View Full Version : I need a volunteer to do me a favor.....

06-15-2008, 05:35 PM
This sweet old lady called me two years ago to fix her PC turns out it was a DSL problem not her PC anyway she calls me out of the blue today to tell me about USANA, and she wants me to go to a meeting Tuesday.

Well I goggled USANA and I found out it's kinda of a scam and you don't really make money only 6% really do but they are very high on the Pyramid.

It's some sort of Vitamin supplement and this lady had Cancer and feels it cured her so she is on the USANA bandwagon but I am afraid she will lose her savings if i don't step in and say something.

This is where you (as a volunteer) helps me out. I am not really good at getting to the point and she may not take me serious. So if anyone here wants her phone number and wants to break the news to her gently that she is going to get fucked please PM me or call me.




06-15-2008, 05:53 PM
Why not show her this video? It seems fairly convincing.

06-15-2008, 06:11 PM
This lady gave me a hard time when I tried to tell her the online trading company she was involved with two years ago was ripping folks off. Then I told her she could get phone/www/and Cable for 99.00 a month when Time Warner had the special and she thought I was a con man of some sort.

I have a feeling she won't take me serious and it may blow the whole thing.

She has a thing about Computer repair men since she got ripped off before. I need an outsider to talk to her. Lord knows how much she has invested in scams over the years.

I really don't like to get into other peoples business but I feel like if i don't say something I will have a guilty contentious later.

hey you need a laptop for 200.00?

06-15-2008, 06:26 PM
Yup the old folks are very very stubborn, At work I have had few of them trying to fall for Western Union scams, you send us XXX cash for a processing fee for a huge check. They come with there email all printed out. I tell them it's a scam and they get mad at me like I'm just jealous of there cash they are about to get.

They get piss want my manager and I take my manger to the back and tell them I know this is a scam and I will not do it and if they want to do that they sign all the paper work because I will have nothing to do with some old person being rip off. That usually makes them tell the customer our store will not do it.

I even take it a step further, I call all the HEB's around my store and tell them if this old person goes in there don't do it because they are getting scam. Most my friends work at nearby ones and they tell me they did show up there trying to do it but they did not because I gave them a heads up. They go into another store and will not even mention the email because they know that's what tip me off.

06-15-2008, 06:31 PM
Wow you should send that story into the paper. I guess i should just do nothing and let this old lady take it in the ass?

06-15-2008, 06:43 PM
Do you know if she has adult children? They may be able to help, and they probably don't know that she's being scammed.

06-15-2008, 06:43 PM
I wouldn't be able to do it, I suck at it, but just a story about USANA, a guy I worked with at West started doing this crap and went to a USANA meeting and said the top sellers always aid "There's only room for one at the top! I'll see you there!"

06-15-2008, 06:44 PM
If she won't believe you, I don't know if she'll believe a complete stranger (volunteer poster on spurstalk).

I guess just keep looking shit up on these pyramid scam people, and show her your findings.
If she won't listen to you, print out what you find and leave it in her mailbox/doorstep.
If she still won't listen to you then what the hell else can you do?
There's a reason these older people get scammed like this, and it's not because they're gullible, it's because they are stubborn.
Just do what you can, I don't think anyone of us can convince her.

She might need someone that she already knows to break it to her.

06-15-2008, 06:49 PM
This may be cruel but, let her be. It's her own fault, and when she realizes she'll know better next time.

Some people are just too stupid. You really think you can make money that easy for free? Wow. Just wow.

06-15-2008, 07:58 PM
I hate people who scam older people out of their money!

06-15-2008, 09:41 PM
ric roll

pickle girl
06-16-2008, 12:08 AM
I wouldn't be able to do it, I suck at it, but just a story about USANA, a guy I worked with at West started doing this crap and went to a USANA meeting and said the top sellers always aid "There's only room for one at the top! I'll see you there!"

Thanks for the info! :tu

pickle girl
06-16-2008, 12:10 AM
This may be cruel but, let her be. It's her own fault, and when she realizes she'll know better next time.

Some people are just too stupid. You really think you can make money that easy for free? Wow. Just wow.

I have met at least 12 senor citizens in the last two years that are into online trading or some sort of get rich fast scheme. It has to do with Bush fucking up our economy.

06-16-2008, 01:05 AM
I have met at least 12 senor citizens in the last two years that are into online trading or some sort of get rich fast scheme. It has to do with Bush fucking up our economy.

One man cannot be responsible for the well-being of 350 million people.

Yes, the buck stops at the president. However, there needs to be a level of personal responsibility.

06-16-2008, 02:37 AM
One man cannot be responsible for the well-being of 350 million people.

Maybe in your spineless world, but here in America? we vote for leadership, not some poor excuse like you just gave. Stop tossing GW's salad and speak the truth for once. this is not SR you don't have to walk on egg shells.
you just have to not be afraid to cross the road.

06-16-2008, 02:54 AM
Why don't you just let her read the Wikipedia page on the company and let her decide Mouse....


Of the 37% who earned a commission, 87% did not earn enough to cover the original $116 cost of becoming an associate.

On April 4, 2007 Guerin Senter and two other USANA shareholders filed a class-action lawsuit against USANA Health Sciences, Myron W. Wentz, David A. Wentz and Gilbert A. Fuller. The suit alleges that USANA presented materially false and misleading statements about the company's financial situation and business practices. Included in the allegations were that USANA's business model was unsustainable and amounted to a pyramid scheme. The lawsuit references several of the allegations made in the Minkow report.[24]

USANA has also been named the defendant in a proposed class-action lawsuit brought against them by some of the company’s distributors. On June 21st the Associate Press reported that the lawsuit was being filed in the state court of California, which has tough multilevel marketing laws. This lawsuit seeks to ban USANA from doing further business in the state, which is one of USANA’s largest markets. The lawsuit alleges that USANA failed to disclose “material adverse facts” to those recruited to sell the companies products. The lawsuit seeks damages for "downline" distributors who purchased products which they claim they were unable to sell due to the inflated prices.[2]

In early August, 2007, Forbes reported that through sources the FBI had launched a criminal investigation into Usana [2]. Usana has denied these allegations, stating that they have not been contacted by the FBI and are not aware of such and investigation [3].

In October 2007, Minkow alleged through a new Fraud Discovery Institute website that USANA is illegally operating in China. USANA has denied these claims.