Obviously Curry et al had a part in it, and the new NBA's love affair with chucking threes like some kid on 2k from fifteen years ago

But from what I've read from the analysts, a lot of the deterioration in defensive efficiency across the league ties back to individual players on defense gambling at an absurdly high rate vs. previous generations. Now, KaWOW in his prime was the best gambler in the league, perhaps in NBA history for a few short years, and was so successful at stealing the ball by gambling that he made it look easy for everyone else. But, unfortunately nobody in the NBA has Kawhi's enormous hands nor prime 2013-2017 Kawhi's incredible agility and quickness when going for the basketball on defense. However, everyone in the NBA continues to gamble on the perimeter these days, leading to easy layups, threes, and trips to the foul line.

Someone like Luka Doncic is absurdly bad at gambling. Like, laughably bad. To the point where he ing fouls out of an NBA Finals game.