View Full Version : Emmitt to retire?

02-01-2005, 12:40 PM
link (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=1981383)

02-01-2005, 07:08 PM
Just Emmit being a spotlight whore during Super Bowl week.

He should've done this years ago instead of going to the cactus chickens to shamelessly pad his stats. All he did was tarnish his image.

02-01-2005, 07:14 PM
How is announcing his retirement hogging the spotlight?? It's not as bad as what TO is doing. He says he's gonna play, the team doctor says he isn't. Let's just face it, the Eagles are not even in the same league as the Patriots.

02-01-2005, 07:39 PM
How is announcing his retirement hogging the spotlight??

Picking Super Bowl week to announce his retirement isn't trying to take the spotlight? Cmon now. I've even heard some reports that he might be flying down to Jacksonville to announce it officially. Why not just wait until after the Super Bowl?

It's not as bad as what TO is doing.

What is he doing? Getting ready to play in the biggest game of his life? I don't get your point here.

He says he's gonna play, the team doctor says he isn't.

When did the team doctor say that? I've heard no such thing. His doctor (not the team doctor) said he wouldn't clear him to play. But this is the same guy that fugged up Grant Hill's ankle. If he clears TO to play and he fucks up his ankle again, this guy's carreer would be over.

Let's just face it, the Eagles are not even in the same league as the Patriots.

That's the rumor. Those invincible, unbeatable Pats who lost to the Miami Dolphins. Whatever you say man.

02-02-2005, 12:21 AM
Looks like he may be having second thoughts. Maybe one more year of stat padding will make him believe that Barry Sanders wasn't the greatest RB of the era.


Emmitt says he's not done yet

03:45 PM CST on Tuesday, February 1, 2005

By JEAN-JACQUES TAYLOR / The Dallas Morning News

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Emmitt Smith, the NFL's all-time leading rusher, vigorously denied reports Tuesday that he was about to announce his retirement.

"Did you see my year last year? Do you think I'm ready to retire?" Smith asked. Smith is here for Super Bowl XXXIX festivities and, Monday night, took part in a dinner honoring past Super Bowl MVPs.

Smith ran for 937 yards and nine touchdowns in 15 games in 2004, his second season playing for the Arizona Cardinals. He now has 18,355 career rushing yards in 15 NFL seasons.

One online report Tuesday said Smith would announce his retirement on Wednesday and become part of a group trying to purchase the Minnesota Vikings.

ESPN.com reported an announcement could come as soon as Thursday.

Eugene Parker, Smith's longtime agent, declined comment. Werner Scott, Smith's Dallas-based marketing representative, could not be reached for comment.

02-02-2005, 12:33 AM
Emmitt didn't make the announcement...ESPN said they believed he would make it. They also said this last year...

Emmitt has said all along he is going to try and get 20000 yards.

Oh and Barry Sanders was a gutless puss who gained more yards running backwards and towards the sidelines than he did running forward.

Jimmy Johnson, who recruited Barry and coached Emmitt, said it the best: if he wanted to sell tickets he'd get Barry Sanders, if he wanted to win Superbows he'd get Emmitt Smith.

End of argument...you don't have jack shit except a 2000 yard season to hang your Barry was better argument on...

And if you think Barry would have gone on to get 18k yards you are on crack...Barry was a speed based running back...once his speed left him he was done, and it wasn't going to last much longer.

You are a loser brewski..I feel more confident than ever about Parker's future now...because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

02-02-2005, 12:33 AM
Let's just face it, the Eagles are not even in the same league as the Patriots.

Aren't they both in the NFL? :lol

Ice....I understand you don't like Dallas but isn't Emmitt still one of the best of all time?

02-02-2005, 12:36 AM
IMO, Emmitt was a better football player. Barry was a better pure runner but he Emmitt was a better receiver and blocker. For that reason I rank personally:

1. Jim Brown
2. Emmitt Smith
3. Walter Payton
4. Barry Sanders

02-02-2005, 12:37 AM
Aren't they both in the NFL? :lol

Ice....I understand you don't like Dallas but isn't Emmitt still one of the best of all time?

Yes he is one of the best of all time. But Barry was better. Had he not retired early, he would have set a yardage record that might have never been reached. Dude had moves that made me think he wasn't human.

02-02-2005, 12:38 AM
You are assuming Barry stays healthy, yes?

But Barry was better.

on what are you basing this? Since there was no indication that that this was an opinion, I am guessing you feel this is fact. Are you going by total yardage? yds from scrimmage? yards per carry? just curious.

02-02-2005, 12:41 AM
on what are you basing this? Since there was no indication that that this was an opinion, I am guessing you feel this is fact. Are you going by total yardage? yds from scrimmage? yards per carry? just curious.

I'm basing it on what I witnessed from both of them.

