View Full Version : Seriously, is this finals Lakers vs Celtics exciting to you??

06-12-2008, 02:36 PM
Im speaking as a pure basketball fan......even though I love my Spurs......but, this series just isnt living up to the Larry Bird vs Magic J. hype in the past. I just dont get it. I actually enjoyed new teams being in the finals for a change. How do yall feel?

PS. That being said, the * 2002 Lakers Championfix has made it a bit more interesting. :lmao

06-12-2008, 02:39 PM
I thought game 1 was great. 2 sucked until the end. 3 was sloppy, but at least it stayed close and Kobe had some cool plays. We'll see how it shakes out. No, it's not living up to the hype though. Your poll needs more options.

Cry Havoc
06-12-2008, 02:41 PM
I just love watching a 40 FT disparity between two games. Makes perfect sense.

06-12-2008, 02:42 PM
take a dumb?

06-12-2008, 02:45 PM
I would say it is about on the border line. It hasn't lived up to the hype (when you bring up the old Magic vs. Bird saga, what the hell kind of series can?), but it also hasn't been a shitty series. Good Finals, just not great.

06-12-2008, 02:47 PM
take a dumb?

I'm sure Magic knows what that means.

06-12-2008, 02:48 PM
Tonight will tell a lot.

06-12-2008, 02:49 PM
I can't get excited by a rigged outcome. Soap opera's aren't for me, I'd rather go down to the park and watch some scrubs play or school them for fun.

06-12-2008, 02:50 PM
I can't get excited by a rigged outcome. Soap opera's aren't for me, I'd rather go down to the park and watch some scrubs play or school them for fun.

I'm starting to think this way too.

06-12-2008, 02:51 PM
take a dumb?


06-12-2008, 02:52 PM
I don't even see how Laker and Celtic fans could be thrilled by these games, game 1 was good, game 2 a blowout and game 3 was one of the worst finals games ever.

06-12-2008, 02:55 PM
take a dumb?

Oh.......LOL :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

I didnt even notice...... I meant a DUMP

06-12-2008, 02:55 PM
im somewhere in the middle.

"not great, but hey its basketball"

06-12-2008, 02:56 PM
Oh.......LOL :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

I didnt even notice...... I meant a DUMP

Funny as all hell Typo :lol

06-12-2008, 02:56 PM
I've generally only switched over to check the score and watch a few minutes of action here and there of each game so far. My excitement for basketball dropped when SA was eliminated and now it's time to just sit back and wait till football.

That said, when one team gets to 3 wins in this series then I will probably watch a bigger part of the next game to see if that team can close it out.

06-12-2008, 03:04 PM
That said, when one team gets to 3 wins in this series then I will probably watch a bigger part of the next game to see if that team can close it out.

Exactly how I feel......hopefully the Celts can get to 3 tonight.

06-12-2008, 03:32 PM
Not living up to the hype....

Refs are sucking hardcore.

06-12-2008, 03:53 PM
Its been okay, but my opinion is tarnished. I just can't stand the Lakers, or anything they do. Especially Lamar Odom - that guy is so overrated. He can't shoot or pass. And Pau Gasol is softer than warm butter. KG makes him look like a bitch everytime he mans up and takes it to the rim.

06-12-2008, 03:54 PM
Top Ten Signs an NBA Game Is Fixed

10. Game begins 20 minutes before visiting team arrives
9. Tip-off always goes to the player with the largest salary
8. At the end of the first quarter, the score is 179 to 2
7. Missed three-pointers count for two points if they're "pretty close"
6. One of the Laker Girls looks suspiciously like Pete Rose
5. Whenever he's open, referee takes a shot
4. Scoreboard has disclaimer: "All Scores Approximate"
3. The team loses even though it led in points, delegates, and the popular vote
2. Jack Nicholson scores 25 points from his seat
1. The Knicks win

06-12-2008, 03:57 PM

Also rofl at the fact that cajunspur is the only one who voted yes

06-12-2008, 03:59 PM

06-12-2008, 04:02 PM
Not too exciting, but it's been ok. In general, a Finals is going to be much more exciting if you're a fan of one of the teams. I think this Finals has been one of the more exciting series in recent years, but it did not live up to the hype so far. But, once a team gets closer to winning or closer to being eliminated, the games get more intense and often get more exciting. The 2005 NBA Finals is often looked at as a pretty exciting series (especially among Spurs fans and Pistons fans) because it went to game 7, but the first four games were blowouts.

