View Full Version : Your #1 Free Agent Target this Offseason

06-13-2008, 09:27 PM
*tried my best to narrow it down to the realistic options.

Seems like a longshot, but JR Smith is my pick.
Has been in the league for 3 years and has more potential than most of the players in this draft. Hopefully the Spurs will be able to straighten him out if he decides to join us.

06-13-2008, 09:34 PM
Honestly, it would be Jamison. However, he wasn't listed.

That being said, I'll go with Azubuike

06-13-2008, 09:43 PM
Honestly, it would be Jamison. However, he wasn't listed.

That being said, I'll go with Azubuike

I cut Jamison because I didn't think he would accept the MLE.

06-13-2008, 09:52 PM

in my dreams

06-13-2008, 09:55 PM
I cut Jamison because I didn't think he would accept the MLE.

A boy can dream.

06-13-2008, 10:07 PM
JR Smith and then Pargo. Diop if it was possible.

06-13-2008, 10:10 PM
The guy in my sig. I guess out of that list Azubuike

baseline bum
06-13-2008, 10:13 PM
Maggette... the players on your list all suck. Vujacic isn't an option, as Slovenians always suck on the Spurs.

06-13-2008, 10:14 PM
I'm the only one who voted for Gomes. Huh.

Kori Ellis
06-13-2008, 10:14 PM
I voted for Sasha so that Spurs fans can have another player to complain about. :lol

I'll take J.R. Smith on your list.
I'd like Elton Brand for a pipe dream pick.

06-13-2008, 10:19 PM
JR Smith, the only guy who actually has a shot at making it the big four instead of the big three.

06-13-2008, 10:20 PM
JR Smith, the only guy besides Ian who actually has a shot at making it the big four instead of the big three.


06-13-2008, 10:22 PM
I would pick Delonte...but hes goin back to the Cavs. Id take either Azubuike, Gomes, Smith, or Pietrus

06-13-2008, 10:26 PM
I'm the only one who voted for Gomes. Huh.


06-13-2008, 10:30 PM
That's a pretty realistic list, Mr.Bottomtooth :tu

If the Spurs can steal Azuibuke, he's a pretty safe addition that can get you 12 and 5 as the starting shooting guard. JR Smith is definitely high risk, high reward. But if you hit that high reward, you get a guy who is probably an even better scorer than TD, TP or Manu. He doesn't do anything else but his scoring alone would make him worth whatever it took the Spurs to get him.

Gomes might be the best player on that list but he'd be hard to get and he doesn't exactly fit what the Spurs need. Off the list, I think Dorell Wright would be a good investment and Eduardo Najera has long been a player the Spurs have liked.

Pietrus (too dumb), Barnes (too emo) and Vujacic (too expensive) are too flawed.

After the draft it'll start making sense as far as which player should be the number one target. Right now, it's looking like the Spurs should either try to steal Smith or Azubuike and then go from there.

06-13-2008, 10:33 PM
Has Artest dropped off the list of possibilities? If so, I guess JR Smith

06-13-2008, 10:35 PM

06-13-2008, 10:40 PM
What's the price likely to be on Dorell Wright?

The dream for me would be JR Smith and Wright and a good backup PG in the draft. I'd like Lawson if he'd fall. Spurs need to load up on multiple guys that can break down the defense. Maybe get a guy like Kwame Brown on the cheap if possible as the back up bruiser center.

06-13-2008, 10:45 PM
I voted for JR Smith because the Spurs need a guy with a shitload of tats.

06-13-2008, 11:04 PM
What's the price likely to be on Dorell Wright?

The dream for me would be JR Smith and Wright and a good backup PG in the draft. The Heat look like they are going to try to open up cap room in the next few years so stealing Wright wouldn't be too difficult if the Spurs gave him a decent offer. Two-year, $5-6M might be enough. Tough to tell because with this shallow free agent pool, teams may be fighting over the same scraps.

But I don't see a way to get Smith and Wright. Only way would be if the Spurs snag Wright with the LLE ... which is unlikely.