02-02-2005, 12:43 AM
so then it is an opinion. Fair enough. I respect that.

02-02-2005, 12:50 AM
Barry was tackled more times behind the line of scrimmage than any running back in history.

He was an all or nothing running back, he might get you 86 yards on 1 carry, or he might get tacked behind the line of scrimmage 4 consecutive times...this was his style, it was his style whether holes were being opened for him or not.

What he could never do, and what Emmitt could do...was control the clock and rack up first downs...with vision that was second to none...that earned a lot of his O lineme trips to the Pro-Bowl.

None of those guys...Nate Newton, Tueni, Gesek...those guys were scrubs that couldn't even spell Pro Bowl on a line that wasn't blocking for Emmitt Smith...none of those mofos except Gogan, Allen, and maybe Williams were shit without Emmitt, those mofos were the same guys that gave up an NFL record in sacks in 1990, they were the same guys that rendered Tony Dorsett and Herchel meaningless ...Emmitt saw holes before they were there, he made his o lone better, he was a big game back, he was tought, he was driven to win and be the best like no other, he could burn yards, he could block, he also got stronger as the game went on and was likely to break a big one the more carries he got.

Barry's 100 yard games had zero impact on whether or not his team won the game...the Cowboys were nigh invincible when Emmitt got 100 or 20 carries...and Barry is the guy that got held to negative total yardage in a playoff game and the next week Emmitt busted the same team up for 150 yards...the first 100 yard game against them that season.


Barry=heartless and he knew it....he quit on his team.

02-02-2005, 12:53 AM
they were the same guys that rendered Tony Dorsett and Herchel meaningless .

I wouldn't say meaningless. Thanks to Minnesota, Herschel helped out Dallas a lot! :lol

02-02-2005, 12:55 AM
Sanders Vs. Smith

I have gotten into countless debates about this. Emmitt Smith was good, but he would have gotten no where if he played in Detroit...Ok he would have been good but he wouldn't be getting all the props he's getting from a lot of people. The line he had was awesome. Barry Sanders was great, he would have put up huge numbers on that Cowboy Team. Sanders was fast, and was probably the quickest back there was.

Bottom Line: Barry is better than Emmitt

Was Jim Brown the best?

People say Jim Brown is the best. But he was a giant among men back then. He was a north and south runner that just over powered everyone. He could not do that today. He wouldn't be able to manhandle people like he did back then and he was not quick enough to get by the players of today. Brown's last year in the NFL, he averaged 5.3 yards per carry. His replacement the following year, Leroy Kelly averaged 5.5 yards per carry, and led the NFL in Rushing 2 out of the next 3 years, and was 2nd in the NFL the one year he didn't lead the league. Perhaps Jim Brown ran behind a very good Offensive line? Not to take anything away from him, I do believe that he was "one" of the best ever, but just not "THE" best ever. The fact that his replacement stepped right in, and the Browns rushing game didn't miss a beat, is evidence that there wasn't a lot of difference between Jim Brown and Leroy Kelly, and you never hear anyone talking about whether or not Leroy Kelly was one of the best ever.

Bottom Line: Brown was good but he wasn't the best.

How good was Bo Jackson?

Bo Jackson pretty much could do it all. He was fast and quick. Plus he could over power you. Just ask Brian Bosworth. Jackson could pretty much kill you anyway he wanted to. If he hadn't gotten hurt, he would have been the best easily. It was almost scary how good this guy was. Tim Brown said Jackson was the fastest man in pads. For a guy his size to be as fast and strong as he was is pretty impressive. And another thing, Bo Jackson was the greatest athlete of the 20th century!!!

Bottom Line: Bo Jackson would have been the best but he got hurt.

Walter Payton

Walter Payton wasn't big, he wasn't real fast. He just worked his ass off year in and year out. He put up the numbers year in and year out as well. Very, very talented, a great blocker and receiver as well. He did play on some good Bear teams but he also played on some shitty ones and put up some nice numbers I believe.

Payton Vs Sanders

It pretty much comes down to Payton and Sanders in my opinion. You really can't go wrong either way. I would pick Payton because he could do more than Sanders. Payton could run well, catch well, and block well. He was all heart. He was very well rounded for several seasons. Sanders was quicker and faster, but Payton just found ways to beat you some how to make up for it. It is really close but I just think Payton could do more than Sanders.

Bottom Line: My Pick is Sweetness... Walter Payton. Payton was the best, most complete back ever to play the game. He did more with less than any running back in NFL history.

02-02-2005, 12:56 AM
And the days of the great Emmitt ended in 1997 when he landed on his neck in a Monday Night Game against Chicago, he was never the same back after that except for the monday night game after Payton died...the last 7 years of Emmitt's career he was running on heart and toughness...if you doubt this just look at the fact that he got a 900+ yard this season for Arizona at the age of 35. A short list of players have put up that kind of yardage, on that kind of team...at the age of 35. Like 1 guy. He didn't get that because of his O line...

