View Full Version : where were you (important dates)

06-12-2008, 08:15 PM
Where were you

on 9/11?

when you lost your virginity?

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?

06-12-2008, 08:23 PM
on 9/11?
I woke up at 7:30 AM mtn. with my mom telling me that the WTC had been bombed (wasn't a conformed plane at that point). I was a senior in HS and listened to coverage on the radio while driving to to school. When the second plane hit I was watching it in my math class.

when you lost your virginity?
Early Dec. 1999, roughly 3:45-3:46 pm, About 7200 South and Ft. Union Blvd in SLC. My GF's parent's house.

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?
Sixth grade, Mrs. Cahoon's class

Viva Las Espuelas
06-12-2008, 08:23 PM
Where were you

on 9/11?
i was at work and everyone was freaking out.

when you lost your virginity?
at the girl's apartment. this question was kinda stupid though and yes i answered it.

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?
choking a white bitch

06-12-2008, 10:26 PM
at the girl's apartment. this question was kinda stupid though and yes i answered it.

You didn't do it until someone was old enough to have their own apartment?!

06-12-2008, 10:30 PM
1. On 9/11 I was asleep when my mom called and told me to turn on the TV. I did and then went to wake up my friend who had passed out on my couch and we started smoking some herb and watching.

2. I was at my house. I don't really remember all the details. I think it was after a school dance.

3. I was at school and then went straight to LA to join in the riots.

06-12-2008, 10:34 PM
9/11: I was ironing my uniform and didnt get a day off for about 2 months afterwards.

Virginity: My room sometime in the summer of 87.

OJ Verdict: Dont know, but I remember the Bronco chase because it was during the NBA Finals with the Rockets.

06-12-2008, 10:34 PM
I was at my apartment on 9/11 and hadn't turned the TV on yet. My boyfriend at the time called and asked if I'd heard what was going on. I turned the tv on to the image of a plane crashing into the WTC.

I lost my virginity on the living room floor at my parents house after a HS football game (1979). They were out of town.

I have no clue where I was or what I was doing when the OJ verdict was read. I'm going to guess I was at work.

Don Quixote
06-12-2008, 10:41 PM
9-11: I was in the Air Force, installing some network cabling in the colonel's office with another guy. After it became clear that terrorist thugs had done it, the base was on lock-down for a week. We communications guys were pulling security duty, couldn't leave base, all that. Alot of the security forces deployed immediately.

V-card: No comment

O.J. -- Was a freshman in college. Those student liberals were happy when that verdict was handed down. There was practically a campus celebration.

06-12-2008, 10:53 PM
on 9/11?

when you lost your virginity?

Same day.

06-12-2008, 10:56 PM
9/11: It was the first thing I saw when I woke up that morning at about 6:15 AM. I spent the first hour or so trying to figure out if what I was watching was real and talking to various family members on the phone, and spent the rest of the day making phone calls to figure out if my girlfriend -- who was scheduled to fly home from New York that morning -- was on any of the planes involved.

Virginity: In my bed. Kind of a silly question.

O.J. Verdict: My friends and I watched that one after school (maybe when we were supposed to be in school? don't remember what time of day that was) and spent the rest of the afternoon wondering if there were going to be more riots.

06-12-2008, 11:09 PM
9/11 I had just returned home from dropping my 2 older kids at school, when my husband called (he was working in the Surgeon General's office at the Pentagon) and said that they were hearing something about a plane in NYC. So I told him what I saw on tv, hung up the phone, and headed out of the room to play with my 4 yr old, when I heard Tom Brokaw say, "Oh God". I knew it was bad and they said it was the Pentagon. My phone rang instantly, it was my husband saying he was okay and instructing me to go pick up our kids, head to the grocery and stock up with food. And batteries!! Then I didn't hear from him again for over 72 hrs.

I lost my virginity in the front seat of a car!

OJ verdict came on my birthday, Oct. 3rd. I was shopping at Target, watching in the electronics dept.

06-12-2008, 11:23 PM
9/11 I had just returned home from dropping my 2 older kids at school, when my husband called (he was working in the Surgeon General's office at the Pentagon) and said that they were hearing something about a plane in NYC. So I told him what I saw on tv, hung up the phone, and headed out of the room to play with my 4 yr old, when I heard Tom Brokaw say, "Oh God". I knew it was bad and they said it was the Pentagon. My phone rang instantly, it was my husband saying he was okay and instructing me to go pick up our kids, head to the grocery and stock up with food. And batteries!! Then I didn't hear from him again for over 72 hrs.

How terrified you must have been!

marini martini
06-12-2008, 11:25 PM
O.K.! O.K!.........................

