Conversation Between manufan10 and ATRAIN

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I think they rushed punk a bit but he is the future too. I think the key to putting a guy over as a leader and champ is to make him the leader of a faction. Look at what it did to Orton. It also helps groom the younger guys. It did that for the Rock, HHH etc.
  2. Swagger is up there too.
  3. The Mid Carder I like is Swagger. He is a lot of potential and will be a main eventer soon. I like to cheer on the young guys, the future.
  4. Yeah I still watch it. I like some of the midcarders: Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne. Randy Orton is pretty good, and I like Chris Jericho too.
  5. So you still watch Raw? Who is your fav active WWE wrestler? IM an Orton fan, he is the only reason why I even attempt to watch. I hate Cena.
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