to fix games noone can call themselves the champions. Nobody will ever know what would have happened.

I am going to sit back and wait. I bought the first ref, the one bad apple theory but if it goes deeper it will take alot to get me interested again. I have spent alot of time as you all have watching games, reading about players, coming on to sites like this discussing my favorite sport, sometimes even heated debates. I hope I have not wasted my time the past 10 years or so.

Everyone knows these refs have so much power. I cannot even think of away to make sure a ref was not cheating or can not cheat. You can hide money, just ask my wife. I can't imagine lie detectors or instant replay working. I have to admit, this really bugs me. Time will tell.

06-12-2008, 11:07 PM
Wow...things aren't looking good for the NBA* right now...

06-13-2008, 12:00 AM
The NBA is looking more like the WWE more and more each day. Someone desperately needs to get a handle on this shit.

06-13-2008, 03:48 AM
No. The Spurs have always been on the beneficial side of officiating, there is nothing more impressive about their championships than any other team.

I guess you didn't watch games 3 and 4 against Dallas in 06 when Dirk was put on the line to win games......you know the one...when Bruce Bowen ran right up to Stern and yelled "This is ridiculous!"''

Bruce knew! Bruce knew!

06-13-2008, 07:51 AM
Speaking of which, if officials are told to swallow their whistles at the end of games, then what the fuck is Dirk doing shooting a FT to send Game 7 to overtime?


It's sad, really. The NBA has been so arrogant for so long, and now they are going to pay dearly for it.

Especially on a "touch foul" like that was. That Fisher tackle of Barry was alot more obvious than that.

06-13-2008, 08:04 AM
How does Stern keep his job after all this? He's in denial about all this.

06-13-2008, 08:22 AM
Hmmm, and who fouled out Tim Duncan in Game 3 of the 2006 WCSF when Dirk stepped on his foot?

Extra Stout
06-13-2008, 08:23 AM
did bavetta take a dive in his race against barkley?

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
06-13-2008, 08:28 AM
did bavetta take a dive in his race against barkley?

Well, he did cut his knee if I remember.

06-13-2008, 08:52 AM
did bavetta take a dive in his race against barkley?

That's what the FBI is actually investigating

06-13-2008, 08:58 AM
Donaghy just trying to make a name for himself. It is total bullshit. No fixing as that would be stupid.

Is that kind of different from what your signature implies? Or am i missing sarcasm?

06-14-2008, 04:52 AM

06-14-2008, 05:04 AM
Euroleague is become #1 now because of Stern rigging of games.

DUDE I STOp following this years nba finals when the spurs were routed in the wcf....

euro08 is whats been keepin me busy through this period of madness

T Park
06-14-2008, 12:34 PM
I guess you didn't watch games 3 and 4 against Dallas in 06 when Dirk was put on the line to win games......you know the one...when Bruce Bowen ran right up to Stern and yelled "This is ridiculous!"''

Bruce knew! Bruce knew!

Dazed is a retarded attention whore.

Ignore him.

06-14-2008, 12:47 PM
Wow..fuck this bullshit. I'm officially done

Oh you will be back:lol