06-13-2008, 11:05 PM
Dang. It looks like JR Smith is running away with this thing. I have to be honest when I say I'm not that familiar with him, since I only get to watch the few televised Spurs games that happen to be against the Nuggets (too cheap to spring for NBA TV).

timvp, when you say this guy is high risk, high reward, are you talking about a possible head case? cough cough Rodman cough cough Or are you talking about being a streaky shooter?

06-13-2008, 11:06 PM
That's a pretty realistic list, Mr.Bottomtooth :tu

JR Smith is definitely high risk, high reward. But if you hit that high reward, you get a guy who is probably an even better scorer than :wow. He doesn't do anything else but his scoring alone would make him worth whatever it took the Spurs to get him.

06-13-2008, 11:14 PM
Dang. It looks like JR Smith is running away with this thing. I have to be honest when I say I'm not that familiar with him, since I only get to watch the few televised Spurs games that happen to be against the Nuggets (too cheap to spring for NBA TV).

timvp, when you say this guy is high risk, high reward, are you talking about a possible head case? cough cough Rodman cough cough Or are you talking about being a streaky shooter?Definite head case. He's a guy whose future could be anything from NBA All-Star to jail to getting himself killed. He's basically a rich kid who dreams of being a ganksta. That has already led to him accidentally killing a friend.

Now if he can screw his head on straight, he's an amazing talent. If he doesn't, he'll do something stupid to end his basketball career before long.

06-13-2008, 11:20 PM
JR Smith, the only guy who actually has a shot at making it the big four instead of the big three.

You mean Big Five! Bruce is already the 4th guy on the Big Four.

As for FAs, I don't know... it all depends on what happens in the draft - are they going to draft a swing at #26, or use the MLE on a swing leaving #26 for a PG or C?

I know everyone trusts in JR Smith, and I love his ability, but he just looks like a huge discipline/bball IQ risk to me. He cracks under pressure and becomes a one-player team. If he is beyond that, I'm all for him, but I doubt it.

I would say Azu, but the Warriors are going to prioritise him over Pietrus and Barnes, so I doubt we have a hope there. Pietrus has great ability but is dumb as a post when on the court, Barnes is limited.

I'll go with Pargo and Barnes or Wright splitting the MLE.

PS if I thought Brand, Maggette or Jamison would take the MLE I'd be all over it, but those are just pipe dreams. Artest might just be crazy enough to take the MLE, but it would be a risk of Rodmanesque proportions... might have to take it though if he is interested.

06-13-2008, 11:21 PM
Azubuike but I doubt he's on the Spurs radar.

06-13-2008, 11:25 PM
The thing JR has about possibly turning himself around is that there couldn't be a worse team than the Nuggets for him, with Melo and AI as mentors. Get him in a sane environment and he might be much more stable and disciplined.

06-13-2008, 11:26 PM
The Spurs need a player with a couple DWIs, drug charges, gets ejected 10 times a season, isn't afraid to lay down a questionable "Horry" type of foul, and will still be nails on the court and come up big for the team.

Basically they need to go the opposite way on the personnel decisions they made with Dennis Rodman and Stephen Jackson. Either they get a player like that or I wake up to the headline "Tim Duncan runs red light, assaults police officer" in the morning. This team needs some attitude.

06-13-2008, 11:29 PM
Definite head case. He's a guy whose future could be anything from NBA All-Star to jail to getting himself killed. He's basically a rich kid who dreams of being a ganksta. That has already led to him accidentally killing a friend.

Now if he can screw his head on straight, he's an amazing talent. If he doesn't, he'll do something stupid to end his basketball career before long.

That's a real shame. As the saying goes, there's nothing worse than wasted talent. I think I'd take another year of "boring" Spurs basketball where everyone has one thing in mind, than bring in somebody like him that brings a 50% chance of blowing everyone out of the water winning a championship, and 50% chance of completely destroying the unity it's taken the Spurs 10 years to build.