02-02-2005, 01:00 AM
Those are your opinions Ice, and as such they cannot be bottom line fact. Also, Emmitt Smith could lead the league in every offensive category in the NFL for all time and because he was a Cowboy, you would never call him the best.

02-02-2005, 01:01 AM
That's all Barry was was fast...and he ran around like a chicken with his head cutoff regardless of situation or down.

How come no one ever mentions the year Barry played with two 1500 yard recievers and a 3500 yard passer? The only time in history that had ever happened...Yet Emmitt won the rushing title and the Super Bowl.

Look...you can look at it anyway you want, but Emmitt is the all time leader in Rushing yards, in R touchdowns, in 100 yard games...

He's the all time leader on Monday Night in RTD's, Rushing yards, and 100 yard games.

He's the all time leader in the playoffs in Rushing yards, TD's and 100 yard games...

And he's second only to Franco Harris in the Superbowl...

Meanwhile...Newton and Tuenei were in the league 6 years before Emmitt and they never went anywhere near a pro bowl.

He made his own line better...they weren't particularly good pass blockers...they could run block but that was just as much credit to Emmitt's awesome vision as it was their blocking...there are always holes.

A great north south runner will always be superior to an east west runner...it's hard to make an argument for a guy being the greatest when his own crap team would take him out in goaline situations because they didn't want him getting tackled for a loss.

02-02-2005, 01:16 AM
My list..

1.Emmitt(sorry but I never saw Jim Brown run and his backup lead the NFL in rushing the year after he retired).

2.Earl Campbell...sorry but no one back ever carried a team better than Earl Campbell...Earl Campbell was the David Robinson of running backs...I might be willing to put someone ahead of Earl if you can show me another back carrying 4 men into the end zone or being hit by all 11 men on the defense in the same play and still not getting brought down.


4.Franco Harris(luck is a skill too you know)

5.Terrell Davis...just a flat out stud who turned the Great John Elway into a winner at long last(the Tim Duncan of running backs, only with better health).

02-02-2005, 01:18 AM
Those are your opinions Ice, and as such they cannot be bottom line fact. Also, Emmitt Smith could lead the league in every offensive category in the NFL for all time and because he was a Cowboy, you would never call him the best.

Emmit being an EX-Cowboy has nothing to do with it. I hated Al Davis and his Raiders when Bo Jackson played for them. But I still say he would have been the best had it not been for the injury. I also hated Michael Jordan and the Bulls but I'd still be quick to tell you that he was the best to ever play in the NBA.

Emmitt is a good back, but the best ever? It's not even close. To all of you Cowboy fans who don't like people saying that he is only as good as his line, think about this. I don't know the exact numbers, but if you take each season he played and count the number of offensive lineman that made the pro-bowl each season, the total is around 20. Payton had 3, Barry had 1. Need I say more?

02-02-2005, 09:15 AM
I never once brought up his line.

02-02-2005, 06:32 PM
Emmit being an EX-Cowboy has nothing to do with it. I hated Al Davis and his Raiders when Bo Jackson played for them. But I still say he would have been the best had it not been for the injury. I also hated Michael Jordan and the Bulls but I'd still be quick to tell you that he was the best to ever play in the NBA.

Emmitt is a good back, but the best ever? It's not even close. To all of you Cowboy fans who don't like people saying that he is only as good as his line, think about this. I don't know the exact numbers, but if you take each season he played and count the number of offensive lineman that made the pro-bowl each season, the total is around 20. Payton had 3, Barry had 1. Need I say more?

It sounds to me like you are just a hater. Once a hater always a hater. Is it becuz it was Dallas who gave a KO(knockout) to TO? Or is it becuz when Dallas won their superbowls, we killed the eagles in the playoffs? You could go on and on (blah, blah, blah) about Barry being the best back, and all this woulda coulda shoulda bull shit. The fact remains, Emmit holds the rushing record and so many other records, along with 3 superbows and Barry has none. I know it's hard for any eagle fan to live with.

You need to accept the fact that the eagles are not going to win no superbowl this year or in the years to come. Trust me I will be the 1st to post the words "I told you so" after the game.The Pats have the experience in playing in the superbowl, not to mention they have a good team, and the only experience the eagles have is losing the NFC championship game becuz they lost 3 times in a row. They just got lucky this year. So instead of Terrell playing and risking a career ending injury, he needs to just sit on the sidelines with Mrs.McNabb and eat his Chunky Campbell's Soup.

