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  1. #1601
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    bag Repugs in HOLE Texas ting it up

    Houston Elects 19 Black Women Judges, so Texas Gov. and Legislature Move to End Judicial Elections.

    Republican Gov. Greg Abbott

    citing concern about the courts' independence.

    Abbott has also
    appointed several judges that voters rejected last year to seats on higher courts.

    a bill, supported by Abbott, that would have replaced judicial elections with a system in which

    the governor appoints judges,

    the bill would have

    ended elections only in counties with more than 500,000 people, targeting urban
    (BLUE) areas like Houston. (Dallas, Austin, San Antonio)

    That would mean

    the governor would choose judges in the state's
    larger, more diverse counties,

    while rural, conservative counties could keep choosing their own judges.”

  2. #1602
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    E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules

    The Trump administration is preparing to significantly limit the scientific and medical research that the government can use to determine public health regulations,

    require that scientists disclose all of their raw data,

    including confidential medical records,

    before the agency could consider an academic study’s conclusions.

    E.P.A. officials called the plan a step toward transparency

    and said the disclosure of raw data would allow conclusions to be verified independently

  3. #1603
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    Flat Earth conspiracy is growing especially among born again religious zealots

    600 people went to their third annual conference in Dallas, Texas.

    This is scary:

    A YouGov survey of more than 8,000 American adults suggested last year that

    as many as one in six Americans are not entirely certain the world is round,

    while a 2019 Datafolha Ins ute survey of more than 2,000 Brazilian adults indicated that 7% of people in that country reject that concept

    The event's schedule resembled any corporate conference, with some fairly noticeable twists.

    Speakers gave presentations including

    "Space is Fake" and

    "Testing The Moon: A Globe Lie Perspective."

    Awards for the year's best flat Earth-related videos were handed out.

    And believers reveled in an opportunity to meet several of the movement's most influential minds.

    On a clear day, the curvature of the Earth can be seen from an airplane window. But remarkably, the hundreds of flat Earthers at the Dallas gathering were just a small portion of the movement.

    People in every pocket of this spherical planet are rejecting science and spreading the word that the Earth is flat.

    There's no clear study indicating how many people have been convinced -- and

    flat Earthers like Weiss will tell you without evidence there are millions more in the closet anyway,

    including Hollywood A-listers and commercial airline pilots

    -- but online communities have hundreds of thousands of followers and YouTube is inundated with flat-Earth content creators, whose productions reach millions.

    The Flat Earth Society has 200,000 followers on Facebook.

  4. #1604
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    Kentucky GOP moves to strip Democratic governor of his authority, accelerating trend of power grabs

    Federal and state Repugs are implementing one-party FASCISM

    same story in NC

  5. #1605
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    MSNBC greasebag guest:

    Hungry and poor people should ‘celebrate’ billionaires at Thanksgiving

    Michael Strain, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Ins ute,

    said that Americans should give thanks for billionaires.

    Strain scoffed. “The market is determining wages based on productivity.

    Velshi replied, “in a country where we’ve got a whole bunch of billionaires. Wouldn’t taxation solve some of that?”

    “We do have a progressive tax system,” Strain agreed.

    “The higher your income, the more you pay in taxes.” n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    The overwhelming, defining aspect of Repugs, Repug cult base, oligarchy is mother ing LYING compounded by stupidity and ignorance.

  6. #1606
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    TN legislator called for ridding US of higher education in order to "end a liberal breeding ground"

    In September, State Senator Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield, BS, Lipscomb U.) declared that

    he wanted to eliminate higher education (presumably only for women, because abortion) which would save America.

    His excuse: he was on talk radio. He (still) hasn’t apologized.


    Roberts specifically

    called out one activist who testified in favor of protecting abortion rights.

    He asserted without evidence that

    the woman’s beliefs were a “product of higher education”

    and claimed that getting rid of higher education would “save America.”

    Goddamn, all you ing rightwingnujob assholes are ing stupid

  7. #1607
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    ‘Flat-out corruption’:

    DeVos accused of scheming to stop next president from canceling student loan debt

    Billionaire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos this week proposed

    handing over the federal government’s $1.5 trillion student loan portfolio to a “stand-alone government corporation,”

    a move observers condemned as a corrupt ploy to strip the next president of the ability to cancel student loan debt.