06-13-2008, 11:31 PM
You mean Big Five! Bruce is already the 4th guy on the Big Four.
You may see Bruce as a "big four" but you never hear anyone referring to the Spurs big four, it's always big three. We're talking about offensive impact players and for Duncan it's all around impact

As for FAs, I don't know... it all depends on what happens in the draft - are they going to draft a swing at #26, or use the MLE on a swing leaving #26 for a PG or C?
The likelihood that the Spurs get an impact swing player for next year or even the next two years with the 26 pick is a little better than my chances of winning the lottery. Even if the Spurs get the player they hope, Rush, Walker, whoever he's not likely as a rookie to be better than even Finley or Barry, and not likely to see the floor except for mop up.

06-13-2008, 11:37 PM
Monta. Ellis.

06-13-2008, 11:37 PM
You may see Bruce as a "big four" but you never hear anyone referring to the Spurs big four, it's always big three. We're talking about offensive impact players and for Duncan it's all around impact

Yes, I am aware what the discussion is about. "4th scorer" would be more appropriate terminology for this discussion.

Bruce will always be the fourth member of the Big 4 for many people around here.

06-14-2008, 12:25 AM
JR Smith is my first pick in that list

Azubuike would be my next pick.... out of that list the Spurs will probably end up going with Pietrus.

Spurs da champs
06-14-2008, 12:26 AM
Definite head case. He's a guy whose future could be anything from NBA All-Star to jail to getting himself killed. He's basically a rich kid who dreams of being a ganksta. That has already led to him accidentally killing a friend.

Now if he can screw his head on straight, he's an amazing talent. If he doesn't, he'll do something stupid to end his basketball career before long.

Wheres the link to where he killed his friend? If anything J.R Smith could bring some toughness to the spurs which are considered soft/weak attitude wise. Also just because this guy has tatoos does not make him a gangsta or a killa or anything like that.
And that brawl thing you really can't blame him he was fouled hard and nate robinson was basicly throwing fists at him and talking trash.
J.R Smith should be taken Popovich should straighten out any attitiude problem you all claim this guy has. He can score and he played decent defense against the lakers.

Ryan Gomes would be number two you all seem to forget that Bruce Bowen is 36, Ryan Gomes is one of those larger and stronger small fowards. he can rebound, and score. He could likely do a decent job of defense against David West or Lamar Odom.

06-14-2008, 02:43 AM
If he opts out, James Jones would be a nice piece for the Spurs. Long for the small forwards spot, can shoot, solid defensively, can play PF in small ball. He would be a nice fit actually. Only problem is I personally think the Spurs should address PF/C before a swingman and acquiring JJ might limit options for a big man.

06-14-2008, 02:49 AM
roger mason

06-14-2008, 03:14 AM
Pietrus would be my pick.

He's young, so any problem we would have in his game can still be straighten up by Pop. Plus could add a little spice to our game.

He's athletic. He can dunk, drive strong to the basket, and have a little bit of a jumper (with Chip as shooting coach I know he'll improve).

He's a bit underrated, so we may get him at a lower price than JR Smith.

He's French, he has something in common with one of our star players.

06-14-2008, 03:39 AM
Antoine would be the ultimate pickup but he's probably too expensive. Artest is way too volatile. Not that Smith isn't but it would be good to have a fourth serious scoring threat. I think being on the Spurs would help him alleviate any on court composure difficulties he may have right now. The Spurs locker room compared to Denver's is a much better place for players imo.

06-14-2008, 04:43 AM
i think i posted in one of the other threads

we should try and give another look at taryn thomas of the bulls, i read that his 6'11 now, grew 2-3 inches since the bulls went fishing this season......

06-14-2008, 07:53 AM
Okay, so my pick has a little twist on it....

I didn't pick my favorite player necessarily, though I do think he will be helpful for this team. I picked my "favorite" to land on the Spurs.

That player is Mickael Pietrus.

Spurs Brazil
06-14-2008, 08:08 AM
JR Smith

06-14-2008, 08:08 AM
i picked james jones just to vote....but none of these guys will put us over the top unless we win homecourt advantage....bring timmy some help first then maybe these picks, me something to me.....

06-14-2008, 09:31 AM
Jannero Pargo plays both point and SG

06-14-2008, 11:02 AM
i think i posted in one of the other threads

we should try and give another look at taryn thomas of the bulls, i read that his 6'11 now, grew 2-3 inches since the bulls went fishing this season......


