Conversation Between ace3g and dbreiden83080

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. How did you merge the UFC on Versus 6 threads when I only had one, which was titled: Unannounced UFC event in October, I can create a new UFC 138 and 139 threads then can you merge the correct ones together?
  2. Merge which one??
  3. Can you do something similar to the UFC 138 and 139 Threads that you did to the UFC on Versus 6 thread?
  4. I sent a message to Kori about changing the thread titles, I did some research and it looks like on vBulletin, Mods only have a set amount of time after a thread is created to change the title, while the Admins have unlimited.

    Also do you know if you can change this: to: UFC on Versus 6: Cruz vs Johnson: October 1, 2011
  5. just leave it
  6. It's not changing.. I'd have to delete the thread and start it again. Maybe we should just leave it..
  7. No problem
  8. Can you change this: to UFC 139 and to UFC 138:

    I made the changes but they don't show on the front page yet
  9. Yo Ace you are becoming the Duncan228 with all the news in the Fight Club Forum.. It's awesome...
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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