    “This very much appears to be a Betsy DeVos scheme to block the next president from unilaterally forgiving federal student debt,

    which she is well aware a president could do without Congress,”
    The Intercept‘s Ryan Grim wrote in a series of tweets late Wednesday.

    “The DeVos family is heavily invested in the student loan industry and this is just flat-out corruption.”

  8. #1608
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    ‘Flat-out corruption’:

    DeVos accused of scheming to stop next president from canceling student loan debt

    Billionaire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos this week proposed

    handing over the federal government’s $1.5 trillion student loan portfolio to a “stand-alone government corporation,”

    a move observers condemned as a corrupt ploy to strip the next president of the ability to cancel student loan debt.

    “This very much appears to be a Betsy DeVos scheme to block the next president from unilaterally forgiving federal student debt,

    which she is well aware a president could do without Congress,”
    The Intercept‘s Ryan Grim wrote in a series of tweets late Wednesday.

    “The DeVos family is heavily invested in the student loan industry and this is just flat-out corruption.”

    There is no way she should have ever gotten that job. It's absolutely outrageous.

  9. #1609
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    yet another sadistic TX bag

    He wanted to ban feeding homeless people. Now he’s about to lead a federal homeless agency

    A consultant known for urging cities to stop “enabling” homeless people, in part by blocking charities from handing out food, has been tapped to lead the agency that coordinates the federal government’s response to homelessness.

    Robert Marbut, who has worked with several cities, including Fresno and several other California cities and counties, would succeed Matthew Doherty as executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.

    The shift in leadership comes as President Trump has repeatedly vowed to crack down on street encampments in Los Angeles, San Francisco and elsewhere in California.

    Marbut, a Texas-based consultant ... has long encouraged elected officials to stop coddling people on the streets.

    “No one has got out of homelessness just because they got fed,”
    he told the Tampa Bay Times. “That has never happened.”

    Marbut also has
    been skeptical of “housing first,”

    the widely accepted model that prioritizes getting people off the streets before focusing on other issues of mental health or substance abuse.

    The federal agency he is poised to lead has long pushed the strategy as the best way to reduce homelessness.

    “The primary concern is that his approach, and what we see signs of from the administration wanting to do, is

    going to encourage greater enforcement of laws criminalizing homelessness with all the collateral damage that causes,”

    “He clearly has a patronizing, condescending and shaming-and-blaming approach that may hide homelessness from downtown businesses,”

    “But it does nothing to end or even alleviate homelessness.

    His goal is to fix what he perceives to be individual flaws while ignoring all the really clear structural problems that create this. 833e09a87a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2016_12_12_COPY_01&utm_medium=email &utm_term=0_b04355194f-833e09a87a-80027601

    Of course, Trash's kakistocracy launches another tactic in their strategy to abuse, criminalize, crush the poor.

    Any Christ-loving evangelicals objecting because Christ loved the poor? no

  10. #1610
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    Trump nominee who is anti-IVF and surrogacy was deemed unqualified.

    She was just confirmed.

    The latest of President Trump’s confirmed federal judges has been assailed by fellow lawyers for

    her lack of trial experience

    and has been lambasted by reproductive rights advocates for

    her vigorous opposition to abortion, surrogacy and in vitro fertilization.

    And in a near-party-line vote Tuesday, the Senate approved the nomination of Sarah Pitlyk, making the conservative lawyer the newest federal judge for the U.S. District Court in St. Louis.

    The new appointment has also been seen as yet another mark of the influence of
    the Federalist Society, a conservative nonprofit organization, over Trump’s selection of judges. Pitlyk is a Federalist Society member.

    Pitlyk is also
    the latest of Trump’s nominees to receive a “not qualified” rating from the American Bar Association, which has long reviewed the competence of nominees for the federal bench.

    “Ms. Pitlyk has never tried a case as lead or co-counsel, whether civil or criminal,” Hubbard wrote.

    “She has never examined a witness.

    Though Ms. Pitlyk has argued one case in a court of appeals, she has not taken a deposition.

    She has not argued any motion in a state or federal trial court.

    She has never picked a jury.

    She has never participated at any stage of a criminal matter.” e=Newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1

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    ‘Make America 36th Out of 41 Developed Nations Again’:

    Social justice index of developed nations puts US near bottom

    measuring access to social justice and the opportunities they afford their respective citizens and residents.

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    En led?

