Conversation Between DUNCANownsKOBE and resistanze

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. It was phxspurfan raging mad about Syria

    I honestly thought it was a line from the expendables tbh
  2. Oh god

    Please don't tell me that was Jacob
  3. Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.
  4. I'm pretty sure I'm borderline bipolar and paranoid as hell. I am counting some of you to bash the shit out of me after I submit this post so have at it.
  5. It's true. I am never going to be nothing more than a minion at Target. I guarandamntee you that I will never move up at that sweat shop. And you're right. I have burned a lot of bridges. One of my new year's resolutions was to not make it worse for me at Target this year so I've basically been a bitch and yes man to the bosses and co-workers. I'm basically a walking door mat. Yes, I know it's pathetic but I can't deal with confrontation right now. And you are 100 percent about me wasting my life at Target. I feel terrible, ashamed, guilty, and embarassed for wasting 5 years of my life at Target. I need to get a plan. I have currently been in the process of moving the last 2 months and I am just now finally settled. I was suckered/guilt tripped into moving in with my siblings so I honestly have not had fuckin' time to job hunt. And before I do any hunting for jobs, I got to get my mental health in order.
  6. Believing in Jesus is the same as hoping my car will stop when I hit the brakes, tbh

  7. Holy fuck. I think Christianity eats at the neurons.
  8. We all have faith in something, whether it's in the plane landing safely or the light turning on when we flick the switch.
  9. Go back to the tax thread, Wild Cobra decided he was gonna drop some knowledge (aka what Glenn Beck told him) to someone who's studying for the CPA about how tax credits work.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 45
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