Why would the Bulls part with him? His trade value is low right now. And, he's young and his potential is still very good. I don't think the Spurs have much to offer in a trade scenario.

06-14-2008, 02:50 PM
Pietrus (too dumb).

I like Pietrus as the most realistic option who might fit the Spurs needs.

It's good to aquire young players with big upside who just had a "blip" year in the middle of an upward career. He qualifies and should be undervalued.

But how dumb is he? Are we talkng Lamar Odom here? :wow :wow :wow

06-14-2008, 03:36 PM
Monta. Ellis.

Too. Expensive.

Seriously, I don't understand the attraction. His skill set is almost identical to Tony Parker's, with worse shot selection. He's like JR Smith, minus the hops, size, and deadly outside shot. :lol Rumors are that the Grizz are going to throw $10M per year at him anyway.

06-14-2008, 03:37 PM
I like Pietrus as the most realistic option who might fit the Spurs needs.

It's good to aquire young players with big upside who just had a "blip" year in the middle of an upward career. He qualifies and should be undervalued.

But how dumb is he? Are we talkng Lamar Odom here? :wow :wow :wow

Think: Barkley's proverbial deer.

06-14-2008, 03:38 PM
i think i posted in one of the other threads

we should try and give another look at taryn thomas of the bulls, i read that his 6'11 now, grew 2-3 inches since the bulls went fishing this season......

Where was this heard? Link?

06-14-2008, 03:44 PM
Where was this heard? Link?

Alert: you have responded to the blatherings of an anime loving idiot. No one grows 2-3 inches in 2 months after a season. TT is an undersized athletic undefined forward, just like always.

06-14-2008, 03:52 PM
None of the above.

06-14-2008, 04:50 PM
Maggette... the players on your list all suck. Vujacic isn't an option, as Slovenians always suck on the Spurs.

I couldn't say this any better myself.

06-14-2008, 05:08 PM
Maggette... the players on your list all suck. Vujacic isn't an option, as Slovenians always suck on the Spurs.
Maggette ain't comin to us for shit if we're offering only the MLE. I don't know what you're thinking.

06-14-2008, 05:15 PM
In order, my choices would be:

JR Smith
James Jones

06-14-2008, 05:17 PM
Maggette ain't comin to us for shit if we're offering only the MLE. I don't know what you're thinking.

Not to mention that whole "fourth option" on offense role.

06-14-2008, 05:18 PM
In order, my choices would be:

JR Smith
James Jones

I agree with this statement.

06-14-2008, 05:53 PM
I'm going combo here:

My first combo, which is less of a possibility due to financial constraint, would be Barnes/Pargo.

My next combo would be Barnes/Buike.

Nellie can't keep'em all....

06-14-2008, 06:11 PM
I think Barnes would be an OK fit. I just don't ever see him signing here. Kori said he's been here a number of times for workouts in different years and the Spurs liked him. He just always wants to play on the left coast. I think he'd sign with Seattle or the Clippers just to stay left coast.

06-14-2008, 06:23 PM
I would hope for his sake he at least would choose Sacramento, but then again the Warriors weren't necessarily knocking on the door when they acquired him. I'm just guessing that a combo of being closer to family and bad experiences with previous NBA teams in other regions has in the past made him seem more likely to stay as far out west as possible....but with the passing of his mom (whom he was pretty close with judging by how her death affected his in-game focus) and a bit of time away from those past experiences (as well as a souring one in his own backyard in Oakland) one might be lead to believe he could be ready to "expand his horizons" so to speaki....at least I hope so. I think he could definitely help to spread the offense out and guard those pesky in-between big men that seem to be cropping up all over the Western Conference.

06-14-2008, 06:27 PM
Too. Expensive.

Seriously, I don't understand the attraction. His skill set is almost identical to Tony Parker's, with worse shot selection. He's like JR Smith, minus the hops, size, and deadly outside shot. :lol Rumors are that the Grizz are going to throw $10M per year at him anyway.

I know Memphis is looking at 10M for him, which is ridiculous. And will probably be out of GS via a sign and trade.