    Medicare chief asked taxpayers to cover stolen jewelry

    Seema Verma requested $47,000 for items taken from an SUV that took her to a speech.

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    Forest Service moves to open "America’s Amazon" to loggers

    Loggers want to raze trees more than 1,000 years old.

    Trump’s National Forest Service is using a refuted scientific theory to justify building roads in our country’s largest national forest, what some call “America’s Amazon.”

    Two scientists whose research was cited in the U.N. study says the Forest Service is espousing junk science.

    “Nothing in that report supports what they’re claiming,”

    . Opponents like the
    Sierra Club say Trump could go further, logging in parts of other national forests that are protected.

    Trump’s plan,
    pushed by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue,

    would slash protections for
    more than 9 million acres of the Tongass National Forest,

    an area larger than Yellowstone, Glacier and Grand Canyon national parks combined.

    The Tongass stores
    more carbon removed from the atmosphere than any other national forest in the country in its old-growth Sitka spruce, hemlock and cedar trees.

    The forest holds
    about 650 million tons of carbon or about half of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions in 2017.

    Alaska Forest Association, an industry group that supports logging, received more than

    $200,000 from a USDA grant that was supposed to help states fight fires.

    The money was used to support undoing prohibitions against building roads.

  15. #1615
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    There is no way she should have ever gotten that job. It's absolutely outrageous.
    she was easily the worst. she's the one that needed the pence tiebreak vote

  16. #1616
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    Trash to America: EAT (profits over over clean food)

    New Trump rule may allow 'feces, sex organs, toenails, unwanted hair' into pork products

  17. #1617
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    As the oligarchy pays Trash/Repug to increase their profits by allowing more air (and other) pollution ...

    Depression and suicide linked to air pollution in new global study

    Cutting toxic air might prevent millions of people getting depression

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    AZ! Repug assholes! Repug obsession with Hillary

    GOP Congressman Celebrates Christmas With Video of Hillary Clinton Getting Struck By a Heavy Light Fixture

  19. #1619
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    From a NYT email

    Trash's Executive Branch kakistorcrats

    "In just three years, the Trump administration has

    diminished the role of science in policy making

    while disrupting research projects nationwide.

    Experts say the effects may be felt for years.

    An examination by our Climate reporters found that

    political appointees

    had shut down government studies,

    had reduced the influence of scientists over regulatory decisions and, in some cases,

    had pressured researchers not to speak publicly.

    “Regulations come and go, but the thinning out of scientific capacity in the government will take a long time to get back,”


    100Ks of people will suffer, be sick, and/or die from BigCorp's hatchet men ing up USA while sicko Trash tweets

    It takes a long time to build, but destruction happens much more quickly

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-29-2019 at 07:57 AM.

  20. #1620
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    EPA’s Superfund Program, A Trump Priority, Is In Shambles

    It turns out it’s hard to clean up toxic waste without money.

    three years into the Trump administration, Superfund appears to be in worse shape than ever.

    The number of sites on the National Priorities List (NPL), which require long-term remediation, stands as 1,335 ― up from the 1,322 that Pruitt told ”Fox & Friends” was “unacceptable.”

    The number of unfunded toxic cleanup sites has ballooned, from 12 in 2016 ― Obama’s last year in office ― to 34 in 2019, according to EPA figures released late last month. It’s the biggest backlog in at least 15 years,

    The sites are in 18 states and Puerto Rico.

    He is not aware of any measure by which Superfund improved over the last three years.

    the Trump administration has inflated its Superfund efforts by taking credit for work done during previous administrations.

    Superfund is designed to deal with expensive, complicated sites that often have no responsible party. mgnews

    aka, BigCorp's "external costs" paid by taxpayers. With cleanup profits pocketed by BigCorp!

  21. #1621
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    EPA Will Ease Rules On Storage Of Deadly Coal Ash

    Utilities soon could get federal approval for the riskiest way to get rid of coal ash.

    make water supplies more vulnerable to the ash, the toxic remnants of burning coal.

    the enduring legacy of coal ash will be groundwater pollution such as that in Memphis where city water is

    The EPA proposal to set up a
    permit program to dispose of coal ash applies in Native American territory and states except two.

    Coal-burning power plants produce about
    100 million tons of coal ash yearly.

    Arsenic, lead and mercury lace the ash.

    mixed the ash with water and stored it in unlined pits called coal ash ponds.