9/11? Was in San Diego with my Dad at a 749th Tank Battalion reunion. Woke up in my hotel room turned on T.V. w/o my hearing aids on. Saw the plane hit WTC#1, and thought I was in heaven looking down. Realized where I was, put hearing aids in, and watched the rest of the day unfold. Being with WWII, tanker Vets, made me feel secure. They were ready to ship out to Iraq, right then & there! I got to dance with my Dad that eve. on a dinner ship in the bay. They weren't skeered! Finally flew home to S.A. on Friday, sitting next to a clown, and a yuppie with free drink coupons. Damn, my Dad was entertaining as hell. Great memory!:toast

Virginity? Back seat of a VW, at drive in movie:lmao

OJ verdict? Shooting range with my Walther P.P.

06-13-2008, 01:59 AM
Where were you

when you lost your virginity?

With your sister.

06-13-2008, 02:07 AM
9/11 i was at school
dont remember oj

06-13-2008, 02:37 AM
i was watching the nba match on that day。

06-13-2008, 03:32 AM
--on 9/11?

I lived in San Antonio at the time, I was attending UTSA. I had a 8:35am class that I didn't wake up for. I could hear my roommate and his GF in the living room, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. They sounded worried, so I woke up and went out to the living room and saw the one of the towers on fire. As I was coming to my senses and realizing just what in the world was going on...the second tower was hit.

--when you lost your virginity?

In my parents room. On fathers day. I was VERY young.

--when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?

I don't remember the verdict, but I do remember watching the Bronco chase at my friend Felix's house. We walked in the living room and everyone was standing around the TV. When they said it was OJ, it just didn't make any sense at all. Then they mentioned he killed like 3 people. I said "Oh".

06-13-2008, 09:11 AM
The OJ verdict I was in the BarberShop. When the jury started reading off the verdicts all the barbers turned their clippers off and stopped cutting.
Once the not guilty verdicts were in everyone stood up and applauded. OJ didn't kill that woman!

Virginity- I was in a tent on this camping trip. I was like 15 and the girl was probably 16.

9/11- At my house listening to the radio and getting nervous everytime I heard a car backfire somewhere.

06-13-2008, 09:17 AM
I was at work during 9/11. They were trying to shove jobs down our throats in the event that people stopped calling or started cancelling. I worked from 8am to 10pm that night. I didn't get see hardly any of the footage till I got home.

I was in a vagina

I was parked in the titty malls parking lot (forget what that mall was called looks like titties) eating a chic out when I heard about OJ. It came on the radio we paused and then got back down to business.

06-13-2008, 09:19 AM
Where were you

on 9/11?

when you lost your virginity?

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?

i was at work.
on my parents couch.
i was at work.

06-13-2008, 09:26 AM
on 9/11?

at a knitting class

when you lost your virginity?

still haven't

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?

taking the clothes off a Ken doll

06-13-2008, 10:02 AM
2. Recess

Southwest Texas Fan
06-13-2008, 12:15 PM
Where were you

on 9/11?

when you lost your virginity?

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?

1) I was in class

2) I was in the back seat at the lake. I was 17 yoa.

3) I was on deployment in the Pacific Rim.

06-13-2008, 12:21 PM
1) I was in class

2) I was in the back seat at the lake. I was 17 yoa.

3) I was on deployment in HER Pacific Rim.you must have two and three mixed

06-13-2008, 12:22 PM
1) in class
2) in her bed
3) idk but if i had to guess, it would probably be at home

06-13-2008, 01:05 PM
1. I faked sick to miss school, nothing happening that day anyways. Couldn't get back to sleep so I turned on the telly and was watching the news smoking a bowl when suddenly they all sort of stopped, had a look of confusion and stuttered around saying they have a special broadcast and it went to the national news thing, and they were freaking out about a plane that just hit the WTC.

When I saw it I remember coughing a good hit out and it hurt like shit and I threw up. Came back to the TV as they were showing the second plane heading right for the other building. Kinda felt like I was day dreaming.

When I realized it was Bush all along I just giggled at the insanity.

2. On a couch all the way up in Canada.

3. Watching the NBA Finals. They left the broadcast and started showing the chase. I turned off the TV and went and did something else I remember.

06-13-2008, 02:18 PM
1. Was getting ready for school in 11th grade and I walked downstairs for breakfast and my mom was like "We are being attacked by terrorists!". My mom is crazy so I told her it wasn't terrorists, but then the 2nd plane hit and I was like, o snap, terrorists. We then watched TV all day at school.

2. I was dating this asian chick in 11th grade and her parents would barely let her out of the house to hang out, let alone sleep over at my house. So one night she told her parents she was sleeping over at her friends house and we did our normal thing on friday nights, cruise around the town and smoke weed in parking lots. She slept over, and we both lost our virginity high. hmmmmm good times.

3. I was in 5th grade going to school in Malibu, and we all piled into one of the nearby classrooms to watch the verdict being read. Immediately after we found out he was not-guilty, the recess bell rang, and everyone ran out to the field yelling "Riot on the field, riot on the field!!" Yea....