It hasn't been as good as expected, but how it ends in the final few games can change that.

06-12-2008, 04:11 PM
It's all the celtic's fault. They make other teams play like crap and they play like crap on offense themselves.

06-12-2008, 04:11 PM
from a neutral point of view, its pretty boring.

Olympic basketball is 50x more exciting. looking forward to that

06-12-2008, 04:12 PM
Olympic basketball is 50x more exciting. looking forward to that


06-12-2008, 04:12 PM
It's all the celtic's fault. They make other teams play like crap and they play like crap on offense themselves.

reminds me of the Spurs.

Spurs are just as boring as Celtics. don't get me wrong.

06-12-2008, 04:59 PM
The refs have had a significant impact on this series in terms of it being enjoyable to watch.

In general though, when your team loses in the playoffs the Finals aren't very fun to watch.

06-12-2008, 05:33 PM
from a neutral point of view, its pretty boring.

Olympic basketball is 50x more exciting. looking forward to that

FIBA basketball and the Olympics are retarded.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
06-12-2008, 06:08 PM
The last two exciting Finals series as an NBA fan, were 2005 and 2004.
This one just has had an anticlimactic vibe since it started

Positives - C's team hustle and individual defense is okay to see, the roleplayers; Celtics leading the series. Paul Pierce's guts.

Negatives - KG the charlatan, Kobe's face, that faggot machine, the refs, Phil, the godawful media, hollywood, the vain attempts to bring up Larry Bird and Magic parallels :lmao

Slightly entertaining - Gasol and Odom

06-12-2008, 07:19 PM
Wait, you mean no one liked 06 Finals? Isn't that the greatest performance ever in the Finals by a single player? Aren't we forced to remember that series everytime we turn on the tv and Wade is doing some commercial?

I guess no one appreciates the skill it takes to hit a free throw after a free throw.

06-12-2008, 07:45 PM
The last two exciting Finals series as an NBA fan, were 2005 and 2004.
This one just has had an anticlimactic vibe since it started

Positives - C's team hustle and individual defense is okay to see, the roleplayers; Celtics leading the series. Paul Pierce's guts.

Negatives - KG the charlatan, Kobe's face, that faggot machine, the refs, Phil, the godawful media, hollywood, the vain attempts to bring up Larry Bird and Magic parallels :lmao

Slightly entertaining - Gasol and Odom

You forgot the Lakers frontcourt turning Leon Powe into the second coming of Shawn Kemp.

06-12-2008, 08:15 PM
ive watched like 30 seconds of the finals. it sucks.

06-12-2008, 08:40 PM
The Finals ALWAYS sucks when your team gets knocked out in the playoffs. It just further rubs in the fact that your team didn't make it there.

06-12-2008, 09:01 PM
The Finals ALWAYS sucks when your team gets knocked out in the playoffs. It just further rubs in the fact that your team didn't make it there.

Nah, my team has always gotten knocked out and i've still managed to enjoy the finals. This year just does nothing for me

06-12-2008, 09:37 PM
Who si watching this thing :sleep

06-12-2008, 09:57 PM
Who si watching this thing :sleep
That's exactly what I was thinking. Snoozefest, but if I gave a damn about either team I might watch.

06-12-2008, 10:13 PM
I personally don't like kobe or the lakers, but i admire his talent, i hate the celtics and that patch they call a team. to me allen garnett and pierce will always be career losers, who couldn't get to the next level on their respective teams. they're washed up on their last hoorah.

overall with the fix being in , and all it's drama, i'm starting to dislike the NBA and the overhype laker celtic series is.

snooze fest

06-12-2008, 10:55 PM
Lakers are getting destroyed....