He can drive the ball to the hoop, something that we need more of unless but I see you'd prefer more inconsistent jump shooting. He also racks up in the steals dept., something that isn't exactly a knock-on him. Team him and TP up in the backcourt and see what happens. His shot selection under Nellie wouldn't exactly be the same under Pop either. Oh yeah, he's fast.

06-14-2008, 06:29 PM
Ellis+Parker= WAY too short backcourt.

06-14-2008, 06:33 PM
Ellis+Parker= WAY too short backcourt.

Like we don't go small already 1-3 quite often.

Parker + Ellis = WAY TOO FAST backcourt.

06-14-2008, 06:35 PM
Like we don't go small already 1-3 quite often.

Yes but making it a regular with Monta is quite risky.
We're not getting him anyways.

06-14-2008, 06:35 PM
Yes but making it a regular with Monta is quite risky.
We're not getting him anyways.

I know we're not gonna get him but I'm answering the thread's question ;)

06-14-2008, 06:36 PM
I know we're not gonna get him but I'm answering the thread for me ;)

:lol Carry on, then.

06-14-2008, 06:38 PM
:lol Carry on, then.

Will do :king

06-14-2008, 06:42 PM
I would hope for his sake he at least would choose Sacramento, but then again the Warriors weren't necessarily knocking on the door when they acquired him. I'm just guessing that a combo of being closer to family and bad experiences with previous NBA teams in other regions has in the past made him seem more likely to stay as far out west as possible....but with the passing of his mom (whom he was pretty close with judging by how her death affected his in-game focus) and a bit of time away from those past experiences (as well as a souring one in his own backyard in Oakland) one might be lead to believe he could be ready to "expand his horizons" so to speaki....at least I hope so. I think he could definitely help to spread the offense out and guard those pesky in-between big men that seem to be cropping up all over the Western Conference.

Oh, I think he'd sign with a good West coast team before a bad one. However, I think he'd sign with a bad West coast team before anyone else.

06-14-2008, 06:50 PM
Oh, I think he'd sign with a good West coast team before a bad one. However, I think he'd sign with a bad West coast team before anyone else.

I could definitely see that happening, but I hope this time around he is open to leaving what has generally been his comfort zone for the opportunity to win. Hopefully the team doesn't stare down Pietrus before making a run at Matt.

The Franchise
06-14-2008, 08:17 PM
Jannero Pargo would be perfect for the Spurs. His Range and Defense would be the perfect compliment to Parkers speed.

Kindergarten Cop
06-14-2008, 08:19 PM
I think J.R. Smith is just what the doctor ordered.

06-14-2008, 08:35 PM
Which doctor, Kevorkian, as in "team killer"? Sorry, couldn't resist.

Kindergarten Cop
06-14-2008, 08:42 PM
Which doctor, Kevorkian, as in "team killer"? Sorry, couldn't resist.


06-14-2008, 08:48 PM

06-14-2008, 08:56 PM
Pietrus would be my pick.

He's young, so any problem we would have in his game can still be straighten up by Pop. Plus could add a little spice to our game.

He's athletic. He can dunk, drive strong to the basket, and have a little bit of a jumper (with Chip as shooting coach I know he'll improve).

He's a bit underrated, so we may get him at a lower price than JR Smith.

He's French, he has something in common with one of our star players.

Pietrus is also my pick too - for many of the reasons listed above. I think he'll be a more realistic option and would likely be a better fit, in so many other ways, than Smith.

Don't get me wrong, I like Smith. Offensively, he's better than Pietrus, but he's a bit undisciplined and not even a decent defender. I think he would be harder to get than Pietrus. I wouldn't be disappointed with either.

06-14-2008, 09:20 PM
We need JR Smith:wakeup

06-14-2008, 11:09 PM
It's interesting that it seems most people just look at a player's athletic ability, rather than his ability to fit with the Spurs. Yes, there is precedent that Pop can discipline a young firebrand, namely Jax, but I think JR Smith is another level of headcase above Jax. Also, I don't think he's nearly as smart on a basketball court as Jax - every time I see JR play he either tries to go 1-on-5 to win a game (and fails miserably), or disappears in the clutch.