06-13-2008, 04:36 PM
1. I was sleeping and my cell phone was going ape shit crazy.

2. My girlfriend was babysitting and we went to the back bedroom.

3. When was the OJ verdict? I guess I was at work??

06-13-2008, 08:51 PM
Where were you

on 9/11?

when you lost your virginity?

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?

9/11 I was at Bible College in a morning prayer meeting.

I am still a virgin- want to be one until my honeymoon.

I remember being terrified of O.J. at the time of his trial. I was convinced he was coming to murder me next. I didn't know why he would be targeting me but I was always on the look out for him.
I think I was on vacation with my family in Florida on my way to Disney world when the verdict was announced.

06-13-2008, 08:57 PM
9/11- I found out about the attacks in a car on the way back to campus. I had crashed on a friend's couch the night before.

V-losing Day- Oddly enough it was at that same apartment I had crashed at on Sept. 10 with the woman who was giving a ride back on Sept 11, about a month after all that.

OJ Day- I was in Mrs. Adams computer skills class in 7th grade.

06-13-2008, 09:15 PM
on 9/11?
In training at Travelocity

when you lost your virginity?
In the woods behind Misty Oaks

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?
At work

06-13-2008, 09:26 PM
on 9/11?
I was asleep when my next door neighbor called me from his work. He asked if my husband was still on his trip to DC/Pentagon and I answered yes, he was at training at the Pentagon. He told me what happened and I thought he was joking. I told him that if this was a joke, it wasn't very funny. He told me to turn on the TV. I freaked and immediately tried to call my husband. Of course I couldn't get through. I went and picked up my daughter because I didn't want her to hear about it from anyone at school. It was several hours before my husband was finally able to get through to me. Their training had been moved off-site because of a scheduling conflict. When it became clear that there would be no air travel for some time then he drove his rental car from DC to San Antonio.
My daughter's godfather had an office at the Pentagon but he was also off-site that day. Good thing, because his boss had gone to the restroom and while he was "indisposed", their office was destroyed.

when you lost your virginity?
The summer after my senior year, my boyfriend's parents had a weekend cabin at a lake and we took a drive out to "check on the cabin". :makeout :eyebrows

when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced?
I don't really remember where I was at that day, but I was amazed and mad.

06-13-2008, 11:30 PM
Is it sad that I was in school for 2 of those 3 things? :oops :lol

06-13-2008, 11:33 PM
I remember being terrified of O.J. at the time of his trial. I was convinced he was coming to murder me next. I didn't know why he would be targeting me but I was always on the look out for him..

:lol I'm sorry Angel, but I just laughed when I read this. Now I have an image of you randomly walking the streets of SA looking for OJ Simpson around every corner.

06-13-2008, 11:38 PM
I thought OJ was innocnet.

marini martini
06-13-2008, 11:43 PM
Is it sad that I was in school for 2 of those 3 things? :oops :lol

So you lost your virginity at school?:wow


06-14-2008, 02:34 PM
So you lost your virginity at school?:wow


:lol I just knew someone was going to interpret it that way...

06-14-2008, 03:30 PM
1. School. I was in 6th grade.

2. In my room with the door open and my mom home when I was 15.

3. I was too young.

06-14-2008, 03:32 PM
I'll bite on this one:

-- On 9/11/01, I was in my apartment, about to get ready for work, when I found out what was going on in New York. The things that I did before finding out about the attack were terribly mundane, but I somehow remember all of them vividly -- I recall that the night before, during the Monday Night Football game, Ed McCaffrey of the Broncos badly broke his leg; I woke up early on 9/11 thinking that I needed to beat my league-mates into the add/drop to find a replacement for McCaffrey and I remember (how, I don't know) that I ended up acquiring Darnay Scott :wtf). I went to snooze on the couch after that and woke to discover that a WKRP re-run was on. Thinking it was time to go to work, I headed for the shower and turned on a radio only to hear Tony Bruno say ". . . it looks like another plane has crashed into the World Trade Center." I thought it was a joke, but turned and ran back to my TV to check CNN and saw for myself what was going on.

-- My virginity left me on Good Friday (indeed) of my senior year in high school at a house party, on the floor in some empty room with my then-girlfriend.

-- I was a first year in law school when the OJ verdict was read and sat in a huge common room at the law school watching the broadcast with about 100 other law students -- it was an interesting place to be at that moment; I recall brief editorials from each of my professors the following day about the verdict and their thoughts about it.

06-14-2008, 05:50 PM
9/11 - I was at work doing kitchen inventory. One of the cooks came running back, telling me to turn on the TV. About ten minutes later we saw the second plane hit.

Virginity - A keg party in Deerfield some night my junior year after going to Nightmare on Grayson Street...random hook up at the time. We dated one summer later during college after meeting up at the 50-50.

OJ - TV room at Simkins Hall, UT-Austin.