02-02-2005, 08:22 PM
It sounds to me like you are just a hater. Once a hater always a hater. Is it becuz it was Dallas who gave a KO(knockout) to TO? Or is it becuz when Dallas won their superbowls, we killed the eagles in the playoffs? You could go on and on (blah, blah, blah) about Barry being the best back, and all this woulda coulda shoulda bull shit. The fact remains, Emmit holds the rushing record and so many other records, along with 3 superbows and Barry has none. I know it's hard for any eagle fan to live with.

You need to accept the fact that the eagles are not going to win no superbowl this year or in the years to come. Trust me I will be the 1st to post the words "I told you so" after the game.The Pats have the experience in playing in the superbowl, not to mention they have a good team, and the only experience the eagles have is losing the NFC championship game becuz they lost 3 times in a row. They just got lucky this year. So instead of Terrell playing and risking a career ending injury, he needs to just sit on the sidelines with Mrs.McNabb and eat his Chunky Campbell's Soup.

You sound like the one who's the hater. Eagle hater that is. Your biterness is obvious. Sorry the Cowboys suck ass but maybe they'll get back to respectability someday soon.

You've got me wrong though. I might hate the Cowboys but I respect talent when I see it. Emmitt was without a doubt ONE of the best ever to lace em up. But not THE best ever. Barry would've been the all time rushing leader had he not hung em up early. Yeah I know. "Coulda, woulda, shoulda". But like it or not, that's what everyone who isn't a Cowboy fan believes.

Go ahead and say "I told you so" if/when the Eagles lose the Super Bowl. I'm just happy we finally made it over the hump. There will be other chances for the Eagles in the near future. Besides, I've already predicted a Pats victory. You'll just be making me look good as well.

Hook Dem
02-02-2005, 08:50 PM
"Go ahead and say "I told you so" if/when the Eagles lose the Super Bowl. I'm just happy we finally made it over the hump. There will be other chances for the Eagles in the near future. Besides, I've already predicted a Pats victory. You'll just be making me look good as well." ................................................So unds like you've got your butt covered very well! I'm just glad you're not a fan rooting for the same team I am! :lol

02-02-2005, 08:56 PM
I may be an Eagles fan but I'm also a realist. The Pats have been here before and know what to expect. That goes a long way in big games like this. To put it bluntly, (like I always do) my heart says the Eagles can win. But my head tells me that NE will get out to an early lead while the Eagles battle the big game jitters. That early lead will be too much to overcome with a RB like Dillon to eat up time. That and the fact that Owens will be nowhere near 100% despite all the hype. It he were at 100%, I'd give the edge to the Eagles. But Mitchell and Pinkston aren't the kind of WR's that you can depend on in a game of this magnitude.

05-13-2009, 12:53 AM
Emmitt didn't make the announcement...ESPN said they believed he would make it. They also said this last year...

Emmitt has said all along he is going to try and get 20000 yards.

Oh and Barry Sanders was a gutless puss who gained more yards running backwards and towards the sidelines than he did running forward.

Jimmy Johnson, who recruited Barry and coached Emmitt, said it the best: if he wanted to sell tickets he'd get Barry Sanders, if he wanted to win Superbows he'd get Emmitt Smith.

End of argument...you don't have jack shit except a 2000 yard season to hang your Barry was better argument on...

And if you think Barry would have gone on to get 18k yards you are on crack...Barry was a speed based running back...once his speed left him he was done, and it wasn't going to last much longer.

You are a loser brewski..I feel more confident than ever about Parker's future now...because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Barry was tackled more times behind the line of scrimmage than any running back in history.

He was an all or nothing running back, he might get you 86 yards on 1 carry, or he might get tacked behind the line of scrimmage 4 consecutive times...this was his style, it was his style whether holes were being opened for him or not.

What he could never do, and what Emmitt could do...was control the clock and rack up first downs...with vision that was second to none...that earned a lot of his O lineme trips to the Pro-Bowl.

None of those guys...Nate Newton, Tueni, Gesek...those guys were scrubs that couldn't even spell Pro Bowl on a line that wasn't blocking for Emmitt Smith...none of those mofos except Gogan, Allen, and maybe Williams were shit without Emmitt, those mofos were the same guys that gave up an NFL record in sacks in 1990, they were the same guys that rendered Tony Dorsett and Herchel meaningless ...Emmitt saw holes before they were there, he made his o lone better, he was a big game back, he was tought, he was driven to win and be the best like no other, he could burn yards, he could block, he also got stronger as the game went on and was likely to break a big one the more carries he got.

Barry's 100 yard games had zero impact on whether or not his team won the game...the Cowboys were nigh invincible when Emmitt got 100 or 20 carries...and Barry is the guy that got held to negative total yardage in a playoff game and the next week Emmitt busted the same team up for 150 yards...the first 100 yard game against them that season.


Barry=heartless and he knew it....he quit on his team.

Finally somebody who sees it the same way I do.