I really think JR Smith is a pretty package that will turn out to be empty when he is unable to gel with the Spurs' system. Then again, if he is a bust here, he'll also probably be easy to move on given his 'talent'.

I'm really torn by JR - the potential is huge, but the potential for disaster is also huge. He's basically a coin flip, like AK vs QQ.

Give me Pargo, Barnes, Diop, draft a young swingman at #26, and call it an offseason.

06-15-2008, 12:17 AM
It's interesting that it seems most people just look at a player's athletic ability, rather than his ability to fit with the Spurs. Yes, there is precedent that Pop can discipline a young firebrand, namely Jax, but I think JR Smith is another level of headcase above Jax. Also, I don't think he's nearly as smart on a basketball court as Jax - every time I see JR play he either tries to go 1-on-5 to win a game (and fails miserably), or disappears in the clutch.

I really think JR Smith is a pretty package that will turn out to be empty when he is unable to gel with the Spurs' system. Then again, if he is a bust here, he'll also probably be easy to move on given his 'talent'.

I'm really torn by JR - the potential is huge, but the potential for disaster is also huge. He's basically a coin flip, like AK vs QQ.

Give me Pargo, Barnes, Diop, draft a young swingman at #26, and call it an offseason.

Fear is the mind klller. Dare to reach for greatness. I'd say there is very little potential for disaster. One player could never break the locker room of the Spurs, he could only get himself shipped out.

06-15-2008, 12:38 AM
Fear is the mind klller. Dare to reach for greatness. I'd say there is very little potential for disaster. One player could never break the locker room of the Spurs, he could only get himself shipped out.

Sure, but this decision pretty much determines what happens for the rest of the Big 3's window, which is only 2 more seasons. I say that because by then Manu will be 34 and declining, Bruce will almost certainly be retired, and at about the same time Tim will probably start to decline slowly.

Look, I'm not opposed to JR, roll the dice - if he works out, I see another championship in 2009. This team is only one scorer, a bit of luck with injuries, and a decent season from Mahinmi away from another ring...

On the flipside, bringing in Pargo, Barnes, Diop, and say CDR would also give us a shot.

I guess I'm glad I'm not the GM! :lol

06-15-2008, 01:43 AM
I prefer JR Smith. Boy got 3's, athletic and hungry (and young too)...something that the Spurs lack this season. Somehow I see Spurs is lacking hunger to win,many times Pop empty bench on 3rd quarter in playoffs..that reflect that the team is getting older and starter need more rest than usual team rotation (when i saw Celtics play, I saw lots of anger and hunger for championship..hate to admit though).

No 2: Kelena Azubuike.

I dream of Corey Magette (dude average more than 20 points a game this regular season,can draw fouls while attack rim n make free throws).

I hope Spurs take free agent seriously. They try to save money n trying to stay under the cap for too long and at the expense of losing Scola (and Splitter..want to buy out his contract now? keep dreaming).

:lobt2: :lobt2: :lobt2: :lobt2: :flag:

06-15-2008, 10:31 AM
Vujacic is a much better option than Azubuike (Ime #2)....and J.R. just isn't gonna happen.

Not to mention, chicks dig the Vujacic.

06-15-2008, 10:36 AM
Vujacic is a much better option than Azubuike.

They're about the same in stats, with each player slightly leading in different categories.
How is Sasha a much better option?

06-15-2008, 10:40 AM
Diop? Dude would be a good addition, but the guy hasn't averaged more than 20 minutes a game in his career. Don't spend money on that.

06-15-2008, 10:44 AM
They're about the same in stats, with Kelenna slightly leading.
How is Sasha a much better option?

Well he's probably not "much" better, but Sasha's a better shooter, he's got 3-4 inches in height on buike, and chicks DO dig the Sasha.

Sasha's a lot more of a playmaker than people think, he actually came into the league as a point guard...a 6'7 PG...In the triangle offense he doesn't get to show this cause he's always on the offside. Buike isn't that much differen't than Ime, he's hyped a lot here, and i don't know why.

Oink Oink
06-15-2008, 03:59 PM
Chris duhon would be a good backup.

06-15-2008, 04:37 PM
Chalk up another vote for JR Smith.