    Such carelessness led to catastrophes, including

    130 million gallons of coal ash and water being released into the Clinch River near Cleveland, Va., in 1967. The spill killed an estimated 217,000 fish and damaged the river for 35 years.

    In 2014, a break in a pond at Duke Energy’s plant in Eden, N.C., sent
    27 million gallons of sludge into the Dan River.

    92 percent of plants with regulated ponds have at least one that leaks.

    Also, 76 percent of plants with regulated landfills have at least one leaking landfill.

    Researchers found the groundwater often has
    unsafe levels of four or more pollutants.

    They included
    arsenic, which causes cancers, and lithium, which can cause kidney damage and birth defects.

    The levels of contamination at many sites are
    hundreds of times greater than what could be considered safe.

    EPA director/kakistocrat Wheeler is a coal industry lobbyist

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    Right-wing ‘Review Boards’ in Missouri would pave way for arresting librarians over books deemed ‘inappropriate’

    a bill put forward in the state House by a Republican lawmaker, which, if passed, could create committees across the state with the power to jail librarians for distributing material the panels deem “inappropriate.”

    Under the
    Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act (H.B. 2044),

    locally elected “parental library review boards” would be permitted to unilaterally remove books they decide are sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate for young readers from library shelves.

    Libraries that allow children to borrow books that have been banned or whose access has been restricted would risk

    losing state funding, and

    librarians could be ordered to pay fines of up to $500 or

    sentenced to jail time for up to a year.

    MLA President Cynthia Dudenhoffer rejected that explanation.

    “Public libraries already have procedures in place to assist patrons in protecting their own children while not infringing upon the rights of other patrons or restricting materials,” Dudenhoffer

    “Missouri Library Association will always oppose legislation that infringes on these rights.” n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29


    Rep. Ben Baker (R). He is a minister, missionary and former dean of students at Ozark Bible Ins ute and College

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    Swamp Draining News

    With Bernhardt Running Trump's Interior Dept., Former Corporate Clients Lavishing Tens of Millions in New Lobby Spending

    "The corruption is absolutely shameless."

    More than a dozen former lobbying clients of Interior Secretary David Bernhardt have spent nearly $30 million convincing the Trump administration to do the bidding of the fossil fuel industry,

    after examining lobbying records and Bernhardt's recusals due to conflicts of interest.

    Since Bernhardt replaced Ryan Zinke—who resigned in 2018 amid his own ethics scandals—

    17 of Bernhardt's former clients have lobbied the federal government.

    Fifteen of those have lobbied the Interior Department, including eight which spent more than $1 million each.

    "The corruption is absolutely shameless,"

    "Millions in spending on lobbying have proven devastating for public lands but a gusher for oil and gas interests,"

    Bernhardt has consistently favored industry over conservation interests and public health. There appears to be no end, and no shame, in sight."

    lobbied the administration on issues including federal protections for the sage grouse—which the government slashed last year—and water preservation.

    , the department has pushed to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,

    made it more difficult to designate a species as endangered,

    moved the Bureau of Land Management’s headquarters to Colorado, where fossil fuel interests have easy access to the agency,

    and opened one million acres in California to fracking.

    the long-term effects of many of the issues Bernhardt's associates have lobbied for will be difficult to reverse by a future administration.

    "Regulations can always change but it will be nearly impossible to reverse all this leasing and the permanent damage to endangered species,"

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    campaign tactic to suck in more $Ms from environmental destroyers

    The Trump Administration Is Almost Finished Rolling Back Protections for Millions of Miles of Streams and Wetlands

    A draft version of the rule released earlier would end federal oversight for up to half of the nation’s wetlands and one-fifth of the country’s streams, environmental groups warned. That

    includes some waterways that have been federally protected for decades under the Clean Water Act

    Trump has portrayed farmers — a highly valued cons uency of the Republican Party and one popular with the public — as the main beneficiaries of the rollback.

    He has claimed farmers gathered around him wept with gra ude LIE

    when he signed an order for the rollback in February 2017.

    The administration says the changes will allow farmers to plow their fields without fear of unintentionally straying over the banks of a federally protected dry creek, bog or ditch.

    However, the government’s own figures show

    it is real estate developers and those in other nonfarm business sectors

    who take out the most permits for impinging on wetlands and waterways —

    and stand to reap the biggest regulatory and financial relief.

  25. #1625
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    lmao look at this dumbass loon bouts in his echo chamber

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